God A Sword (CWMGQ Spin off #64)

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In hindsight, should probably have edited the training option to say specify what you train.
I do want to just hang out with Phoenix too tho... Drop passive training action for talking to ourself?
I'd love to do that, but I don't know if it's allowed.
In hindsight, should probably have edited the training option to say specify what you train.
I'll just modify the plan again. I suppose training how to run on walls would be a fitting choice, considering the latest update, but we could also train swordsmanship to get that Skilled Ability or whatever it's exact name is.
Or we could train Hong to switch between affinity shards faster, I guess. I know he insists on shouting the names of his affinity shards when switching to a different one, but that's no excuse to not switch between them near-instantaneously.

[X] Plan Engine Maintenance Alter V2
-[x] Hang out with someone (Tail Infrared)
-[x] Begin Fixing Your Engine
--[x] Grind that skill progression and learn how to run on walls.

Also here's the updated version of the boring plan for the boring people who don't want to talk to themselves, I guess.

[] Plan Engine Maintenance V2
-[] Hang out with someone (Phoenix)
-[] Begin Fixing Your Engine
--[] Grind that skill progression and learn how to run on walls.
[X] Plan Engine Maintenance Alter V2
-[x] Hang out with someone (Tail Infrared)
-[x] Begin Fixing Your Engine
--[x] Grind that skill progression and learn how to run on walls.
[X] Plan Engine Maintenance Alter V2
-[x] Hang out with someone (Tail Infrared)
-[x] Begin Fixing Your Engine
--[x] Grind that skill progression and learn how to run on walls.

Very tempting to talk to infrared and maybe figure out more about this.
I stood across from my mirrored self, and in that moment only one thing mattered:

Holy fuck, I'm hot.
Never change Infrared

Part of me thought that I should probably end this while she was down. The part of me in charge of actually moving, however, was distracted by trying to figure out why the sight of myself writing on the ground in agony was making me so hot and bothered.

…Am, am I a sadist?
More like a masochist, if you ask me.

[X] Plan Engine Maintenance Alter V2
"This i- khack! This isn't the last you've seen of me, Tail Red!" a voice shouted between hacking coughs.

I turned, zeroing on the voice, to see Fenrir crouched on a windowsill across the main street. Our eyes met and he glared at me, before once more dissolving into dust.
You better hope that it is, Fenrir Guildy. For next time you cross paths with Tail Red, we will be ready.

You may have escaped today...
Man in the Mirror
-If Fenrir Guildy is visibly reflected in a surface, he may trade places with his reflection at will.
But riddle me this - can you trade places with a reflection of yourself, if you aren't visibly reflected?
Transience Part: REDHEAD
-Allows the user to make enemies unable to perceive a specific color, as long as Transience: REDHEAD is equipped.
How dreadful would it be if you suddenly lose the ability to see, say, silver?
When was the first time Infrared messed with our stuff? I seem to not get the scale of the catastrophe she inflicted on our room.
"Or, now that you mentioned Hong…" A mischievous smile came to the ponytail girl's lips as a glint appeared in her eyes. "Let's see how far we can push this!"

"Phoenix don't you dare-"
What did Phoenix suggest here?
You better hope that it is, Fenrir Guildy. For next time you cross paths with Tail Red, we will be ready.

You may have escaped today...

But riddle me this - can you trade places with a reflection of yourself, if you aren't visibly reflected?

How dreadful would it be if you suddenly lose the ability to see, say, silver?
Man in the Mirror is contingent on the quality of the reflection, not Fenrir's ability to see it.
But how would Fenrir even know he can swap places with a given reflection if he cannot even see it?

P. S. What's that Red envelope smiley over there?
I just realized something. We now know that Hong's Transience Engine is broken, in some way. We also know that Tail Red appears to be about eight years old. At the start of this quest, Hong was sixteen years old. Finally, we know that it was eight years ago when Hong first woke up with amnesia. Last of all, from the timeline in CWMGQ mainline, we know that eight years ago something called the God A Sword Project occurred.

Crackpot Theory: Eight years ago, the God A Sword Project was an attempt to artificially create the potential for a Magical Girl in anyone, as well as awaken it if it was present. Hong was a subject in the program, since as a male, he normally wouldn't have the potential to be a Magical Girl. At some point during the program, Hong transformed into a Magical Girl form... and they were eight years old. Far younger than most Magical Girls. Possibly due to not having a body that was physically capable of supporting the magical energy flow, or perhaps from not having a developed enough soul, the Transient Engine broke. Consider that a Magical Girl's abilities come from Affinities, which are parts of the soul. When something like the Transience Engine, which can be used to modify current Affinities broke, that's not just an ability being sealed. That's something can was able to manipulate Hong's soul breaking.
With Hong's soul suffering possibly critical damage, I don't see it as impossible that he lost an Affinity, or multiple. Specifically, the Transience Affinity that we know that Tail Blue and Tail Yellow have/had, was lost. Without part of his soul, Hong lost his memories and fell into a coma. Through the intervention of one Doctor Xiong, aka Twirl, Hong is able to be woken up, albeit still missing an affinity and with the potential to transform into Tail Red lying dormant. Hong acquires the Twintail Affinity when he encounters Lan. For some reason, Twintail just works for him, and he gains Twintail as an affinity. It could be considered that he had an ephiphany when he saw them, based on his own description. This does not cause him to transform into a Magical Girl. He now has two affinities once more, Hope and Twintail. Finally, we see his transformation into Tail Red at the beginning of this quest, and we see how things go from there.

Now, where do Erina and Lan tie into this? From various sources, we know what the affinities for Erina and Lan are. Erina had Transience and Resistance, and Lan has Transience and Schema. I further theorize that the two of them were also subjects of the God A Sword Project, but due to the Project literally damaging part of a subject's soul, it was discontinued before they were awakened. Since Hong at this point has amnesia, he would have no way of recognizing any of his fellow test subjects, if they were even exposed to one another prior. With three of the former subjects in one place, Dr Xiong is able to keep an eye on Hong, Erina, and Lan to some degree. Erina and Lan awaken normally as Tail Yellow and Tail Blue, with no issues in their Transience Engines, and things go on from there.

Now, why does Tail Red appear to be eight years old? This seems likely to be because a portion of Hong's soul might very well be literally eight years old, even if he is physically older. The Transience Engine persisting through the repair work to Hong's soul is now functional for use by Tail Red, albeit at a reduced capacity. At the end of Arc 1, Hong received an increase to his MM from 20 to 160.
And here's your EXP receipt for Arc 1. This took way too long to make.

Weapon Upgraded!

Blazer Blade
Level 1 -----> 2 -----> 3 -----> 4 -----> 5 -----> 6 -----> 7
Base Damage: 40 -----> 80 -----> 120 -----> 160 -----> 200 -----> 240 -----> 280
Attacks Per Turn: 1 -----> 2

Upgrade: Drag Guildy's Blade!
Blazer Blade -----> Blazer Blades!
Attacks Per Turn: 2 -----> 4

Upgrade: Mutable Blaze!
Blazer Blades gain Protean!
Ability Upgraded!

Tail Assault
Level 1 -----> 2 -----> 3

Base Resilience: 35 -----> 70 -----> 105

Tail March
Level 1 -----> 2 -----> 3 -----> 4 -----> 5

Health: 175 -----> 350 -----> 525 -----> 700 -----> 875

Ability Purchased!

Sprint: Level 1
-Tail Red has a footspeed of 10 MPH.

Transience Part: DOLL
-Allows the user to store energy in inanimate objects and use them as temporary stat boosts as long as Transience: DOLL is equipped.

Transience Part: REDHEAD
-Allows the user to make enemies unable to perceive a specific color, as long as Transience: REDHEAD is equipped.

Transience Part: BOOT
-Allows the user to ignore terrain modifiers while moving as long as Transience: BOOT is equipped.

Transience Part: COAT
-Incoming attacks have a 50% chance of being deflected as long as Transience: COAT is equipped.

Transience Part: CHUUNIBYOU
-Allows the user to
teleport behind any combatant once per turn as long as Transience: CHUUNIBYOU is equipped. Activates the Alternative Transformation "Tail Infrared"

Transience Part: SADISM
-Every landed attack gains +10% Base Damage as long as Transience: SADISM is equipped.

Transience Part: TRICKERY
-Allows the user to make a statement and have it be initially taken as true without fail so long as Transience: TRICKERY is equipped.

Transience Part: TRANSIENCE
-Body Modifiers and Status effects last no longer than the turn they are applied while Transience: TRANSIENCE is equipped.

Threshold Reached!

Critical Mass Achieved.
Engine Shifting Gear...
Operation Stable.
Recalculating Maximum Output...

Magic Modifier: 20 -----> 160
Ability Upgraded!

Teleports Behind U
Level 1 -----> 2 -----> 3

Teleports Per Turn: 1 -----> 2 -----> 3

Level 1 -----> 2 -----> 3 -----> 4 -----> 5 -----> 6
Footspeed: 10 -----> 20 -----> 30 -----> 40 -----> 50 -----> 60

Ability Gained! High Speed Combat (Level 1)

Ability Upgraded!

Transient Engine: R.
Gained: Doll! Replace Protean on Grand Blazer with Mana Charge.
Gained: Redhead! Replace Protean on Grand Blazer with Blind.
Gained: Boot! Replace Protean on Grand Blazer with Knockback.
Gained: Coat! Replace Protean on Grand Blazer with Vacuum.
Gained: Chuunibyou! Replace Protean on Grand Blazer with Murder.
Gained: Sadism! Replace Protean on Grand Blazer with Juggernaut.
Gained: Trickery! Replace Protean on Grand Blazer with Protean.
Gained: Transience! Replace Protean on Grand Blazer with Catastrophic Damage.

Upgrade: Mutable Blaze!
Gained: Doll! Replace Protean on Blazer Blades with Stagger.
Gained: Redhead! Replace Protean on Blazer Blades with Ray.
Gained: Boot! Replace Protean on Blazer Blades with Batter.
Gained: Coat! Replace Protean on Blazer Blades with Intercept.
Gained: Chuunibyou! Replace Protean on Blazer Blades with Mangle.
Gained: Sadism! Replace Protean on Blazer Blades with Execute.
Gained: Trickery! Replace Protean on Blazer Blades with Protean.
Gained: Transience! Replace Protean on Blazer Blades with Priority Boost.

1,200 EXP Spent
7 Total EXP Remaining

The Transience Engine reached a critical mass of eight affinities: Doll, Redhead, Boot, Coat, Chuunibyou, Sadism, Trickery, and Transience. This prompted it to do a stability check, and upon succeeding, it was able to increase it's maximum output. This however didn't fix the damage that still remained to the Engine; It merely allowed the Engine a greater level of Output in it's damaged state. As such, with Hong now able to (attempt) to fix the Transience Engine, I'm incredibly curious as to what benefits or changes could occur to Tail Red during the process. Or even to Hong when he isn't transformed, because this stuff is still so far beyond me it's not even funny.
Puts away tinfoil hat
[X] Plan Engine Maintenance Alter V2
-[x] Hang out with someone (Tail Infrared)
-[x] Begin Fixing Your Engine
--[x] Grind that skill progression and learn how to run on walls.
Last of all, from the timeline in CWMGQ mainline, we know that eight years ago something called the God A Sword Project occurred.
I'd just been assuming that God A Sword referred to the same thing that it did in Twintail. Still might, given Twintail loves to borrow off toku. I'd bet Phoenix having the same Transience Engine as Red is also plot relevant rather than just being a Doylist reflection of their OreTwin self.
I'd just been assuming that God A Sword referred to the same thing that it did in Twintail. Still might, given Twintail loves to borrow off toku. I'd bet Phoenix having the same Transience Engine as Red is also plot relevant rather than just being a Doylist reflection of their OreTwin self.
I haven't seen Oretwin, so that obviously wouldn't have occurred to me.
I'd bet Phoenix having the same Transience Engine as Red is also plot relevant rather than just being a Doylist reflection of their OreTwin self.
And this is why I keep suspecting she'll die and pass it on to us at the end of the Arc.

Bring up our score on dead not-girlfriends too.

I'm... actually aware of some spoilers, so I can't really comment on cat's idea.

I can comment on the Engine though, I never realized that Hong had Twintails instead of Transcience. Ah, I feel like an idiot now, but yes, that is a very strong point. I've always advocated Hong was crippled in his soul/magic, and that's just more evidence for it really. I think its likely that it wasn't we reached critical mass with Parts we got back, but rather that Tail Red got Transcience back, even if its not her primary anymore (still?).

It, uhh, I'm not sure how to approach it really. It might be worth training/working with it specifically? Also, another point in favor of Phoenix dying. She has part of our Engine and we need it back at some point.

We need to spend more time with her so it hurts more when it happens! And/or isn't cheapened. And/or it needs a certain threshold emotional/relationship threshold to occur. Considering other Guildy's don't have it, I wonder if it might even be transferred safely? With enough trust or something probably.
I will just state for the record that, as the guy responsible for making sure GAS works in the setting it's being written in, OreTwin canon should probably not be used as a point of comparison for anything metaphysics-y.

And by "probably" I mean "please don't remind me of it, I don't have any alcohol left in the house."
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Okay. Brainstorming Fenrir Guildy's Demise, Round 2!

I will now go through Tail Red's character sheet and note the possibilities.

1) Blazer Blades (and Protean) - conditional on landing a hit

Fenrir Guildy is not particularly tough, but he is particularly capable of evading attacks with his reflection swap.

Possible abilities that will make a change are Twintails Boost (one-shot), Stagger and Batter (Stun proc).

Ray and Priority Boost offer a speed boost and can give a better opportunity of landing a hit - but without the guarantee of a one-shot will only likely drive Fenrir Guildy away.

REDHEAD (invisible Blades) and Priority Boost may help with actually landing a hit - but unless he is rendered incapable of escaping, Fenrir Guildy will probably run away in short order.

2) Aura Pillar - Ineffective. Bind does not prevent ability use and Fenrir will escape.

3) Grand Blazer (and Protean) - assumed Ineffective. Big flashy finisher attacks will draw Mirror Move and be negated. Also, because reflection swap is not reliant on sight, Blind is Ineffective.

Otherwise, Murder and Catastrophic Damage would have helped greatly with destroying Fenrir Guildy by offering a possibility of one-shot, be it delayed or not.

4) Twintail Assault - assumed Ineffective. For much the same reasons as Grand Blazer.

5) Ignition Rush - conditional on landing a one-shot. Useful to make Fenrir Guildy retreat from the field.

Assuming Fenrir Guildy lacks the High Speed Combat (be it true or false) to react to Tail Red on a speed boost - would make casting this spell bypass the Mirror Move and strike Fenrir Guildy before he can actually react in any way - Be it by swapping places with reflection, or by casting his spell.

Expect him to be coward enough to make a retreat when given a moment to act, though. In his place, I would not risk staying in the same area as a much much faster opponent that I can't properly counter.

6) Transience Parts - variable and not necessarily decisive

DOLL can help with a one-shot.
REDHEAD can help landing a hit.
CHUUNIBYOU is the one option he cannot copy and is useful in driving him off - but comes with baggage of its own.
SADISM, if pushed high enough on Ultroids or other disposable opponents, can help with a one-shot.
TRICKERY may mess with Fenrir's teleportation with the statements that will require trying to actually go against them to check:
-"You can only teleport once every ten seconds"
-"You need to be able to see where you are teleporting!"

BOOT, COAT, TRANSIENCE and HUGS offer no significant advantages.

(on Trickery) first statement limits the full mobility of Fenrir. Possibly. Second statement can deceive his reflection-sense into thinking it only informs him on the location of valid reflections, but does not suffice as targeting data.

Please give me Red envelope if you liked it.
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