Accursed Citrine - Yet another Dark Soul/Madoka Magica Crossover

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Accursed Citrine

Kirika Kure gave everything she had to achieve the goals of her beloved Oriko. And when the final confrontation came? She even gave up her life.

Or, at least that's what she remembers...

Waking up in a strange cell in a strange land, the only thing keeping Kirika from curling up and finally finding peace is the chance that Oriko is still alive somewhere.

The question is, will she survive long enough to find her?​
Part 1: Undead Asylum I
The Land of Giant Bush Bunnies
Accursed Citrine

Kirika Kure gave everything she had to achieve the goals of her beloved Oriko. And when the final confrontation came? She even gave up her life.

Or, at least that's what she remembers...

Waking up in a strange cell in a strange land, the only thing keeping Kirika from curling up and finally finding peace is the chance that Oriko is still alive somewhere.

The question is, will she survive long enough to find her?


Ah, why am I so useless?

No matter what I do, no matter how much I change, I always seem to mess things up…

Oriko, why would you throw your last chance because of an empty husk?

She claimed she regrets it all, but how does that help now? No, wait, maybe that was just the dream of a dying mind.

At least I know, with my final moments, I was able to be of use to her. We achieved her goal.

But why do I just feel so empty…?


You are Kirika Kure, and when you awaken with a sudden jolt, you're immediately assaulted by a chilling cold. Your throat burns as you attempt to suck oxygen back into your lungs. You begin to shiver uncontrollably, your teeth rattling against each other as your body starts to repair itself.

Once you manage to get your shaking under control to at least some extent, you take in the room around you.
It's a stone cell, damp and crumbling. Mould grows thickly on the walls and dozens of giant roaches the size of your hand scurry about between holes in the stone. There's a big hole in the roof, letting in a faint light and tiny flakes of snow drift in to form a small pile in the centre of the cell. A rusty cell door bars the exit.

Outside, you hear the echoes of a horrible, inhuman wailing, as well as a rhythmic thud of something fleshy hitting stone over and over.

What the hell is this place? How did you wind up in here? Where's Oriko-?


You check the cell again, despite clearly not seeing her. You rush to the cell door, nearly faceplanting when your stiff legs take a second too long to move, and shout out Oriko's name in hopes of getting a reply.


Where is she?! Weren't you just together?!

No, no, no…!

You remember blood. Yours and Oriko's…


A loud thud snaps you out of your panic. A body has dropped down through the hole. Looking up, you see a guy (probably? It's hard to tell) in some kind of Western-style suit of armour. He nods at you before disappearing.

What the hell?

Ignoring the body for now, (don't touch weird corpses thrown into your cell, as your mother probably would've told you if she thought you'd ever end up in such a weird situation) you calm down and check yourself over.

While you remember brief flickers of a fight, you seem physically fine. Your clothes are undamaged beyond being a bit wet from sitting on the damp floor, and the injuries you sustained during the aforementioned fight have completely healed. Your Soul gem, on the other hand, is another situation entirely. The black impurities cover just under half of the Citrine gem, but there's also a strange orange colour flickering around the edges like some kind of embers of a flame.

While that's rather unusual, the more pressing matter is how you still have a Soul Gem at all. You very much remember being a Witch. It actually wasn't as bad as you expected; maybe because you did it willingly? That's beyond the point, though. The real question is: Why are you still here?

Actually, where even is here…?

A glint of light in the corner of the cell catches your eye. You move around the body and shoo away a few of those giant roaches to find-


It's a small silver shard of a gem.

Oh no…

A shard of Oriko's gem.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Your knees give out and you slump forward. Fuck!

Oriko's dead! You failed her, and now this is probably some punishment for being so damn useless!

You curl up into a ball and can't stop the shivers from returning.


You freeze. Was that… Oriko? Damn it, of course she's haunting you. You deserve all the hate she can throw at you.


The shard glows faintly and you sense a very subtle trace of Oriko's oh-so-familiar magical presence. It's… alive? Is Oriko alive?! You grab the shard and hold it up. The thing's warm in your hands, comfortingly so.

If this shard is here with you, then maybe the rest is somewhere here as well!

Relieved by this miraculous possibility, you pocket the shard in a safe place and shakily get to your feet.

Turning back to the body, you casually kick it onto its back. You're surprised by the state of the thing. Ragged robes, bloody hands and feet, and skin taut to the bone. A sickly black growth spreads its way out from the thing's heart like a parasitic infection.

Hanging from its neck on a lace is a small key. It's a bit bloody, but it's not like you've ever been particularly squeamish, so you pull it free with no issues.

Next, grasped tightly in the figure's right hand is…


[] A gift (choose 1)
-[] Aid from the Gods
-[] A bag of destructive concoctions
-[] Farseeing eyes
-[] An open doorway
-[] A gentle warmth not of this reality

[] Afterwards, you…
-[] Try the key on the cell door
-[] Try jumping up through the hole
-[] Write in


So, I finally got around to starting this little brain-nugget I've had brewing from a fair while now. Original ideas stolen from thagguy's Read Soul and RecurringExtra's Blue Ash, although I'd technically been toying with the idea of dumping a PMMM magical girl into Dark Souls a little while before reading either of those.

Anyway, you may be wondering "why Kirika Kure, of all the characters in Madoka Magica?" Well, the short answer to that is: because the two other best options have already been done by the above quests. Another short answer is: because Kirika is best girl and needs some attention.

Now as to posting schedule for this quest, I'm going to try to stick to the same 3-4 day voting period that my other quest has, although the fact that I'm now going to be balancing two quests will probably mean any form of schedule will be going out the window… Honestly, if it comes down to it, I'll likely prioritise my other quest over this one, since it's closer to completion.

Finally, shout out to everyone in my
Teach Me the Dark Soul thread, which I partly created to make sure I actually knew wtf I was talking about when I finally got around to writing this quest. Those guys filled my brain with lore goodies and enjoyable discussions, all the while answering my silly questions and humouring my nonsense comments.

Anyway, I've probably forgot to mention something important, but hopefully everything will go smoothy for a while, at least.
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Stats, Inventory, Objectives and Important Infomation
Current Stats and Status
Name: Kirika Kure

Soul Gem Corruption: 10%
HP: 40/40

Level: ???
Total Souls: 48,132

Vitality: 15
Endurance: 20
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 27
Attunement: 11 (1 slot)
Intelligence: 8
Faith: 7

Warriors of Sunlight

X1 Human Body (Equipped)
It's you! Well, actually it's the flesh-puppet you identify as, but who cares about specifics?

x1 Shard of a Soul Gem
A fragment of the soul gem belonging to Kirika's beloved Oriko. Kirika's moments before waking up in this world contain nothing but death, and damage to a magical girl's soul gem usually results in death.
Nonetheless, this shard gives off a faint warmth, giving hope that Oriko is somewhere in this world.

x1 Strange Pendant
A small circular pendant found on a corpse. A pink eight-pointed star gem stretches from its centre, with a small crown carved above and a pair of wings spread beneath.
It gives off an strangely gentle warmth and feels oddly familiar.
It apparently has some connection to the girl you killed, who's now helping you in your quest.

x1 Peculiar Doll
A strange doll in strange dress.
There once was an abomination who had no place in this world. She clutched this doll tightly, and eventually was drawn into a cold and lonely painted world.

x1 Estus Flask - 5/5 uses (+1 Reinforcement)
An emerald flask, from the Keeper's soul. She lived to protect the flame and dies to protect it further.
Heals 15 HP per use.

Bottomless Box

A peculiar bottomless wooden box. Its origins are unknown. Some deride it as a symbol of unbridled avarice.

White Sign Soapstone
In Lordran, the flow of time is distorted, and the White Sign Soapstone allows Undead to assist one another.

x1 Purging Stones
An ash-coloured stone encasing a skull. Secret treasure of Arstor, the Earl of Carim.
Humans are helpless against curses, and can only redirect their influence. These stones do not dispel curses, but receive them as a surrogate.

x2 Cursing Stone
An ash-coloured stone carved down into a sharp needle. Clearly made from the same material as Purging Stones, yet it seems to be for the opposite purpose.
Nobody knows where these needles came from, but the servants of the Pale Duke are never far from the creatures these needles create.

Book of the Guilty
The Goddess of Sin Velka oversees this list of the guilty, who have disrespected the Gods or their covenants, and shall one day face the wrath of the Blades of the Darkmoon.

Strange Scale
A strange scale of unknown origin.

Strange Rock
A strange rock.
It's slightly metallic and faint wight streaks can be seen on its surface.
x1 Mitakihara school uniform (Equipped)
The standard winter uniform of Mitakihara Middle School.
It consists of a white shirt and black plaid skirt. A tan blouse and big red bow is worn over it, while simple brown shoes and long black socks complete the set.

Pyromancy Flame +6 (Equipped)
Flame medium used by Great Swamp pyromancers. Pyromancers arouse this flame to produce various fire arts.
Equip pyromancer flame to produce pyromancy.

x12 Throwing Knives
Throwing Knife. Used as a projectile.

Spear with blade attached to a broad point. Boasts long reach, can slice.

Black Knight Helmet/Gauntlets
Armour of the Black Knights who haunt Lordran.
The knights followed Lord Gwyn when he departed to link the Fire but they were burned to ashes in the newly kindled flame, wandering the world as disembodied spirits ever after.

Quelaag's Furysword (Dormant)
A curved sword born from the soul of Quelaag, daughter of the Witch of Izalith, who was transformed into a chaos demon.
It possesses a tough outer shell and thorns resembling the lower half of Quelaag's body. Its raging fire has gone cold in absence of a soul to fuel it, and it has become little more than a sharp leg.
X1 Magical Girl Outfit (Conjurable)
A magical girl's outfit reflects a girl's inner perception of themselves. Despite it's appearance, it provides protection from magical attacks and a small defence from phyical attacks.

Claws (Conjurable)
A pair of magic claws that can vary in number and form depending on need. Can be extended and chained together for longer reach.
Is sharp enough to cut through even the toughest of armour and thickest of hides, so long as the weilder believes enough.

Witch's Touch (effect on Soul Gem)
A strange fire-like flicker around the edges of your soul gem. While you don't know what it is, it doesn't seem to do anything and can probably be ignored.

Combustion (Pyromancy)
Elementary pyromancy. Create a powerful flame in hand.
One of the most basic pyromancies. For this very reason, the flame thus created is fierce.

Fireball (Pyromancy)
Standard pyromancy of the Great Swamp. Hurl a fireball.
The fire damage caused by fireballs makes them effective against corporeal beasts and Undead, who by nature fear flame.

Fire Whip (Pyromancy)
Primal pyromancy taught by Quelana of Izalith. Sweep foes with fire whip.
The root pyromancy of Combustion, but much more difficult to wield.

Iron Flesh (Pyromancy)
Pyromancy of Carmina, who harnessed the power of flame to actualize the inner-self. Iron Flesh boosts defence and resilience.
Use of this pyromancy requires caution, as the caster becomes exceedingly heavy and unable to move freely.

Flash Sweat (Pyromancy)
Pyromancy of Carmina, who harnessed the power of flame to actualize the inner-self. Intense sweating reduces flame damage.
Carmina, the most accomplished pupil of Salaman the Master Pyromancer, pioneered new directions for the art of pyromancy.

Great Chaos Fireball (Pyromancy)
Art of the Flame of Chaos, which engulfed the Witch of Izalith and her daughters. The Flame of Chaos can melt stone, producing a short-lived lava glob.
The power of Chaos is a wild force that cannot be controlled. Attempting to wield the consuming flames unprepared can have dangerous results.

Yellow Hair Tie (Special Miracle)
Unknown use.
Once, there was a girl who was saved from a monster. That saviour became her guardian, who she would do anything for. That loyalty opened her up to trickery, but the pawn was eventually the piece that thwarted the trickster.
Dungeon Cell Key
Key to the dungeon of the Northern Undead Asylum.

Big Pilgrim's Key
Key to the inner door of the Undead Asylum main hall.

Watchtower Basement Key
Key to the basement of the watchtower in the Undead Burg.
The basement of the watchtower forms a stone cell. There are rumours of a hero turned Hollow who was locked away by a dear friend.
For his own good, of course.

Basement Key
Opens the narrow passage leading below at the far face of the great bridge in the Undead Burg.
The lower Undead Burg is a treacherous place. Do not turn your back on the wily thieves, or the wild dogs who serve the Capra Demon.

Key to the Depths
Key opening the door from the lower Undead Burg to the Depths.
Those banished from the Undead Burg eke out their existence in the Depths, a damp lair with no trace of sunlight. Nearly half of the Depths form a perilous flooded labyrinth.

Blighttown Key
Key to Blighttown from the Depths of the Undead Burg. Swallowed by the Gaping Dragon.
As its name suggests, Blighttown is a place of great pestilence. Even the polluted inhabitants of the Depths are aware of its dangers, and built this mighty door in hopes that they could remain safely separated.
x2 Homeward Bone
Bone fragment reduced to white ash. Return to the last bonfire used for resting.
Bonfires are fueled by the bones of the Undead. In rare cases, the strong urge of their previous owner's to seek bonfires enchants their bones with a homeward instinct.

x1 Purple Moss Clumps
Medicinal purple moss clump. Reduces poison build-up. Cures poison.
Poison builds up in the body, and when it breaks out, it causes gradual damage over a period of time. Poison can be exasperating, so be certain to carry the needed quantity of these moss clumps when destined for an afflicted area.

Thick Blanket
A thick, if rough, blanket to keep the creeping chills of night out.

x2 Pieces of Dried Meat
For a Hollow, food is no longer needed to continue on, and Magical girls are in the same boat. Unfortunately, not needing food and not getting hungry are two entirely seperate things.

Oscar of Astora
HP: 42/48

Vitality: 18
Endurance: 17
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 12

Attunement: 10 (1 slot)
Intelligence: 10
Faith: 14

Elite Knight Armour (Equipped)
Astora Straightsword [blessed] (Equipped)
Crystal Shield (broken)
Miracle: Heal (Attuned)
x3 Gold Pine Resin
x1 Purging Stone
x6 Humanity
x1 Homward Bone
x1 Purple Moss Clump
x3 Green Blossom
x2 Llyod's Talisman
x3 Titanite Shards
x1 Titanite Chunk
Waterskin (full)
x2 Pieces of Dried Meat
x1 Small soul of a loved one
Black Eye Orb

Objectives and Side Quests
Primary Objectives:
Find Oriko

Secondary Objectives
- Find a way to the upper city
- Collect Humanity for Quelaan
- Hunt down Lautrec

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[X] A gentle warmth not of this reality

Was going to go for what I'm guessing was the Master Key, but I'm curious as to what this could be. If it's one of those electric blankets that you plug in to warm up I'll laugh my ass off though.

[X] Try jumping up through the hole

I'd normally vote for the sane option, but this is Kirika we're talking about. She's the kind of person who'd actually try this rather than try and figure out what's going on.
Red Soul II: Electric Boogaloo: Now Starring Crazy Claw Girl? Hell, I'll take it.

[X] A gift (choose 1)
-[X] A gentle warmth not of this reality

[X] Afterwards, you…
-[X] Try jumping up through the hole

As is the tradition of all quest players, I am required to choose the mystery box option, for better or for worse. Heck, best case scenario it's something we can use to mitigate our soul gem corruption, since we're starting at a mildly dangerous 45% already. As for jumping, tutorial railroading is for chumps, let's go track down Oscar BEFORE he gets pancaked through the roof and see how that goes.
[X] A gift (choose 1)
-[X] A gentle warmth not of this reality

[X] Afterwards, you…
-[X] Try jumping up through the hole

Hoo boy. Best girl though she may be, Kirika ain't the exact picture of sane. Oddly stable, though, as long she's got an Oriko. As long we have that piece of Oriko, we should be good.
[X] A gift (choose 1)
-[X] A gentle warmth not of this reality
[X] Afterwards, you…
-[X] Try jumping up through the hole
Well, this could only end in fire
That is, indeed, one of the possible endings. :V

Hoo boy. Best girl though she may be, Kirika ain't the exact picture of sane. Oddly stable, though, as long she's got an Oriko. As long we have that piece of Oriko, we should be good.
Her mental stability depends on how Oriko needs her to be at the time.

For this quest, at least for now, Kirika's mental state will be roughly how she is/was throughout the Extra Story book or when Oriko had temporarily given up on her goals of saving the world and only needed Kirika to be a friend in Sadness Prayer.

For anyone who hasn't read more than the original Oriko series or hasn't read any of the Oriko manga at all, think of Kirika's current mental stability like this: she won't hesitate to murder someone if needed and won't flinch at the sight of death, but is still entirely capable of using reason and logic.
[X] A gift (choose 1)
-[X] A gentle warmth not of this reality
[X] Afterwards, you…
-[X] Try jumping up through the hole
[X] A gift (choose 1)
-[X] A gentle warmth not of this reality
[X] Afterwards, you…
-[X] Try jumping up through the hole
Vote closed.

Adhoc vote count started by AClassyBunny on Nov 25, 2020 at 10:56 PM, finished with 11 posts and 8 votes.
Part 2: Undead Asylum II - Asylum Demon I
[X] A gift (choose 1)
-[x] A gentle warmth not of this reality

[X] Afterwards, you…
-[x] Try jumping up through the hole

…a small circular pendant with a pink eight-pointed-star-shaped gem blazing from the centre. A small crown shape is carved above the star and a pair of wings are spread out beneath it. For whatever reason, you feel a comforting warmth from its subtle shine, and an odd sense of familiarity hangs in the back of your mind.

Whatever this pendant is, there's something about it that makes you compelled to hang onto it, so you pry the thing from the corpse's fingers, wipe the blood off as best you can and pocket it along with Oriko's shard.

*Strange Pendant obtained*

With nothing else of interest left to find on the body, you give the cell one last look over before heading for the door.

A loud crash of something large hitting the tiles above makes you jump. The sound is followed by a repeated crunching sound of weighted footsteps on those same tiles. You step over to the hole and look up at the opening, only to get a face full of snow as it slides off of the roof.

You're focus is drawn away from the chill of the snow by a loud, inhuman roar that shakes the cell. The giant roaches scamper away into their hidey-holes as you receive another face full of snow.

You growl and brace your feet against the floor. With a mix of curiosity as to the source of the roar and wanting to give that source a piece of your mind for the two-time snow to the face, you launch yourself up through the hole with a magically-enhanced leap.

The tiles crack and give way as you land and you're nearly blown over by howling, ice-cold wind. Falling would've been pretty bad, you decide, upon realising this weird place is built at the peak of a massive mountain range. Giant, white-peaked ridges rise in all directions, while the sky above is a similarly dreary grey.

Another roar draws your attention towards the other end of the roof, where you see the back of some giant bloated beast with lanky, shredded-looking wings and a massive club made of what looks like stone. Bits of bone stick out from the thing's thighs and elbows, while A thick external spine runs from its bony tail up to a beastly crown of longer antler-like bits rising from its skull.

You spot that same armoured knight standing off against the monster a moment before it swings its giant club down onto him, causing a loud crash. When it raises the club, there's a big hole in the roof and the knight is nowhere to be seen.

With the first distraction delt with, the creature slowly turns to face you with a low growl. Its face isn't any prettier than its back, with its lips stretched back to reveal blood-red gums and a pair of large fangs. Its eyes burn red with the desire to destroy.

You heave a sigh, your excitement a little let down upon seeing this thing. After the understandable shock of waking up from the dead in a strange world, you expected something interesting. Instead, it turns out you've just woken up in a Witch's labyrinth. Strange that your soul gem isn't detecting any magic, but maybe it doesn't glow when you're already inside the barrier? You never bothered checking before, after all.

Idly, you wonder which of those girls became this Witch. It'd be pretty funny if that fancy-looking blondie became something like this, although the colour and weapon more fit that brat with the cat ears.

The tiles crunch and shatter under the Witch's steps as it slowly approaches. It rolls its shoulders and gnashes its teeth, clearly hoping to intimidate. Unfortunately for it, you've long lost your fear of Witches from the sheer number you've slain to stave off Oriko's magic drain. Besides, the big ones are easier to hit and fall harder when you cut them down, so this fat brute will be a piece of cake.

The Witch leans forwards and flaps its wings. Despite the clear impossibility that those stumpy little things could carry such a fat beast, Witch rules don't care about logic, and it rises into the air.

Well, maybe rise isn't the right word. It's more like a really high jump. Either way, it launches towards you, swinging its giant club horizontally as it comes down.

It's pretty easy to avoid the attack. You simply launch yourself up above the Witch and come down on a raised section of the roof overlooking a small courtyard.

"Nice try, fatty, but you'll have to be faster than that to catch me." You taunt, stretching a bit. You put a bit of magic into your clothes and they flash a bright citrine. When the light fades, the tan-cream blouse and black plaid skirt of your school uniform has been replaced with the black and white jacket and black skirt of your magical girl outfit.

With a flick of your wrists, your three-armed claws appear out of your long white cuffs. They glow with energy, fading from black to white and mixing into a dark grey as you admire them.

"Now, my gem's pretty dirty at the moment." You continue, not even paying the Witch any mind. "So, I won't be able to play with you much. That said, maybe I can have some fun and just clean it afterward with your grief seed."

As if in response, the Witch growls and beats its wings a few times as it stares up at you with a murderous glare.


[] Kill the Witch using magic
-[] Blitz it, cutting it down before it gets a chance to move
-[] Shred it from range
-[] Write in

[] Kill the Witch without using magic
-[] Fast and lethal
-[] Toy with it a bit before dealing the killing blow
-[] Write in

[] Write in
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[X] Kill the Witch without using magic
-[X] Fast and lethal

RIP Oscar, we hardly knew ye. I feel like I shouldn't be surprised that Kirika has decided she must be in a labyrinth and this is just a Witch, even if I didn't see that coming. With no context of "I've been yeeted into a fantasy game" what other conclusion is a Magical Girl likely to draw from being in some dingy, clearly not Japanese place with a big demon monstrosity tromping around? She might question the lack of psychedelic backgrounds though, as far as I know most witch labyrinths are a lot less rooted in real world architecture than you would get with the Undead Asylum.
[x] Kill the Witch without using magic
-[x] Fast and lethal

Don't know when we'll next get a grief seed after all.
[x] Kill the Witch without using magic
-[x] Fast and lethal

Considering Kirika's long solo experience killing witches, I assume most of her battles against Dark Soul foes are easier for her to kill, she did seen much.
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[x] Kill the Witch without using magic
-[x] Fast and lethal

An odd thought just now, Seath is kind of like a magical girl isn't he? He kind of has a soul gem what with his life being linked to the one crystal off in his cave, he totally has the magic angle down being the one to invent sorcery, but he is missing the girl part of being a magical girl.
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