Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [x] Marini Risala
Commissar of Foreign Affairs: [x] Dalip Qalhari
Commissar of Production: [x] Ryom Na-Rae
Commissar of Research and Development [x] Anna Jonsson
Commissar of Security: [x] Verano Cetta
Commissar of Culture [x] Marie Isabelle Marinette
Edited the vote with a new ranked format as requested by Crimson

Chairman of the Presiding Committee:
[1st] Phạm Trường Phát
[2nd] Marini Risala
[3rd] Shido Shaciye Shuuriye

Commissar of Foreign Affairs:
[1st] Dalip Qalhari
[2nd] Ninia Makreli
[3rd] Sirvan Vahdat

Commissar of Production:
[1st] Marija Tesla
[2nd] Ryom Na-Rae
[3rd] Zdravko Samuilov Valeriva

Commissar of R&D:
[1st] Mannfred Lukas Meyer
[2nd] Anna Jonsson
[3rd] Sizamile Msizi

Commissar of Security:
[1st] Verano Cetta
[2nd] Akifume Shinzo
[3rd] Sayar Aktug

Commissar of Culture:
[1st] Danny Murtagh
[2nd] Marie Isabelle Marinette
[3rd] Zubair Sahetapy
Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [X] Phạm Trường Phát
Chairman of Foreign Affairs: [X] Ninia Makreli
Commissar of Production: [X] Zdravko Samuilov Valeriva
Commissar of Research and Development: [X] Anna Jonsson
Commissar of Security: [X] Verano Cetta
Commissar of Culture: [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette
Chairman of the Presiding Committee:
[1st]: Shido Shaciye Shuuriye
[2nd]: Marie Isabelle Marinette
[3rd]: Phạm Trường Phát

Commissar of Foreign Affairs:
[1st]:Marie Isabelle Marinette
[2nd]: Dalip Qalhari
[3rd]: Ninia Makreli

Commissar of Production:
[1st]: Ryom Na-Rae
[2nd]: Marija Tesla
[3rd]: Zdravko Samuilov Valeriva

Commissar of R&D:
[1st]: Mannfred Lukas Meyer
[2nd]: Anna Jonsson
[3rd]: Sadi Al-Sheikh

Commissar of Security:
[1st]: Akifume Shinzo
[2nd]: Verano Cetta
[3rd]: Sayar Aktug

Commissar of Culture:
[1st]: Danny Murtagh
[2nd]: Marie Isabelle Marinette
[3rd]: Zubair Sahetapy

Decided to reformat my vote to a ranked choice thing.
Chairman of the Presiding Committee:
[1st]: Shido Shaciye Shuuriye
[2nd]: Marie Isabelle Marinette
[3rd]: Phạm Trường Phát

Commissar of Foreign Affairs:
[1st]:Marie Isabelle Marinette
[2nd]: Dalip Qalhari
[3rd]: Ninia Makreli

Commissar of Production:
[1st]: Ryom Na-Rae
[2nd]: Marija Tesla
[3rd]: Zdravko Samuilov Valeriva

Commissar of R&D:
[1st]: Mannfred Lukas Meyer
[2nd]: Anna Jonsson
[3rd]: Sadi Al-Sheikh

Commissar of Security:
[1st]: Akifume Shinzo
[2nd]: Verano Cetta
[3rd]: Sayar Aktug

Commissar of Culture:
[1st]: Danny Murtagh
[2nd]: Marie Isabelle Marinette
[3rd]: Zubair Sahetapy
You are ignoring content by this member.
When will we expect to see the results, cause we have important matters to discuss towards the future of our Ulaanbaatar Pact and the inevitable fate of bourgeois alliance.
Civilian Committee Election resullts
Chairman of the Presiding Committee :

Phạm Trường Phát: Kiri, Araa, Silent, Traveller, BobTheNinja, Regency, Pinko: 7
Shido: CoffeeLatte, ProjectUnidad, vilanni99, Rise Comics, TheWatcher, Water: 6
Marini: Falcon, Ultra, EternalStruggle, Sportoner, DissMech, SquidFam: 6
Marie: Spooky, Patrick, Hunter, Lord_Asmodeus, Doctor_Elsewhere: 5

Eliminating Marie: Spooky, Hunter, Patrick, and Elsewhere did not make second choices so their votes will be split by diceroll. 1-2 being Marini, 3-4 being Shido, 5-6 being pham.

(Discarding fifth dice because I forgot Asmodeus already specified Pham)

Vote totals now at Pham: 9, Shido 8, and Marini 7.

Eliminating Marini.

Falcon bloc votes go to Pham. Pham vote totals are now 13, instantly winning him the election.

[X] Phạm Trường Phát: Pham is a Vietnamese Labour Councilman of significant experience and a staunchly proletarian man, Pham has spent his whole life working various fields of labour and has his fingers on the pulse of the workingman's life even in the transition to lower stage communism. As a man who has both read Marx's capital and seen the marks of capital in his daily life, Pham is a powerful advocate for the workingman and calls many heroes of Vietnam's struggle for freedom his ancestors. Pham also will report on the state of production available to the task force and works closely with those involved with the means of production and so can be trusted to help make such matters more efficient but fair. He is also tremendously skilled at organising groups and in studying the labour situation of foreign powers.
  • +: Labourer: Pham generates a pair of additional dice for all forms of production if he is in the Central Committee.
  • +: Organizer: Pham generates a pair of additional dice for all forms of revolutionary agitation, organization, and insurgency so long as he is in the central committee.
  • +: Councilman: Pham generates 5 Favour points with the STAVKA, Comintern, and the general populace every turn.
  • +: Experienced: Unless Pham would receive a penalty, he receives a broad 5+ bonus to all rolls.
  • +: Means of Production: As long as Pham is on the Central Committee, your resource point income will be increased by a quarter.
  • +: Proletarian Triumph: Pham is an eminent every man and extremely down to Earth, offering a +10 bonus to diplomacy rolls that doubles when speaking to other leftist powers.
  • -: A bit unsophisticated: Pham disdains bourgeois formalism and two faced legalese and grates with more aristocratic societies that place high values on such concepts. He loses his bonuses against Countries whose cultures have a high value on formality.
  • -: Card Carrying Marxist: Pham tends to regard non-marxist socialists such as Utopians and Anarchists as rather naive at best, losing his bonuses with them, and possibly outright dangerous at worst if they reject revolutionary struggle or make a lot of reactionary concessions and his bonuses invert into penalties with them.
  • -: Hardcore Atheist: Pham does not believe in Gods and even in Xarazanth's high fantasy setting, sees no reason that the deities deserve their special relation with mortals rather than mortals harnessing such power for themselves. Remove his bonuses when speaking to supernatural beings.
Commissar of Foreign Affairs (Diplomat)

Vahdat: Rise, Villani, Asmodeus, Doctor Elsewhere, Kiri, Patrick, Silent, Traveller: 8
Dalip: Regency, Falcon, EternalStruggle, Sportoner, Hunter, DissMech, BobTheNinja, Squidfam: 8
Marie: ProjectUnidad, CoffeeLatte, TheWatcher, Water: 4
Ninia: Ultra, Spooky, Pinko, Araa: 4

Ultra's vote transfers to Dalip, as does CoffeeLatte and Water's, pushing Dalip to 11. Watcher, Unidad, Spooky, and Pinko's votes are split according to dice roll.

1-3 for Vahdat and 4-6 for Dalip.

Dalip's vote total rises to 13, meeting the instant victory threshold.

Dalip wins.

[X]: Dalip Qalhari: A highly astute Sikh diplomat and one of India's golden sons, Dalip has a promising career and helped to negotiate the end to the long standing separation of Pakistan and India following the Pakistani revolution of 2032; bringing the two sundered countries back together at last in 2038. Dalip is a pragmatic optimist when it comes to his diplomacy. He would like to resort to the nice route, but thinks little of browbeating or threatening force if needed or resorting to violence when necessary. As a religious Sikh, he also believes that there is a duty to fight to protect the weak from the depredations of the strong, and that pacifism in the face of tyranny is a capitulation to evil; but also that usage of force when it is not necessary is to also become a tyrant oneself. As such he is judicious with his approach to violence in foreign policy, never taking it off the table, but not bringing out his sword immediately.

  • +: Mender of Bridges: Dalip Qalhari has a general +10 diplomacy bonus that increases to +20 when negotiating to reunify a sundered people or +: when it comes to dealing with longstanding divisions and grudges between people.
  • +: Treaty maker: Daliph Qalhari can roll three times and take the best result when it comes to rolling dice to determine whether a treaty is accepted or not or to negotiate more favourable deals.
  • +: Maker of Alliances: Dalip Qalhari increases the automatic success range for diplomacy rolls that involve creating alliance, ceasefires, trade deals, or other forms of agreement to 95-100 and eliminates the chance of automatic failure entirely.
  • +: Establisher of Revolutions: Dalip Qalhari gains two extra dice for rolling on either above or underground revolutionary activity and organization.
  • +: Diplomatic Capital Accumulation: Dalip Qalhari gives a 10% bonus to the acquisition of Diplomatic resource points.
  • +: Beloved by the international Community: Dalip gives a favour point income of 10 points from the STAVKA, China, Germany, the Soviet Union, the Comintern, and the General Populace.
  • -: Not an atheist: Characters who are especially hardset on Atheism or a particular religion not friendly to Sikhism will face the expected penalties with Dalip.
  • -: Justice must be served: Dalip feels quite strongly about his sense of justice and will not offer his approval to conflicts or even lacks of conflict if he feels that this would not serve the cause of justice; requiring a diplomacy check to override.
  • -: Hindu Nationalist Target: The remnants of the Hindu Nationalist movement have it bad for Dalip and his election to this post would elevate him as a target in their eyes.

Commissar of Production

Ryom: vilanni99, Asmodeus, CoffeeLatte, Ultra, Falcon, EternalStruggle, Sportoner, TheWatcher, BobTheNinja, Doctor Elsewhere, Patrick, Squidfam, Water (13)
Tesla: Regency, Silent, Traveller, Kiri, Hunter (5)
Zdravko: Pinko, Araa, ProjectUnidad (3)

Rise did not vote for a person in this position, DissMech and Spooky's votes go to Tesla as Pham endorses her in his place.

Due to the extremely overwhelming margin of Ryom's victory, there is no point in counting runoffs.

[X]: Ryom Na-Rae: A logistician with the Korean military with a background in civilian industry and labour organization, Na-Rae is young, ambitious, throws herself into her work wholesale and is quite the architect on top of all that. Na-Rae is an expert at consolidating teams to help realise plans and taking the data and requests of everyone across a Cybersyn network to finalise her ideas for how to improve quality of life and productivity in an area without asking more of the populace. A strong advocate of automation and the budding field of general A.I development, Na-Rae also considers herself an advocate for the rights of synthetically conscious comrades and has made a name for herself in the circles of the Comintern big three for her stellar work with helping to modernise production zones.
  • +: Rennovatio Popularum: Na-Rae can cut the points needed to improve existing infrastructure or industrial assets by half thanks to her tremendous degree of familiarity with how to improve existing sites.
  • +: Military Darling: Na-Rae is well appreciated by the ULAPAC STAVKA and generates 5 favour points with the STAVKA per turn as well as generates an additional 20 military points per turn.
  • +: Military production maestro: Na-Rae is extremely familiar with how to maximise productivity from military facilities, and rolls for production or development of military projects have their results increased by 25%.
  • +: Smoothing out the kinks: Na-Rae removes the automatic failure on a natural roll of 1 for military projects and increases the automatic success range to 97-100.
  • +: Roboticist: Na-Rae can commit two free dice to any one project revolving around robotics to help make them come out faster.
  • +: Administrative wunderkind: Na-Rae adds a general +20 bonus to all administration rolls and gives +3 favour points with China, the Germans, and the Soviets.
  • -: Stubborn: Na-Rae has very fixed ideas about what is good or not and will require a diplomacy check to convince of write-ins.
  • -: Prideful: Na-Rae will try to finish a project in her jurisdiction to the very conclusion and pulling her away from the project requires a diplomacy roll.
  • -: Ambitious: Na-Rae has big aspirations and wants the organisation to focus on big projects and will argue against sinking points into projects with a points cost below 100, believing this is best left to the member nations of the ULAPAC. Thus requiring a diplomacy check to convince her otherwise.
Commissar of R&D:

Sizamile: vilanni99, Rise Comics, Asmodeus, BobTheNinja, Hunter, Patrick, Doctor Elsewhere (7)
Mannfred: ProjectUnidad, Spooky, Kiri, Traveller, CoffeeLatte, Silent, TheWatcher, Regency, Water (9)
Anna: Squidfam, Falcon, EternalStruggle, Sportoner, Ultra, Pinko (6)
Sadi: Araa, DissMech (2)

Sadi votes will be split between Sizamile (1-2), Mannfred (3-4), and Anna (5-6)

Araa and Dissmech votes go to Anna as is determined by die roll due to lacking second choices.

Vote is now between Anna at 8 and Mannfred at 9.

Asmodeus and Bob votes transfer to Mannfred who is now at 11 votes.

5 votes to be determined by dice-roll; 1-3 are Mannfred, 4-6 are Anna.

At 12 to 12 the votes are now tied.

Run off vote begins now. Please choose between the following options only.

[]: Mannfred Lukas Meyer: Extremely young but upbeat with regards to his political duties, Mannfred is boundlessly energetic and highly approachable even if he has a habit of taking on too much work on his own head. Charming and with strong ties to the field of education, Mannfred has no real enemies and has made a number of friends. However, he is regarded as perhaps a bit naive when it comes to diplomacy and the tepid approval that the G.T.O has for him being appointed is seen by some as a sign of an overwillingness to compromise. Mannfred is, however, committed to the future of the communist youth, and none will fight harder to ensure that the next generation of mankind advances into it with the best possible preparations.
  • +: Enthusiastic; Mannfred is much more resistant to developing stress points as a result of his job, only accruing stress at one quarter the normal rate.
  • +: Charming; Meyer is likable, twinkishly handsome, and has made a number of strong friendships already as he has consistently proven to be trustworthy. He gets a +5 bonus to diplomatic actions and generates +4 ULAPAC and Comintern Influence points.
  • +: Champion of the Youth; Meyer is heavily tied to the education department of Germany and is well regarded for his ceaseless efforts for pushing educational policy to the best that it can be. Under Meyer, gain three extra dice for usage in research rolls and a +15 bonus to rolls relating to improving research infrastructure.
  • +: Young Scholar; Meyer was a prodigy as a child and shows an almost inherent aptitude for learning more information, and gains a +15 bonus to academic rolls that increases to +20 when dealing with structuring research or educational programs.
  • +: Polytechnic Magus: Meyer has deep roots in the Polytechnic academies and will reduce research costs by one quarter across the board as he knows how to best maximise the benefits of science towards the ends of the organisation.
  • +: Former Prodigy, as a former child prodigy and a "very clever boy" Meyer has a +5 bonus to virtually all checks except when under crisis, which causes to lose his bonus entirely until he learns how to deal with high stress situations. This bonus doubles to +10 for Administration checks and triples to +15 for Academic checks.
  • =: German Citizen; Meyer is a native of Deutschland and as such his appointment increases Deutsch influence on the Otmezosob by 5 and automatically generates five Deutsch favour points per turn.
  • -: Naive: Meyer is overly trusting at times and tends to assume the best out of everyone he meets. He takes a -5 penalty on opposed diplomatic rolls attempting to deceive him or sway his opinion.
  • -: Not a fighter: Meyer is neither experienced nor deeply familiar with the way war works, though he knows better than to poke his nose into the affairs of his military staff. As such, until he improves his martial aptitude, he may not assist military rolls and if forced into military actions; takes a -10 penalty on them. He can remove this penalty with experience though. And he does not have this penalty when it comes to overseeing the development of military technology.
  • -: Barely of Age: At just twenty-two, Meyer is extremely young and his election would be somewhat unusual. He is as such, considered to have less weight in resolving disputes between members of the Stavka and takes a -5 penalty on such rolls.
[] Anna Jonsson: Anna is the quintessential mad scientist and probably a bit too obsessed with the weapons applications of just about every weird principal she can find. One of the premier people behind the development of Tesla weapons and Cryolasers, Anna Jonsson hasn't met a principle of particle physics she hasn't created multiple diagrams to figure out how to turn towards destructive ends. Voted "most likely to blow up one of the planets of the solar system" for several years in a row, this quirky young redhead's wide grin and cybernetic glasses usually have goggles fitted over them as the Swedish girl indulges every dangerous experiment she was not allowed to in her days as a child prodigy after turning eighteen just two years ago. She is also quite famous for discovering a method of faster than light travel by accident while trying to develop a system meant to give particle cannons enough reach to hit the moon.

  • +: The Madgirl from Stockholm: Anna genuinely has a somewhat aberrant brain that learns far better than virtually anyone else's and can visualise information in her head almost as if it were real. She provides an overwhelming +100 bonus to Academic rolls. She also doesn't feel stress, at all.
  • +: I can weaponise this: Anna cuts the research point costs and minimum accumulated roll value needed of creating a new military project out of new phenomenon or capabilities to a quarter.
  • +: I did it in my sleep: Anna generates a massive five free research dice if she is on the Committee due to her manic obsession with science.
  • +: Nothing is impossible: Anna gets access to special experimental projects that push the boundaries of what even the natives believe is practical, safe, or even possible.
  • +: Known phenomenon? Easy: Anna cuts the research points cost of developing new technology from any already known phenomenon and well understood principles in half even if she finds such work boring and will require diplomacy checks to keep on task if not given novel, esoteric, or experimental research.
  • +: Magic you say?: Anna is very eager to find out how magic works and can reroll any dice for adding Academic points to esoteric research and take the better of the three.
  • =: Well that wasn't supposed to happen: Experimental Projects managed by Anna may end up turning out a completely different result than expected if she stumbles upon something else.
  • -: Ooooh shiny: Anna gets bored easily and her bonus towards a project is reduced by half for every turn past the first it takes for the project to be completed and the risk of a natural failure increases by one each turn (from 1 to 2 to 3 etc.)
  • -: Oops: Critical failed rolls for experimental projects will turn one territory point's status into "Damaged".
  • -: Threat to one and all: Most people find Anna to be more than a little scary and so granting her this high position causes a -15 diplomacy malus and a bleed of -5 Favour points from all organisations and member countries.

Commissar of Security:

Mastache: vilanni99, Rise Comics, TheWatcher, Random Member: 4
Shinzo: Doctor Elsewhere, Patrick, Asmodeus, Hunter, ProjectUnidad, Kiri, BobTheNinja, Water, CoffeeLatte, Spooky: 10
Cetta: Pinko, Falcon, EternalStruggle, Sportoner, Ultra, Traveller, , Regency, Squidfam, Silent: 9
Sayar: DissMech, Araa: 2

Mastache and Sayar are eliminated.

No second or third options listed.

Six votes for distribution by dice.

1-3 are for Shinzo, 4-6 are for Cetta.

Vote is now 12 to Cetta and 13 to Shinzo.

Due to mishap, this will go down to runoffs.

[] Akifume Shinzo: A veteran of the Japanese revolution, Akifume Shinzo is a transman with something to prove. Famous for finally eliminating the Yakuza after his predecessors had struggled with the remnants of the group for a decade, Akifume has been fighting the revolutionary struggle since he was a teenager. Akifume is an expert in sussing out reactionary infiltrators and calling upon the populace to deal with the threats amidst them themselves rather than relying on heavy-handed purges or policing. He is also tremendously skilled at getting reactionary groups to turn upon themselves and tear themselves apart to save the people the pain of a protracted struggle. He is also well familiar with the on the ground facts of revolution and foreign spy work, and is a master of setting up spy rings in foreign countries and knows more about the Australian government's military disposition than the Australian prime minister.
  • +: Proletarians, defend yourselves!: Shinzo forces foreign infiltrators to have to reroll successes when they try to infiltrate your field of operations if he is the Commissar of Security, while failed rolls to find infiltrators can be rerolled.
  • +: Spying is Risky work: Shinzo increases the automatic failure range for enemy spying efforts to 1-5, while increasing the automatic success range for his spy work to 95-100.
  • +: A velvet glove: Shinzo does not generate resentment when he does security actions, particularly useful in occupied territory.
  • +: Revolutionary Networking: Shinzo halves the diplomacy points needed to turn occupied territories politically reliable and halves the number of diplomacy points needed to build revolutionary cells or organizations abroad.
  • +: Elusive Shadow: Shinzo gets a general +12 bonus to any espionage rolls that increases to +20 when dealing with counter-revolutionaries or when assisting revolutionaries.
  • +: Sorge reborn: Shinzo halves the espionage points needed to build new spy rings and grants two extra ones for free upon elected.
  • -: Brooding Shadow: Shinzo is something of a social wilting flower and will quickly back down from suggestions if confronted on them.
  • -: Inexperienced with Commando work: Shinzo takes a -5 penalty on special forces military rolls due to his lack of experience with the skulduggery of Spetsnaz operations.
  • -: Japanese: Japan is a young revolutionary republic and as such it does not carry the same prestige as some other revolutionary states. Until Japan has established itself more solidly he causes an automatic bleed of 1 favour points with the Chinese and Germans.

[] Verano Cetta: An Italian veteran of many efforts to try and sneak the forces of the descendants of Mussolini back into Italy by the Spanish as well as helping to clear out reactionaries in North Africa, Cetta takes his duties very seriously and doesn't often joke. Very often he barely talks, and he tends to show up to his meetings in full hazmat NBC gear to add an air of mystery to him and also to prevent people gunning for him from knowing what he actually looks like. Even the overwhelming majority of people only know him as "Il Manos", though at least you know his real name. He is certainly eccentric and distant, perhaps a bit on the creepy and offputting side, but he gets the job done well and quietly, usually with nobody noticing. He tends to steal your morning Coffee though. Prick.
  • +: Man of Mystery: Virtually no one outside of your group really knows much about Verano and his veil of secrecy is nearly impenetrable. Hostile attempts at espionage need three successes to pass if he is in the committee. He also gives a +25 bonus to all espionage rolls in general and generates three free espionage dice per turn.
  • +: How did they even get there?: Verano is a mad genius at infiltrating and exfiltrating places and gives an amazing +50 bonus to espionage rolls involving infiltrating locations.
  • +: Frogman: Verano gives a +30 bonus to military and espionage rolls involving special forces.
  • +: I know what you know: Verano gives a +30 bonus to espionage rolls involving stealing information
  • +: He's a dead man: Verano has a +30 bonus to rolls for assassination operations.
  • +: Mister International: So long as Verano is on the committee, you will never suffer "strange culture" penalties for espionage, not even for wildly inhuman species for reasons unknown.
  • -: Weirdo: Verano is a very strange man and has a -15 diplomacy malus on conversations with most other people due to his eccentricities.
  • -: Yoink: Verano's odd habits cause a roll of a d100 every turn. On a 5 or less he causes an incident that needs to be resolved when he does something like filch somebody's coffee.
  • -: Please enter the door like a normal person: Verano's preferred means of entering meeting rooms such as crawling through the ducts or rappeling through windows can cause stress points on a roll of a one due to their jarring nature.

Commissar of Culture:

Murtagh: Water, CoffeeLatte, Regency, TheWatcher, ProjectUnidad, Doctor Elsewhere, Rise Comics, Asmodeus, Spooky, Patrick (10)
Marie: Squidfam, Silent, Traveller, Ultra, Falcon, EternalStruggle, Sportoner, vilanni99, DissMech, Random Member, BobTheNinja, Pinko (12)
Zubair: Kiri (1)
Sligman: Hunter, Araa (2)

Zubair and Sligman are eliminated.

Kiri's vote transfers to Marie, putting her at 13 votes and automatic victory.

[X] Marie Isabelle Marinette: A French bisexual woman and a second-generation revolutionary who witnessed the revolution of 2025 as a young girl, Marie is an advocate of the cultural revolution and the radical transformation of society to wash away all the oppressions of old, famously criticising her revolutionary parents for lingering transphobia and binarist thoughts. Marie is a ferocious advocate for the dispossessed of all stripes and has been active in the continuing revolutionary struggle against all elements of reaction in France. "I want a world where a woman may feel free to walk in a burqa or stark naked without fear or worry; where she may say no to advances or embrace as many as she would choose; where she may limit her interest to only women or to whatever assortment of genders she desires" She is famous for saying. She also seeks to push people out of getting overly comfortable with certain lines of thought, taking the dogma that to be a marxist is to question everything to heart.
  • +: Cultural Radical: On any roll that involves dealing with cultural effects, Marinette gains a +20 bonus towards recommending a change in policy and ensuring that these changes become reality and not merely legality. She also gains a +25 bonus on diplomatic rolls with people from dispossessed or oppressed groups. She also generates 10 favour points with the general Proletariat per turn.
  • +: Revolutionary Theorist: Marinette is an expert on the theory and praxis of revolution, having immersed herself in every aspect of revolution and its science from an early age and as such, allows any dice roll involving a revolution to be rolled twice with the better of the two being taken.
  • +: Aux Armes Citoyens!: Marinette is almost frightfully good at getting people to organise and fight for a cause, generating two additional insurgent activity dice per turn and generating two additional dice for forming radical movements abroad per turn.
  • +: Charismatic: Marinette is a genuinely charismatic figure who gains a +10 bonus to diplomacy rolls that doubles to +20 when she's trying to sway someone into taking action. Her automatic success range also increase to 99 to 100.
  • +: Art Nouveaux: Marinette is a gifted artist and animator who is deeply familiar with the sort of art that speaks to the soul and the stories that really resonate with people, allowing her to reroll any diplomacy dice used on propaganda/internal diplomacy efforts and take the better of the two and in propaganda, her success range doubles again to 97-100.
  • +: Fearless Elan: Marinette never suffers mental health negative modifiers to rolls she is asked to assist with due to her boundless enthusiasm for the cause. She is also virtually immune to accumulating stress.
  • -: A tad gauche: Marinette is often prone to saying rather shocking or rude things to people she dislikes or has issues with and as such the automatic failure range for diplomatic rolls involving her increases from a natural 1 to a natural 1 or 2.
  • -: Everybody's Critic: Marinette will grate on the nerves of more conservative politicians or those whom she perceives as holding back the struggle against all forms of oppression and can make quite a lot of enemies. When speaking to characters with the conservative modifier; her natural failure range doubles to 1-4.
  • -: French: France is a young revolutionary Republic and as such it does not carry the same prestige as some other revolutionary states. Until France has established itself more solidly she causes an automatic bleed of 1 favour points with the Soviets and Chinese.
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[X] Anna Jonsson

New science is needed for the new world. Magic, mechs, and Ace Combat superweapons are now in vogue baby! As is experience. Meyer we can put in a lower level until until his two experience negatives wear off. Then we can maybe see if we can use the guy. His time will come, but said time is not now.

[X] Verano Cetta
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[X]: Mannfred Lukas Meyer

EDIT: Resubmitted vote with new intelligence chief runoff.
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