Looks like Diplomacy may be catching up! What would you guys offer Augustine, just your assistance against the Shard? That's a fairly big commitment for Hunger to make...
Looks like Diplomacy may be catching up! What would you guys offer Augustine, just your assistance against the Shard? That's a fairly big commitment for Hunger to make...
Two hugs, three headpats and one fish dish prepared by Hunger. Final offer!

Lord Protector thoughts while biting her lips:"Lord Hunger was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair. He was more boyish than the others...his face was absurdly handsome...he looked like he'd just finished shooting a commercial for hair gel. His dazzling face was friendly, open, a slight smile on his flawless lips. But his eyes were careful...Today, his eyes were a completely different color: a strange ocher, darker than butterscotch, but with the same golden tone."

counterpoint: Chosen 1 means that Aobaru gives us more effective Apocryphal curse mitigation than Gisena herself, and she is literally a Lesser Remittance with mitigation as the selling point
Imagine the magic system we can get from Lord Protector. Don't you want to solidify your position as the new MAEG Gang Overlord by getting a new runic magic system?
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Imagine the magic system we can get from Lord Protector. Don't you want to solidify your position as the new MAEG Gang Overlord by getting a new runic magic system?
> Implying you'd allow me to vote for a magic system ever again :lol2:

But i don't like Augustine at all, and there's basically zero chance we'd ever let Hunger use a new magic system for something ridiculous like ""pRePaRiNg CoUnTeRmEaSuReS fOr ThE sPeCiFiC pOwErS aNd AbIlItIeS oF aN eNeMy"

turning into a floating ball of protoplasmic goo would be cool, and id like to see the arcanist in action, but Augustine is best dispatched quickly to avoid further Moral engagements. Maybe "Slimer" would qualify as an undead archetype for SJUC? (like from ghostbusters!)

((Plus i won't have time to pull out the stops later this week - I've got a very unhappy graduate advisor to placate, and final exams to grade. maybe if i get "invited" to leave the program i'll double down on building a tactical omake reserve ))
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> Implying you'd allow me to vote for a magic system ever again :laugh:
Change your vote to Burning Spirit and War and I will support with 5k words and 2 newspapers if we get magic system from LP
((Plus i won't have time to pull out the stops later this week - I've got a very unhappy graduate advisor to placate, and final exams to grade. maybe if i get "invited" to leave the program i'll double down on building a tactical omake reserve ))
Last week I had to argue with literal boomers (60+ years old) that the year 2020 is in the 21st century and not in the the 20th century. Not joking at all - fucking COBOL programers :facepalm:
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Imagine the magic system we can get from Lord Protector. Don't you want to solidify your position as the new MAEG Gang Overlord by getting a new runic magic system
To be fair, high-stakes social combat can yield picks as well, so there are possible upgrades down the Diplomacy route. We got one from Adorie, surely the more competent sister would yield more! Something to keep in mind going forward, if the martial challenges fueling Hunger's swift advancement dry up.

Hm, I fell victim to the Geas of Vidya earlier and am now blearily phoneposting so it'll have to be tomorrow, but is anyone who hasn't received quester magic interested in a writeup?
To be fair, high-stakes social combat can yield picks as well, so there are possible upgrades down the Diplomacy route. We got one from Adorie, surely the more competent sister would yield more! Something to keep in mind going forward, if the martial challenges fueling Hunger's swift advancement dry up.

Hm, I fell victim to the Geas of Vidya earlier and am now blearily phoneposting so it'll have to be tomorrow, but is anyone who hasn't received quester magic interested in a writeup?
If you're looking for prompts, I found this line about the Dispellation Corps to be really evocative. Maybe you could think about a short vignette in your fan-story?

All available avenues for mitigation have been tapped, as you'd expect. The Dispellation Corps works night and... well, night, throwing antimagic into the bottomless pit of Per's Curses. Not that they have a clear understanding of who they're working on, but sacrificing one's time and Ordinal choices on the altar of the Rite of Synchronicity pays dividends in status!

Alternatively, I'd love to see someone else's take on a "modest but synergistic superpower" that could come out of the Regalia primary remittance. I'm working on a few of my own but it would be great to see if mine are underpowered compared to what you come up with.
I'm not interested in the long term vote marker game, but I'd be open for a swap in this vote.

If anyone wants me to switch off of A Chosen Purpose to A Burning Spirit, just tag me as you switch from War to Diplomacy

Markets closed for business, thank you for your patronage.
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Forgetting to vote is a sin! Cannot believe I let myself be so distracted.

[X] War
[X] A Burning Spirit

I like Chosen Purpose, but have trouble believing that we'll end up with enough Arete to buy it, let alone to buy it and stay comfortable afterwards. Improving Aobaru is good, even up to the point of what is basically a companion EFB (maybe he'll finally have the pecs for that Boba!!!), but I cannot overstate how much I do not want to be in Arete Debt or a low Arete state for this fight. I would much rather have not gotten Fisher King and had the opening for this much better expenditure, but alas, 'tis already done. Arete expenditure has made the difference in at least one fight (dialogue and ringblocking against Vanrier), so I don't want to pass up that possibility.

Burning Spirit is better than the other two IMO because it gives all those crazy mental stats, which I think are more important for his future growth and survivability than either of the other two brute-force gains. If Aobaru is to be in the shadow of our strength, the mind to exploit that opportunity is a good asset.

If it looks like we'll have enough to cleanly purchase A Chosen Purpose without arete debt, I will happily switch.
Hunger has always tried to do Diplomacy before killing people when given the chance, why not give it a try here as well? Even if it fails, I think the interaction with Augustine will be pretty interesting, especially with Adorie there. I still want to see what she thinks of her family getting overthrown by an 8 year old...
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[X] War
[X] A Burning Spirit

Raze this entire realm to the ground.

Change my mind.
With chosen1, Aobaru gets elevated past rank 6, and gains rank faster. He'll have stats elevated by +.3 on the ISH, with utility effects to match (possibly including the ability to burn conceptual targets). He'll get +10 Willpower and 2 Int/Wis/Wits before that boost is "massively increased".

He'll have more fire to work with from "An Awesome Power".

What I'm saying is, when he's ready, Aobaru can raze the entire realm to the ground for us.
Yeah, it is an utterly obscene power-up, make no mistake. It empowers both Aobaru and Hunger, and it enhances every single course of action available to us, including social; Lord Protector was just this sort of panicking about Hunger alone showing up. With a second Hunger combatant, and ISH buffs to Hunger himself any pretense of power equality is going to be gone, which would make dialogue considerably easier.

There also have been some worries about this disruption out pick economy, but Aobaru's buff is impermanent, so when we desire to grind picks we can allow it to just disperse at any time.

...But, right now, we also need somewhere around 30k words to actually get the arete for it?

Less if we actually get decent-good discussion multiplier I suppose, but...
[X] War
[X] A Burning Spirit

Raze this entire realm to the ground.

Change my mind.

Depends why you want to raze the realm to the ground. If you are looking for a complete victory, it could be argued that we need to search out and destroy the Shard. Anything else is just begging for the Apocryphal to make her rise up against us at the least opportune moment, such as when the Rot Beast arose to prominence as we were on a quest for to rescue Mizu..zaki? something like that.

The best way to do that, in my opinion, is to preserve the current forces and plans of Augustine and enact those in tandem with Hungers party to resolve the issue completely. Augustine herself... I'm not sure if she has ambitions or plans of any sort beyond defeating her mother. Having access to a mage with no direction and a respect for us, in conjunction with a whole as possible Realm of Myth, is only going to be beneficial for us.

If you are concerned about her character, I can only posit this. Is it fine for this girl, who has since the age of eight been following this hateful path, to not even be granted one opportunity for change? Is the justice of killing her, better value for the Realms than repurposing her, if she is willing? She isn't compelled by any higher force to be awful I believe she can actually be a great boon if she was freed of her burden.
[X] Diplomacy

A child with this immense power would almost be guaranteed to commit atrocities. Hard to hold it completely against her without giving her a proper opportunity to change.
I'm not interested in the long term vote marker game, but I'd be open for a swap in this vote.

If anyone wants me to switch off of A Chosen Purpose to A Burning Spirit, just tag me as you switch from War to Diplomacy.
I'm not currently voting for the plot vote. I'll toss a vote to Diplomacy if you promise not to move away from Chosen Purpose until it becomes clear that the arete debt would be fatal. Aobaru rolled 98 for his roll. It would be a crying shame to pass up that reward.

[X] Diplomacy
[X] A Chosen Purpose [25 Arete]
I'm not currently voting for the plot vote. I'll toss a vote to Diplomacy if you promise not to move away from Chosen Purpose until it becomes clear that the arete debt would be fatal. Aobaru rolled 98 for his roll. It would be a crying shame to pass up that reward.

[X] Diplomacy
[X] A Chosen Purpose [25 Arete]

Sure thing, I'll try and get another reaction out tonight to help us not die.
Sure thing, I'll try and get another reaction out tonight to help us not die.
i'm more heavily caffeinated than I've ever been before in my entire life, and I have 5 quest-seeds that I want to write up before the update (3 are just pitches using the canon character generation options).

Hopefully there will be time for that after i finish drafting a pitch to my advisor about why my null results might still be worth publishing / why i didn't pivot to a new research question back in July. I also still have 60 final exams to grade and half my students just emailed me jpg files from their phones instead of using the proper submission method 😭
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what does Augustine need with a factory that can outfit ten full legions in a year?

If we're going to team up with her, won't we want those armies to all be buffed +.3 along the ISH before they go into battle against a vestige of the Foremost?

what does Augustine need with a factory that can outfit ten full legions in a year?

If we're going to team up with her, won't we want those armies to all be buffed +.3 along the ISH before they go into battle against a vestige of the Foremost?
She is throwing a temper tantrum against her mother because ...reasons.

Also, @Zampano I see you are quite fired up for Aobaru. Let me help you with that. @Zampano I invoke my T2 marker. Vote for War and A Burning Spirit.

PS: My promise for 5k and 2 newspapers is negated due to the invoking of the marker, but if we get magic system I am willing to do it for 1 T2 vetoless marker.

Hopefully there will be time for that after i finish drafting a pitch to my advisor about why my null results might still be worth publishing / why i didn't pivot to a new research question back in July. I also still have 60 final exams to grade and half my students just emailed me jpg files from their phones instead of using the proper submission method 😭
Gotchu fam, I will remove the tyranny of choice from you and help you focus on the student brats.
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Sure thing, I'll try and get another reaction out tonight to help us not die.
The Shark sensed blood in the water, so my diplomacy vote has been overwritten. Sorry about that.
She is throwing a temper tantrum against her mother because ...reasons.

Also, @Zampano I see you are quite fired up for Aobaru. Let me help you with that. @Zampano I invoke my T2 marker. Vote for War and A Burning Spirit.

PS: My promise for 5k and 2 newspapers is negated due to the invoking of the marker, but if we get magic system I am willing to do it for 1 T2 vetoless marker.

Gotchu fam, I will remove the tyranny of choice from you and help you focus on the student brats.
this is somehow both spiteful and wholesome, simultaneously. my bf asked me last night whether winning this vote was more important than getting my draft in on time. He only pretended to laugh when i hesitated before answering him...

[X] War
[X] A Burning Spirit
[X] A Chosen Purpose [25 Arete]

This is a pretty huge increase in our combat power as a party that's only going to get stronger with time.

I noticed you haven't yet cast a vote for the plot portion, I'm curious what your thoughts are on Augustine and diplomacy vs war at this point, if you don't mind sharing.

Though we voted for Never Better, reinforcing Hungers resolve to offer alternatives to his enemies has been a constant theme, and Diplomacy would help reinforce that point in the epilogue and beyond.

As to whether or not she is deserving of such an opportunity, I touched on that in a post above, but I'd reiterate that I think getting her on the path of not repugnant behavior is more beneficial to everyone than merely sentencing her to death.

An aside as well, for everyone not wanting to deprive justice to those wronged by the Lord Protector. It's a bit roundabout, but the identity going as the Lord Protector and his patron spirit can both be 'struck down'. As far as the public is concerned, they would be killed and done. The girl Augustine is almost entirely unknown to the world at large and could be 'rescued' after their demise. A blank slate to work for the better with.
He only pretended to laugh when i hesitated before answering him...

ngl, my first read of your initial post was that you were going to write all the omake stuff and then, if you had time, you were going to finish your actual academic work

and i didn't even question that, i just thought, "hmm, sounds about right for rihakuquest"
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I've been a bit distant recently but I've got a couple I was sitting on

[x]A Burning Spirit

Reaction circa Pursuit to the Utmost. 1014 Words.

Deep Red and Blue? I'm getting flashbacks to the hypothetical Bloodmist upgrade if we had taken Quickmist as our Surgecraft element. Maybe we would have actually voted to train it more that way. No PW singularity that way though unfortunately as far as I know. Also maybe the Ring of Hunger is corrupting the Sky.

Googling trellised door I get these fancy doors recessed into archways. As for the marbled stone, I wonder if the glimmer is like the Gankutsuo effect with the Dawn and Noonday Skies? Basically, the Stone looks like a portal to the sky dimension and the sky looks the same no matter what angle you look at it from.

Aah, you were at my side all along. My true mentor...

My guiding sun... *record scratch*. Good for Hunger for managing to hold himself back for that long I guess.

The one needing discipline is the Ring of Blood, this entire quest has been Lord Hunger struggling with his wardrobe issues, particularly with his jewelry, and failing to bring them under his control.

I wonder if we'll get a Bloodmoon pick from the Ring corrupting the Sky? Also that wasn't the Sky hunger that was probably your own unconscious desires.

Having checked, complaisant is actually a word. "Willing to please others; obliging; agreeable." Letrezia doesn't know that the Evening sky is apparently a truculent nutbar.

Sounds a lot like us except our cannibalism is less actual cannibalism and more symbolic from the Ring rewarding us with the enemy's power.

Aobaru has a point. Versch is essentially in berserker/the Beast mode all the time.

You shouldn't probe this issue further though Aobaru.

Shouldn't that be reassuring Letrezia that she didn't call Aobaru stupid given her own issues with when she lapses into anime Tsundere behavior?

It's older than that by Human Sphere standards then? Interesting.

*Dominator from Psycho pass starts playing as Lord Hunger starts shadowrunning*

Simplest answer is probably correct I guess.

"But Gisena... that would be boring!" Hunger whined sarcastically as he continued Shadowrunning.

Yes. We are going to have all the Shadowruns. All of them.

Smart. Being a Chosen One sucks, as Aobaru would have found out had we gone the Long Voyage route.

When did he get that nickname? Where did it come from? What's up with that?

Breach and Clear!

Oh well. There'll be more time for shadowrunning another day.

Wow Hunger can barely contain himself can he. Or he's having issues wrangling his metaphorical sub-souls.

So it's not just a skyscraper it's the farking Tower of Babel? How did Nilfel sleep with the giant dawn/noonday sky light source?

All this for a Theme Park. The Foremost were hardcore.

Whatever new Empyrean Mantle picks we get are going to be such utter bullshit.

Was this supposed to be a reference to the Tower of Babel or something? A drill that pierces the heavens made more hardcore by more heavens being what's doing the piercing?

That's an interesting detail. Also, Hunger is wearing two cloaks at once and it is probably super gaudy and hilarious if you have the superhuman perception to notice that.

Oh well. Maybe more luck would have led to us hearing something juicy here but oh well.

I wonder where Primordial Rune stand versus Mythic Runes in terms of power levels?

It's always the Evening Sky somewhere after all. Also an altitude this high demands suitable music. *Cue the Elemental Stars music from Golden Sun*

Pink hair? Like... an older version of Louise Valliere from Familiar of Zero with blue eyes?

I guess she's as storybook cliche as she looks then?

I wonder if that would change if Hunger lost a heartlessness point or two. Or would we be the Heartlessness at that point? Who knows lol.

That is a good opening bid Adorie, and it's giving me Princess Peach flashbacks. Hunger is unfortunately, more of a fishing enthusiast, particularly fond of eating fish he has taken stupid and utterly suicidal risks to get.

I think there's some words missing in between restoration and kingdom here.

Adorie is still operating on the wrong realm of the negotiation table, luckily enough for us so we have picks.

We are a being of recklessness and greed now it seems. If we don't unlock a good end from attaining Blindsight Vampire or Seed AI level cognition we are going to die.

I've seen an angle like this before in Luv and Hate when Yurie had a crush on Colonel Steele, but nothing became of that because Steele was interested in Yuuko.

Let's not forget that the jokes are cheesy too. Mmm... cheese.

Is this degenerating into innuendo here?

Reading is fundamental! Unfortunately for you, Hunger warped his own incentive structure so he learns best from risky, stupid, and suicidal behavior.

We could always add a tower to the Pillars of Creation when/if we get it.

Excellent. I look forward to seeing how we'll be when we've actually gotten some more cognitive picks.

It may well be bloody and protracted anyways.

Not bad lol. Maybe we would have gotten more picks with a better roll but not bad.

Let's hope King of Winter makes the possibly inferior Decimation mitigation targets worth it once the benefits materialize. Also I wonder if we're going to get a Forebear interlude/flashback? We would probably have ended up in an America vs the Vietcong scenario if we had taken this with going after the Lord Protector anyways.

This is what I was pushing earlier as what it took to make our super reckless route work at least with Decimation. It might have spared us the become Blindsight Vampire smart or die conundrum we're now in. I can't complain too much though since I sold my vote.

This has been a ginormous clusterfark. That's all there is to say. Why couldn't we have just gone with the Lord Protector? Or taken the Esoteric route after I wrote up those psychology of learning 101 tactics for us? We're going to need insurance against an anti-rank monster probably or we are going to suffer for it.

Reaction Circa Pursuit to the Utmost. 1443 Words.

Ah the Temple Arc. It feels like an eternity since we've been here. And then we stumbled into a whole new temple arc by siding with the farking royalists and going to the realm of myth instead of taking the fishing contest like sensible people.

I wonder what kind of mitigation options are available for the second stage of the Geas? Also in scientific notation the length of the Geas is 937*10^27.

Unfortunately for Gisena it may well be a massive fight for her to attain the second stage of her evolution. Which is too bad given the amount of Curse mitigation we can get.

Has she got a Warframe style ephemera? I wonder which one it looks like? Corposant Prime with findross suitable colors? At least she didn't have to deal with Warframe style grinding or pay platinum to unlock it. Maybe Gisena can unlock other Ephemeras as event rewards? Maybe it's the Tenebrous Ephemera with Findross suitable colors.

And then we got metaphysically swole enough for that not to matter or we got used to it or something.

No, unfortunately I'll have to beat the special foremost theme park event to unlock it permanently, whatever that means.

To think we could have had a fishing contest like sensible people. Or slacked off to do Grace research with Gisena.

We're the supreme memetic hazard now, and only when we want to be for the bonus points. Also I wonder what the fae of Hunger's original world were like.

I suppose they were at the time. Now though we'd utterly curbstomp the lot of them barring apocryphal intervention. Also I wonder when the next time Aeria is going to be obviously relevant will be is. She may be being subtly relevant but she's not being obviously relevant and its turning into a meme.

At least we didn't vote for you to do that a second time during the Rotbeast clusterfark. We could have completely avoided that trolley problem and having to Arete spend our way out of it if people hadn't voted for the farking Rotbeast in favor of something like Lucent Thorn. There were other options too like the Ringwar and the Republic special forces.

More of the banter I've lost interest in...

Glad we got the Skyveil then, otherwise this issue would have been even worse. I wonder what bullet we dodged by taking the Skyveil before entering the Walls of Myth?

I wonder what kind of Stealthgamerbr style shenanigans we'd unlock if we had more mental stats with our edeldross?

I'm glad Gisena has Artifice now. Being a metaphysical wet blanket like that must have really farking sucked for her.

I wonder what the stage after High Sorceress is if it's not Renaissance Woman? Uber Sorceress? High Sorceress level two? Would Gisena scream like Goku on the level three evolution/going even further beyond if she went that route?

Hopefully we'll find some time to make the Aeria benefits we spent Arete on materialize if they haven't materialized yet.

I wonder if we would be able to not lose the cloak if we had more skill with our Edeldross? At least it's upgraded now.

Forty times the speed of sound. Mach 40. 30690.8 miles per hour. 8.5 miles per second. And we can go faster now. For context, the circumference of the Earth is 24,902 miles. Lord Hunger can circumnavigate the Earth in less than an hour. It's going to have to be a pretty farking big planet or another Foremost Realm for Lord Hunger to not be able to get anywhere he wants on the basis of speed within trivial time frames. It's also faster than at least one incarnation of the Flash, the one from the 2014 TV series, google suggests he runs at a mere mach 3.3.

I wonder if the symbolic correspondence with the outside is intentional or not?

They chose the path of perpetual... oh wait they aren't the Doomslayers.

I wonder if that blue is Praxis blue or a different kind of blue in hindsight. Also it's a serious pity Outer Sky and Darkness lost given the circumstances.

I'm wondering about the counterfactual scenario where we went the Fairbright route with World Defeating Stance now.

And remember, Hunger is mach 40 at this time, enough to circumnavigate the Earth in less than an hour. The Rihakuverse is ridiculous and that's a sizable chunk of why I love it.

Considering we've got rank 10+ Bloodcasting right now anything our rank isn't enough for is going to be absolutely ridiculous or have anti-rank weapons at their disposal. On another note, poor Sten. Mindbreak incoming next update.

Actual swordfighting techniques? In overpowered animu wonderland? Fabulous.

*Cue Light and Darkness from Fate Stay Night*

Having five times more power of Ruin would be pretty neat here I bet. It was enough to solo the rest of the temple after all.

I'm starting to get Adorjan vibes off Hunger. His growth isn't because he seeks growth, it's because he's running and if he stops he dies like some mix of a Katamari and Chev Chelios.

And it's a good thing Gisena did that too, we would have probably needed Magic Defeating Stance or World Defeating Stance otherwise. I and I think it was Zampano were partially right about there being something anti-ring in the containment chamber. Sten's Shadow. Thankfully we were able to fight our way around it/it turned out to be irrelevant.

Would we still make that decision if we were doing the Temple Arc as we are now? Or would we totally try and go for the metaphorical ring?

We totally would have fought Sten if this was a version of the temple scaled to our current state.

Well that's certainly become a meme at this point. Cutting through and whether or not we ever actually do that.

Sound advice that we have long since forgotten.

Remember that Lord Hunger is Mach 40 at this time. If it works like mundane wind(it probably doesn't), it may be possible to heat objects to 7727 Degrees Celsius with wind that fast if this Next Big Future article I found is indicative. (China is building a mach 40 wind tunnel to test hypersonic weapons – NextBigFuture.com)

You don't have anywhere near the right gear to pull that Sten. You're missing the Father mask, you're missing the Chaos Zweihander, you're missing the pyromantic abilities, you're missing the Giant's set of armor. Do you even have any jewelry scrub? You don't, because you're under the impression jewelry is for torturing. THE LEGEND NEVER DIES.

Evangaline is probably not a going concern anymore.

Silly Sten, this is the Rihakuverse. Stars are for striking down. You're in the wrong genre.

Evangeline's still alive? What made her durable enough to tank mach 40 winds? Was it her soul evocation or was it some kind of light of the ring shenanigans? If it got explained anywhere I've forgotten.

Very good thing his soul evocation didn't turn out to be an issue.

Ouch. Serious Ouch. Inherit the World means we don't have to worry as much about that kind of thing anymore though.

Excellent exploitation of our sword options, we haven't done that in a while. I wonder what we could do if we took it up a notch, went full Dishonored speedrunner/stealthgamerBR. Could we use the flight of our sword to block projectile attacks or other ridiculous shenanigans?

Against a lesser adversary or if we had more mental stats this seems finishing move worthy if the stealthgamerBR videos I watched are indicative.

Seriously this is great you don't get these kinds of shenigans when you're fighting Kaiju.

Impressive energy output, especially for someone in whatever weight class Hunger was back then.

And now I'm going to exploit the fark out of the stagger mechanics.

Or not? With lesser combatants or in a different genre this would be some kind of arthousey, bittersweet ending to a story. But this is the Rihakuverse.

The eagerness/contentedness makes sense if Hunger is meant to be the Forbear's current reincarnation.

It would have been farking painful but I am quite curious about the counterfactual where we lost our connection to the ring here and what it would have done to our incentive structure/doing stupid/suicidal/memelord things.

That price being getting mindbroken into the service of the Ring of Blood. I'm not sure what's worse, I think I was considering Hateful Might somewhere around this timeframe because I was extremely curious about what was in the Passion tree of the Ring of Hunger/Blood.

This one was a mess and I spent a decent amount but not strategic reserve tier levels of Omake power trying to get Hateful Might for the Passion tree. In the end it just became a consolidation vote with a mix of Knife/Fierce Quickening/Echo of the Forebear/Hero-Defeating Stance. I'm not sure what else to say about picks long passed so I'm going to stop this reaction here.
Hello Blade. If you're not too invested in the diplomacy vs war aspect, could I offer you my own swap to Burning Spirit with 3.9k words if you toss in a vote to diplomacy?

Someone else took the deal, but I'm still interested in hearing your thoughts on the plot option!
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