Adhoc vote count started by Tyrant_Rayne on Sep 9, 2020 at 2:17 PM, finished with 197 posts and 43 votes.

Poor Might :V
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Sheltering there at the bottom, without a glimpse at success. I feel bad for it, and I'm also incredibly indecisive this vote. So.
Ah, so you have chosen libel. No problem, we at New AST Times, have few questions for you:
Have you stopped beating your pet?
Are you one of those hateful people that doesn't have any religious beliefs?
Can you meet to discuss this tomorrow, or are you too busy slacking off?
When did you stop stealing from your boss?
Why do you hate Versch?
What made you stop watching TV all the time?

New AST Times, where the questions are always loaded insightful. Subscribe now for 0.1 Arete per month

if anyone has more loaded questions PM them to me plz.
Ah, so you have chosen libel. No problem, we at New AST Times, have few questions for you:
Have you stopped beating your pet?
Are you one of those hateful people that doesn't have any religious beliefs?
Can you meet to discuss this tomorrow, or are you too busy slacking off?
When did you stop stealing from your boss?
Why do you hate Versch?
What made you stop watching TV all the time?

New AST Times, where the questions are always loaded insightful. Subscribe now for 0.1 Arete per month

if anyone has more loaded questions PM them to me plz.

When did you first become a part of the dying gang?
Do you feel guilty when you vote to spend Arete you didn't contribute to generating?
You like to see Gisena banter with Hunger, don't you?
Why did you decide to break Letrizia's heart by spilling her soup?
Imagine if we'd come back when Augustine and Hunger were both kids. It'd basically be Hunger bullying his little playmate over who gets to play with the cool toys.

Hunger says "I'm gonna play with the tower now. go away."

"Well mom said things have to be fair, so if you get the tower I get your mech! Finders keepers losers weepers."

"No fair!" Hunger grabs something out of his astral toybox. "Well how about now!"
Imagine if we'd come back when Augustine and Hunger were both kids. It'd basically be Hunger bullying his little playmate over who gets to play with the cool toys.

Hunger says "I'm gonna play with the tower now. go away."

"Well mom said things have to be fair, so if you get the tower I get your mech! Finders keepers losers weepers."

"No fair!" Hunger grabs something out of his astral toybox. "Well how about now!"
High-level wizard duels share a lot of similarities with playground arguments, don't they? Nuh-uh, my spell makes me so fast I dodged it anyway!
Alright. Any more votes or discussion? I'm pretty sure this next update will involve picking the rest of your tinkertech, and I'm thinking to incentivize discussion et al by having it determine how much you get!
(Here's the latest update, if you missed it. I'm going to say you guys have earned two Bonus Points so far, one of which is @Projectile's. BP can also be earned by updating fanworks I like!)
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Hunger doesn't have it either, and yet he still managed to gain Accursed Favor..

Or will manage, provided we don't randomly die!

Random death is absolutely on the table if Augustine has anything to say about it. But hey, if we get punted by Augustine, at least we got punted by an adult. Not everyone else can say such.
"That's only to be expected," Adorie said simply. "I wish there were more I could tell you of his capabilities. The Lord Protector has always been a mysterious figure, and his Patron Spirit even more so. I'm afraid none of my followers have successfully initiated the inner circles of his... cult. He is a powerful sorcerer, but even the laws of magic don't seem to apply to him!"

Interesting. The laws of magic? That doesn't seem to indicate any specific magic so much as all the powers of myth found in Nilfel. Even more interesting is the fact that Adorie knows of those things, despite the relatively young age she was imprisoned. Did Augustine still send tutors for her sister despite her imprisonment? Presumably, the two would be able to live for centuries due to their Rank alone, let alone any interactions their bloodline or magic might have with their lifespan. Considering how quickly she's managed to unify the Realm of Myth, it's likely she wouldn't need to make her vengeance her full life's work. Might she have intended to pass on the Throne after her fight with the Shard (assuming there'd be anything left, of course)?
I wonder why people think that losing to someone that had awakened the power of the builder caste of the foremost within them would mean that you'd be incompetent.
If you can't understand the inherent hilarity of an entire faction in control of the most powerful nation in the Realm of Myth losing to a 8-year old completely unironically, I don't know what to tell you. Her age literally didn't reach the double digits. Not only was she more powerful than them, she was apparently much smarter too given her whole ruse; something easily believable given the Royalist track record so far.

Not only they lost, but they were outsmarted by an 8-year old. No amount of qualifications to that statement can ever make that less embarrassing.
Once we have finished summoning an Astral denizen, Hunger is going to be tied up in nonlethal combat and political maneuvering for quite a while. Voters should consider changing to Shelter because Versch is going to remain the LP's hostage for quite a while.

The winning option for the previous update was Oblique Means. That blurb lists what specific actions Hunger will use in order to combat the LP: Hunger will (1) "Consolidate the allied legions" and (2) "summon reinforcements via Supreme Enclosure". Once we're finished summoning reinforcements, Hunger will be spending a lot of time trying to fulfill Adorie's request. There won't be time to rescue Versch for several hours, at least. The Oblique Means blurb really emphasized the amount of time that this nonlethal combat will take:
  • "by proceeding at a slower pace
  • "it should be entirely possible to nonlethally incapacitate
  • "given enough time"

And even after the immediate fighting is settled, there is still the matter of Adorie's political allies. From two updates ago:

Many of the lords would have been our supporters have been cut down by assassins or forcibly detained. The others are besieged in their own estates.

It is almost certain that Hunger's use of Oblique Means will force him to resolve these sieges before there's any opportunity to go rescue Versch. Even with Adorie's presence allowing for additional Praxis use, Hunger will be in for several large-scale fights before any opportunity to go rescue Versch will arise. Rescuing the Royalist lords from their estates requires that we pierce multiple lines of fortification at each different location: Hunger has to get past the ring of attackers as well as the defenders' own walls and traps. That's a lot of fighting. Hunger won't be fresh when he does get around to rescuing Versch.

This is all to say that we need to evaluate each summoning option with the knowledge that Versch is going to stay in the LP's prison cell for a while longer. Oblique Means wasn't a vote to summon and then rescue, it was a vote to achieve all of Adorie's objectives first. Hunger's immediate task is to "non lethally incapacitate" the enemy, and he's capable of it but only if "given enough time."

In my mind, the astral denizen from Shelter is the clearly superior option. It prevents the need to burn additional re-rolls while the LP waffles about whether to "liquidate" Versch. Also, it eliminates the time pressure that might make Hunger gamble with his own life. We really don't have time to sleep-off the effects of being forced to go into our Ghost Form.

Most importantly, Shelter allows Hunger to focus on getting the largest number of relationship +s for Adorie. With no time pressure, he's unlikely to be forced to take the gloves off and cause unnecessary casualties.

Why is that important? It's because the winning vote of "Bring Adorie" + "Oblique Means" was the option that gives the largest default relationship bonus for the Nilfel Princess. The blurb for "Bring Adorie" says that our relationship boost can be improved if she approves of our choices & results. That means that her relationship EFB is definitely within reach. With a little effort, it is totally possible that Hunger will have a better bloodline claim to rulership than the Lord Protector does when he charges into the throne room.

(Here's a quote of Oblique Means so you can read it for yourself.)
[ ] Oblique Means. Consolidate the allied legions and summon reinforcements via Supreme Enclosure. Time is critical, but the benefits of an allied summon outweigh the substantial costs of inaction here. Some Astral being capable of re-capturing Versch or nullifying the Lord Protector's abilities would provide immense utility. Also, by proceeding at a slower pace Hunger can honor Adorie's request not to slay too many of the opposing legions. With Hunger's immense Blood Rank, it should be entirely possible to nonlethally incapacitate even such heroes as these with the Ring of Blood, given enough time. [++Adorie]

*Gives the Lord Protector even more time to prepare and/or execute his shenanigans

*But you have shenanigans of your own, and staying your hand against the legions of Nilfel could be a public relations coup for those Legions on the fence about the whole matter.

*Gisena might also be able to whip something up, though an hour is not a lot of time to work.

*The Lord Protector has you outgunned on the esoteric front, but that need not always remain the case. Given your greater direct strength, you need far fewer force multipliers than him to secure victory.
550 Words

[X] Shelter
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If you can't understand the inherent hilarity of an entire faction in control of the most powerful nation in the Realm of Myth losing to a 8-year old completely unironically, I don't know what to tell you. Her age literally didn't reach the double digits. Not only was she more powerful than them, she was apparently much smarter too given her whole ruse; something easily believable given the Royalist track record so far.

Not only they lost, but they were outsmarted by an 8-year old. No amount of qualifications to that statement can ever make that less embarrassing.

An de-limited Culture Mind might well be able to do the same even at <1 years old! One may protest that the Culture was a more advanced civilization than Nilfel, but so were the Foremost...