Another question @Academia Nut, I noticed that you gave the Xon post an insightful so that got me wondering what the main antagonist is going to be here?

Are we trying to set up on surviving another upcoming Apocalypse? Or will this be more a political quest where Outside polities are the bigger issue? What is the end goal here?
I think I'll be putting my hand in for the wildest of wildcard starts. The weirder our starting conditions, the more interesting I think they'll be, even if they're not optimized.

[X] Chaos is not Random
-[X] [Terr] Scavengers of the Titans' Bones
-[X] [Tech] Patron Spirit
-[X] [Cha] Unclaimed Ruins
-[X] [Adv] Chaos (2 random advantages, 1 extra local challenge)

Every one of these choices, to me, presented the highest variability, and the greatest chance of ending up with something I would enjoy exploring as a quest. The extra elements, even with no control over them, only add more color to our starting conditions, and more uniqueness to their particular brand of 'human culture'.
Some particular synergies of note:

Artifice/+Resources/+Personal Prowess: The point of a tool is to enhance it's wielder's effectiveness. Effective wielders only become more effective, and effective tools only compound this benefit.

Grafting OR Binding/Mountains OR Seas/Beasts: Take the already fearsome challenge beasts of the region and ramp them up to eleven. Then graft their eleven-bits to you, or tame them.

Alchemy/Desert/Toxic Terrain/+Essence: Take the desert's already toxic terrain and make it even more toxic, which means it has even more exotic power-ups waiting to be distilled into potions and creams.

Geomancy/+Organization/+Defense/+Essence: Geomancy, by it's description, is the most naturally-defensive type of enhancement. More organized and/or more defensible places can easily make up for any loss of personal prowess in other choices with complex rituals being easier to engage in with a defined organization to run them.

RISKY: Patron Spirits/Titan Bones/Mad Spirits: Mad Spirits provides a power buff and a mental stability nerf to the peoples' patron spirits, who are themselves god-dreams given form which is already a significant strength boost, making them less reliable, but significantly more powerful and knowledgeable.
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Sep 1, 2020 at 1:16 AM, finished with 55 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] [Terr] Scavengers of the Titans' Bones
    [X] [Adv] Essence Spring (+Essence, +Food)
    [X][Tech] Xenografting
    [X] [Cha] Unclaimed Ruins
    [X] [Cha] Ferocious Beasts
    [X] Plan Yo-Ho-Ho, A Pirate's Life for Me!
    -[X] [Terr] Storm Riders of the Savage Seas
    -[X] [Tech] Beast Binding
    -[X] [Cha] Unclaimed Ruins
    -[X] [Adv] Chaos (2 random advantages, 1 extra local challenge)
    [X] [Adv] Local Militias (+Organization, +Personal Prowess)
    [X] [Terr] Hunters of the Hungry Jungles
    [X] [Tech] Beast Binding
    [X] [Adv] Chaos (2 random advantages, 1 extra local challenge)
    [X] [Tech] Geomancy
    [X] Plan Dragonriders of Ymaryn!
    -[X] [Terr] Cave Dwellers of the High Mountains
    -[X] [Tech] Beast Binding
    -[X] [Cha] Ferocious Beasts
    -[X] [Adv] Local Militias (+Organization, +Personal Prowess)
    [X] Plan We shall turn this desert wasteland into a holy land!!!
    -[X] [Terr] Oasis Farmers of the Desert Wastes
    -[X] [Tech] Geomancy
    -[X] [Cha] Toxic Terrain
    -[X] [Adv] Local Militias (+Organization, +Personal Prowess)
    [X] Plan Dragonriders of Ymaryn!
    -[X] [Terr] Cave Dwellers of the High Mountains
    -[X] [Tech] Beast Binding
    -[X] [Cha] Ferocious Beasts
    -[X] [Adv] Local Militias (+Organization, +Personal Prowess)
    [X] [Terr] Oasis Farmers of the Desert Wastes
    [X] Plan Home of Elders
    -[X] [Terr] Scavengers of the Titans' Bones
    -[X][Tech] Xenografting
    -[X] [Cha] Unclaimed Ruins
    -[X] [Adv] Safe Settlement (++Organization, +Food, -Personal Prowess)
    [X] [Cha] Mad Spirits
    [X] Chaos is not Random
    -[X] [Terr] Scavengers of the Titans' Bones
    -[X] [Tech] Patron Spirit
    -[X] [Cha] Unclaimed Ruins
    -[X] [Adv] Chaos (2 random advantages, 1 extra local challenge)
[X] [Terr] Scavengers of the Titans' Bones
[X] [Tech] Xenografting
[x] [Cha] Ferocious Beasts
[X] [Adv] Essence Spring (+Essence, +Food)

Bungie's plan.
Grafting ++essence, dangerous beasts living in the corpses of gods sounds rather interesting.
[X] [Terr] Scavengers of the Titans' Bones
[X] [Tech] Xenografting
[x] [Cha] Ferocious Beasts
[X] [Adv] Essence Spring (+Essence, +Food)
[X] [Terr] Scavengers of the Titans' Bones
[X] [Tech] Xenografting
[X] [Cha] Unclaimed Ruins
[X] [Adv] Essence Spring (+Essence, +Food)
[X] Plan We shall turn this desert wasteland into a holy land!!!
-[X] [Terr] Oasis Farmers of the Desert Wastes
-[X] [Tech] Geomancy
-[X] [Cha] Toxic Terrain
-[X] [Adv] Local Militias (+Organization, +Personal Prowess)
[X] [Terr] Scavengers of the Titans' Bones
[X] [Tech] Xenografting
[X] [Cha] Ferocious Beasts
[X] [Adv] Essence Spring (+Essence, +Food)
[X] Plan Yo-Ho-Ho, A Pirate's Life for Me!
[X] Plan Dragonriders of Ymaryn!

Couldn't decide which of these two I wanted, so I went with both.
For when "has science gone too far" is more of a goal than a rhetorical question.
Yeeeeeeeeeeep. Titans' Bones + Xenografting + Ferocious Beasts + Essence Spring is something I think is quite possibly a four times synergy on Xenocrafting by just going full hog on the thought of stapling weird freaky awesome eldritch tissue of great power too yourself.

Xenografting synergizes with Ferocious Beasts, and Essence Spring is something we control that makes them more powerful and thus the grafts more powerful. This is all on top of it happening in the corpse of a dead god which is also somewhat harvestable going by the description and also forms a really cool backdrop.
[X] [Terr] Scavengers of the Titans' Bones
[X] [Tech] Xenografting
[X] [Cha] Ferocious Beasts
[X] [Adv] Essence Spring (+Essence, +Food)
So allow me to deposit an argument in favour the Pirate's Life plan: Adorable sea turtles

Specifically, with the combination of Beast Binding and Savage Seas, there's a real chance a hero of ours would ride around on a giant turtle, going on adventures, gulping down our enemies and getting adorable neck scratches as rewards for a job well done.

Now, I know what you're thinking: But Omegahugger, it says Beast Binding. I need our heroes to bind themselves to something monstrous, something to match the terrors of the depths with, that strikes fear into the hearts of all that oppose us.

To which I say, well
Last edited:
[x] [Tech] Beast Binding
[x] [Cha] Ferocious Beasts
[x] [Adv] Chaos (2 random advantages, 1 extra local challenge)
[X] [Terr] Oasis Farmers of the Desert Wastes
[X] [Tech] Geomancy
[X] [Cha] Ferocious Beasts
[X] [Adv] Rich Soil (++Food)
[X] [Terr] Scavengers of the Titans' Bones
[X] [Tech] Xenografting
[X] [Cha] Unclaimed Ruins
[X] [Adv] Essence Spring (+Essence, +Food)
[X] [Terr] Oasis Farmers of the Desert Wastes
[X] [Tech] Geomancy
[X] [Cha] Toxic Terrain
[X] [Adv] Intact Archives (Random bonus tech)