After so many nail-biting, edge-of-our-seat fights, don't we deserve a simple and satisfying win? If the Apocryphal Curse does strike, Lord of Stalks' lower initial difficulty means less material for it to work with. Also, it stands to be a cool scene in its own right. Imagine Hunger brushing past Venitari's defenses and cutting down the tyrant, all his paranoia and preparations rendered dust in the wind. Consider what thoughts might occupy those final moments, the sheer dismay and disbelief as he realizes that in the end he was but a frog in a well, and Hunger the Empyrean Sky shining down. Sometimes, you just want to blast the curbstomp song.
Besides, are we really going to vote against a Pratchett reference?
Besides, are we really going to vote against a Pratchett reference?