[X] Leader Of Men
- [X] (20) Strategies and Tactics (Intelligence)
- [X] (20) Battle Analysis (Intelligence)
- [X] (5) Problem Solving (Intelligence)
- [X] (5) Logic (Intelligence)
- [X] (10) Politics (Knowledge)
- [X] (10) Persuasion (Charisma)
- [X] (10) Negotiation (Charisma)
- [X] (10) Information Gathering (Charisma)
- [X] (5) Deception (Charisma)
- [X] (5) Teaching (Knowledge)
- [X] (10) Presenting (Charisma)
- [X] (5) Gambling (Luck)
- [X] (5) Managing (Charisma)
- [X] (20) Leadership (Charisma)
- [X] (10) Future Sight (Will)
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Black King on Aug 15, 2020 at 8:34 PM, finished with 9 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Leader Of Men
    - [X] (20) Strategies and Tactics (Intelligence)
    - [X] (20) Battle Analysis (Intelligence)
    - [X] (5) Problem Solving (Intelligence)
    - [X] (5) Logic (Intelligence)
    - [X] (10) Politics (Knowledge)
    - [X] (10) Persuasion (Charisma)
    - [X] (10) Negotiation (Charisma)
    - [X] (10) Information Gathering (Charisma)
    - [X] (5) Deception (Charisma)
    - [X] (5) Teaching (Knowledge)
    - [X] (10) Presenting (Charisma)
    - [X] (5) Gambling (Luck)
    - [X] (5) Managing (Charisma)
    - [X] (20) Leadership (Charisma)
    - [X] (10) Future Sight (Will)
    [X] Leader Of Men
Race Customization - Final
Race: Human
Class: Leader
Name: ? (Default is Robert)
Strength: 30
Durability: 30
Endurance: 30
Agility: 20
Precision: 20
Dexterity: 20
Speed: 30
Will: 100
Health: 70
Energy: 50
Intelligence: 100
Knowledge: 100
Charisma: 100 (+100)
Appearance: 100
Luck: 50

Powers: Cult of Personality (25), True Charisma (25), Intelligent Efficiency (10), Future Sight (10), General's Presence (5), Battle Intelligence (5)

Weaknesses: Stubborn (10), Pride (10), Honor Code (10)

Skills: Strategies and Tactics (20), Battle Analysis (20), Problem Solving (5), Logic (5), Politics (10), Persuasion (10), Negotiation (10), Information Gathering (10), Deception (5), Teaching (5), Presenting (10), Gambling (5), Managing (5), Leadership (20), Future Sight (10)

Do you want to change your name from Robert?
[] Yes (write-in new name)
[] No

And what are your goals?
[] To unite the 5 races
[] Peace
[] To have Humans be the top race in this world
[] Unknown, for now it's just having fun...
[] Write-In
[X] Yes: Alphonse

I just like the name.

[X] Peace

By any means necesary...

[X] Unknown, for now it's just having fun...

And then we'll see what happens.
[X] No
[X] To unite the 5 races
[X] To have Humans be the top race in this world
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Black King on Aug 16, 2020 at 2:40 PM, finished with 11 posts and 11 votes.
Character Information
Race: Human
Class: Leader
Name: Robert

Strength: 30
Durability: 30
Endurance: 30
Agility: 20
Precision: 20
Dexterity: 20
Speed: 30
Will: 100
Health: 70
Energy: 50
Intelligence: 100
Knowledge: 100
Charisma: 100 (+100)
Appearance: 100
Luck: 50

Powers: Cult of Personality (25), True Charisma (25), Intelligent Efficiency (10), Future Sight (10), General's Presence (5), Battle Intelligence (5)

Weaknesses: Stubborn (10), Pride (10), Honor Code (10)

Skills: Strategies and Tactics (100), Battle Analysis (100), Problem Solving (50), Logic (50), Politics (100), Persuasion (100), Negotiation (100), Information Gathering (100), Deception (50), Teaching (50), Presenting (100), Gambling (50), Managing (50), Leadership (100), Future Sight (100), 300 points TBD.
Last edited:
The Journey Begins
"Arise Robert." Speaks the King, an older man with dark skin and long, braided hair. Robert listens to hi royalties orders and moves from kneeling on the cold hard, albeit marble floor, to standing in front of the most powerful man in his race, at least politically speaking.

"Yes, My King." Robert stands in the royal palace, inside the royal city, home of the nobles and the (extended) royal family. It's an honor that few receive, and even fewer seek out, or know what to do with. But Robert has a goal, a reason to be here, and he'd need the King's aid one way or another. His goal is lofty, his goal is grand, and most of all, it is impossible without the help of the Elite. And none are more Elite than the King.

"So tell me again, Young Robert, what is it that you want?"

[] "To unite The 5 Races"
[] "Your Best Soldiers"
[] "Permission to Court your daughter"
[] "The aid of your sons on a dangerous mission"
[] "Resources"
[] Write-In