Uhhh, I wouldn't bet on 7 Arete options giving equivalent power to a Special Advancement that required 75 Arete in purchases. Saying we can pivot into a stats build this time of all times feels quite optimistic to say the least. Especially when the Threefold build wasn't a stomp like Once and Future, and instead just gave "decent" odds. I don't think the super-budget version of that is going to be in any way competitive, while still costing us 21 Arete! It's a nice thing to go for certainly, but we have better priorities right now. At least Entrench has a chance to get a synergistic EFB...
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You know what's likely to give picks though... a conflict with the Tower itself! Cut Through now and improve your chances of securing Once and Future before the really serious conflict(s) begin!
Uhhh, I wouldn't bet on 7 Arete options giving equivalent power to a Special Advancement that required 75 Arete in purchases. Saying we can pivot into a stats build this time of all times feels quite optimistic to say the least. Especially when the Threefold build wasn't a stop like Once and Future, and instead just gave "decent" odds. I don't think the super-budget version of that is going to be in any way competitive, while still costing us 21 Arete! It's a nice thing to go for certainly, but we have better priorities right now. At least Entrench has a chance to get a synergistic EFB...

Blurb for Threefold

[ ] Threefold - Triple the wielder's AGI, MIGHT, WITS, PROT and CHA. They automatically win contests of primacy involving their Artifacts, but may never expand their panoply beyond these three items of power. This does not stop them from integrating expansions into their items, such as Silver of Evening or Outer Sky.
Let's say this is a 200% Boost, 3 of which are to physical stats.

Let's get True Vigorflame in here for comparison.

[ ] True Vigorflame - [7 Arete] - Vigorflame is treated as a 25-Arete Element. Grants +70% to Physical Attributes and scales upward without limit. Can eventually elevate targets by fractional amounts along the Infinite Singularity Husk. Can be safely imbued into targets for extended durations (up to one day). Causes targeted substances to explode if overloaded. This can't be resisted and works on substances with conceptual or abstract parameters, though training and practice are required to utilize this effectively.

Aobaru's buffs mean we need 130% total gain spread across our training(Effectiveness boosted by 1450% minimum) and Aobaru's training (200% Boosted) to match threefold in the physical realm with basic Edeldross Enhancement ignoring debuffs(145% with debuffs accounted for), along with getting a sizable chunk of threefolds WITS/PROT/CHA benefits. Lower for Advanced Edeldross Enhancement.

This isn't a 7 Arete benefit in a vacuum. It's a 7 Arete benefit we laid a lot of groundwork for to turn it into something completely ridiculous. With Silver of Evening(25 Arete for the original version) and ADS(Total value of the benefit across all 4 stance components = 28 Arete), we would have spent 53 Effective Arete turning Philosopher's Wreath into a WTF tier singularity through the power of 2 Syngergistic EFBS. Add another 7 for Aobaru and that's 60 Arete/2 Synergistic EFBS on our side and 1 synergistic EFB on his side. Adding on the 7 Arete price tag for PW itself and it's a capstone for 67 Arete worth of spending.

Edit: I forgot about Edeldross itself. That was a 7 Arete advancement.

So. Synergistic Advancements with Philosopher's Wreath and their Arete Values

7 Arete = Edeldross
25 Arete = Silver of Evening(Originally)
28 Arete = All Defeating Stance(If bought fully as opposed to individual 7 Arete stance components)
7 Arete = Aobaru's True Vigorflame
67 Arete, and if you add in the cost of PW itself, it's the capstone for 74 Arete worth of spending.
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Is it really that changing money is a lifehack? Does the non-legitimacy of money cancel out the non-legitimacy of borders, so he lost nothing of value? We should default to throwing money around if this is generalizable. Unfortunately, in this place, we have three kids and no money, rather than no kids and three money. Maybe we should make more to avoid Tyrant procs?

Kids, or money?
Thing is, those "decent" odds already had Vigorflame's and Max Edeldross usage boost factored in. We are going to need to make up a 200% stats boost while we already know that Edeldross magnitude boost get exponentially harder with each increase. We aren't going to get that in ~2 weeks, not without some insane risks to actually make use of our boosted progression. It's way better to take the out we are actually offered here.
Basically, researching graces attains parity with the gifts of the Ring of Hunger if we get ADS+PW. Before we undergo the intelligence explosion. Depending on how PW and Hunger interact, the Edeldross gifts we get from conflict with stakes become even more ridiculous. 2450 - 2675 % Total development boost for additive. 14,500 - 16750% if by some unholy miracle it's multiplicative. Before the singularity.
Select one magic system which you have personally encountered and which is no greater than the Noble Praxis. You may use that system to the limits of your Intelligence or applicable Attributes, developing any appropriate qualities within reason, but this may no more than double your overall advancement.
Doubt we will be allowed a singularity. At most we will get 200% boost to our advancement which is not bad but far from the singularity you have been dreaming of

[X] Entrench
[X] Save
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Fumbles on Aug 3, 2020 at 10:41 PM, finished with 235 posts and 41 votes.
Thing is, those "decent" odds already had Vigorflame's and Max Edeldross usage boost factored in. We are going to need to make up a 200% stats boost while we already know that Edeldross magnitude boost get exponentially harder with each increase. We aren't going to get that in ~2 weeks, not without some insane risks to actually make use of our boosted progression. It's way better to take the out we are actually offered here.
Edit: Redacted. I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention to the discord channels when I was searching for information.

Doubt we will be allowed a singularity. At most we will get 200% boost to our advancement which is not bad but far from the singularity you have been dreaming of

I think you're operating on the wrong clause of the blurb.

Select one magic system which you have personally encountered and which is no greater than the Noble Praxis. You may use that system to the limits of your Intelligence or applicable Attributes, developing any appropriate qualities within reason, but this may no more than double your overall advancement. Alternatively, you may improve an existing magic you possess under the same conditions, hastening your rate of advancement in that art by [Intelligence x 100%] and substantially increasing both the variety and the conceptual potency of effects available to it.
Any quality given to you by philosopher's wreath to initiate into a system cannot do more than double your overall advancement. I am operating under the impression this means qualities you give yourself to initiate into a system using Philosopher's Wreath cannot do more than double your overall advancement, and that the system can't be greater than the noble praxis.

However, the "under the same conditions" part makes it a valid semantic question in the second clause. Why would there be a 100% times intelligence training multiplier if there was a cap? I currently think the "under the same conditions" part means the magic system can't be better than the Noble Praxis.

@Rihaku care to weigh in on this?
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Close vote, it's almost time to sell votes 👀

Though only the Scenic Route offers the ability to maybe get some fishing info/equipment.

[X] The Scenic Route
[X] Become All-Defeating
Close vote, it's almost time to sell votes 👀

Though only the Scenic Route offers the ability to maybe get some fishing info/equipment.

[X] The Scenic Route
[X] Become All-Defeating

Personally, I don't expect to see demand for mercenary votes rise for another 12 hours or so...

My vote is cheap this round. I'll change my vote & post 1000 words of analysis in exchange for 1 marker that I don't currently own
The Realms of Myth are quite far from the parts of the Voyaging Realm easily accessible to/from the Human Sphere... you guys haven't seen too much of the particulars, but would you be interested in staying here for a prolonged period of time, or are you keen to visit the Human Sphere properly? Letrizia may become increasingly impatient if you do not complete your escort mission, but there are many ways that could be achieved either without Hunger's personal intervention or with only a relatively brief trip. And you do now have more experience in governmental design. Migrating either the Temple civ or the Sovereignty behind the Walls of Myth would save them from the capriciousness of the Voyaging Realm and give them a stable base from which to grow their power! Though you'd have to find a way to migrate the Springs as well...
The Realms of Myth are quite far from the parts of the Voyaging Realm easily accessible to/from the Human Sphere... you guys haven't seen too much of the particulars, but would you be interested in staying here for a prolonged period of time, or are you keen to visit the Human Sphere properly? Letrizia may become increasingly impatient if you do not complete your escort mission, but there are many ways that could be achieved either without Hunger's personal intervention or with only a relatively brief trip. And you do now have more experience in governmental design. Migrating either the Temple civ or the Sovereignty behind the Walls of Myth would save them from the capriciousness of the Voyaging Realm and give them a stable base from which to grow their power! Though you'd have to find a way to migrate the Springs as well...
If I tell you that I think it's time to head to the Human Sphere, don't trust me. I said that twice before and was immediately distracted by shiny. And with Sky stuff, runed walls, and such a huge magic civilization, there's lots of shiny around.

I don't expect it'd be simple to take the the Elixir Kingdom and push it somewhere else*, but maybe? I don't actually feel enough responsibility towards the Temple to do the same for them.

That said, I think it's time for us to go the the Human Spehre after this.

*Edit: Dammit Rah lol
I want to head to the Human Sphere ASAP. Ideally I'd like to go gather information on it after we are done with Tower and then leave once we've thrashed Bearic.
would you be interested in staying here for a prolonged period of time
yes, yes, a thousand times yes.

Voyaging Realm is very cool and it would be great if we could stop knocking over anthills and have an interaction with the natives that doesn't result in colonialism or conquest...
My power shall know no limit, and find no cease. The Advancement Memory is mostly complete, up The Shadow of Nilfel. It's only lacking Praxis picks (which I felt deserve their own sheet and which I simply don't feel like making right now), feats (which don't ever do anything besides unlock things and add internal Rank), and maybe any advancements that weren't in the threadmarks, like Patreon exclusive ones. If you notice something's missing, or are willing to help me figure out which advancements we have and do not have and which ones are locked or unlocked, please ping and/or leave a comment on the spreadsheet.