[X] Sky Veil
[X] Agents of the Throne

Ok, I guess I'll switch now, no point in waffling anymore. It's a difficult choice, but in the end I don't want Hunger to wear perception filters. Or even rely on Aeira for them. What if she can perceive whatever her shadow touches and still gets full exposure?! I fear for our purity, whatever is left of it.

Wait. It says stealth and disguise powers. We're heading into a mythical kingdom. Is it possible- can we maybe-

That's right. An unprecedented opportunity awaits. We've thought it was lost to us after AST 0, but we could once again pretend to be an Elven Lord!
People are switching, but we haven't even seen Rihaku go all-in on tearing Honing down yet! I can't switch until I've seen his work and hate Honing with every fiber of my being.
People are switching, but we haven't even seen Rihaku go all-in on tearing Honing down yet! I can't switch until I've seen his work and hate Honing with every fiber of my being.
Just imagine the feeling of his Devil Advocacy Technique crushing your hopes and dreams and spare him the effort. Besides, he'd already argued for the Charisma options:
Indeed, you may find it far less problematic than cheaper options down the line... you get what you pay for, after all!
You can hang out with them, they'll just think you're really cool! And perhaps be obsessed with you to a scarily unhealthy degree!
One critical thing to note here is you don't know how many build votes you're going to get before encountering enemies or neutral parties from the Realm of Myth. It may be wise to acquire one of Skyveil or Halo, committing to your strategy, before that becomes the case. Hunger's Charisma is something that needs to be addressed, whether by embracing it or selectively muting it. To simply procrastinate on the matter is potentially reckless.

Is Hunger prepared to take responsibility for the possible collateral damage his unconstrained presence may cause as his CHA naturally reaches ever-higher heights? If not, Skyveil would be a prudent choice. Similarly, if Hunger wants to lean into his CHA and find some way to alter it so as to minimize the negative consequences thereof, Vanquisher Halo should be considered. While Honing is useful in the event that he encounters a combat check, it would not be useful in something like a social encounter.
No, because acceptance includes a mitigation strategy down the line. This would simply be moral irresponsibility!
Another thing to consider: the ability to disguise the Evening Sky, your most prominent artifact when the Ring isn't flaring, may be crucial to further disguises!
Interesting how many voters are choosing to leave the problem of Hunger's focus this update unaddressed... is that wise?
Either of the 7 Arete options has much to offer for that purpose, and successful navigation of a social encounter may allow you navigate past enemies that would otherwise be extremely challenging even for a Hunger with Honing! There are certainly foes of formidable physical strength but lacking in social or mental defenses.

Indeed, and unlocking the powers of Stealth in general offers much versatility!
Quite extensively, in fact, now that I look at it. And repeating those arguments would be quite gauche!
Just imagine the feeling of his Devil Advocacy Technique crushing your hopes and dreams and spare him the effort. Besides, he'd already argued for the Charisma options:

Quite extensively, in fact, now that I look at it. And repeating those arguments would be quite gauche!
Emphasizing how good the other options are doesn't crush my hopes and dreams the same way, though. I want to regret ever thinking it was a good idea to get more Wits! I guess I'll have to do it myself.

Wits is the pits. Spits on that ditz. Gets no real hits.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Projectile on Aug 1, 2020 at 6:03 PM, finished with 277 posts and 49 votes.
Looks like the build portion of the vote has tightened up substantially. Honing, Halo and Veil are separated by a scarce few votes! A few strategic flips could turn the momentum towards another side...

I do think the benefits of Regimentation and Without Form are being overlooked, however. The consequences of Agents are not just a halfway mark between Without Form and Regimentation; it's not so much a compromise option as a different paradigm of governance! Whereas Without Form relies on soft power and incentives and Regimentation harnesses the power of the state, Agents explicitly creates a sharp, two-level distinction between those Elementalists sponsored by the Crown and those on their own. Such division allows Elementalists to choose their path - power versus freedom - but may also incite resentment in those who fail to make the cut for the former, or even in those who, free of strictures, might have had the ability to pursue both.

Meanwhile, Without Form generates almost no resentment at the price of somewhat increased risk, whereas Regimentation applies an equally restrictive standard to all Elementalists (and equal testing to be free of those restrictions, except for the highest levels which are reserved for those truly loyal to the throne...). Still, Regimentation's granular layers are likely to disperse the resentment that Throne Agents' bright line would exacerbate. Teams of powerful operatives are certainly useful, but take care that you actually receive benefits at least somewhat commensurate with Hunger's expended time!
I'm a Honing Voter who will sell his vote. That's basically two votes for whoever wants to buy it for one of the other options. I'll take highest bidder. Minimum cost is one marker with veto but you can't veto any vote I choose that is about fishing.
Treasures numbering three,
Ought hero's panoply be.
Crown, Saber and Orb,
Shield, Symbol and Sword,
Blade, Mantle and Ring;
Aloft to murder a king.
Little did Hunger know that this was only the first verse of the popular nursery rhyme. The Elixir Sovereignty's Preschool has corrected this error. Indoctrination should start young, after all.

Fanwork#223 Words of poetry.

Style changes sharply here! For best results, recite at 240 BPM.

Hunger's Theme Song
*Deep Breath* Ohhhhh theeeee

Ring of the King is the thing with the zing.

Finger-bling, encircling, Ennobling everything.

Puts a spring in running and a swing in your wing.

Reckoning, devouring, challenging, flourishing.

The band "kling", the gem "ding", red reigning, we all sing.

And the Ring of the King, it goes "shing?" No!

*Deep breath* Ohhhhhh theeeeee

Sword of the Lord cut a ford through the horde.

The beast roared, the blade scored, the man soared, flew towards.

Fiend explored, smog endured, sword deplored, foe unmoored.

Line endured, home secured, rot was cured, blade was stored.

We adored, we implored; he abhorred his reward*.

And the Sword of the Lord, it allured? No!

*Deep breath* Ohhhhhh theeeeeeeeeee

Sky of his High-ness is nigh-tin July.

Makes a guy want to cry; there's no dry in my eye.

Who am I? Butterfly, a magi, stars untie.

Ground deny, wings to fly, danger nigh, fears defy.

Live and try, tell no lie, breathe a sigh, never die.

And the Ring is the King and the Sword is the Lord and the Sky is up high, goodbye!

*I'm actually really proud of that line.
[X] Sky Veil
[X] Without Form

Since the echoes of our collective Forebear are evidently judged unsatisfactory by the thread, thinly veiled skies are now instead what i seek!
[X] Vanquisher Halo
[X] Honing
[X] Agents of the Throne

I'd still rather get Honing but I like Halo better than Veil so for now I'm tactical voting for it.
[X] Vanquisher Halo
[X] Agents of the Throne

Everything is getting tighter, looks like my easy hone and go home strategy needs re-evaluating.

So with that in mind, between the big spenders I'm more partial to embracing our splendor. Or rather, having our splendor be embraced by everyone else.

Especially because it has the subtle tacked on +1 echo, which we still need to unlock the big echo purchase.

Also, Halo seems to be a theme of some sort, and the halos we have seen have all been sweet. In that vein I wouldn't mind starting down this path and seeing where it leads.

(In the final hours I am prepared to back-stab and return to honing, shhh don't tell anyone)
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[X] Sky Veil
[X] Agents of the Throne

Switching back to Sky Veil. Well I don't care much about which advancement wins as long as we don't double down on reducing the people around us to mindless fanatics. I'm sure it won't be interesting to see what people get up to in our name and to further what they see as our agendas, no sir.
There are clear surface-level similarities between having massive charisma and bearing the Plenary Brand. Makes me wonder if we can blast ideas (more refined than "look how cool I am") at people the way Plenary blasts abilities and weaknesses. Very loud telepathy. "Meet me at the library at 7," he auraed charismatically.
Remind me again why?

I'm getting tired of racing for 25-Arete upgrades to the point where all the little stuff gets overlooked.

Its guaranteed to ensure we win against Ber. We can probably still win with multiple 7 Arete choices but the total cost for all those picks would be higher than the 24 for OaF.
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There are clear surface-level similarities between having massive charisma and bearing the Plenary Brand. Makes me wonder if we can blast ideas (more refined than "look how cool I am") at people the way Plenary blasts abilities and weaknesses. Very loud telepathy. "Meet me at the library at 7," he auraed charismatically.

You could also look into ways of increasing your Manipulation to control your rampant Charisma! But that would be considerably more expensive given just how vast your Charisma has now become...