yep! just hit someone up in messages and get them to buy and redeem markers from you every now and then as needed
It should definitely affect what people value future markers at.

It's okay, you just have to buy and sell Level 2 Markers! What are Level 2 Markers, you ask? They've been elevated one stage along the Infinite Marker Husk, and thus trump utterly the powers of lesser markers!
Would you be OK if I reserve a Veto for this vote only and then treat it as a no-veto marker from now on? Then future wagers with me will always specify that markers are veto-free.

@Aabcehmu: same request. If you both object then we'll just say no veto at all.

I'm fine with this.

lol. I realized that I had a lot of argument power but didn't have a veto. My thought was that I could get someone to buy my vote for this update, which would lock me into a contract & prevent marker activation. In exchange I'd offer a marker for 2K words of omake power, deployable whenever the purchaser and I happen to agree on a vote.

Would you be willing to promise to use one of my markers at or before the end of the Tower arc? If so, I'd be willing to take this deal for that in lieu of the 2K words of omake power.
Wouldn't such a system basically make markers worthless? You could just sell your vote for free to a conspirator for every vote you're invested in.
Honestly, I hadn't thought far enough to universalize the concept. The half-sentence fragment was from a draft that obviously hadn't been written to completion.

On consideration, you're right. Such a practice would undermine the vote economy and ultimately defeat itself. I'll be more thoughtful about what kind of manipulation I engage in in the future.

(When I went to see if we'd specified vetoes, I also noticed that the payment wasn't specified so I could've paid both of my creditors with runeblue tokens instead of the Zampano tokens that were what a good-faith interpretation would've accepted.)
I don't know much about vote trading, but I'll dip my toe in. I am willing to give Level 0 Markers to anyone who votes for Laissez-faire. Level 0 Markers are useless, you cannot use them to change my voting behavior, or in any other way, but I will permit you to write that I owe you a Level 0 Marker in your signature. :s
Would you be willing to promise to use one of my markers at or before the end of the Tower arc? If so, I'd be willing to take this deal for that in lieu of the 2K words of omake power.
I'll promise to use a token during this arc, but I don't need you to buy my vote. @LordOfMurder pointed out that such a conspiracy is essentially bad-faith retraction of sold vote markers, which I don't want to do.

I was mostly freaking out about being in debt for the first time. It was a lapse in judgment that I won't repeat.
I don't know much about vote trading, but I'll dip my toe in. I am willing to give Level 0 Markers to anyone who votes for Laissez-faire. Level 0 Markers are useless, you cannot use them to change my voting behavior, or in any other way, but I will permit you to write that I owe you a Level 0 Marker in your signature. :s


[X] Laissez-faire
[X] The Walls of Myth
[X] Feat: Crown
[X] Laissez-faire
[X] The Walls of Myth
[X] Honing (2 Arete)

On further reflection I think my preference for Crown was greedy, so I'll go for this and we can get a glimpse at further Blood advancements and witness high magics
Nah, I feel you. I too am in debt for the first time and (though I realise my attempts at doing so have been very subtle :V) am trying my utmost to wiggle my way out.
I'll give you 2 runeblue markers in exchange for your 1 Zampano marker and 1 Talace marker

(if you confirm that Talace's marker is tradable)
I'll give you 2 runeblue markers in exchange for your 1 Zampano marker and 1 Talace marker

(if you confirm that Talace's marker is tradable)

Talace is the other person I owe markers to so I have nothing to sell from him. That said, if I'm not providing a worthwhile service, I don't want you to feel as though you need to accommodate my desire to escape so feel free to keep them for as long as you like. I knew what I was doing when I bought those markers and will try to wheel and deal my way out of them fair and square.
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I still think Intervention+Stranglethorn+Walls of Myth is the best choice.

Between Intervention and Walls of Myth, we get quite a few updates before Tower. Possibly just as many as Be the Change depending on how long Walls takes! Furthermore, the updates we get will be way more interesting then government reforms, causing greater Arete generation. We can get Stranglethorn and OaF before reaching the tower, giving us guaranteed safety against Ber and enough power to make Tower significantly safer.

I know people like Crown, personally I'd rather use the Arete for something else. Crown doesn't fix our Ber problem, we'd need both Crown and OaF to do that, and why not just take the safer route of getting OaF first? And I don't want to start another Trinity, especially one of feats. I already dislike feats for eating picks and Arete and giving us nothing but a slightly larger number in return. And this one costs 3 picks and 12 Arete! If the others come with similar costs, that's going to be quite a problem, we have many many things competing for our picks and Arete already. Adding more, especially ones as boring as feats, is just... Ugh.

Keep in mind, we have a lot to do already! We need to fill our two panoply slots, get Ruling Ring finally (because if we don't get it Apocryphal-chan is going to have the other guy trigger the contest of primacy and we'll be in a bad position, you know she'll do it eventually), get ADS, develop Graces for Edeldross, go to the Human Sphere sometime... Do we want to add even more to that plate? Be the Change and Crown commit us to not only looking after a nation, but also getting those remaining two feats.

We have too many things to do already and also have too many things to spend Arete on already, we do not need to add more to both of those for 0.5 rank! Especially when we can get 1.8 rank by just continuing with the previous plan!
Nah, Talace is the other person I owe markers to so I have nothing to sell. That said, if I'm not providing a worthwhile service, I don't want you to feel as though you need to accommodate my desire to escape so feel free to keep them for as long as you like. I knew what I was doing when I bought those markers and will try to wheel and deal my way out of them fair and square.
1. whoops. You even marked it down under "debts." I should stop trying to play the quest while I have real work open.

2. I thought I was going to use markers to buy a new magic system, but the votes just haven't worked that way. Probably should've gone all-in on Threefold. Promising to use a marker might help me overcome the inertia that has twice (!) prevented me from spending when it could've made a difference.
[X] Be the Change
[X] Feat: Crown

I'm picking this because I really like the idea of Hunger finally fulfilling his heroic role. Actually running a nation sounds pretty tedious but given past experience with this sort of thing I think we'll race through that relatively quickly. I also think the unlocked defining advancement will be really good.

[X] The Walls of Myth

This seems like a fun and interesting sidequest. Also gives us more time to power up before things get crazy.


Two risks here.

First, we'll reach the tower right as Decimation kicks back in again. Here is what we were told last time:

I will say that the Decimator's Affliction does not necessarily provoke people to attack you - they have to figure out that you're the source first, the speed of which depends on a number of factions including the sophistication of their civilization. And by the time they've determined that, you may have mitigated the Affliction in a way that transfers the costs elsewhere.

A 10% per year decimation that only lasts a week or two won't have much of an impact. Letrizia never seemed concerned with anything or anyone sensing Versch's decimation and coming to kill her/it. Our aura is much bigger now, meaning orders of magnitude beings will be paying attention, but between our location at the literal edge of the world and the fact that this should only take a week I think we'll be able to resolve it before it becomes an issue.

Second issue is Ber. My thinking is that between the .5 rank we gain here, the Defining advancement, a Grace or two, and whatever we get at the wall we'll be fine. We'll probably get a decent haul of Arete in that timespan as well.
doesn't that incentivize otherwise disinterested parties to put light effort into opposing you so that in future votes you're less able to rally as much power?
I mean, I'm not going to go over like a bull seeing red. If I see my opposition is playing soft I'm only going to go hard enough to make them regret not taking it seriously, not so much that I'm going to be out of it for the next vote.
I hope not. If that is the case, the only way that we'd have the slots for that is if we took Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera as our next Defining Advancement so we'd have three free slots.

I'm going to be optimistic and think that it won't. Let's see how foolish I was or wasn't in a few updates.
Actually, since we already have Uttermost and Inherit the World, SJUC would only push us to 2 slots free. Post-Stranglethorn, it'd probably still be pickable, though? (Citation.)
Defining Advancement. If chosen, you may have no more than five Defining Advancements.
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