A Lost Soul (Warhammer 40k/Isekai)

[X] From what you remember the largest portion of Nortrain's citizenry are fleeing towards the main road leading towards the Governor's Keep, it's a few roads over and should be easily reachable if you head straight there. Though whether you can calm such a tide of people is a bit of a gamble, but... if you don't try then it's hard telling how much damage the Fourth Generation scattered within might wreak...
[X] Move to save the squad of Town Guard, the Mechanicus should be able to manage those genestealers with advanced warning and you might be able to rope the guard into your own forces...
[X] Move to save the squad of Town Guard, the Mechanicus should be able to manage those genestealers with advanced warning and you might be able to rope the guard into your own forces...

Looks like we gotta bolster our own forces first lads.
[X] Move to save the squad of Town Guard, the Mechanicus should be able to manage those genestealers with advanced warning and you might be able to rope the guard into your own forces...

More people now, to take hold of this terrified mob.
We'll take losses either way. We won't help anyone if we get grinded down to a nub.
[X] Move to save the squad of Town Guard, the Mechanicus should be able to manage those genestealers with advanced warning and you might be able to rope the guard into your own forces...
[X] Move to save the squad of Town Guard, the Mechanicus should be able to manage those genestealers with advanced warning and you might be able to rope the guard into your own forces...
[X] From what you remember the largest portion of Nortrain's citizenry are fleeing towards the main road leading towards the Governor's Keep, it's a few roads over and should be easily reachable if you head straight there. Though whether you can calm such a tide of people is a bit of a gamble, but... if you don't try then it's hard telling how much damage the Fourth Generation scattered within might wreak...
[X] From what you remember the largest portion of Nortrain's citizenry are fleeing towards the main road leading towards the Governor's Keep, it's a few roads over and should be easily reachable if you head straight there. Though whether you can calm such a tide of people is a bit of a gamble, but... if you don't try then it's hard telling how much damage the Fourth Generation scattered within might wreak...
[X] From what you remember the largest portion of Nortrain's citizenry are fleeing towards the main road leading towards the Governor's Keep, it's a few roads over and should be easily reachable if you head straight there. Though whether you can calm such a tide of people is a bit of a gamble, but... if you don't try then it's hard telling how much damage the Fourth Generation scattered within might wreak...
[X] Move to save the squad of Town Guard, the Mechanicus should be able to manage those genestealers with advanced warning and you might be able to rope the guard into your own forces...
[X] Move to save the squad of Town Guard, the Mechanicus should be able to manage those genestealers with advanced warning and you might be able to rope the guard into your own forces...
[X] Move to save the squad of Town Guard, the Mechanicus should be able to manage those genestealers with advanced warning and you might be able to rope the guard into your own forces...
[X] Move to save the squad of Town Guard, the Mechanicus should be able to manage those genestealers with advanced warning and you might be able to rope the guard into your own forces...
[X] From what you remember the largest portion of Nortrain's citizenry are fleeing towards the main road leading towards the Governor's Keep, it's a few roads over and should be easily reachable if you head straight there. Though whether you can calm such a tide of people is a bit of a gamble, but... if you don't try then it's hard telling how much damage the Fourth Generation scattered within might wreak...
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Arimai on Jul 27, 2020 at 7:03 PM, finished with 22 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Move to save the squad of Town Guard, the Mechanicus should be able to manage those genestealers with advanced warning and you might be able to rope the guard into your own forces...
    [X] From what you remember the largest portion of Nortrain's citizenry are fleeing towards the main road leading towards the Governor's Keep, it's a few roads over and should be easily reachable if you head straight there. Though whether you can calm such a tide of people is a bit of a gamble, but... if you don't try then it's hard telling how much damage the Fourth Generation scattered within might wreak...
    [X] Intercept the Fourth Generation in the crowd and excise them, you cannot risk that the temple's own response isn't fast enough to save anyone that these broods may harm.
I don't know if this is question is too silly or it counts as a spoiler so if you don't want to answer its fine.
Let's take our nameless character (didn't he have a name before before coming in the 40k universe?) in an hypothetical end game or even post game:
- reached the final rank of the System.
- bought all the domains and upgraded them to the max level.
- purchased all the War Ascension upgrades.
- reached the max level of Salvation/Tiranny.
- reached the end point of all possible tech trees of the research tree.
- returned humanity to the level of the Dark Age of Technology and then went even further beyond.
- eradicated the Orks.
- annihilated the Tyranids.
- flushed the Dark Elves out of Commorragh and exterminated them.
- destroyed the Necrons.
- slapped down the Tau.
- gave the Eldar a right proper humbling.
- somehow erased the threat of Chaos
- took over the Imperium and gave the Emperor a well deserved rest.
If we take our PC, with all the battles that he has fought, all of his achievements, all of his possessions that he has gained by travelling the lenght and breadth of the galaxy... and translate him to be a Nasuverse Servant... what class would he be and how would he fare against other Servants when it comes to Skills, Stats, Equipment and NPs?
I don't know if this is question is too silly or it counts as a spoiler so if you don't want to answer its fine.
Let's take our nameless character (didn't he have a name before before coming in the 40k universe?) in an hypothetical end game or even post game:
- reached the final rank of the System.
- bought all the domains and upgraded them to the max level.
- purchased all the War Ascension upgrades.
- reached the max level of Salvation/Tiranny.
- reached the end point of all possible tech trees of the research tree.
- returned humanity to the level of the Dark Age of Technology and then went even further beyond.
- eradicated the Orks.
- annihilated the Tyranids.
- flushed the Dark Elves out of Commorragh and exterminated them.
- destroyed the Necrons.
- slapped down the Tau.
- gave the Eldar a right proper humbling.
- somehow erased the threat of Chaos
- took over the Imperium and gave the Emperor a well deserved rest.
If we take our PC, with all the battles that he has fought, all of his achievements, all of his possessions that he has gained by travelling the lenght and breadth of the galaxy... and translate him to be a Nasuverse Servant... what class would he be and how would he fare against other Servants when it comes to Skills, Stats, Equipment and NPs?
A lot of that would depend heavily on how you all went about achieving that end game state, especially NP wise, but Foreigner would be the most fitting given the source of the PC's power would be another dimensions legacy. Complete translation over I'd say Beserker or Archer are the most likely with a high chance of being considered a Grand Ruler. Still, with how servants work it could vary wildly depending on how they rise to power.
Chapter One, Battle for Nortrain, 01 - A Short Lived Skirmish
Battle for Nortrain

[X] Move to save the squad of Town Guard, the Mechanicus should be able to manage those genestealers with advanced warning and you might be able to rope the guard into your own forces...

"Leave the infiltrators to the Temple, they've been forewarned. Guide us to them Feysac, we're rescuing the guards."

You call out to the techpriest as you follow after the soldiers of the Cult, the panicking crowd in the distance drawing closer even as a blare of mechanical chatter flows about around you. In an instant the soldiers under you are moving off towards the left, Feysac holding a hand outstretched as he moves to follow them, your speed picking up to keep pace even as you lean more heavily into your staff.

Response Time Roll: 7 + 15 (Feysac's Intel) = 22

Do not arrive in time to prevent ambush.

Genestealer Ambush Roll: 65 + 10 (Advantage, Enemy Unprepared) = 75 vs 96

The Town Guard notice the Fourth Gen before the ambush occurs and flip the table, launching a sudden assault against them.

Melee Roll: 39 + 5 (Guard Training/Equipment) + 5 (Surprise Attack) = 49 vs 11 + 8 (Slightly Strengthened Physique) = 19

The Town Guard charge forward despite being outnumbered and manage to cut down four of the Fourth Generation before they can even respond. Embroiled in a melee, slightly outnumbered.

Your forces arrive and catch the Fourth Gen in a pincer.

Your Roll: 97 + 10 (Peasant of the White Flame's Bow) + 10 (Surprise Attack While occupied) - 10 (Gravely Injured) = 107

An arrow of white fire consumes two Fourth gen, leaving their target unharmed in the midst.

Shocklance Skitarii Roll: 79 + 20 (Combined Bonus) + 10 (Surprise Attack while Occupied) = 109 vs 19 + 8 = 27

The remaining Fourth Gen are slaughtered in an instant by the arriving Skitarii under your command.

Just as your forces draw near the entrance to the street where the Town Guard are, you manage to barely pickup a low shout in the distance,


Your feet smack against the cobblestones below even harder as you call out,

"Hurry, they've engaged!"

You hear shouts of exertion and the pained, twisted cries of those changed by the genestealers into seemingly human facades. Crossing the short alleyway and entering into the side street proper reveals five guards dressed in blood stained clothes, hands clutching spears and clubs as four seemingly human figures lay collapsed around their feet. It's easy for you to see the two appearing from a building just behind one of the guards, their attention focused on the four crowded into the center of the street.

With unnatural speed your hand presses the staff into your new holster and draws the bow from your shoulder, tendrils of white flame exploding to life as your muscles spasm in pain. You crush the pain, your focus unwavering as a hand pulls back on the string causing each tendril to flow into your fingertips as a pure white arrow takes shape.

Flickering and writhing against your grip, the arrow is freed in one fluid motion as your mind pushes for haste causing a streak of white to tear down the street. It passes narrowly by the unsuspecting guard before tearing straight through the first cultist's head and exploding into a shower of flames that consumes the other behind them. Before either the cultists, or guard can react the Skitarii are already in the thick of the fight as the startling sound of electricity crackling breaks out.

You witness for the first time the terrifying efficency of the Mechancius' augmented soldiers, every move painstakingly precise and mechanical as they charge forward before thrusting their lances out in perfect sync with each other. Primacii corpses twitch as spearheads impale their hearts, or sever throats all while dumping lethal amounts of electricity into their victims. By the time you can even pull back your bow from your shot everything has been brought to a sudden end with not a single member of the guard even injured.

Feysac's monotone voice comes from beside you, though you suspect some logic driven curiosity lies under the surface,

"So, the reports were more than fiction... The White Flame? Straightforward, accurate, lethal. How? Certainly not technological, I inspected the bow previously. It's a strain of oak, or willow according to the archives. Psychic origins? No, he was tested."

Leaving the former enginseer to his ramblings, you step forward to meet with B-Three and a member of the Town Guard at his side who seems to be excitedly trying to ring the spear in her hand. Not even giving you a chance to speak, the woman nods towards you in thanks as a torrent of words pour out of her mouth,

"Thank you, thank you! The White Flame, in the flesh and everything! We've all heard the story, Sir, but it's an entirely different thing to see in person. They never even mentioned that you could shoot the fire fr-"

You are incredibly thankful when B-Three holds out his hand to cut her off, the Skitarii leader laying out a report for you,

"Sir, all Cultists have been slain. No causalities on our side. Awaiting your next order."

It is easy to notice the expectant looks the guard leader throws your way as B-Three finishes, and you can still vaguely hear Feysac's constant muttering from behind you as it switches rapidly from Gothic to Machine Cant.

For the Town Guard you...
[] Tell them to continue whatever task they were currently acting on.
[] Order them to begin sweeping the area to direct all possible citizens towards the Temple.
[] Ask the Guards to follow you and your forces.

What do you do for your next course of action?
[] From what you remember the largest portion of Nortrain's citizenry are fleeing towards the main road leading towards the Governor's Keep, it's a few roads over and should be easily reachable if you head straight there. Though whether you can calm such a tide of people is a bit of a gamble, but... if you don't try then it's hard telling how much damage the Fourth Generation scattered within might wreak...
[] Feysac has proven that he has access to the Mechanicus' intel even without direct conversation and would be a rather excellent source for managing your next plan.
- [] Using Feysac's guidance seek out any lone group of Town Guard and draw them into your own forces as you proceed to calm the remaining unrest in the area.
- [] Use Feysac's assistance to find any active groups of Genestealer's to cut down while prioritizing those assaulting or integrating into groups of civilians.
[] Order your forces to move into the North-western portion of Nortrain and attempt to help break the current stalemate. It would free up a number of forces to spread throughout the city and try to regain control.
[] Write in.

Gained 6 Tokens of War.

Intelligence: Moderate
Morale: Shaken

Current Location: North Eastern portion of Nortrain, near the Mechanicus Temple

Pete's Rest: Unoccupied, safe.

Your Forces:
[Plasma Pistol, Integrated Armor, Heavily Augmented, Experienced, Archive Malevolus] (+25 Bonus, +15 to Morale Rolls and Resisting Mental Influences)
10 Combat Servitors [Assorted Melee Weapons, Limited Augmentation, Unthinking] (+5 Bonus, Unaffected by Morale Rolls and Mental Influences)
5 Shocklance Skitarii [Shocklances, Flak Armor, Augmented, Experienced] (+20 Bonus, +10 to Morale Rolls and Resisting Mental Influences)

Enemy Forces:
~500 Fourth Generation Genestealers

Allied Forces:
~150 Vanguard
~75 Town Guard
~50 Shocklance Skitarii
~45 Skitarii Hyspasists
~75 Combat Servitors

General Situation
North-eastern portion of Nortrain has devolved into complete chaos, citizenry are fleeing enmasse to the Governor's Keep.
South-eastern portion of Nortrain has established a strong resistance and any panic has been promptly crushed.
North-western portion of Nortrain has fallen into a stalemate as allied forces do their best to calm the citizenry while combating the cult's infiltrators.
South-western portion of Nortrain has been completely pacified by allied forces and they are currently sweeping it for any remaining genestealer forces.
Genestealer Cultists blended in with the panicking citizenry, number and locations largely unknown.

Primary Goal: Bring an end to the panic in Nortrain as a beacon of stability and hope.
Secondary Goals:
Save Nortrain citizens (5/15,000)
Win the Battle for Nortrain

Name: ???
Monikers: Augustus the White Flame
Age: 24
Race: Human (UDC Earth)

Domain Points: 0
Protagonist's Determination: 2

Rank: Peasant - One step up the social ladder, a lowly figure who owns land and has great aspirations though they have not the power to achieve them.
Holdings: Pete's Rest (Size 16, Pop 17)

Thrones: 3,990
Fealty: 21
Wood: 26
Stone: 30
Food: 20

Seeds: One plot of Dandia Bean seeds.

Things of Importance
Two Plots of non-system Farmland near Pete's Rest - {Crop: Grey Tubers [Output of 1d10+4 Units + 2 (Your Management) - 2 (Exhausted Soil)], Harvest Time: 3 Months (8 Weeks Remaining), Farmers: 2/2, Worked by Farming Servitors}

Gravely Injured
(You suffered severely from your battle with Rokkrumpa, dozens of bones were broken or shattered and even the best efforts from Rowena's medical staff can't fix it in a short time. -10 to any actions involving strenuous physical activity or combat)[/I]

False Blank (When Pete possessed you some fraction of what he was remained and his memories of that part return to you as dreams constantly. Your presence unsettles the Warp and psychic presences around you, a reminder of the Reality that should exist there. Weaken psychic powers, daemons, and the like near you. Resistant to Chaos taint. Your presence does not unsettle those around you due to your new nature.)

Eerie Calm (A side effect of your arrival in this universe and actions led to the system erasing most major emotional markers from your memory. You still understand emotions, still feel them, but they're all dulled quite significantly. +15 to Morale Rolls, anything attempting to manipulate you through emotions will be challenged, and your behavior can be unsettling to some people at times.)

Farming Knowledge (You spent two weeks reading the contents of a rather extremely in depth tome on farming aboard the space hulk and using Line Triarchy crops. When you spend time managing farms aboard the space hulk their final production has + 2 units produced added to it.)
Peasant of the White Flame's Bow - +7 Bonus to Ranged Combat Rolls. Quiver holds thirty arrows and generates a new arrow every thirty seconds. Can attach one of your Legacies to the weapon for interesting effects. Can be improved when reaching higher Ranks. Attached to the King's Legacy - The White Flame. When used in defense of others this bow no longer needs arrows, every draw of the string shall create an arrow formed of pure white flames which will do harm only to those it's wielder intends to harm. Each flame arrow will set aflame anything not decently resistant to fire. Bonus is replaced with +10 to Ranged Combat Rolls when used to defend others.
Forgotten Soldier of the Mound's Lasgun - +8 to Ranged Combat rolls. +10 against unarmored biological targets. Forty-Eight shots left. +3 to Stealth rolls when carrying. Weapon cannot be corrupted by Chaos taint, provides some resistance to it's wielder.
Laspistol - +6 to Ranged Combat rolls. +8 against unarmored biological targets. Full power cell, 79 shots. One handed.
Electro-staff of the Reborn - +10 to Melee Rolls when wielded, +15 when Electrified. A walking staff formed from the tank turret that was used as Rokkrumpa's club and designed to be a variant of an Electro-staff. Fully charged internal battery. Can be wielded one-handed with your strength, it is surprisingly light. Contains a fledgling Machine Spirit fueled by the remnant will of one bent on protecting Humanity and savagely destroying the Emperor's enemies.

Combat Knife - +3 to Melee Combat Rolls. One handed.

Commissar's Overcoat - Small resistance against conventional weaponry and explosions. Appear badass.
Commissar's Hat - A symbol of rank. A symbol of service to the God Emperor. Also, it's kind of badass. Hung at your waist.
Signet Ring of the Redeemed - +3 to Morale Rolls. This ring cannot be corrupted.
Tattered Guardsman Backpack - Can store things and assist in moving about with numerous items. Full. Contains: Five Rifle Charge Packs (100 Shots), Three Pistol Charge Packs (80 Shots), Micro-bead, Multi-Compass, Magnoculars, Commissar's (and Acolyte's) Datapad (Meticulous Care applied, +3 to relevant rolls), Five Canteens (Full, 1 Day of Water), Corpse Starch Rations (7 Days Worth), Skull Lighter, Small Pot, Deed to the Farm (Copy, Attached Documents)

Seven Day Newbie Protection Scroll - When this is used the user's Holding will be protected by the power of the System, no hostile creature may enter these lands and all who stay within may not commit any act of harm or treachery. Last for seven days or until your territory is left, automatically destroyed when a second Holding is founded if not used.

Laying around the farm

Eight sets of Farming Equipment
Eight sets of Logging Equipment

Items left in the cavern can be reclaimed at a later date, but will no longer be listed here.
A Few Specks of Dust in the Vast Galaxy, Part One - COMPLETED
You are currently the lowest of the low across the entire galaxy with no lands to call your own, no wealth to spend, no followers to speak the virtue of your name, and no achievements by which to claim glory. Alone, buried deep within a mass of land made from centuries of debris drifting through the void of space, how could one ever hope to rise through the ranks and become worthy of a crown? Surely there must be others here, the first followers with which to found your future kingdom.
Goal: Find and recruit ten others to follow you thus laying the foundation for your path to the throne.
Rewards: One Domain Point, Small Resource Pack

A Few Specks of Dust in the Vast Galaxy, Part Two
You have found civilization and along with it gained land, followers, and wealth with which a great change could perhaps one day be brought about. In the depths of a Space Hulk declared by it's denizens as the Triarchy a few among the lowest have gathered beside you, a small flame burns now on the edge of being put out at the slightest disturbance. Tend to it well and let it grow into a conflagration that will burn the madness from the galaxy.
Goal: Bring the population of Pete's Rest to 100.
Rewards: 100 Fealty, One Domain Point, Small Resource Pack

Challenge: None Shall Die While the King Stands

Description: Death stalks the place you call home in a hundred forms, it seeks to end the race known as mankind in all it's forms and even now it is winning. A true King will suffer none in his fledgling nation to die whilst he still draws breath.
Goal: Complete A Few Specks of Dust in the Vast Galaxy, Part Two without a single follower dying.
Rewards: 100 Suits of Plate Armor, 100 Shields, 100 Swords, 1000 Fealty

Challenge: The Metaphorical Bread Basket
A great amount of sway can be held over foreign powers, allies, and even enemies with a rather simple thing: food. Whoever controls the source of food for an area is King, and you endeavor to prove that very fact by bringing into existence a realm that could feed all who come.
Goal: Grow 1500 Units of Food Crops before completing A Few Specks of Dust in the Vast Galaxy, Part Two
Rewards: 200 Units of Food, 500 Fealty, Unique Construction Option - Fields of Gold

Challenge: An Alliance of Cog and Crown

Description: Once within this world there was a failure of a King who strode forth from his world claiming to unite Humanity and bring it to heights they could not even imagine, and yet turned from his own beliefs in the grip of anger, paranoia, and madness. You may yet walk the road He once did, but the question is... Shall you fall to the same fears that plagued the failed King?
Goal: Form an alliance with the Mechanicus Temple before completing A Few Specks of Dust in the Vast Galaxy, Part Two
Rewards: Necklace of Cog and Crown, 100 Units of Metal, a Land Crawler

Challenge: No False King Shall Stand In Your Presence
Even now the masses of the galaxy pay an inconceivable and harsh worship to a failed King trapped upon a mockery of the Throne. They wallow in ignorance, bear chains the priests call faith, and stare blindly into the dark looking to a corpse for salvation. No longer! You shall be despised by many and reviled by far more, but no longer shall the masses be enslaved to a heartless doctrine of faith in one who has failed their people.
Goal: Free Nortrain of the Imperial Cult, bring the God Emperor's Church crumbling down in ruin, and set yourself on a path to free the galaxy of misguided faith and fear. All before completing A Few Specks of Dust in the Vast Galaxy, Part Two
Rewards: Gain the Legacy - Breaker of Faith, 10,000 Fealty, Two Domain Points

Challenge: An Industrial Revolution Draws Near
Cries of Ork WAAAGH!!! ring from the depths of the space hulk Triarchy, the shadowed figures of the Broods flit around in imagined secrecy, and in the center of it all lay a Human civilization bordering on technological recession. It cannot be allowed to stand, by your order the lands shall be turned to work and forges shall be built. Let the hulk know that even now technology is not lost to Humanity.
Goal: Advance Pete's Rest to Renaissance tech level before completing A Few Specks of Dust in the Vast Galaxy, Part Two
Rewards: 100 Flintlock Rifles, 30 Units of Flintlock Munitions, Dueling Pistol of the Revolutionary

Challenge: An Outstretched Hand to an Outcast People
Marginalized, downtrodden, and despised are those that live at the edges of Imperial Society. They are hated for that which they cannot control and oppressed for they are different yet they are human as surely as any other that walks these lands can claim to be. Do not allow this madness to carry on, raise yourself high and declare that you welcome all beneath your rule.
Goal: Obtain at least twenty abhuman or mutant subjects/followers, and bring an end to oppression of mutants and Abhumans before completing A Few Specks of Dust in the Vast Galaxy, Part Two.
Rewards: Gain the Legacy - Compassionate, 1,000 Fealty, One Domain Point

Even the Lowest Need a Home - COMPLETED

Description: Even those with nothing to their name need a place to call their own, a shelter from the cruelties of the world beyond and a place to lay their head when they grow tired. Using the Starter Pack: Lay the Foundation of your first Holding, a place of safety and rest for you and yours.
Goal: Use the Starter Pack and found your first Holding.
Rewards: One Domain Point, Rank Upgrade, 7 Day Newbie Protection Scroll

An Expanding Hold
A Holding must grow with the times, expanding to take in ever greater quantities of those seeking a better life as your followers and subjects and it is a King's duty to care for their people. Expand the realm, grow your influence, and forge the core from which change can be wrought upon this universe.
Goal: Increase the unnamed Holding's Size to 25
Rewards: One Domain Point, 100 Fealty

Readying Yourself for the Sword
Knights would long ago train those they deemed worthy to join their ranks, giving them the title Squire and teaching them the Codes of Honor and Warfare. A King follows a similar path, their knowledge and skill tempered by the road they walk alongside their followers, managing their growing followers and leading wars to gain the recognition needed to take one more step upward.
Goal: Recruit and train 10 soldiers, and win a battle.
Rewards: Two Domain Points, Rank Upgrade, 50 Units of Metal, 100 Units of Food

A Prospering Land
It is both the duty and of great benefit to every King to Be for their lands to flourish, growing rich in resources and wealth under their wise guidance. Your Holding is a small thing now, but with time and effort it could become something truly inspiring.
Goal: Construct 1/2 Farmland, 3/4 Housing, 1/1 Logging Camp, and 0/1Stone Quarry.
Rewards: 50 Units of Wood, 25 Units of Stone, 50 Units of Food, 50 Fealty

To Wear the Crown, Part One
The User of the King's System should seek to stake their claim in the galaxy and the first true step on that road is to rise high enough to wield the right of Nation Founding. With a crown upon your brow and loyal followers at your back even the terrors of the galaxy will find some pause before you, walk proudly to the throne!
Goal: Reach the Baronet Rank and found your Nation.
Rewards: Ten Domain Points, Basic Nation Management Tools unlocked, Baronet's Crown
Faction Relations
Northern Line Region - Humanity

Friendly, (20/100)
Administratum: Friendly, (30/100)
Ministorum: Apathetic, (10/100)
Mechanicus: Close Ties, (40/100)
Abhumans: Apathetic, (0/100)
???: Intrigued, (-10/100)
Genestealer Cult: Extremely Hostile, (-/-)

Northern Line Region - Orks
??? Clan:
'e looks like 'e kould give a gud scrap!, (25/100)
??? Clan: 'e looks like 'e kould give a gud scrap!, (25/100)
??? Clan: 'e looks like 'e kould give a gud scrap!, (25/100)
Squig'erderz Clan: 'e looks like 'e kould give a gud scrap!, (25/100)

Personal Relations
Sergeant of the 14th Squad of the 5th Company, Friend (4/10), "Augustus is right, we live regardless of the God Emperor's grace. I simply have to do all that I can, and in doing so my Sisters may one day be redeemed."

Ace: Ratling criminal living in Nortrain's Abhuman district, Acquaintances (1/10), "He means well, but what good does that do?"

Marie: Wife of Trooper Charlie, a Clothier by Trade, Acquaintance (2/10), "He kept my sweet Charlie from doing something stupid and having to beat the God Emperor with a table until he let me kill the idiot again myself."

Harry: Shopkeeper of Harry's General Good and Veteran, Acquaintance (2/10), "Reminds me of my daughter in a way, but he lived...."

Cassandra: Biologis Apprentice and Daughter of the Mechancius Temple's Genetor, Close Friend (5/10), "It all makes sense. The Empyrean is often an unstable place and time displacement is not unknown, to think an ancestor of the modern human genetics would one day assist me in my studies..."

Charlie: Trooper of the 14th Squad of the 5th Company, Friend (4/10), "He says he isn't an angel and that it was the God Emperor's work, but I ain't seen Him helping us. Augustus shone so bright, that light soothed the soul... Why do we pray?"

Pete: Trooper of the 322nd Galdirian Infantry and True Blank, One and the Same (MAX), Dead, "We both know I can't meet ya up there like ya said Arcadius, but it's fine. Tell 'em I said hi won't ya? It's fine if ya can't hear, the kid will remember me at least. It's why I'm leavin' it to him."

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Pete's Rest
17/17 (You, Julius, Ariadne (Builder, Smart, ?), Kal (Unskilled Weaver, Kid), 4 Ogryn (Untrained/Unskilled, 2 Skilled Farmers, 2 Unskilled Abhuman Workers, 2 Unskilled Workers, and 3 Kids | Fully Employable Pop: 6/12, Limited Employable Pop: 0/4 (Kids))
Size: 11 out of 16
Technological Level: Medieval
Production: 16 Fealty per Turn, 1d10+13 Units of Dandia Beans per Season, 5 Units of Wood per week
Upkeep: 2 Units of Food and 60 Thrones per Week OR 260 Thrones per Turn
Farm House - A building made to house a family of five. [Provides 5 Housing, Size 1]
3x House - A building made to house a four of your subjects. [Provides 4 Housing, Size 1]
Farmland - A neatly arranged farm plot, ready to be worked and fields left bare. [0/2 Farmers, Crop: Dandia Beans [Output - 1d10+8 + 2 (Your Management) + 2 (Kings Govern the World), Harvest Time: 9 Weeks (3 Months), +1 Unit to Harvest Rolls, Size 4.]
Logging Camp - A small camp set about for your subjects to chop down trees and process the resulting logs into lumber through rudimentary process. [0/10 Lumberjacks, Output: 1 Unit of Wood per worker every week. Size 3]
You, called Augustus the White Flame.
Two Farming Servitors (Skilled Farmers, Each can work One Plot by themselves, Cannot build System Structures)
Land Expansion: Expanding the land of their Holding to match their growing followers and further support the people of their lands is the most basic job of every ruler, and the system was designed to help with that.
Effect: Increases the size of a Holding by 1.
Cost: 5 Fealty

House: A place for your followers and subjects to live, a comfortable home made to house a family or group of workers.
Effect: Provides 4 Housing, Size 1
Cost: 5 Units of Wood, 5 Units of Stone, 5 Fealty, and 1 Laborer

Farmland: A piece of land specifically set aside and prepared for your subjects to farm.
Effect: Produces whatever is planted when worked for one season by two workers. +1 Unit of whatever is planted here on top of the seasonal production. Offers 2 Farmer jobs, Size 4.
Cost: 10 Fealty, and 2 Laborers
- Irrigated Fields: Irrigated fields bring forth more from the lands than simple labor and care.
Effect: +2 Unit of whatever is planted in the field added to Seasonal Harvest.
Cost: 15 Fealty, 1 Laborer

Mill: A structure built to help process crops that your lands bear with the aid of water power.
Effect: Applicable crops can be processed here and bear a +2 Unit increase to the final output. Offers 4 Miller jobs, Size 6. Requires a decently strong flowing water source to power.
Cost: 20 Wood, 10 Stone, 25 Fealty, and 3 Laborers.

Logging Camp: Built to supply your subjects a place from which to gather a rather basic requirement for every nation. Lumber, and in great quantities.
Effect: Produces 1 x ((number of workers) units of Wood per turn. Offers 10 Lumberjack jobs, Size 3. Requires source of lumber.
Cost: 15 Units of Wood, 5 Units of Stone, 10 Fealty, and 2 Laborers

Bowyer's Workshop: A small workshop stocked with all the tools needed to craft bows and arrows.
Effect: Produces 10 x (Number of Bowyers) bows per season. Offers 4 Bowyer Jobs, Size 2. Uses 2 x (Number of Workers) Units of Wood every season.
Cost: 20 Wood, 10 Stone, 30 Fealty, and 2 Laborers.

Carpenter's Workshop: A small workshop loaded with all the tools a carpenter could need to create fine crafts from wood and even furniture.
Effect: Produces 1d10+(Number of Workers) Units of Carpentry Goods per season. Offers 4 Carpentry Jobs, Size 3. Uses 1 x (Number of Workers) Units of Wood every season.
Cost: 25 Wood, 10 Stone, 25 Fealty, and 2 Laborers.

Stone Quarry: A quarry built to bring stone into your realm, made to be worked by your subjects.
Effect: Produces 1 x (Number of Workers) units of Stone per week. Offers 5 Quarry Worker jobs, Size 4. Requires source of stone.
Cost: 25 Units of Wood, 15 Fealty, and 3 Laborers

Palisade: A defensive structure made from logs that is designed to surround your lands and fend off invaders.
Effect: Acts as a wall that keeps out enemies, requires fairly heavy medieval siege equipment or an incredibly strong figure to break through.
Cost: 10 Units of Wood, 1 Fealty, and 1 Laborer per Size that you want the wall to surround.

Watchtower: A tower meant to allow anyone defending your lands to have a bird's eye style view of the surrounding lands and to act as a defensive emplacement from which to throw back invaders.
Effect: When manned provides a +5 to any rolls to spot incoming forces and provides a +5 bonus to defenders using it. Size 1.
Cost: 15 Units of Wood, 5 Fealty, and 1 Laborer.

Small Barracks: A stout structure of stone built to act as both a defensive position and as home to the soldiers of One Who Wishes to Be King, quite the cozy home for a small number of soldiers.
Effect: Allows the recruitment of twenty soldiers, increases the stamina recovery rate of soldiers who sleep here, and acts as a small holdout if needed. Size 2.
Cost: 20 Units of Stone, 5 Units of Wood, 15 Fealty, and 3 Laborers.

Small Training Field: A specially arranged place complete with weapon racks, flattened earth, and simple training targets for the drilling and teaching of soldiers as well as tending to their own physical conditioning.
Effect: Allows up to forty soldiers to train at a time, allows soldiers with the Green Quality to improve to Trained without any danger. Size 5.
Cost: 5 Units of Wood, 10 Fealty, and 2 Laborers

Small Warehouse: A stone building meant to store the resources gathered by your realm in one place and provide some protection against the elements, raids, or accident.
Effect: Provides a place to store up to two hundred and fifty units of resources. Size 3
Cost: 10 Units of Stone, 5 Units of Wood, 20 Fealty, and 2 Laborers

Small Granary: A stone building meant to store the food and crops your domain gathers throughout it's existence thus shielding the lifeblood of your subjects from unneeded danger.
Effect: Provides a place to store up to two hundred units of food/crops. Size 3
Cost: 10 Units of Stone, 5 Units of Wood, 20 Fealty, and 2 Laborers
The Ruler's Domains
These Are My Lands
(Beginner): A King's rights are in a way divine and their lands are the inviolable territory they have sworn to protect. A true King bears a deep connection with their realm and all who set foot on it are subject to their gaze.
Cost: One Domain Point

All Hear the Lord's Call (Beginner): When a King speaks their subjects listen and no obstacle can stop their words as long as one stands within their realm.
Cost: One Domain Point

Kings Govern the World (Beginner): A keen mind and constant thought, long nights spent as the candles burn low toiling over papers and conversations. It is through these efforts that a King brings prosperity to their realm and even the most ruined of lands may yet see themselves bringing forth great bounties to fuel the kingdom.
Effect: All structures that produce resources in your territory gain +1 Unit to their output, and any industry you directly have a hand in managing produces a further +1 Unit.
Cost: Two Domain Points

None Lie Before the Throne (Beginner): Even the most cunning minds will find themselves pressured when speaking before the throne, and for those loyal to the Crown they have nothing of their thoughts to hide from a worthy King. Lesser rulers have fallen for they did not hold to the clarity of their seat, but you shall not.
Effect: It is a difficult task to lie to a ruler and you act to live up to that very fact. You gain a +5 to rolls trying to detect lies or intentional falsehoods in others speech when outside of your domain, and +10 to the same rolls within your domain. You easily notice any lies put forth by your subjects in topics related to the well being of your lands.
Cost: Two Domain Points

A Ruler's Air (Beginner): A King is more than one who sits upon a throne, more than one who safeguards their realm, more than a final voice in the direction of a nation. Your very existence is a light that can lead them through the darkest nights giving bravery to those who can no longer see hope. It is carried with you always for even beyond their lands a King is still a King.
Effect: All non-opposed sentient creatures feel somewhat in awe of your presence making interactions with them easier. Subjects and followers are inspired by your presence, any of their failed morale rolls are re-rolled once a battle.
Upgrade Cost: Two Domain Points

The Conqueror's Domains
Long Live the King
(Beginner): All through the history of Kings a common phrase can be heard resounding through throne rooms and halls, Long Live the King. So long as a King's nation remains their legacy will not easily end for a destined ruler dies with their nation.
Cost: One Domain Point

Sword of the Realm (Beginner): Where the King's sword points is where the nation's blades shall fall, the spirits of King and nation alike crying out for victory. All that awaits those beneath the sword is death.
Cost: One Domain Point

Shield of the Realm (Beginner): Where the King rules they hold a sacred duty to defend their lands, to protect their people from the horrors of a world that would see them devoured, and thus the King's shield is held aloft. All that awaits those who turn sights on the realm is an unyielding shield.
Cost: One Domain Point

The Pioneer's Domains
Eyes on the Horizon
(Beginner): A nation should always look outwards for only by expanding can it gain the power to protect itself in the face of innumerable threats and thus a King's eyes look to the horizon. In time they will know what lies beyond and remember it well, calmly waiting for the day it would join the realm.
Cost: One Domain Point

Treasures Lay Beyond (Beginner): A nation sates itself with the bounty of wealth they forge within it's borders, but a King knows that beyond lay great troves of knowledge, power, and wealth the likes of which have never be seen. They shall be found in time, and they shall be taken.
Cost: One Domain Point
King's Legacy
The White Flame
In the year 831.M41, aboard an unnamed Space Hulk, one called Augustus strode out to face an Ork WAAAGH!!! led by the Warboss Rokkrumpa who had spent a decade waging war on the Northern Line Region. Clad in white light and bearing only the weapons of Man, a furious battle unfolded that would change the course of history, for a mere Human dared to face the very thing thousands spoke of in hushed tones ripe with terror. Augustus struck a number of blows upon the Warboss only to be overpowered and struck down by a single unlucky blow.

Every human gathered looked on in horror as the man that was their hope was killed, a disfigured form cast to the far side of the tunnel as Rokkrumpa urged his army to charge forth and finish it's slaughter. As they watched in despair, the Ork force stirring to break through already failing defenses, the figure they thought had fallen seemed to deny the embrace of death itself. With a bestial cry, Augustus stood up and charged forward in a primal fury and as the two clashed once again the light that once shrouded him turned to fire.

Augustus the White Flame was born that day, body clad in righteous anger for the being that would dare to massacre those he wished to protect. In an instant the Warboss seemed to disintegrate, a mere knife tearing an arm to shreds before at last taking the hated enemy's head. Holding it aloft, the flames began to fade from his body even as the Orks began to flee in terror.

Effect: Grants the User the Ability - White Flame when conditions are met.
Conditions: When defending others against overwhelming odds, lost if all those who believe in the Legend of the White Flame die.
King's Ambition
Every King climbs to their throne and dons the crown with ambition, desire, and certainty to guide them. It is those beliefs that grow to define them and from that defining is one marked as either a Savior or a Tyrant. Perhaps it is not wish to save the world from itself, to show all that live a chance for a better life and yet can a Tyrant's actions always be deemed wrong for their brutality? No matter the road you choose to walk to the throne, all you need hold close to heart is that ambition that drove you towards it.

Some day the galaxy may applaud you as a Savior as you rule over the ashen remains of civilization, or maybe your domain shall stand as it once did though every inch bearing the mark of the blood shed to keep it standing. Let them call you what they will and remain unmoved by it for the future you dream to create is what truly matters.

Salvation: 10 | Tyranny: 0

To secure the safety and rights of the abhumans of Nortrain, as peer to the human population of Nortrain.
Completion Reward: 1,000 Fealty, 2,000 Units of Food, 10 Salvation, and gain the Legacy - ???

Gain Abhuman/Mutant Subjects - Stage Two
Have a total of 20 Abhuman Subjects
Reward: 35 Fealty, 50 Units of Food

Improve the Common Folk's View of Abhumans and Mutants - Stage One
Moderate Improvement in how at least five percent of the Common Folk of Nortrain view mutants and abhumans.
Reward: 50 Fealty, 1 Salvation

Improve the Quality of Life in the Abhuman District
- Stage One
Bring a notable improvement to the daily lives of in the Abhuman slums.
Reward: 25 Fealty

- - -

Weaken the Anti-Mutant Sentiment of the Imperial Cult - Stage One
Convince at least ten members of the local Ecclesiarchy of the flaws in their anti-mutant dogma.
Reward: 30 Fealty,
1 Salvation


Weaken the Control of the Imperial Cult - Stage One
Using connections, potential alliances, etc. to suppress the power of the Imperial Cult in Nortrain and thus lessen their grasp on those you want to save.
Reward: 75 Fealty, 2 Tyranny

- - -

Ally with the Cult Mechanicus
Achieve an alliance with the Cult Mechanicus to give more weight to your own words thus easing the process of bringing Abhumans/Mutants up as equals to humans.
Reward: 50 Fealty, an Alliance with the Cult Mechanicus is also it's own reward.

Ally with the Administratum
Achieve an alliance with the Administratum to give more weight to your words and thus ease the process of bringing Abhumans/Mutants up as equals to humans.
Reward: 150 Fealty, an Alliance with the Administratum is also it's own reward.

Salvation Boons
10, Voice of Kindness -
Your voice carries a weight to it, a kind and gentle weight that puts others at ease and aids you in conversing truly with others. However, it does not aid you in acts of deceit and falsehood. (+3 to Rolls when telling the truth.)
25, Unknown

Tyranny Boons
10, Unknown
War Ascension
Current Tokens of War: 17

Increased Strength:
A peasant grows strong from working the lands and turning the gifts of nature into tools to ease their lives. Yet, it is in times where they must rise to defend themselves and their Kim that such strength can truly shine.
Effect: Additional +2 to Melee Combat Rolls. You are approximately twice as strong as the average human and are nearing the peak of base line human strength.

Deft Hands: A steady hand brings great works into the world as surely as it can bring death to the many dangers a land owning peasant may face.
Cost: 30 Tokens of War

Increased Endurance: Hard labor and endless toil is the yoke of the common folk, one they should be free from under a true King, but it is not all for nothing. A life of struggle brings an enduring nature that few can match.
Effect: +3 to all Health related rolls. You are more resilient, have more stamina, and are somewhat more resistant to disease or infection than the average human.

Meticulous Care: Few are the things are those peasants can call their own and yet a great joy can be found in caring for those things they hold as truly their own. Even the most dazzling blade of master craftsmanship might not shine as brightly as a farmer's treasured scythe.
Effect: You may choose one weapon or tool, it gains a boost to it's effectiveness so long as you carry it with you at all times. For weapons this grants a +2 to combat roll bonuses and for tools it either increases the output by +1 Unit or grants a +3 to related rolls.

Landless Peasant
Increased Strength:
Without home or land there is but one thing a peasant can rely on, strength of arm with which to work the lands and fight back against threads. From strength is a road built aiming for a better life, let those who deny it pave the road.
Effect: +2 to Melee Combat Rolls. Stronger than the average human.

Increased Speed: Perhaps it is cowardice, but the desire for survival rests in all humans waiting to break out and give them strength. With swift feet can danger be avoided, and more so can quick feet lead to a home at last.
Effect: +3 to Rolls when escaping from danger, when rolling for Reactions, and the like. You are slightly faster than the average human.

Heightened Senses: Without a place to rest their head the lowest of humans wander the wilds making a living by the weapons in their hand and the bounty waiting to be discovered.
Effect: +3 to Sense Rolls. Eyesight and Hearing are better than the average human. Slightly better sense of Smell, Touch, and Taste.
[X] Ask the Guards to follow you and your forces.
[X] Feysac has proven that he has access to the Mechanicus' intel even without direct conversation and would be a rather excellent source for managing your next plan.
- [X] Using Feysac's guidance seek out any lone group of Town Guard and draw them into your own forces as you proceed to calm the remaining unrest in the area.

I really like this group of guards, they're tough, but we should get a few more before going into a major battle
[X] Order them to begin sweeping the area to direct all possible citizens towards the Temple.
[X] From what you remember the largest portion of Nortrain's citizenry are fleeing towards the main road leading towards the Governor's Keep, it's a few roads over and should be easily reachable if you head straight there. Though whether you can calm such a tide of people is a bit of a gamble, but... if you don't try then it's hard telling how much damage the Fourth Generation scattered within might wreak...
That was a brutally one sided slaughter.

Lets continue like that.

Sadly, I don't think this already satisfied the 'win a battle' condition as the outcome was never really in doubt.

But hey, War Tokens! Just 13 more to go until we can afford Deft Hands.

Or are there other things to buy not on the list?


Right. Plan.

I think our biggest possible contribution will be to rally the panicking civilians. The Governor and his forces really don't need that mess right now and we are uniquely suited to tell people to calm the fuck down.

Our bow is also a huge help here. It only harms whom we want to harm. And it gives a bonus when defending others. Like a crowd of civilians where we can shoot into without fear of hitting innocents.

It would also net us a ton of street cred with the citizens.
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[X] Tell them to continue whatever task they were currently acting on.
[X] From what you remember the largest portion of Nortrain's citizenry are fleeing towards the main road leading towards the Governor's Keep, it's a few roads over and should be easily reachable if you head straight there. Though whether you can calm such a tide of people is a bit of a gamble, but... if you don't try then it's hard telling how much damage the Fourth Generation scattered within might wreak...
[X] Ask the Guards to follow you and your forces.
[X] From what you remember the largest portion of Nortrain's citizenry are fleeing towards the main road leading towards the Governor's Keep, it's a few roads over and should be easily reachable if you head straight there. Though whether you can calm such a tide of people is a bit of a gamble, but... if you don't try then it's hard telling how much damage the Fourth Generation scattered within might wreak...

We have some extra forces now so hopefully we can help them.
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[X] Ask the Guards to follow you and your forces.
[X] Feysac has proven that he has access to the Mechanicus' intel even without direct conversation and would be a rather excellent source for managing your next plan.
- [X] Using Feysac's guidance seek out any lone group of Town Guard and draw them into your own forces as you proceed to calm the remaining unrest in the area.

divide and conquer,lets calm one area at time while we snowball our numbers