-You crack. You can't hold it in.
-Talk with Ruler and Gray.
You gasp for breath, one hand clutching at your chest as you hold onto the balcony railing with a white-knuckle grip. You don't understand. You just did what you needed to do so why does it hurt? It doesn't make any sense- what do you even do like this? You can't let this show you've got to keep this under control you can't let the cracks show you've got to keep this alliance so can't be weak-
" Oh my Master. Oh Mimi…" There's a note of something in Ruler's voice as she steps out on the balcony, brushing against you as she leans precariously back on the railing. You're not sure just what it is… but there is pain there. You can hear that much. "Is there anything you need? What's wrong?"
"No- Nothing. Im-" Im fine. That's all you need to say but you know you can't say it. Ruler knows and you know she knows. You can't. You can't lie to her like this, not when she's never done anything to hurt you no matter how vulnerable you were. She's only tried to help you. She's only done her best to comfort her- you don't know what you'd do if she hadn't been here for you. So there's no way you can lie to her like this.
Your voice cracks as you turn to face Ruler, a gust of wind blowing your veil loose to expose your reddened eyes, tears streaming down your face as you choke on your words. "I don't know! If- if I knew what-how am I supposed to know what this is?"
Coughs wrack your body, leaving blood sprayed on your hand as your lungs object to your sudden outburst but you keep going, everything that had been building up inside of you flooding out from that crack in your shell as your tears blur your vision. "I -don't want- I can;t go back. So that- wasn't that deal something to help that? So- why? Why does it hurt- like ice in my heart. I-I just don't understand- how could I?"
As your throat gives out, sending you doubling over as that raw pain shoots through your chest, you hear a gasp, a sharp, shocked inhalation. You blink your tears away, rubbing your eyes clean as you look up.
Only for your blood to freeze as you see Gray standing at the balcony door. With the wind out here, her hood's blown back just enough. Just enough to see her face, bearing an expression that lets you know she heard everything. You bonelessly slump forwards as the strength drains out of you, Ruler grabbing onto you the only thing that stops you from just slamming face first onto the floor.
It's over for you. No mage would want to work with anyone so weak. So they're going to call off the alliance and then you're not going to have anyone on your side to help ensure you never go back and all because you couldn't keep yourself under control, because you cracked and let all that vulnerability show. Why did she have to see this?
"No- please- you didn't see anything, this never happened." you gasp through a hoarse throat, limply hanging from Ruler's grip. "I- I can't show this. I'm not something useless. So… please…"
Your voice trails off as you just give up. Why are you even trying to salvage this? Why does it sting more to have Gray see you like this than you'd thought being discovered here would? It's over. You brace for your judgement as Gray steps forwards, only to feel Gray grab you below the shoulders and hoist you back onto your feet in a single motion. Slumping forwards again, you find that you don't fall, instead feeling a sharp backwards pull as Ruler hugs you in her arms, leaving you trapped in her grip and more importantly, unable to fall forwards to break your face off the floor. You feel your chin get pushed upwards, eyes refocusing to see Gray right there, a gloved hand holding you gently by the chin.
You start slightly in confusion. Gently is not what you were expecting. It's enough to refocus slightly, getting a better look at Gray; her hoods the furthest off you've seen it, pushed back by the outside breeze. The impressions of androgyny you'd got from earlier glimpses are confirmed with this look; in the right light, she could definitely pass for a boy. It's… not unattractive, with the sharpness to her features and the amber flecks in her green eyes. Though, that impression only holds until the bone-chilling tale Gray gave you of how she got that face forces its way into your memory. Of how she came to this place. What she said to you when you first met. Why she was helping you.
It's no longer a mystery why she's holding you so gently. Why her eyes brim with a warm sadness.
"Ms Yag-" Gray shakes her head slightly, a rare firmness to her voice. "...No- not that. Not for this- Mimi."
You pull yourself upwards with a gasp as Gray uses your name properly, her voice soft and hushed.
"Mimi- I… I don't care about that!" Stumbling over her words, Gray steps forwards and just spits them out, forcing herself to say what she wants to say, even if she falters, even if you can hear her own pain in there. "I- I didn't help you because of the war! It's just… I didn't- don't want you to go the way I could have! So- I'm not going to j-just dump or abandon you- no matter what!"
A sigh of defeat slips out of your throat as you force yourself back onto your own feet. Once again, Gray's beaten you here. You can't say anything back. Not with the raw emotion written on her face. Not when, for once, you don't need Ruler to tell you if someone's being honest.
No longer needing to stop you from slamming face first into the floor, Ruler reaches a hand out, gently patting Gray on the head and ruffling her hair just a bit, before pulling Gray's hood forwards to hide the slight blush on her face.
"A pure heart like that is something rare. He's lucky to have you around." Ruler says softly, before hopping up and perching herself precariously on the balcony railing, leaving you stumbling for a moment as you steady yourself. "So then, my Master. Now you've let it all out, do you feel better?"
You blink once, just putting a hand on your chest by instinct as you try and get a feel for yourself, keeping your gaze fixed upon Gray. You know she wasn't lying then, but you still can't help but look, on edge for any sign that she's not taking it well.
You don't feel better. Not really. Gray's words may have banished that deep fear of being discarded by her- by them. But… that ice is still there. You can still feel that aching cold that's been tearing you up ever since meeting Adashino, resurfacing in your mind now you've been pulled out of your immediate collapse. Another twinge digs it just a little deeper into you as you think of it again. Of what you did.
"No." Slips past your lips in a whisper, as you scour Gray's face for any hint of rejection at that sign of weakness, still cautious despite what she'd told you. After a couple of seconds of nerve-wracking pause, you continue, nervously pacing around the balcony as your gaze keeps lashing back to Gray.
"No. I'm not- I'm not better." You try and swallow the lump in your throat as you pace, each word a struggle to form. This isn't some raw, uncontrolled outburst. You're having to force yourself open here. To admit this vulnerability to someone who isn't Ruler. To someone you desperately want to trust. "It's still there. That feeling- that ice. It's still stabbing me when I think of that and- I don't know what it is or why I'm feeling it!"
"Okay, okay then Master. Let's work through this then. Just like we did last time. Remember, you're sturdier than you might realise." Ruler says softly, hopping down from the railing to pull you into her arms again, wrapping you up in her calming presence, stopping you from working yourself up with the pacing. "If it is as bad a pain as that…"
Ruler trails off for a moment, her voice sombre. "Every time that I've seen someone hurting like that, when someone's been in that much pain... It's because they've done something that simply goes against who they are. Just because humans can go against their nature, doesn't mean they should."
"Then- what? Why?" You gasp, reaching up to clutch at Rulers comforting arms. "Why is it just- like this? I- I'm doing something for what I want- What about it's going against me?"
"It's not about why. I think." Gray interjects hesitatingly, her hands clasped together and fidgeting with her good now back to its usual concealing position. "I… I've seen Sir look like that in the past. Or, something like it. It's- usually when he's thinking about the last Grail War. If he's thinking about what he could have done differently. I think he feels guilty over it. So maybe- it's what, not why. I think."
"Well well, I think you're onto something there." Ruler nods approving you, disentangling from you to lean on the corner of the railing, idly tapping the side of her face. "Try giving it a thought from that angle, Master- when this pain started, and what you'd done."
Why's she asking that- she's got to know, she was watching you, you saw how pained she looked when you made that deal with Adashino that's when it started. It all started then… when you… sold Lainur out.
A sad chuckle escapes your throat as the realisation hits. "I sold someone out just to help myself. How Mage-like of me."
Your voice is wormwood-bitter as you spit it out. You became just like them for your own sake. If Gray's right- if it's you regretting what you did, if it's you feeling guilty for your own actions. Then no wonder you feel like this. "But- I need something- I can't go back I'm not going back there- I need something to stop that. Adashino can give me that- but if doing that makes me feel like this? If I need to sell people out for it?"
[] Should I give up on Adashino's deal? Find my own way after this?
[] I need Adashinos help- But how can I get it if I need to do that for it?
[] Is there anyone- anything else that could help me instead of Adashino? A way where I don't need to do these things?