So building on my voyaging realm theory
I think the Voyaging Realm is traveling around the multiverse and assimilating any worlds it encounters.

I'm more inclined to think that the Forebear built this place now.

A billion realms brought to heel and countless more razed to ash, systems of the world in kaleidoscopic arrangement and all bent to his will. Meaningless as escape may be, more futile still is dissent: an enemy is just a future subject, and though they may forget the face of their fathers, the Forebear's visage is burned indelibly into their spirits.

We know the voyaging realm is stupid-big, possibly a billion+ worlds big. We know it's a sphere on the outside. I think "kaleidoscopic arrangement" is a good description for a billion worlds cut up into tiny pieces and then crammed into a magical sphere, with those tiny world-fragments being constantly moved around into new arrangements.

As for the Foremost, maybe the Forebear created them to manage his constantly shifting kaleidoscope universe? They do have similar names.

Things get more confusing later on of course. In Hunger's time, the Forebear is dead and there is only one world with one magic system. I don't really have a good explanation for this, other than lame answers that don't actually explain anything like "time travel" or "alternate universe".


[X] Unelemental

You're crazy Unelemental, and I love you for it.
I realized there's some thematic overlap between the Forebear as described in World-Defeating stance and the Fates/Nameless/Presumably the Hidden Masters

A martial stance of the Forebear. Forces natural and premeditated; forces unnatural and obscene - it matters not to the cause of the Forebear, whose march is steady and inevitable, carrying all before it. A billion realms brought to heel and countless more razed to ash, systems of the world in kaleidoscopic arrangement and all bent to his will. Meaningless as escape may be, more futile still is dissent: an enemy is just a future subject, and though they may forget the face of their fathers, the Forebear's visage is burned indelibly into their spirits.

Whose march is steady and inevitable, carrying all before it - Echoes of the Fates, the procession of ages Nameless brought to an end.

Systems of the World in Kaleidoscopic arrangement and all bent to his will - Nameless in the Ending of Even Further Beyond, presumably the Hidden Masters of the Isekai world Lord Hunger came from.

The last bit - All the Diagram Liches got killed by capital D dooms. The fates intended to bring Nameless to heel with a fated love between him and the heroine/Spring. (Edit: Also this is giving me echoes of an Exarch from Chronicles of Darkness).
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I realized there's some thematic overlap between the Forebear as described in World-Defeating stance and the Fates/Nameless/Presumably the Hidden Masters

Whose march is steady and inevitable, carrying all before it - Echoes of the Fates, the procession of ages Nameless brought to an end.

Systems of the World in Kaleidoscopic arrangement and all bent to his will - Nameless in the Ending of Even Further Beyond, presumably the Hidden Masters of the Isekai world Lord Hunger came from.

The last bit - All the Diagram Liches got killed by capital D dooms. The fates intended to bring Nameless to heel with a fated love between him and the heroine/Spring. (Edit: Also this is giving me echoes of an Exarch from Chronicles of Darkness).
Personally, it also reminded me of the Plenary Brand. That's pretty much what the Curse promised. And the Amarlt line possessed Procyon, the Plenary Armament.
I was waffling on what I wanted to vote for this run, but...


Ya gotta respect the 8k word Reaction Post. Which I have to now go read.

...If our Arete gets high enough, would it be possible to get Crimson Flare and a stance? I don't think we're at that point, but with the Arete generation bonus and snowballing it might be possible, I don't know how the snowballing is calculated.
By this point I can only assume that the Forebear had been a Combat-type Cursebearer, because taking the Plenary Brand (and maybe the Tyrant's Doom?) as a Progression-type and then proceeding to do all that is just too swole for any single man.

...though maybe the Forebear had been a woman? How 'bout that.
By this point I can only assume that the Forebear had been a Combat-type Cursebearer, because taking the Plenary Brand (and maybe the Tyrant's Doom?) as a Progression-type and then proceeding to do all that is just too swole for any single man.

...though maybe the Forebear had been a woman? How 'bout that.
Any of the four bears that made up the Forebear could have been men or women!
Whose march is steady and inevitable, carrying all before it - Echoes of the Fates, the procession of ages Nameless brought to an end.

Systems of the World in Kaleidoscopic arrangement and all bent to his will - Nameless in the Ending of Even Further Beyond, presumably the Hidden Masters of the Isekai world Lord Hunger came from.

The last bit - All the Diagram Liches got killed by capital D dooms. The fates intended to bring Nameless to heel with a fated love between him and the heroine/Spring. (Edit: Also this is giving me echoes of an Exarch from Chronicles of Darkness).
I think that the Forebear was a normal dude (or bear in the secret canon omake that Rihaku hides from us) but his Accretion power was supercharged and lived on even after his death. He had a stance when fighting mages (probably showing them middle finger during fight to distract their concentration) but in the legend it was Magic-Defeating stance.

His blade was just a normal blade, but in the legend it was a tool of unfathomable destruction.

He managed to conquer several villages with fifty peasants each but in the legend he was a conqueror of countless worlds.

He managed to beat a guy in a debate, in the legend he was so guile and witty that no social encounter could stand in his way.

Basically it is not what you are, it is what people think you are. Being honest is probably pointless, having reputation for honesty is usefull.
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I think that the Forebear was a normal dude (or bear in the secret canon omake that Rihaku hides from us) but his Accretion power was supercharged and lived on even after his death. He had a stance when fighting mages (probably showing them middle finger during fight to distract their concentration) but in the legend it was Magic-Defeating stance. His blade was just a normal blade, but in the legend it was a tool of unfathomable destruction.

He managed to conquer several villages with fifty peasants each but in the legend he was a conqueror of countless worlds.

He managed to beat a guy in a debate, in the legend he was guile and witty that no social encounter could stand in his way.

Basically it is not what you are, it is what people think you are. Being honest is probably pointless, having reputation for honesty is usefull.

Maybe. I suppose that'd be a decent enough bait and switch if it turned out to be true.
I realized there's some thematic overlap between the Forebear as described in World-Defeating stance and the Fates/Nameless/Presumably the Hidden Masters

I'm not sure this is all that meaningful.

Every story spoken has been spoken before.

The hero has a thousand faces. Time is a flat circle. The wheel turns. Thematics are less important than direct references.


Here's another theory: There are two timelines, or two alternate universes if you prefer

1: In the first timeline, the Forebear conquered one world, then died in his bed. The Tyrant conquered one world, then was killed by Hunger. There is only the Isekai world, which only has one magic system, and no one knows how to get to any other worlds. The ring Hunger was profaned and never revealed its power. This is the first world/timeline that Hunger was summoned too, the one where he was doomed to die. The Hidden Ones live in this timeline, and are working hard to insure no one can ever challenge them.

2: In the second timeline, the Hidden Ones died out a billion years ago or never ascended or something. So the Forebear was born on the isekai world, and instead of dying he conquered a billion worlds, created the Voyaging Realm, and ascended to godhood or something. This timeline is the one that the Accursed deposited Hunger into after their Simple Transaction.

This means that
-Ceathlynn "Catherine" of Amarlt is the alternate universe version of the Catherine that Hunger knew.
-The Hidden One's can't access this timeline because it's a timeline where they don't exist, and didn't ever exist.
-Resurrecting the Catherine from Hunger's original Timeline will result in the Hidden One's being able to follow that link over from Timeline 1 to Timeline 2, at which point they'll kill Hunger and conquer everything and plant their boots on everyone's necks, same as before.

If this theory is correct, then we should expect that there is another Hunger ring out there somewhere, although it's probably been destroyed. It's also not clear if summoning the Forebear would summon the Forebear from timeline 1 or 2.

Rihaku has said that the Forebear could tell us much about the nature of the HIdden ones. If the theory above is correct, the Forebear never became a Hidden One but managed to learn something about them before they killed him. "Once and Future" should connect with the Forebear from timeline 1, which makes sense given our Forebear's Sword comes from timeline 1.
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Considering what this update consisted of I'm not sure what is with the name. We didn't meet a legion or anything scarlet here. Perhaps it's a reference to Hunger's blood powers being used to grant magic? But then I still don't really understand Rihaku's naming scheme so I'm probably not quite getting it.

Burgeoning under the weight of all they'd consumed, the two of them stumbled and Gisena gracefully strode into their suite to recover from the feast. It was an elegant series of rooms, sparsely decorated yet opulent. Swooping calligraphies and handworks of glazed porcelain decorated the walls, while the doorknobs and countertops were carved from lucent jade; a single bonsai shedding cherry blossoms graced the entrance hall. The austere refinement of clean lines and floors contrasted with the plush extravagance gracing every surface liable to human touch. Their room looked out onto a small courtyard of textured stonework and peach trees, beneath which plunged the unspoiled slope of the mountain, its harrowing incline revealing the city beneath in all its glittering splendor. The windows were presently open, bare to the icy wind of the high mountain, but small runnels of Elixir water framed the room entire, their delicate steam warding off any imprecation of the cold.
Of course even after all this Gisena is graceful. Truly, the Maiden is a curse as immense as those handed out by the Accursed. ...Wait a second... But damn this place is insanely impressive. I suppose there is a reason it's so damn expensive that 2 nights is worth most of the bounty for killing a Primary Rotspawn. Though even then that feels like a bit much. Primary rotspawn don't grow on trees!

Hunger reached out and grabbed a peach from a branch sagging under its fresh, ripe weight. It was delightful, the sun-bright sweetness of its flesh contrasting with the frost-dusted texture of its skin. This, nonsensically, was closer to eating a fish off one's own line. He smiled.
Hunger is a weird guy indeed. But I suppose harvesting the fruit himself counts, even if it was just reaching out and grabbing it. I wonder what he would think of Pillars, given the place allows for opulence incarnate, but it all ultimately originates from him?

In a nonsensical show of solidarity, Gisena and Letrizia decided to delay their enjoyment of the public baths to the next night, stating they didn't want Hunger to be left out.
Ah, they understand you can't have a proper hotsprings episode if everyone isn't present to enjoy it. What a waste! Let me have your slot then!

"We'll just enjoy the waters in the suite! Besides, there're magical experiments to be done!" Gisena stared at him through the distorting glass of one of Letrizia's vials.
I suppose magic experiments are worth it. Maybe. If you squint a little. But I shouldn't complain, the group is still having fun and enjoying themselves, which was a lot of the point of the vacation to begin with. Even if we ended up failing at it a bit.

"What are we even paying for if you're not going to use the hot springs?" Hunger grumbled.
Ah Hunger, a man after my own heart. It's such a massive expenditure of money to just... not go into the super-awesome hotsprings.

"It'll be all for naught if we don't use them together," Gisena said dramatically, laying her hands against her chest. "And that would be the greatest loss of all. Why not enjoy the spring water in our room today? There's no point in you bathing as a ghost, so just think of it as an incentive not to get your physical form killed tomorrow!"
But Gisena does bring up a good point. It would be remiss to not stick together in all things. Especially relaxing! Relaxing must be done exactly right, you heretics! But seriously, in most quests I see more fights over how to relax than I do on battle tactics or build votes...

"But then... how would I know I trained my hardest?" He raised his eyebrows.
By all of your enemies lying broken before, and reality itself not daring to oppose you. With the Accursed clapping you on. I mean, dying isn't how you know you trained your hardest. Winning against everything despite everything is!

Letrizia smacked him on the shoulder. "You joke now, but continue along this path and in a few months that's what you'll really believe!"
He isn't joking. It's a problem. We really need to do... something about it before it gets him killed. More beach episodes, less Temple madness in the future. Please.

He looked blankly at her. "It is what I really believe."
See what I mean? Damn it Hunger, we've been working on this! ...In probably the wrong direction, now that I think about it.

"Moving on," Gisena said lightly, "Isn't this even better, sampling the full gamut of experiences? One night in the room, one in the baths."
Ah Gisena, making even a mistake into an advantage. I am very glad you were picked, even if you aren't ideal in every situation.

"I want to try awakening my Element first!" Letrizia said. "If I'm a mage, will the Voyaging Realm still try to stop me from extracting you? There's surprisingly little literature on this."
Ah Letrizia, you aren't considering that the realm might try to stop you from extracting yourself! Then what will you do!? But more seriously if the voyaging realm is made for Cursebearers to grow then it probably isn't going to stop Hunger or anyone with him from leaving, regardless of its behavior in other circumstances. Because that is it's purpose. Probably.

"What are you going to do if it does try to stop you?" He looked around. "We're hardly prepared for an apocalypse."
Obviously she's going to make you handle it then try to claim all the credit for stopping it, Hunger. I'm not sure why this isn't obvious! :p

"My bodyguard will protect me!" Letrizia declared. "At the rate your strength is growing, that shouldn't be too unrealistic, right?"
...It actually isn't. At all. We probably can tell the Voyaging realm to fuck off in a few weeks. Maybe. If we keep taking insane risks, anyway. So lets make that a few months.

"Perhaps. But can your country afford to pay those rates?"
Hunger, you would bankrupt the entire universe with those rates. So no, they can't. But are you really going to abandon Letrizia anyway? Or are you just going to decide the Empire owes you itself and take it over?

"That's hardly my problem!" She turned up her nose. "Though, I am hoping to have Verschlengorge repaired before then. Maybe we can find a magus capable of doing it, or we can just incrementally heal him up with your Ring. It's been strange to be the one protected these past weeks. I've been dying to show you guys what we can really do!"
Good attitude! Yeah, it must really rankle Letrizia to have to be so crippled compared to what she is used to. Armaments are usually the stuff of legends and here she is being protected by two random people she ran into when she was in trouble.

"...Speaking of Verschlengorge, where is he parked?"
Huh, I never really thought about that. I hope you didn't park him on city hall or something Letrizia!

"The separatists are looking after him. Don't worry, they know better than to call down the wrath of the Empire. In normal cases the greater Empire doesn't really have the Armaments to spare for small rebellions like this one, but that clemency would swiftly cease if they were brazen enough to steal actual Armaments!"
Yeah, an armament isn't worth sending against a bunch of people that simply left your jurisdiction. Not worth it at all. But if said group happens to be making off with armaments, even heavily damaged ones... That is something they can not abide by, even if they intended for the pilot to die.

"It's all right, they're appropriately terrified of her station," Gisena assured him. "The privilege of nobility!"
I suppose Gisena is very good at noticing things like that. Shame they are terrified of her, though. They should be saving all that fear for us!

He rolled his eyes. "Onwards then. Let me have a look at that blood."
Ah, we finally get to the interesting part! Magic! Blood! Blood magic!

"Magic~ magic~" Letrizia clapped her hands happily. Gisena put on a brave smile, but there was just the barest flicker of emotion in her eyes, bitter perhaps at the thought that, though there hardly was a more talented Sorceress, her powers would only ever allow her to unmake what was wondrous, drag down the supernal into the grey mundane. So brief he could have imagined it. Hunger said nothing.
See, Letrizia agrees with me!

Man, I never really thought about how much that must suck for Gisena. She knows her power is anti-magic and will always be anti-magic. And is weighted down by seeing the incredible things others can do while all she can do is take them down.

Of course with proper application, lots of talent, and even more work Gisena will be able to do miraculous things herself with Nullity. Though it will always be by making things cease. It just happens to be that if you make certain things cease in just the right way Fate will be forced to Kneel. At least for a time. So don't give up, Gisena!

The process of unlocking 'High Elementalism,' Gisena theorized, ought be shockingly trivial for someone with access to the Ring of Blood. He merely had to heighten a few obscure properties of the target's blood, and then when exposed to a sufficient quantity of apex-grade Elixir Water they would naturally awaken to their Element.
Interesting. But then again we do cheat, and apparently the water can unlock magic in people spontaneously, which means we really just need to make sure that process actually happens rather than sputtering like it does on others, and also rather than anything more esoteric or complicated to perform.

He supposed any magical system with steep and obscure requirements would not have arisen organically in an otherwise mundane society of settlers. As far as Gisena'd seen, The waters of the spring were both temporary and wholly unique. Perhaps the settlers had merely gotten stupendously lucky, or some agent had not caused them to stumble upon the springs.
Not without the Voyaging realm forcing the issue, anyway. Which it probably does sometimes, but this doesn't seem like one of those times. This almost feels like a magic system designed for cursebearers like us to grab as we wander by, given the lax requirements, ease of obtaining it, and the ability to use it reasonably basically right out of the gate.

It is interesting to consider if their discovery of the spring was chance or if it was forced by something that has other things in mind. Given I think this place is a training ground for cursebearers I suspect it was the second one, with the realm itself being responsible.

"Okay, let's do this!" Gisena cheered. "Ready, hun?"

He placed a hand on Letrizia's head, focusing intently. The Ring of Blood responded to his intentions and would never accidentally harm an ally, but this was complex work still, operating on a number of esoteric sanguine qualities that only existed in trace amounts under standard conditions.
Interesting that this is complex work, when all it is is sufficing her essence with the magic contained in the water. And good to know the ring can distinguish between aiding and harming an ally, and can avoid doing one even if used poorly.

Letrizia blushed, but stood stock still, the very picture of stoic determination.
You know, you probably don't need to be that still, Letrizia. Relax a little.

"Okay, that should do it." He raised his hand. "I'm maintaining the enhancement now. Go."
Good this doesn't take that much focus from Hunger, though. Probably hard to maintain for the length of time needed if it did.

Gisena and Letrizia quickly ran into the master bathroom, and he heard the low crash of onrushing waters as Gisena turned all the high-powered faucets of the bath to full blast. A (presumably) torrential blast of water struck Letrizia.
Charge! Have fun guys!

"Is this really necessary?" Letrizia yelped. She gave a brief shriek of embarrassment. "Miss Gisena!!"
Yes! In fact, it isn't enough! More! Bury her!

"Hm? My dress is wet too, and I'm not even getting new magics out of this!"
Indeed, Gisena isn't complaining! Increase your willpower Letrizia! You want magic then you must suffer for it!

"I liked this school uniform!"
But... that isn't your school uniform. In fact, who did you steal that from? Are they going to miss it? What if it was their last spare you monster!?

"But isn't it the uniform of seperatist scum?"
Good point Gisena. I suppose Letrizia is a little traitor to the crown herself!

"Any reaction?" He yelled into the room.
Hopefully this isn't all for nothing!

Gisena's head popped out. "Yup, it's working perfectly! A little too well, actually. She's absorbing all the magic in the waters, so we'll have to maintain a constant flow. This should be ultimately be a good thing. The more magic she absorbs, the stronger the elemental catalysis reaction, and the more impressive her eventual Element will be! It may take a few hours. Will you have any trouble keeping her blood enhanced for the duration?"
Ooh, that good. Probably a bit expensive, though. Letrizia isn't going to be happy about sitting these that long, or about having to wait for her magic to come in!

"A few hours?!" Letrizia screamed. "I don't wanna get all pruney! Eewww..."
It's worth it! It's a small sacrifice for magic, Letrizia! Hold strong! You want it more than anything!

He frowned. "The blood augmentation shouldn't be a problem. And considering how much we paid, water use really shouldn't be an issue, but they might inquire and object. That would be my primary concern."
Good that Hunger noticed that before it turned into a Tyrant incident. That would have been awkward, particularly as we paid for a second day here.

If they did, it might activate the Tyrant's Doom, leaving him no choice but to defy them.
Yep, Hunger at least knows to be cautious of it. Probably more than we do, really.

Gisena shrugged, stepping out. Gently she gathered her damp hair and squeezed it out onto a towel. "It's for a good cause. Well, we still have some money, right? Maybe I'll step outside and bribe the desk staff, ensure their high-ups never get a good look at this particular oversight? It would be a shame if they tried to impose some meaningless rules on us and you were forced to kill them all!"
Desk staff probably get bribed all the time, now that I think about it. Well, good thing we didn't have any other reason to need the money.

"I wouldn't have to kill them," he grunted. "I'd just refuse to stop using their water, which might escalate into the use of force, which might force me to kill them all. But that would be on them."
Bad Hunger! Bad!

"So, you're not going to let me steal your money?" Gisena pouted.
Thankfully Hunger is perfectly reasonable. As long as you reimburse him. A lot.

"If the Sovereignty's currency is so important to you," he said magnanimously, "then you may have it, no need for false pretenses. Don't think this erases your earlier debt, however."
If anything it increases it Hunger! She's spending your money for you! That privilege demands a price!

"I would never dream of it!" Gisena happily took the money and returned a few minutes later, having secured the cooperation of the desk staff.
Good, nice and easy. Thought with Gisena's Charisma that seems to have been a foregone conclusion.

Many tedious hours later, it was finally done.

Letrizia emerged, body swaddled in a pink terrycloth robe. "Guhh... I'm completely shriveled and I don't feel any more magical at all."
lol, poor Letrizia. Don't worry, your suffering will have been worth it!

"Give it a night, dear." Gisena examined her curiously, eyes green and bright. "The Element is definitely percolating. It has yet to take form!"
Neat. This magic seems interesting, at least, if only in how it is gained.

Letrizia yawned, swaying slightly. "Okay, Miss Gisena. I'll... give it a shot..."
You say this like you have a choice Letrizia! Now sleep on it!

Gisena caught her and shot Hunger a smile. "Looking forward to doing this yourself tomorrow?"
Obviously. But Hunger is never going to admit to that.

"What about you? Is Sorcery is the only path for one of the Maiden's followers?"
That is an interesting question, but the answer is a bit less exciting.

She shook her head. "I already know which Element this process would give me. Sad to say it would be totally redundant! Perhaps the Maidengrace is too prescient, or simply too powerful to countermand..."
For Gisena's power is nullity, and only nullity. It is always nullity. She is not freed so easily from that. Not yet.

"Perhaps I'll forge you an artifact that does something novel. Save us from death another nine times and we'll call it square."
Sounds like a plan and a good deal to me. Now how can we arrange this...

"Only nine?" Gisena giggled. "So I can expect something tomorrow?"
Silly Gisena. You mean in 5 minutes :p

"How conceited... after we're safely finished with the Temple, maybe. But you'll have to work extra hard to earn it."

She flashed him a salute. "Aye-aye, captain!"
Good response Gisena, good to know you agree with me.

They retired to their chambers for the night. As usual, Hunger fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. He was awoken the next day by Letrizia.
That's good at least. One more day gone, and power gained from it yet again. Progression cursebearers are scary.

Well, Letrizia is happy. Very happy. Perhaps a bit too happy. We may have miscalculated.

"...Ugh." He blinked open his eyes. It had definitely not been nine hours.
I am suddenly very glad we did not get the curse of slumber.
...Get me a newspaper I need to bop her for that one.
Current vote count?

Wow, that's smart. Exploiting the absolute advantage in stats so that buffing us both only makes things worse for Aobaru. After all, Edeldross works on the basis of what is already there, and the stronger one is, the better the effect. I wonder how risky doing the same with Avecarn would be?

It'd be inferior to buffing Hunger and not buffing Avecarn at all, of course!

Maybe. I suppose that'd be a decent enough bait and switch if it turned out to be true.

Hm... but does Accretion actually work that way?

By this point I can only assume that the Forebear had been a Combat-type Cursebearer, because taking the Plenary Brand (and maybe the Tyrant's Doom?) as a Progression-type and then proceeding to do all that is just too swole for any single man.

...though maybe the Forebear had been a woman? How 'bout that.

Catherine was certainly a woman! But the Forebear has generally been referred to as a man.

I was waffling on what I wanted to vote for this run, but...


Ya gotta respect the 8k word Reaction Post. Which I have to now go read.

...If our Arete gets high enough, would it be possible to get Crimson Flare and a stance? I don't think we're at that point, but with the Arete generation bonus and snowballing it might be possible, I don't know how the snowballing is calculated.

If your Arete gets high enough, sure. But which one would you guys actually take?

Here's your system! Got delayed due to IRL affairs

Kinda merges you're two prompts together.

Inner Edifice:

The Soul has always been a source of great power, bestowing a myriad of vastly differing powers. The users of Inner Edifice are capable of direct interactions of their personal souls from the start to conjure the remainder of their repertoire.

The magical art functions through tearing out pieces of you own soul to modify, and enhance them. Modification requires both a understanding of the portion of the soul taken out, for example the piece of the soul containing memories of war would require personal understanding of war, and mechanical knowledge for modification takes tunes from both personal awareness, and scientific knowledge scaling in efforts with extent of knowledge from both. After the modification and enhancement is done the construct would then be absorbed back with no permanent loss.

The soul fragment and personal awareness would form the base of the new construct and the user' mechanical knowledge would shape it to their liking. The aforementioned memories of war could be shaped into a plasma caster that would allow for personal creation and manipulation of plasma.

Such effects can be created with imagination as the limit as long as the two requirements are passed for a chosen modification, and enhancement. A side effect would be the overall strengthening of the soul as its parts are tempered, and altered overtime. If new understanding and/or scientific knowledge surfaces old constructs could be broken down to new ones or be enhanced to a new extent.

As people are skilled in a disparate number of fields constructs would vary from a computer that allows for magnified mental speed and memory recovery to a engine that would supply limitless stamina.

To gain access to the Inner Edifice a epiphany must be gained when contemplating both their scientific knowledge and their own self.

The constructs are entangled very deeply, beneath the level where "destruction" is a viable concept. The practical ramification is a linking in dreams and in fate; no matter how scattered or diminished, the components of an Inner Edifice reflect their completed whole, and are drawn together by ontology.

Edit: The last paragraph was taken from Horatio's excellent analysis and expansion on the system. I frankly couldn't put it any better.
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Fanwork#1654 Words
- A Simple Transaction -
Alright boys, girls, and enbies, I thought I was had gone Beyond but Unelemental has inspired me to go Further Beyond myself, so now I'm writing a simple reaction in the time we have left. This quest shares a title with the last Cursebearer quest starring Seram. Title analysis of the florid, poetic chapter posts is incredibly entertaining, so the simplicity Rihaku prefers in his overall titles makes me tilt my head. "Unnamed Quest" doesn't even have a Nameless protagonist. is it perfectionism, or is the contrast intentional?

There were amazing and annoying parts of the last AST, more of the former than the latter, but all in all I like this one more. The recklessness that led us voters to confront the Sorceresses with an unmitigated brand is clearly still in full effect, so I guess we're just never going to get rid of it.
Every story spoken has been spoken before.

The boy from Earth stumbles into another realm. A world of wonder and magic, suffering beneath the Tyrant's cruel yoke. The boy becomes a man, the man becomes a hero, the hero defeats the Tyrant, and all live happily ever after. So destiny has decreed.

But the Tyrant is not so easily overcome.
Hey, the first line is acknowledging the thing I just said, seeing all this cleverness is the best part of writing reactions. The second best, actually, the best part is the Arete. Isekai happens - I wonder if there's any significance to the boy becoming a man before a hero, if he was going hard from the start, is this just a turn of phrase or is it referencing a particular epiphany? It will never be, but destiny probably would have given the Hero more time to breathe than the Tyrant, and its intentions don't matter against its master.
He is wise to destiny's tricks, greater than destiny's stewards. He sets the world spinning to the direction of a new master. Destiny falters; only causality remains. And mere causality does not suffice a hero from coddled Earth to stand against the Tyrant.

The hero fails, time and again. The people of the world suffer for his impudence. He loses an arm, an eye, half a lung, all the natural vigor of his youth. The companions with which he journeyed become a procession of the dead. His quest, prophesied as the dalliance of a season, becomes a grim slog of years.

There is no certainty of victory; barely any chance of it. But the hero's heart is full of hate, and it is much too late to stop.
It's clear that the Hero/Overlord dichotomy is a huge part of the Rihakuverse. Nameless could also have been said to be aware of and, eventually, greater than destiny, but as much as he liked the Truth I don't think he was so fussed with causality. This Tyrant might also have Just Shot the Fates, but he doesn't have quite the powerlevel. And on the lower end of High Rank, it wouldn't be enough to be a destiny unto himself for the entire world; he probably had a specific effect that is to Fate what the Ring is to Blood.

I wasn't expecting an answer to my question, but the boy would've progressed to manhood and heroism in a season. If only. Instead of months or even a decade, you're in this for an octillion years, brotato. Strap in for the long haul.

I can't quite decide how metaphorical the Tyrant's theft of Hunger's youth is. A decade was stolen from him, but was any more? Is he suffering from a similar Affliction as Letrizia, and was that why the option was offered in the first place? Hunger's never implied that it wasn't an additional cruelty rather than time's, but after his final attack I'm not sure if he'd even remember.

I just posted that we don't know enough about the Tyrant's cruelty in my last reaction, but if he punished the world for the "impudence" of a single Hero, he was a total dick. How surprising, not.

We now know about Catherine, the most important, and there was a mention of his own mentor when he was giving Letrizia a pep talk, but Hunger backstory is slow to be parceled out. We're grabbing another EFB, one hopes, but unlike Cut Through this one seems to be very focused on the present story. Then again, this Ring did sit in disguise on the villain's finger all those years, who knows what it has seen? Now that Hunger is part of Hunger, at his deepest self has he seen this tragedy from three perspectives? Maybe that's what he keeps imprisoned.

The last line has not changed since the first update, but our path is set. Baenlixnaire approves.
He learns from his enemy. Mirrors the monster's unmerciful cunning, turns to those forbidden arts his long-dead mentors warned him against. Finds in them, at last, an arena in which his talent exceeds his adversary's.

Years more of preparation, to realize the power that talent portends. Time bought dearly with the blood of his allies, a patchwork insurgency of the desperate and condemned. In sparse moments, the hero and his surviving companions carve out a life for themselves, stealing what joy they can. The long, bitter path of his journey trudges towards culmination.

One final sally against the Tyrant. As before, their powers are unevenly matched. But for the first time, that imbalance is in the hero's favor.
I'd forgotten that Hunger's Age and Treachery was as intentionally cultivated as this implies; his brutality was there even before we slurped 4bear juice, then. As far as forbidden arts go, Abduction doesn't seem that terrible even with the slurping. As terrible as the Tyrant was, you'd think that those nameless mentors would've given him more slack on the "forbidden" label. If they knew something to make the cost more terrible than it appears, we might have more trouble in the future from ghosts than expected.

"Be like the Forebear" is meme now, but the Sword that Was Stolen was the first of the Hero's artifacts, I think. Was he once even more Thick as Thieves than he is now, even after he Cut Through? Meditating on the potential locked within the sword for years, it would be less likely to be otherwise. What parts of him were in the Blade when it shattered for that final strike, and how much of the Blade was in his mind when it likewise fractured?

Hunger's lecture to Letrizia over a fish didn't come from nowhere, the importance of the little moments was established in the first post. A small spot of brightness.

The Hero was the stronger in the final confrontation, but he was still forced to burn himself to win. If he didn't, he might have survived the nobility afterwards.
And yet even that is not enough. The gap in power does not suffice to overcome the gulf of skill still between them. There is no more time. There are no more chances.

The killing stroke descends. The hero's final companion throws herself into its path. The hero becomes a widower.

In the Tyrant's implacable guard, a momentary opening appears.

Burning selfhood like tallow, the widower mounts one final onslaught. In his eyes there is no more victory, no dreams more of failure or success. Only the enemy which must be destroyed, no matter the cost.

The widower prevails. The Tyrant is no more. The peoples of the world celebrate their liberation. Joy and adulation rain upon their silent champion, who stares ahead unblinking.
There is no victory in Strength, Age was the greater and Hunger and Catherine's Treachery greatest of all. Except for those elder unseen. And then the Accursed. Shut up, brain, accuracy isn't important, I was trying to write cool lines.

For more information, see Accursed Implement. Damn, that lesson was also there from the start, I wonder how many 25-Arete buys will reference this post. Catherine was probably last on purpose, not because of narrative, but because the Tyrant never intended to kill her.

The Tyrant loses, but it can't really be said that Hunger wins. It's a good thing, still.
After the parade the widower buries his wife and their unborn child. It is eleven years to the day since he arrived in this world.

Crippled by the effulgence of that final strike, the widower is a pale shadow of his prior self. But in the eyes of the people, he is still the hero that was; their protector, their shining knight, their salvation, howsoever delayed though it may have been. And, with the passing of seasons, a glimmer of hope arises in the hero's heart. That, though the cost was ruinous, more than he could bear, there was good in the world still waiting to be fostered.

Freedom, Justice, Truth. In time, democracy. A society with the power and wherewithal to be organized around its highest ideals, rather than brute necessity. It is what they would have wanted - and if he no longer wields a hero's strength, still he has a hero's influence.
Eleven years, not ten. I had been rounding.

Even losing everything didn't keep the hero down; if happily ever after is a lie, then so are the tragic endings, because stories don't end where books do. I wish it worked out for him, because using his reputation even as his body is ruined to continue to make things better would be so fucking meaningful. I'm tearing up a bit, his heroism is inspring me from another reality!
But the world did not sit idly while he mourned. The kings and dukes who fought aside the hero have filled the vacuum of power left by the Tyrant. And they are content with the system at hand. Theirs is a society of nearly faultless structure, stably and evenly arranged. Their yoke is light, the people are fed. Is that not justice? There is no place here for the instruments of modernity, much less its frivolous ideals.

The hero is not dissuaded. Too many have died for him to surrender this dream. In that resolve the nobility see the beginnings of a Tyrant by a different name. They act. Treachery achieves what all the overlord's power could not: the hero undone at last. Discarded by those who had no more use for him.
Sadly, "better" would only be for most people, the ones not currently in power. I wouldn't dare say this in Hunger's hearing, but one of course has to have skepticism for a modern high-schooler's uplift education, even after a decade has passed. I'm fairly sure he was at least 90% in the right here, but the nobility might have had part of a point and not been entirely self-serving.

Painting him as a Tyrant for attempting to bring equality, though, is shameful, so whether or not they had a point, fuck those guys. I mean, he's a Tyrant now, but not when you called him that. Also, he deserved better than backstabbery, even crippled as he was you didn't have the gonads to be honest? Well, Hunger'd approve, actually, if it was less personal.

I see Temple parallels, especially since it also boasts of being well-ordered and keeps the people fed. Is Hunger's attempt to reform this society as doomed as the last one? This is actually an incredibly interesting question, I'll bring it up outside of the spoiler if anyone wants to last-minute brainstorm.
In the hero's final moments, despair and hate raging equally across his heart, comes a being with the form of a man, offering vengeance in the form of a bargain.

The being is power beyond measure, beyond the hero's wildest reckonings, the solemn steady heartbeat of all creation, the sword by which all stories would end.

"Are you the-"

The man cuts him off with an upraised hand. "No, I'm not the Devil, nor am I associated with any that claim to be him. There will be no souls, no contracts, no signing in blood. My offer is that of a simple transaction. I am bound by countless Curses, leaving me greatly diminished, a thin figment of what I once was. Take up a portion of my burdens, and in exchange receive a fraction of my power."
Shit, I literally just wrote "stories don't end" without realizing I was subconsciously plagiarizing from the Accursed's assertion of the opposite. I'll plead the Accursed clause, "except in case of Accursed" is always assumed. He's also the heartbeat of everything, which maybe explains why blue is truth, 's his favorite.

The Accursed is here to save the day, with the Plenary trumpets announcing him. Interesting that the curse doesn't reveal that he isn't a devil, he wouldn't need the boilerplate speech, then, but the Brand of the Wretched talked into into a compromise to maximize his suffering. He's the opposite of a devil, he would have saved us if only we let him, but tricking mortals into damning themselves is the devil's favorite, so a biased view (which all would be) could fit this into the mold. This is only the most amusing of the trials he faces, poor dude.
Power enough to escape this world, or remake it. This he understands without speaking. Even knowing this, he can not help but dislike the being. If this Accursed one had deigned to act sooner, could his wife and son have been saved?

But it had not, and mere dislike means nothing.

What else is there to say?

"I accept."

Mournfully the being closes its eyes. "So be it."

"If you wish only to survive," it continued, "I will grant you a modest portion of my burdens, and power enough to be free of this realm and its shackles. But if you seek vengeance against the powers truly responsible for your suffering here, then you must take on a far more onerous burden. In exchange, you will receive the power of unbounded progression, growth without limit or surcease."
There was only ever one real option for Hunger. Uttermost, no matter the cost, etc. That's just retroactive, though, at the time the vote was pretty close. Fluffy family life with Catherine and kid and maybe also the rest of his friends was possible, but the hidden ones would never get punched in the face and Hunger would always be asking in the back of his mind when everything would come undone. It's heavy.

There's no surprise in the winner of vs arguments knowing something, but the "truly responsible powers" only come up like three times so I'm desperate for information about them. If only he could've told us more, but we still don't have the power to do anything other than stress about them, after all. I suppose he might not have been bound, and simply offered us the kindness of telling us enough for honesty while minimizing worry.

The Accursed is just. The best. We need to survive and grow strong, not only for ourself and our friends, but also this guy. Or maybe that didn't need to be said, we only talked to him once but that's enough for friendship from Hunger's direction.
But the world did not sit idly while he mourned. The kings and dukes who fought aside the hero have filled the vacuum of power left by the Tyrant. And they are content with the system at hand. Theirs is a society of nearly faultless structure, stably and evenly arranged. Their yoke is light, the people are fed. Is that not justice? There is no place here for the instruments of modernity, much less its frivolous ideals.

The hero is not dissuaded. Too many have died for him to surrender this dream. In that resolve the nobility see the beginnings of a Tyrant by a different name. They act. Treachery achieves what all the overlord's power could not: the hero undone at last. Discarded by those who had no more use for him.
Quoting this bit outside of the spoiler because it seems relevant to the current situation. Hunger's again trying to reform a society, a stable and well-fed one, and it didn't go so well last time. Not sure what lesson to take from it, though, other than either lowered expectations or obliteration of the dominant class. The yoke might not be so light if Selune's any indication, so there's a potential faultline. And pay attention more to what people want than your own ideals - I would say, but Uttermost is about the opposite, so just do your best, Hunger.

Just throwing that parallel out, really.
Aren't we going for the Trinity? Do we want to spend arete on the Stances? There isn't any pressing need for them.