Microwave with that Quester Magic.

The built up salt has been abated for today once more.

For future readers, I swear. Seeing Microwave's art is like finding a Bonfire in a Dark Souls game.
As long as take advantage of the post-Temple phase to slow down a bit and let Hunger's mental state patch up a bit, I'm okay.

We've pushed him into a "strongest steel is made in the hottest fire" situation... but the strongest steel is made, not in the hottest fire, but under a very precise and balanced combination of conditions including temperature, duration control, alloying ingredients, and a nitrogen fuckin' atmosphere...
Ayt so. Thanks a bunch for the positive reception of Nine's Ranklet Adventures. It's really appreciated.

It'd be nice to get some reactions for it though. Like, what were the parts you enjoyed, which parts fell flat, etc etc. things to improve on, and things that really struck.

I'd want to get some ideas for Build Vote hell but I've got shit talent for that so it'll be a working experience.

It'll at least be some other avenue for Arete generation if you're optimistic enough

And if j get enough juice for it, it'll all help for Part 1 provided Sign wins.

Also hubris edit:

Thoughts on Nine and uh, how you folks envision him as a character/indiv etc etc kekeke
Last edited:
I have to say, right now "Fine" is one vote above "Unacceptable," but "Maximum Greed" is edging out the other options. That's... not good? Maybe some of us should be shifting around, because we may be in a very close-run Arete situation and "Fine" could put us on the wrong side of a tipping point, sadly.
Grinding to make that EFB dream a reality.

Now to look for updates I haven't wrote a reaction for. I am pretty sure there is more than a couple of such, but they are all pretty ancient. Maybe I should react to an omake? Or actually write one?

Decisions, decisions...

This is an obvious, very obvious reference to elementalism. Although the forces Surgecrafters wield aren't very natural at all, being all sorts of conceptual exotic matters with strange magical effects on reality.

They convened at an Elementalist training grounds the next day, Letrizia alongside her ostensible classmates and Hunger with Gisena. The grounds themselves were no more than a rectangle of densely packed dirt, but there was an almost celebratory air to the proceedings - the high schoolers gawked at the two of them, turning to bombard Letrizia with questions, while Gisena set up a one-person cheer section.

Something should be said about how Elementalists were supposed to be a secret from the outsiders, but... Even aside from how Letrizia blew that box wide open, and how Surgecrafting is basically impossible to conceal long term anyway, Hunger also did Sovereignty a massive, massive favor. That does entitle one to some degree of extra leniency.

Letrizia temporized, deflecting the interrogation with a mysterious flip of her hair, then began to explain the rules of engagement. There would be one warm-up and one serious match per challenger. At stake was, on part of Hunger, both a considerable sum of money and a substantial amount of time; on the part of the students, a massively smaller sum.

Letrizia is really pushing that mysterious transfer student angle here; this is pretty cute. Let us see for long she can keep that up.

Hunger is getting adept at trying to get out as much as possible out of the Ring of Hunger; looking from this perspective when even training could be turned into a contest, Ring's drawbacks are barely relevant at all. Of course, even such trickery eventually fails, but there are means to solve the pick drought when it eventually comes.

All involved understood that the main objective was to familiarize Hunger and Letrizia with their Elements; to facilitate this, a bonus payment would be made at the end, amount depending on Hunger and Letrizia's own assessments as to how they performed. Letrizia had assured the children that Hunger would score them generously.

With a good reason, considering that Hunger is somewhat of a big softie inside. We did not prioritize Letrizia over Gisena, but Hunger's dad energy is pretty strong nonetheless; he is not going to bully or scam these kids even if he had some minor incentives to.

...Unlike that other guy, we played as before. Poor Suizhen, The Indebted; I suspect that that omake about her traveling the multiverse and offering people powers in exchange for taking on part of her debts ala Accursed might actually be happening right now.

"Alright, guess I'm up first! Nice to meetya, mister! Heard you killed a lot of Rotspawn yesterday." The first contender was a loud-mouthed redhead by the name of Aobaru, whose Element of Vigorflame could increase the strength of an person or object up to a set point, after which it caused them to explode. He was notable for his iron control over the Element, capable of inducing explosions seemingly without the intermediate step of strengthening his foes.

This guy is probably popular. His element is pretty useful; he is one of those people who actually would benefit from being decked in full suit of Sovereignty's power armor, given that he can reinforce it dramatically. He'll probably going to be the strongest Surgebinder in the future, barring people with specific counters popping up and/or unlikely event that a 25 Arete equivalent appearing.

...I wonder if Sovereignty scientists are desperately experimenting in secret labs right now, trying to create a super-Surger of some sort. They are more humane than Empire, but that doesn't mean that human experiments are totally verboten, merely limited.

Hunger carefully set aside the Forebear's Blade and walked to the center of their makeshift arena. Aobaru offered him a fist bump which he neglected to return, but gave the boy a nod of acknowledgement.

Hunger did not try to appear younger than he looks, which is a good social move. "Hello fellow kids, how do you do" doesn't work all that well.

Although extreme power and competency generally tend to wash away any silly first impressions like that; in Jonin Quest, our protag was a total pushover socially, and the same was true for Control Quest, but their extreme talent and might won them respect and adulation regardless.

Unless you have a doom of "can't ever be taken seriously" I guess. Man, that was a good omake. We really should pick up praxis there, IDK how would you mitigate anything with a Quirk, no matter how potent.

"Er... okay! Well, you've got a buffing-type Element like me, right? I've got some tips and tricks I could show ya."

"That's right."

"Hm... okay, so if yours is anything like mine, it helps anyone that touches it, which is the main problem. You've got enemies in melee that would love to steal your buffs and equalize."


Right to the core of the matter. No stupid posturing, no overly arrogant proclamations, no silly threats; this guy does not appears to be high on his own power, and considering that he also appears to be some sort of a leader or at least a figure of importance in surgecrafter cliques, speaks good things about future of Sovereignity.

At least for that half of the century before Elixir Waters run out. Then it is a coin toss if Surgecrafting is inheritable.

"I've got a couple ways around that... but telling you would be boring. Best if I just show ya."

Hunger smirked. "Be my guest."

Hunger is going to enjoy this. Learning, getting stronger, fighting without the immediate threat of death, perhaps even teaching something to kids right back... These are good times for him. Somewhat healthy, too, unlike a lion's share of this "Vacation."

They retreated to opposite sides of the arena, and the first spar began. Aobaru immediately launched a pillar of Vigorflame at the ground, which bounced up and struck his body: the quantity of Element summoned was no less, but by focusing it into a vertical emission, enemies outside touch range would fail to benefit. Clever.

A pretty basic trick, and already useful. Grace experimentation might have been potentially more powerful, but this is not lacking in terms of power either.

Hunger immediately tried the same, even as Aobaru rushed him. The boy was a surprisingly capable warrior but no match for Hunger's speed. He dodged the child's strikes, blasts, and grapple attempts easily as he tried to figure out how to make the pillar technique work. His first attempt had merely sent Edeldross into the ground, hurling himself skyward. Subsequent attempts spilled out into an explosive dome, nothing like the precisely controlled column of energy that Aobaru had manifested.

I wonder where he got the raw experience to wield his ability like this. He seems to be used to combat, which means either kids are self-organizing something, or Sovereignty did not drop the ball on their training.

He frowned. Perhaps the warm-up spars were a mistake. The stakes were so low his Ring was unsatisfied. No power to be gained from such conflicts.

And since the difference between Hunger and the ring is rather negligible, them being essentially one being, Hunger is viscerally unsatisfied too.

The boy looked shocked for a moment before an overjoyed expression came across his features. "Holy shit, I won! I beat the Reckoner!"
"The Reckoner?"
"Yeah, the Reckoner of Rotspawn! It's what we've been calling you, Lord Hunger."
Well, it is only natural for these people to hate the rotspawn, but such a justice-oriented tittle... I wonder if they are treating Rotbeast as intelligent, if evil, actor. Something that is more than a simple beast or force of nature, but an actual thinking invader that came to pillage and burn through their city.

And yeah, naturally this is a momentous occasion for these people, and even momentary weakness from Hunger would allow these kids to get their head real big and baloon'ey. I wonder how they would have treated us if we slew the actual Rotbeast, though.
With mental reflexes capable of tracing a bullet in mid-flight, Hunger stopped himself from cringing. This... was a good thing. Notoriety could only improve his Astral Rank when he accomplished substantial feats, though he suspected his fight against the lesser Rotspawn did not qualify. "I see. An interesting name."
A man who calls himself Lord Hunger really ought to have a greater cringe resistance than this! Especially when it is backed up by substantial benefits like the growth of his power!

We'll have a Settra-like list of titles one day. Better learn to derive enjoyment from the ridiculousness of that all, rather than take it as a burden to bear.

"Wo-hoo! Go Lord Reckoner!" Gisena called from the sidelines. From somewhere she'd produced white cloths that she and Letrizia had tied as headbands. His name was written on them in bold red ink. "Good match, have a drink?"

He rolled his eyes and took the proffered water. "It was a tough match, but I'm confident I can come back in the second round."
Pfft. Gisena, as always, having fun with this. Where she even got that cloth, I wonder?

Aobaru was walking boastfully among his compatriots, fielding them questions with indifferent aplomb. "No big deal, I'm sure he was holding back like, massively..."
He probably knows that it is true and that Hunger did holdback; he probably also doesn't really care. Sincere adulation is such a drug.

"Why'd you throw the match?" Letrizia pouted. "I had good money riding on you, Lord Reckoner!"

"Oh yeah? Is it for the warm-up or the fight itself?'

"Both!" She grumbled.

"I see. Then, if you don't want to lose the rest, I suggest you drop both parts of that title when addressing me in the future."

"H-hmph! Whatever you want. 'S not like I think it's cool or anything..."

"Good." He smiled, took another sip of water and returned to the field.
Kids are in for a surprise should actually unleash a non-negligible fraction of Hunger's true power.

...Wow, it is really easy to sound pretentious about this.

Before Aobaru returned, Hunger spent a long moment in contemplation. The Ring would disqualify any contest that was insufficiently challenging or lacked real stakes. In that event, he couldn't use his full power, or even one-tenth: the greater his chance of actually losing, the more quickly he would learn. One-fiftieth power ought to give him an edge while still retaining that essential element of risk. If he miscalibrated, so be it. Even this method would likely fail if he repeated it too many times against a given opponent. Luckily there was quite a variety here.

Self-comprehension is always good, especially if it is a sureway path to unlocking more power! Today Hunger learned more than simple Eldendross manipulation; he experimented with the ways how to exploit Ring to the uttermost extent of its capacity, and that is something that'll come in handy later on.

Aobaru walked back from the stands, his cocksure swagger replaced by serious determination. "Alright, let's do this. I've got a month's worth of part-time wages on the line, so don't expect me to go as easy as I did previous."

I am surprised that Surgecrafters do not get a more generous stipend, but I guess not making too many exceptions for them is a reasonable choice; making them too favored, too special, could encourage some very unfortunate convictions in their ranks that are probably already percolating in their cliques even now.

Hunger nodded, taking a low stance. As Letrizia's arm fell to indicate the match's beginning, Hunger immediately sprang forwards, catching his foe in a grapple before he could fire anything. He then emitted a thunderous blast of edeldross, saturating them both; with his speed and strength much the superior of his enemy's, the absolute difference in parameters merely grew. If Aobaru attempted to summon any of his own Element, Hunger could defeat him with a submission lock fairly trivially. His Ring flared slightly, a steady trickle of power which he fed into his mantle, willing it to increase his proficiency with Edeldross.
Did we get Eldendross Adept right there? Appears so.

Hunger's Sord-side is shining through here. Even in the Surgecrafting-oriented contest, he goes and just grapples the enemy into submission.

Before Aobaru could tap out, Hunger released him and withdrew to the edge of the arena. That had worked well, but it was a tactic to be kept in pocket against a physically inferior opponent. For general use he needed to master the pillar technique.

"That... was fast..." Aobaru said shakily. "Hm, guess you could beat me at any time, so my only chance is to get a great bonus. Alright, well, I think I see the problem in your technique."
A window into the larger world for these kids; they are probably thinking that they are pretty strong right now, and that whoever manages to challenge the prime rotspawn or even a Rotbeast itself stands at the peak of the world.

A dangerous idea worth dispelling.

And yeah, Aobaru did not have much trouble understanding that Hunger is actually holding back here. I am sure he was aware before, but it just does not viscerally imprint until your opponent just blurs, and then suddenly it is all over before it even begun.
"Oh?" Hunger waited patiently.

"Yeah. Looks like you have a force-based Element. Usually those can be solidified into a semi-inert state. While inert, they'll lose most of their unique properties and act as a generic solid. What you really want to do is form a lip of solidified Element at the bottom and sides of your blast. That way it'll bounce off the earth and hit you instead of seeping in or spreading everywhere. Why don't you give it a shot?"
Well, less force and more amorphous semi-liquid matter, but sure enough.

"This isn't fair, you're getting all the instruction bonuses yourself!" Another boy heckled from the sidelines.
Aobaru made what appeared to be a rude gesture in response.
Well, they gotta add something productive on top of what Aobaru tells us, then! Surely there are some additional quirks and secrets...

Also, kids being kids. Nice.

"I learn best under pressure. Take me out while I'm attempting it."
"Are you sure? I mean, that's-"
"Yes, and don't hold back. Otherwise it won't work as well."
Hunger looks like such a weirdo here. Although one might consider him being cool here. It depends on the point view... His strength and speed probably tilts it a lot toward the "cool" end of the spectrum for these kids, I think.

I hope none of them actually try to take this as an example to follow. Ring of Hunger and Progression makes Hunger this work, trying this for normal humans is a sure way to long-term injury and getting yourself killed. It is just not a good way to train, tbh.

...Unless you are a protagonist of shounen anime, I suppose.

Aobaru leapt forward, streams of fire launching him at radically higher speed. Hunger barely ducked out of the way, forming a frantic shield of edeldross that deflected the boy. Ah. The solidified edeldross that he used to make shields. That was what the kid was talking about. If he produced a thin amount to contain the pure Edeldross, the "pillar" technique was much simpler.
Self-buffing elementalism like these are one of the very select few who actually have a good chance of giving Hunger a fight. Maybe he'll even achieve Hunger's current level of speed and power, eventually!

I wonder if Surgecrafters could potentially get access to time-space bending elements; that sort of thing would have worked well against Hunger too, now I thinks about it. At least until we use Cut Through.

He fired downwards again and was gratified to feel a nearly-vertical column of his Element surrounding him.
Progression! More accurately, 2 arete Eldendross adept purchase! That was an incredibly efficient way of spending arete, even though it kind of made getting an EFB more difficult right now. So efficient I actually went for it despite disliking Eldendross.

"You've got it. Sheesh, that was fast," Aobaru panted, 'spent' after going all-out. Hunger raised an eyebrow. The kid was a good actor, but had a whiles to go before he could fool Hunger. "Alright, the next level is density control. The pillar technique's good if you want to fire off a blast to buff one of your companions, but for solo buffing you really need to master density. Almost all buffing Elements have greater effects at higher density, so if you can compress an orb of it and hold it in your chest, you should see some noticeably improved effects. The boost will be strongest wherever you hold the orb, but should radiate out to the rest of your body."

This is very anime sort of "exhausted." Like a character appears to be temporary on backfoot, and then they suddenly start pulling out stamina out of nowhere like they barely even tried before? Yeah, this is that.

"How do I compress it in the first place?" He frowned.

"Well, the best way is to just summon it compressed. Takes a few tries but that's the safest to avoid enemy-buffing. You have to summon lots of Element at one time, right?" He called forth a torrent of flame. "But there's nothing saying you can't summon a lot of Element in one space, as long as your fundamental control's good enough."
It is rather suitable that way of controlling the Surgecrafting lies more along the way of leaning into its strength and summoning more of the (element) from the start, rather than pretending you can manage to control it post-summon with some sort of a chirurgeon-accurate scalpel accuracy.

...Well, maybe we could have if we had To Shatter Heavens applied on it, but we don't.
Aobaru gestured with his open palm, summoned an orb of searing brilliance. "Like this!"

He swiftly launched the orb at Hunger, following up with a spirited charge. Hunger ducked the orb but felt a line of boils form along the exposed side, the flesh bubbling up as if on the verge of eruption. Terrifying.

He attempted to do as his opponent had done, summoning an orb of concentrated edeldross. Though his sphere was much larger than his enemy's palm-sized orb, still it ended up considerably smaller than the tank-sized blasts he normally produced. Tucking it into his body, it melted seamlessly into his chest; a steady, glowing warmth that vivified and exalted every fiber of his being.
It is curious to see Eldendross merge into one's being like this; IIRC orcs were doing something like this with Findross, only they retained and accumulated the benefits from doing so over time. Maybe there is an advancement in Eldendross tree that allows the same; surely there is one in Quintessence.

Oh, Quintessence. How I wish you weren't an Evening Sky pick. Well, at least we'll at least delay it until Hunger becomes a little bit more mentally healthy, hopefully; with Maiden-like empowerment coming from etching a narrative imagine into the fundamental nature of Findross, mentally crazy, crippled and unhealthy Hunger means that for Findross that becomes an ideal of perfection. One of many ideals, at the very least. I'd rather not do such thing.

Firing wide columns of Edeldross to deflect his opponent's attacks, Hunger charged in again, only to be forced back as Aobaru finally stopped holding back. The boy produced a broad, deep wall of livid fire, crackling golden tongues stretching full to sky. Aobaru emerged from the wall similarly coated in flame, a set of densely focused orbs whirling about his head. One by one they flew at Hunger, who was forced to endure two blows to the leg and one to the torso, flesh rupturing raggedly as it exploded.
This is a nice mental image, that bits aside from flesh rupturing from blows.

Aobaru really tried to play this like an anime fight, with trump cards and holding back and stuff. But Hunger is just too stronk.

Shocked at the gruesome display, Aobaru faltered a moment, and Hunger sent him to earth with a quick chop to the back of the neck. He placed his palm gently but menacingly upon the boy's head. "Do you yield?"

"Uh, yeah, I yield. Holy crap that was hardcore. Do you just like, not feel pain?"
Welcome to Rihakuverse; you can't ignore your kneecaps exploding and your guts falling out, you are a nobody. Finally, someone pointed out how ridiculous that is in-universe. (even though it is honestly kind of a part of the appeal)

At least most of the people who were particularly egregious about it had some sort of an excuse; Vanreir was a walking corpse without a beating heart or any blood coursing through his veins at the end, but his Soul Evocation allowed him to at least finish the metaphorical thrust through inertia he generated before; he was probably doomed to die at the end of that day even if he slew us.

With the spar over, his other magics were unsealed. Hunger quickly repaired his wounds. "I do, but you learn to ignore that in combat. Perhaps my sense of pain has dulled over time."
"Jeez. As expected of the Reckoner, I guess. You're pretty cool for an old guy!"
I can feel Hunger's pain here. Both from social interactions and being called "an old guy." He is what, 21? Tyrant really did a number on his... everything. Almost makes one wish he gave us some more memories in exchange for greater bodily health.

Aobaru got up. "Anyway, there's one stage of enhancement beyond even density, but I haven't mastered it yet. We call it suffusion. You create a highly-dense construct of your Element in the exact shape of your body, and move it exactly as your body moves. That gives the heaviest augmentation of all, even better than just saturating yourself with a pillar of highly-dense Element, but it's really hard and requires continuous maintenance. The orb method is a lot stabler."
Make your element act in harmony with your body. Interesting. I wonder if eventually one can become pure element and house their consciousness in body of Eldendross/Vigorflame/Pressure/etc, at least if the element is particularly suitable to such hijinks... IIRC, in Bleach Quest we had options on offloading processing power into Reishi once our control and body-thread technique got sufficiently stupidly good; for some elements, same principles could be workable.

Dunno if it is possible without the help of a Progression-type cursebearer, though! That sort of an accomplishment would require centuries of dedicated work, normally.

Interesting. He wondered why that was. Intuitively, a 'highly-dense pillar' ought to offer the greatest exposure possible to one's Element. Perhaps it was psychokinetic in nature, some aspect of the concentration itself focusing the Element's effect? "Good to know. Thanks."
Surgecraft has been pointed out magic system of intent and emotion, its greatest power present in a moment of determination and will; of course, things work like this.

This boy is a decent teacher, too. Nothing exceptional, but I kind of been expecting a whole lot of more posturing, bragging, and teenage nonsense. Well, I guess once does not get ahead and become an accomplished Surgecrafter (or anything really) by being a stupid punk.
"Hey, don't thank me. Just pay me well! I gotta make up for this lost lunch money." Aobaru grinned cheekily and handed over a pitiful sum.

"YEAH!!" Letrizia cheered wildly. She fired off a column of Pressure into the air. "I'm the best! I love gambling!!"

...What sort of a lesson we are teaching to Letrizia. Man, we are the worst influence. Going like this, one day she'll come back home as a dead ghost, proud as peacock about killing herself for power for the first time.

If there is any good reason to curb Hunger's more questionable tendencies, it is how they affect the people around him. Sheer power shields one from missteps and consequences to the extend, but Even Odyssial had to fight an entire world (and lose) when he overdosed on Cut Through/Heartlessness juice.

Also, that Cool Mysterious Transfer student image really didn't hold for long. Good thing that Letrizia is actually pretty likeable regardless.

After that came a succession of considerably less impressive 'High' Elementalists, though Hunger's self-imposed restrictions nearly caught him out from time to from. Nonetheless by the end of the day he had gained an impressive competence in Edeldross manipulation without having lost a single (real) bout. Happily he paid out the students' bonuses, and was just about to leave when one final student arrived at the grounds.
We didn't even get to enjoy the verisimilitude of interesting surgecrafting elements. Such a pity. Maybe once we get a whole society of them, though... I'd imagine you could run an entire quest about this, make a very BNHA-esque setting. And with Surgecrafting depending on emotional factor, highlight the shounen'y burning blood elements even further.

She was a girl of about Letrizia's age, pretty and slender but not as tall as the Armament pilot, with eyes of dark violet in a similarly dark outfit. In her left hand she carried a slightly curved sword in a scabbard of polished wood. Her dark hair was drawn up in a ponytail spill of ink, stark contrast to her unhealthily pale skin. Her stance was light, alert; a fighter of professional skill, despite her nervous demeanor.
Letrizia is tall? This is news to me. Maybe Microwawe's depiction of her got etched in my mind somewhat strongly.

Anyway, there is a strong correlation between appearance and element for all these kids; Hunger's rough, villainous visage clashing with redemption and sun-warm of Eldendross is an odd man out. If this was some sort of an anime with these kids being protagonists, such thing would've been a big "Aha" moment for the mildly attentive viewer.

"Hope... I am not... too late," the girl said shakily, as Letrizia came over to greet the newcomer.
"Aeira!" Letrizia said happily. "I didn't think you'd be able to make it. Did your parents give you permission?"
"Ah, yes." Aeira replied. "It took much of the night, and today as well, but they have finally agreed to allow me to become a mercenary!"
Notably did not run away in the middle of the night! How novel. At least we don't have to deal with that. I wonder if she was delayed by those arguments, or some sort of last moment preparations; it is a pity that she wasn't here. Fighting her would've given us a deeper knowledge of her capabilities and prowess, therefore giving us more info to work with, making our decisions to leave her or to accept her more solid.

She bowed deeply to Hunger, and then to Gisena. "Lord Hunger and Lady Allria, please permit me to travel alongside you! Letrizia has informed me of your mission and I would bring much in the way of novel capabilities. My Element, Shadowcord, dims light and deflects attention, allowing me to cloak you from detection even against automated systems. I am also a capable fighter with the sword, and can defeat most Sovereignty Armors in direct combat."
Formal. I wonder if Letrizia mentioned to her that Hunger despises his title. This pitch is pressing some unpleasant buttons already; thankfully for her, Hunger is a practical and professional individual.

"Fascinating," Gisena remarked. "The information-theoretic implications of that attention-deflecting ability..."

"Aeira's really strong!" Letrizia gushed. "Maybe not as powerful as you, Hunger, but we could really use her stealth capabilities, and we've got plenty of money left over to pay her! Her family could really use it, and she can definitely take care of herself!"
It does not sound like her Surge is directly enchanting her martial capabilities; I am somewhat surprised that is carrying a sword. We do know people can get up to Astral Rank 3 without a magic system assuming they are sufficiently exceptional; is she one of those people? If so, she has pretty immense potential should we give her paths to further progression.


The winners were [X] Ring of Power: Crimson Flare and [X] High Marshall.

Well, we'll see if we are up to dealing with the result of our own actions. A lot of people knowingly took this risk, now it is time to deliver.

I honestly like this girl, and I think that her element would tilt our chances of escape in the event diplomacy fails. We do need arete for that, however. People are working hard... Perhaps we'll have enough. I wonder if Letrizia approached her first, or she volunteered; probably mix of both.

I don't dislike this; I kind of like some bits of characterization of this choice. Say no to child soldiers!... But however young she is not a child, and this is her conscious choice that she made based on the reasoning we are not privy to. Hunger indeed could pay her with power, currency and items; even now we shoot for a capability to empower her so much, that should she return home just defeating the rotbeast wouldn't be out of the cards for her. And working with "The Reckoner" probably going to be really good for her future rep as a mercenary besides...

As you will likely be facing the High Marshall soon, you may wish to pre-buy Stances, ensuring availability for the entire encounter. He outranks you significantly and has a powerful Soul Evocation. An abundance of caution would not be remiss here; Rank gaps of such size are dangerous to contest directly.

Notably, we do have a ring purchase that allows us to employ evocations of people we defeat, so once we get pillars, fights like these are going to become retroactively incredibly valuable, especially if we somehow miss Pillars purchase. Soul Evocation can be used to grind Rank, after all... I wonder how good it is at grinding raw stats; relevant Evocations seems to be awfully good at it.

Tactics can also help, of course, but his Rank makes him difficult to deceive. You have 18.7 Arete with 1 put towards Crimson Flare.
Then don't deceive! Truth, and truth, and only truth. Marshal's motivation for this diplomatic encounter is minimal, as long as we minimize the advantages of his rank in social combat, we might manage.

Bleh. I know that some people would like to go for this, but we choose our path already; sometimes an optimal play has a degree of risk, and this is simply that time. Gotta work the circumstances we found ourselves in.

If it wasn't for the Flare, this probably would be my chosen option. Some good built up for the future, acceptable immediate and useful power-ups, good potential to power up from the picks we gain from either diplomancing or defeating this man... I do hope we'll manage to diplomance him, though.

On a side-note, I find it hilarious that our martial stance helps with diplomacy. More, it helps not through intimidation, but subterfuge. Forebearer's blade really is just... Everything-type artifact. Potential, Power, Utility, you name, it has it. And at the only slight cost of mental contamination, too!

Bleh. The worst of all worlds; push away EFB, don't be safe. No, I feel that any reasonable resolution of this situation is going to come from the place of spending a lot and generously. Spending to get power, spending to get future, spending to secure allies... When you go for maximum greed, you gotta make the resources those plans require.

However, getting rekt does not mean you will necessarily die. You might still be able to retreat and limp away.

I'll highlight this bit; already losing does not necessarily equal death, and should be purchase Flare, our chances of getaway even in the even of losing are going to increase from +3 effective ranks of blood manipulation and 0.7 ranks to everything. With EFB, even losing here would count as a win as long as we survive, since Flare does unlock paths of accumulating more power that are not reliant on picks. And who knows, we might even finally go to that bloody camp! We had a pretty reasonable chance of encountering powerful allies last time it was an option!

A martial stance of the Forebear. Where comes the craven, who by shadowy pacts, scheming and circumstance seeks to undermine the wielder's unquestionable authority, they will find that age and treachery have already usurped that domain, and were lying in wait all the while. There can be no power behind the throne but he that sits the throne itself, if that sovereign is wise enough to adopt this stance of the Forebear. A pre-requisite for All-Defeating Stance.

I can't help but think that this is connected to the hidden masters somehow; a part of how Forebearer became what he was. With Forebearer being the figure of transcendent, dimension-overcoming power, I am pretty sure he had encountered and dealt with Hidden Masters in some fashion. Perhaps, the mystery of his death is the point of origin for the Cycle of Heroes and Tyrants that is implied to be a thing in Accretion-verse.

Tyrant probably tried really hard to be the Forebearer, but he simply didn't manage to cut through. Employment of such maneuvers as sending his daughter to sabotage Hunger distinguishes him from his ancestor strongly, who probably didn't care for such maneuvers.

...Or maybe I shouldn't oversimplify Forebearer so; Age and Treachery is also his inheritance, after all. Well, regardless, whoever pursues the path of the Forebearer must remember that he did, in the end, fall to something; if one plans on surpassing him, merely retracing the steps is not enough. And someone with the power of Progression probably should pick a grander and more benevolent endpoint than this, or Accursed himself might decide that he does not want someone like you amongst his chosen.

World-Defeating Stance
- 7 Arete
A martial stance of the Forebear. Forces natural and premeditated; forces unnatural and obscene - it matters not to the cause of the Forebear, whose march is steady and inevitable, carrying all before it. A billion realms brought to heel and countless more razed to ash, systems of the world in kaleidoscopic arrangement and all bent to his will. Meaningless as escape may be, more futile still is dissent: an enemy is just a future subject, and though they may forget the face of their fathers, the Forebear's visage is burned indelibly into their spirits.
Um. This is, uh. Something. Forebearer was quite the monster, wasn't he? I wonder how he justified the things he did to himself. With the universe of Hidden Masters, I guess there probably exists a "Hard Man Hard Decisions" rationale, but this is something else. I wouldn't be surprised if relentless dickery of this man was the reason why Hidden Masters even became a thing, beings playing the role of anti-spiral civ; ensuring that no sovereign would ever rise to match that level of fame and power... And with Accretion being somewhat naturally predisposed to creation and empowerment of strongman Tyrants, an EFB-like cycle of summoned heroes dealing with Tyrants might have been their answer to the situation.

Horrendous in its own right, of course.

If the user possesses all of the other [Type]-Defeating Stances, upgrades into All-Defeating Stance.

I don't even mind, as long as we actually get other EFBs from the trinity category first.
Thoughts on Nine and uh, how you folks envision him as a character/indiv etc etc kekeke

Pretty likable. He strikes me as a kid forced to grow up quickly, in that awkward state of being selected to join a group of average-but-experienced contemporaries during to his talent and relative newbie status. Pretty acutely aware of it too, which is why he tries to overcompensate with the formality and the stiffness.

His heroism is pretty interesting too, I assume it's an outgrowth of his more team focused development? Perhaps a more ruthless Nines that didn't give a shit about friends or the squad would have made it out alive. Don't really regret it though, this is both a good ending and beginning, depending on what wins. I'd quite like to see his story continue though.

As for critique, while they're relatively unimportant for this, it was somewhat tough to properly understand the mechanical aspects of our character. With a more extended series, it might be nice to get more of a handle on how his abilities function, what stats mean and how much of a difference the Advancements chosen could make. Would also like to see more character interaction in the next Part, for someone defined so much by his teamwork skills, I don't think we saw enough of his team.

Stuff I really liked included Nine's very firm a e s t h e t i q u e and how thematically consistent everything about this series was. One of the weaknesses of quests is the balancing act of freedom and coherence but the relatively limited scope of this story did a lot to mitigate that. I really hope you can keep this aspect up in Part 1, if it happens. Also really liked Nines in general, for reasons I've mentioned above, and thought that his internal monologue, terse as it could be at times, was probably the best part of this negaverse.
So if we can get another ~15-20k words with the average amount of pictures we should blow the goal out of the water.

In which case Fine may be a safe choice.
[x] Fine
Spying, blackmail, sabotage, assassination - all part of the social toolkit when you have a rogue in the party
[x] Maximum Safety
Forget it Jake, it's the Temple. You do what you must to get past the current obstacle that outclasses you or your build plans will never matter.

I do like both the new stances a lot. We should get World Defeating Stance before we leave the Voyaging Realm - the Human Sphere is mostly vacuum and radiation with non-magical weapons in the tiny dots where the people are after all.
So I missed most of the Avecarn vs. Gondar debate. What was going on when we decided that even looking at a Rank 6+ enemy official was a good idea?
no lie tho, I am actually pretty well interested in getting a 3 Blade Imperial Advancement.

I'd prefer Hunger being his own guy, but duuuuuuuude. All-Defeating looks so fucking rad.

So I missed most of the Avecarn vs. Gondar debate. What was going on when we decided that even looking at a Rank 6+ enemy official was a good idea?

Something something abbreviated that Gondar spreads the risk to everyone in the team, which leads to teammate death. Avecarn frontloads the risk to just hunger. There were a lot of other stuff too, but that's the most i can remember at the topof my head.
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"Fine" improves Hunger's chances in a fight. Because he has a sneaky ninja with him, who would really help out. This would really help his chances of survival.

And so in a mirror, that means the reason "Unacceptable" gives Arete is probably because it makes things harder for Hunger. I think that is, in fact, how Arete works -- what it means when some choices grant or cost Arete -- when it comes to choices and people and options like this.

Sooo... Yeah. People who are avoiding "Fine" because they fear that it'll get them killed because they really want that last bit of extra Arete, man are heavily gambling and probably really motivated by greed. Because they've already decided that they want to get the 24-Arete option, and are voting for that idea. And that's, um, that strikes me crazy reckless.

Just... This is crazy, you know? You realize that the big threat to Hunger's safety isn't the "does not give .8 extra Arete" option but the Maximal Greed option, right?

Do not try to talk people out of the "Fine" option when it's not the option that is super freaking dangerous, guys. ><

Just... Vote for "Fine" and Kinda Safe or Somewhat Safe or Maximum Safe, instead of Maximal Greed. ((If somehow the thread miraculously generates tons more Arete, then maybe you can switch to Maximal Greed. But don't go voting for Maximal Greed until you've actually hit that 24-point Arete mark.))
I mean, what we've done to this point has probably generated a bunch of Arete, but we don't actually know how much.

The question is whether we end up at 23.8 Arete with "Unacceptable/Maximal Greed," in which case we are screwed, or whether we end up at 24.2 with the same choice, in which case we have a pretty good chance.

It's kind of hard to estimate how much Arete we've stacked up, though, aside from knowing we were at 17.8 (?) in the last update.
So I missed most of the Avecarn vs. Gondar debate. What was going on when we decided that even looking at a Rank 6+ enemy official was a good idea?
People were stupid paranoid about getting hit with a poisoned arrow.

Do not try to talk people out of the "Fine" option when it's not the option that is super freaking dangerous, guys. ><
I'm... not exactly sure how you managed to miss literally everything going on, but you did.

The point behind unacceptable is that we are close enough to earn an EFB, and it is more viable with the .8 arete bonus than it is without it.

Besides which, she would be completely useless in this fight.

And so in a mirror, that means the reason "Unacceptable" gives Arete is probably because it makes things harder for Hunger.
Nope. Not how it works. See War and Wind, where the safest option gave +1 arete. It seems to be given by following Hunger's characterization. Hunger would rejecting this girl hard, so we get arete for following the path he wants to take.
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And so in a mirror, that means the reason "Unacceptable" gives Arete is probably because it makes things harder for Hunger. I think that is, in fact, how Arete works -- what it means when some choices grant or cost Arete -- when it comes to choices and people and options like this.
It's pretty much Flare+Shadow>Flare>>>Shadow>Nothing, as far as our chances are concerned.

Being able to Go Beyond Maximum Greed and get both Flare and Fine would be ideal for our chances in combat, although that's also the most expensive option.
"Fine" improves Hunger's chances in a fight. Because he has a sneaky ninja with him, who would really help out. This would really help his chances of survival.

And so in a mirror, that means the reason "Unacceptable" gives Arete is probably because it makes things harder for Hunger. I think that is, in fact, how Arete works -- what it means when some choices grant or cost Arete -- when it comes to choices and people and options like this.

Sooo... Yeah. People who are avoiding "Fine" because they fear that it'll get them killed because they really want that last bit of extra Arete, man are heavily gambling and probably really motivated by greed. Because they've already decided that they want to get the 24-Arete option, and are voting for that idea. And that's, um, that strikes me crazy reckless.

Just... This is crazy, you know? You realize that the big threat to Hunger's safety isn't the "does not give .8 extra Arete" option but the Maximal Greed option, right?

Do not try to talk people out of the "Fine" option when it's not the option that is super freaking dangerous, guys. ><

Just... Vote for "Fine" and Kinda Safe or Somewhat Safe or Maximum Safe, instead of Maximal Greed. ((If somehow the thread miraculously generates tons more Arete, then maybe you can switch to Maximal Greed. But don't go voting for Maximal Greed until you've actually hit that 24-point Arete mark.))
Mhm. I am not sure you are right. We got arete for going on vacation as well.
If you wanna be Elf-Princess Aurelia levels of Optimistic-Because-Reality-Can't-Say-No-To-Me, there's always the unbelievably off chance that Aeira...looks a lot like Avecarn's grand kid. Ensue unnecessary doting and etc etc.

My god, the risk we're facing right now is making me see rather vivid delusions.