The Sigillite
- Location
- Holy Terra
Would it be possible to learn what kind of final exams the other Colleges demand? Cause, the ones from the Bright College sounds metal."Just so," Helena nods, with a level of enthusiasm you are content to attribute to what must be a staggering level of narcotics in her system at this point, "Seven Gates, seven tests, and when it is done you'll have proven beyond doubt that you deserve to stand among us, a full Magister of the Bright Order. That's when the real fun begins."
She takes an elegant sip of wine, leaving you to dwell on the thoughts such words have provoked. The lure of becoming a magister is a potent one, but you know your school well enough to spot the unstated counterpoint to that promise. Aqshy is a violent, tempestuous wind, more than capable of wrecking terrible havoc at the slightest lapse of attention. Only those who can truly be trusted with such power will ever receive the blessing of the College.
There are no perpetual apprentices in the Bright Order. You will pass these tests, you will make Magister, or you will die trying.
"The First Gate is simple; it's a test of scholarship," your master continues, waving one hand in lazy dismissal, "you choose a spell or a ritual, one that I am willing to confirm you don't already know, and learn how to cast it. Self study, with full documentation, no teachers or external advice. When you're happy with it, you present your final product to a panel of magisters."
You nod thoughtfully. In other Colleges, you would have to write a paper, perform some manner of arcane research into the more intellectual and theoretical side of magic and its impact on the world, but this is the Bright Order. You are trained as soldiers, not mystics, and your teachings are focused appropriately.
"The Second Gate is where things get serious," Helena says, and her voice is abruptly serious as she looks at you, "I'm not allowed to tell you the details, but that is where we test your purity. Every few years we get a journeyman who goes astray while out in the world."
You swallow. She doesn't need to tell you what happens to those who are foolish enough to put themselves through the crucible of a Magister's trials with any such flaw in their soul for the inquisitors to find.
"Won't be a problem," you say as firmly as you can manage, forcing aside the memory of a witch hunter and nails piercing your flesh, "I'm not… I'm not that stupid."
"For both our sakes, I hope not," your master says primly, taking another sip of her wine and leaving you to wonder if it is merely her reputation on the line should you fail, "Now, as for the Third Gate… that too is fairly straightforward. It is a test of skill - you will perform magic, as wide a range as you know how, before a board of review."
You frown slightly. "This seems… far easier than I would have expected. I understand the idea that I must prove myself capable of the foundations, but surely any journeywoman would be able to pass at least the first three trials?"
"Funny you should mention it," Helena grins at you, a wicked gleam in her eyes, "Because the fourth test is that of Will, and this is where most fail. You will go to the top of the College, before the eyes of your would-be peers, and you will throw yourself on the pyre."
You blink. "You're shitting me."
"My dear, I have never 'shit' anyone in my life," Lady Cerventes says archly, taking yet another mouthful of her wine, and how much has she drunk by now anyway, "and I do not intend to start today. The pyres atop the towers are the closest thing to pure aqshy as anyone has ever managed to create. If your will is strong, you will master the flame and take it into your soul. If not… well, that's what apprentices are for."
You swallow, remembering long days spent at the top of those towers, scrubbing down charred bronze and baked-in ash while an inferno raged mere handspans away. You always assumed the stains were a natural byproduct, but… gods.
"With the Fourth test behind you, you will have proven your skill, your scholarship, your purity and your will," the explanations continue, your master having apparently decided your stunned silence constitutes an invitation to resume, "The Fifth and Sixth are often combined; you will be assigned to an existing army formation for a variable time, your behaviour and choices overseen by a more senior Magister. The goal is to assess your insight and reason, but dear Thyrus often likes to throw in additional challenges here and there."
Only your master would refer to the Patriarch of the Bright Order in such a familiar tone, and… wow ok you did not need that immediate flash of insight into why she might feel so comfortable doing so, moving swiftly onwards…
"And the, uh, seventh test?"
Helena Cerventes, Lady Magister of the Bright Order, your master and the closest thing you have to a parent, gives you the single most ghoulish smile you have ever seen on a human face.
"The Seventh Gate is that of Might," she says, and you can feel the ground opening up beneath you, "and it is arguably the most simple of them all. In front of all our peers, I will do my level best to kill you. All you need to do… is not die."
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