A Force, Undying (New Jedi Order CK2 Quest)

[X] Plan: Heir to Skywalker
-[X] Medium Style
-[X] Strong in the Force
-[X] Historian
-[X] Brave
-[X] Merciful

Hopefully the knowledge of the past will help us avoid the problems that haunted our predecessors. Plus we could use some more diplomacy to aid us with our weaknesses.
[X] Plan: The Heart of the Force
-[X] Medium Style
-[X] Mystic
-[X] Strong in the Force
-[X] Brave
-[X] Studious
[X] Plan: The Heart of the Force
-[X] Medium Style
-[X] Mystic
-[X] Strong in the Force
-[X] Brave
-[X] Studious
[X] Plan: The Heart of the Force
-[X] Medium Style
-[X] Mystic
-[X] Strong in the Force
-[X] Brave
-[X] Studious
Vote will be called in six hours.
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Character Creation Finale
45 ABY

The cold winds of Ilum manage to seep through the temple walls. They bite at you, but your flesh does not feel it, for you are not there-- not in that time, not in that place; you are one with the Force and the Force is with you, connecting you between the crystal outcroppings, the beasts that wander the icy plains.

You are strong with the Force, indeed. "Bounty hunters with stolen Mandalorian armor" they will say, to avoid an international incident. It is a lie, of course-- no mere Bounty Hunter could have ever fought like that. They were Mandalorians, born and bred, even if Fett won't claim them as they are. They were many, with many weapons and great strength-- but the power of sacred ground flowed through your flesh, and you did not fail. For that, officially, you were placed on the High Council at the astounding age of thirty-two.

Unofficially, something far stranger happens. As you are engrossed in reading, you feel a presence. You are like a great bonfire in the Force-- but this is like staring into the sun, though without the heat.

A gremlin's laugh fills the air and you spin about, only to see nothing there-- but the echoes of the laughs. You follow them to the source, the continuous chortle, phlegmed but friendly.

Finally, after what seems an eternity you reach the voice-- though you have entered a part of the temple unknown to you. A cloak of light gray rests on a figure that does not even reach your knee. You walk to him in the dark, kneel down, and touch his robe-- and the moment you do, it falls to the ground, empty.

You spend a moment to take stock of the current situation. You are in an unknown part of the Ilum Temple, and cannot find your way back. The temperature is sitting at a toasty -30 outside, so it's not likely many will seek you out any time soon. Most importantly, there are no lights.

The other problems are out of your control, but this is not. You take your lightsaber, and its green blade springs to life-- and not a moment too soon, as a figure ignites a blue lightsaber. You can make her out well enough, though, in the light from both. A human, of long blonde hair and a short build. She wears armor from the Clone Wars, and does not seem older. She has kind eyes.

And then you are not on Ilum any more. You are on Coruscant, sitting watch over the temple-- and what you see sets your heart aflame with fury. Mandalore, leading an army of his butchers and slaughterers. He stands before a young Jedi, hooded, face cloaked in shadow. Before the blade can strike, you are jumping in front of her-- and feel the sword bite into you.

But the fires dim, and the Jedi grows old, and the Temple stands. The Jedi from Ilum looks down on you. "The way of the Jedi is sacrifice, for to be Jedi is to know that there is no death."
You are back on Ilum, kneeling, gasping for air.

Your lightsaber. What has happened to your lightsaber?

Before you can answer that, a blade of pure purple light fills the room. A man of slicked-back hair, a scarred face, enters. His robes are ancient, dark black and red. He walks as though he has died a thousand times-- and would die a thousand times more.

"To be a Jedi is to make choices, and then to learn from them."

You are again, no longer on Ilum-- instead the stench of Nal-Hutta fills the air. A long line of slaves stretches from an Imperial ship
to a Hutt palace, and you can see some damn moff watching over them. They die at your blade, and a war conflagarates. Soldiers die, Jedi die, ships burn, worlds are sundered.

But the most terrible thing is that you can live with it. You must.

You are on Ilum, again. And again, a third spirit. He is a human, with a blue lightsaber. His robes are perhaps the most ancient of all, more ancient than understanding itself. "To be a Jedi is to know what is wise, and what is not."

Now you are on Korriban, the red sands of the world of the dead. You are seated at the top-most center level of a coliseum, looking down. A beast of your birthing strains against its chains.

And then they break, and at first you are thrilled beyond comprehension. He slaughter, with red fangs and sharp claw, leaving destruction in his wake. But then he turns his eyes on you, this dragon of your make-- and you will die.

A knock at the door wakes you up. It seems you were weaving the line between meditation and sleeping. No doubt your master is at the door, wanting to be there for your first Council Meeting as Grandmaster.

[] Kyp Durron. Perhaps he taught you because he saw, in you, the chance to correct his own mistakes. Still, the Empire no doubt has some grave concerns that the Padawan of the destroyer of Carida has been made Grandmaster of the Order.
[] Tionne Solusar. An archivist of your Order, she knows much of its history-- and of its wisdom. She set you on the mystic path, and your love of knowledge.
[] Kyle Katarn. Battlemaster of the New Order, while you disagree with his Potentiate belief and love of combat, he is perhaps one of the best Jedi the order has ever produced.
Going to post your character sheet right after this, just wanted to make sure this was up.
Daro Thorn (First Character Sheet)
Daro Thorn

Arkanian Grandmaster of the Jedi Order

Born: 13 ABY

Medium Style (Master): A style of few weaknesses, but few strengths as well. It presents a solid offense and defense against all opponents. Not inspiring against any particular sort of foe, but also not weak against any either. It is simple, and its simplicity is strength. Many Jedi who prefer to study the deeper mysteries or act as diplomats turn to it; and many warring Jedi learn it to have a fallback option if their more preferred styles are lacking. You have taken it to a whole new level, found great skill in it. (+4 Personal Combat, +5 Against Blaster wielding opponents, +5 against Lightsaber Wielding opponents)

Mystic: Diving deep into the secrets of the Force, you resemble nothing so much as Revan in your thirst to learn the deeper mysteries. The wisdom of Master Oodan-Urr, of The Disciple, of the Barsen'thor flows through you. (+2 Wisdom,???)

Strong in the Force: You are near to the Force, and strong with it, in a way few are. (+2 Wisdom)

Brave: A Jedi must not know fear-- must be willing to sacrifice themself for the Galaxy, and for the Right. Revan knew this more than most. (+2 Personal Combat, +2 Wisdom)

Studious: A Jedi knows that the galaxy is full of things to learn, and always seeks thusly. Before his fall, thus was the great virtue of Jacen Solo. (+4 Wisdom)

Jedi: You are a Jedi-- in communion with the Force, and with those things higher than base matter. (Gain access to Wisdom stat, Traits)

Wisdom: 17+2+2+2+4=27- To stare at you is like to gaze unto a mighty bonfire, a terrible conflagration, but without the scorching and the heat.
Personal Combat: 12+2+4=18- Your heart does not yearn for battle-- but if it comes upon you, you can endure, and excel.
Diplomacy: 14- People like you, and you have a leader's tongue.
Strategy: 9- You do not know true war-- the war that burns a galaxy, that shatters planets, that leaves wailing orphans and tired widows and broken soldiers.
Intrigue: 8- It is not the way of a Jedi to lie-- to be deceitful-- to break all oaths.
Administration: 14- The ways of bureaucracy and paperwork come to you easily.
[X] Tionne Solusar.

Hey, @Voikirium I have a small request. Can you, when you close votes, add a vote tally?

Also, note to everyone but feel free to suggest portraits for Daro.
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