Winning Vote -> [X] Learning Quest - Intertwining destinies?
"An audacious choice, boy." The dragon mentally confirmed, lacing his menacing voice with a touch of resigned admiration. "Prepare yourself."
That was all the warning Severus received before his mind was whisked away into oblivion. There he saw -
Roll 1 -> DC 20
The emptiness of the vacuum, the unending visage of nothingness itself. Unchanging and unmoving, the nihility blanketed Severus' mind, cloaking him into an abyssal dimension of everlasting nonexistence. Severus clearly understood that this was the surface layer of magic, the superficial aspect of it that most people widely understood.
Emerging from an unknown plane of existence, it was a mystery that was yet to be fully understood. Even after centuries of accumulated knowledge and theorising. But then it began changing again, into something else.
Roll 2 -> DC 40
The dimensionless world cracked, as illusory tendrils distorted reality and reset into puzzling pieces that continuously transformed and morphed. Abstract projections, physical embodiments, and even figments of imaginations, there was order and chaos.
It was the secondary nature; a baser aspect of magic. And then it changed once more ->
Roll 3 -> DC 60
Everything disappeared into azure lights. Flickering and fleeting they moved rhythmically in an inexplicable dance. It was somewhat mystifying and incomprehensible. Then it changed again ->
Roll 4 -> DC ???
Total:112 -> CRIT
Total:108 -> CRIT
Total:88 -> CRIT
Grand Total -> 397
Then it all faded into a single thing. An origin, which was jsjuvakcbajhjgvcvfghyuiuytre3w45678iujhbvgcfdsewe4567yuhjbvgcfdsew4e5678iujkbvcfder45678iujkhbvcxdfser567
Severus awoke. He had seen it all. But it was impossible to transcribe or explain. He just knew.
"Seems like you do possess a small chance after all..." The dragon confirmed. "I will be watching you, Severus Prince. And perhaps I'll even guide you. Take your rewards."
The three apples materialised. But Severus knew he could only pick one. Though this time, he was able to feel the power it provided far more clearly. And the third one...It was different this time.
It was almost made of clay and seemed exquisitely fake. But it had a hint of artistry that was absent in all others. It was rather blague though.
Pick 1
[] Crystalline
[] Metallic
[] Blague
"This will be it for a while. If you consume another it will spontaneously combust your entire body." The dragon reminded as it approached closer. "And I suppose I will be forced to intervene now. Since you have witnessed the unseeable."
Bonus Reward -> Gain The Eternal Dragon of Infinity - Antares, as a Martial Advisor.
"We shall be seeing each other frequently, Severus Prince. Try not to disappoint."
A/N -> So the rolls are still hot. Great. I hope the next turn will be normal. The character sheet will be updated soon. More balancing will be required now...Hahahah.