Thing is, our services would be priceless, even with that claus. A limitation of our services is reasonable, and only cuts off a VERY slim section of tasks which he could provide us.

I think we have very different ideas on what kind of Services we would be offering for the fruit of unimaginable power. I mean if we insert clauses not to ask something which goes against our morals then what exactly is left for the dragon to ask? Do we expect it to give us the fruit for something as small as scratching an itch on it's back or offering it food (what priceless service are you thinking we may owe/offer the dragon). The moment we insert a clause that stipulates that we won't perform a service that goes against our morals becomes the moment that we either have to offer a multitude of services/sacrifices, hope it has one really big morally acceptable service within our capabilities in mind, or give up (what does a 9/10 year old genuinely have to offer right now, how long do we think this Dragon is willing to wait before it calls in its I.O.U., and what guarantee do we or it have that we would be able to perform whatever service it asks of us at a later date). After all the dragon said two things that I feel you don't give enough weight to.

"Every great power comes with an even greater price."


"So, what have you decided? How resolute is your will?"

The magic fruit we ate was just short of a free divine blessing the first time around and I think we can all agree that it was sheer dumb luck that we even managed that in the first place (ie the first time we found it we where looking for shelter from a storm and bumbled into it, it wasn't until the second time that we actively sought it out). Now that we are actually bargaining for another I think we should admit that it's not going to be cheap or easy ( and it really shouldn't be).

That would be basically the same as having the apple kill us. An instant game-over with no warning is just REALLY bad form quest wise,

All this statement brings to mind is that Loki quest I was reading a while back in which every one started complaining about the unintended consequences of the choices they made even if they rolled well or rolled terribly. This is a quest and while no one wants to lose a quest depending on the circumstances and decisions a bad roll is all that is necessary to lose (no one wants to lose but winning isn't a guarantee and we can't expect the DM to bend over backwards every time something doesn't go our way). A 9/10 year old Severus getting a Dragon angry at him is in my mind suicidal and the fact that so far we've mostly met with epic success or hard failure then it seems like this one choice may well be do or die (without knowing how high the roll necessary for success is we have no way of knowing how cushy our safety net is).

Alternatively, the dragon would take offense at refusing the two options he set forth, and trying to go for a third. A third I do not find at all worth-while.

Flat out leaving is 1 choice. The second choice is a write in and can be anything you offer. As far as I'm concerned offering to become the dragon's student may well be unexpected enough to work and can be tied in to the fruit to still be within the 2 options (ie Since I don't know you enough to know what to offer, but we know fate ((and possibly something divine)) favors me enough that it may take exception to you harming me how about you take me on as a student on the condition I only get a second fruit with your blessing). I honestly have no idea why you don't think learning from this dragon wouldn't be worth-while.

We'll almost certainly gain Dumbledore. We can probably gain Voldemort or Grindelwald if we felt like it. That's 3 more Best Of The Best wizards for us to get to teach us. And given our absurd luck, I would be far from surprised if we found one of the Peveral Brothers, or Merlin, or something.

None of these are even close to guaranteed and the fact that you talk about it so casually is insulting. Besides your statement being made on the assumption that the big three would want to train us there are other problems as well. We already know that the DM has changed some things from Canon so for all we know Dumbledore (the man who was most likely to actually train is out of the kindness of his heart) may well attempt to kill us if he senses our potential and we end up sorted into Slytherin rather than risk us joining Voldemort or Grindelwald (assuming the three aren't secretly working together) or making our own faction. That's ignoring the equally likely possibility that he is so rigidly light that he unintentionally handicaps us or he tries to groom us Potter style in order to have us sacrifice our selves to see the other 2 defeated. Voldemort on the other hand (at least in canon) would not willingly suffer an equal and on the remote chance he doesn't kill Severus for his potential to become his equal, or at the very least a credible threat, is unlikely to ever truly wish to see him realize his full potential if he can't somehow guarantee his subservience (ie unbreakable vow or body jacking us) and this doesn't even take into account that if he even suspected we would join one of the other 2 factions or make our own he'd see us dead in a heartbeat. Truth be told Grindelwald may well be the best teacher option of the three that we can hope for ( ie his politics are terrifying but at least he is not so rigidly light or dark, as Dumbledore and Voldemort where or may be, and he may not mind if Severus becomes stronger than him since even he isn't willing, at least in canon, to make a Horcrux and may well truly wish to groom you into a possible successor, which means he can't slack in your training) and he may well be willing to train you so long as you guarantee your neutrality with him (ie feel free to fight with or deal with the other two to your content just leave me alone and I'll leave you alone). Also when you consider that at least Dumbledore and Voldemort where high tier Legilimens and we can't hope to join/trick them into training us until we become good enough Occlumens to trick them (if necessary) into thinking we genuinely agree with them. Also what exactly are you thinking (do you know something I don't) that you think learning from a (possibly Heretical) Peverel or Merlin is even an option. That's like me claiming that the Dragon is or may be Merlin in disguise (ie completely baseless but possible). As far as I'm concerned (especially after what we recently learned of the Blacks and Petunia) we are not the only kids of our generation that have been exceptionally/oddly gifted to the point the big three wizards are going to be tripping over themselves to gain our favor/allegiance and therefore we can't overly rely on being able to stand out especially since all standing out would do is guarantee the attention of our betters (not their protection or willingness to train us). I would also point out that the big three wizards aren't nearly as, inherently, invested in Severus as Ptolemy is. Ptolemy is, admittedly distant, family and at the very least is far more likely to care more for Severus' safety, success, and goals then anyone else since the continuation of Severus and House Prince are by and large more likely to take priority in his views/agenda then for any of the other three whereas the other three are unlikely to truly train us unless we submit ourselves to their agenda and as such we should be looking for just about anyone else besides them to train us if only to keep ourselves unentangled for as long as possible and give ourselves time to truly come into our own. Honestly it sounds like your POV is colored in a sense that Severus is amazing and has great potential right now and as such any of the other three wizards should be honored/excited by the possibility of being the one to train him if only because every true teacher is inherently delighted by the opportunity to mentor a pupil/successor to surpass them rather than the possibility that some people may well rather see his potential stifled or prematurely ended rather than realized.

While that might be true, it will take A WHILE before we exhaust the stores of knowledge Ptolemy has to teach (you know, assuming we don't Insane Crit our way through everything. And in the decade or two later once we have, we can then return and make a much better deal with The Dragon.

Again this assumes we would be able to return a third time and that much of what Ptolemy has to teach isn't outdated or capable of being taught elsewhere (ie a rare spell that may have been kept secret in his time may be common knowledge, perhaps even improved upon, today). This dragon (assuming it isn't someone/thing else in disguise) is more likely to be politically neutral than any other wizard who might take an interest in us, and therefore more invested in us as a student/person rather than a means to further its agenda than anyone else outside of Ptolemy (or your mother).

I would also like to point out that considering Grindelwald's followers are at least aware of, and interested in, Lily and therefore should be peripherally aware of Petunia (we caught/discovered that she is a shapeshifter so unless they epically failed their perception rolls they should be aware of it) and possibly even Severus. If they are in fact aware of Severus but still for some reason prioritize Lily then she is either so amazing as to make Severus look ordinary/plain, somehow needed for some other reason, or being used as a hostage to get Petunia to bait Severus. As such we may soon start running out of options for staying unentangled.
Yeah, we might have took some conceptual-drugs while doing said work, but that doesn't mean it wasn't work.

There was effort there, you can't deny that, it wasn't JUST cosmic chance. We did with a smidgen of effort what other people fail to do with a lot of effort, there is no shame in reaping our reward just because we were lucky.

Are you talking about the first or second time we found the magic fruit? Because if your talking about the first time it was completely accidental and truly required no effort on our part.
[X] We don't have much to offer right now in exchange, but we'll owe him a favor, any task he desires that is neither suicidal nor utterly morally reprehensible we'll perform to the best of our ability.
[X] We don't have much to offer right now in exchange, but we'll owe him a favor, any task he desires that is neither suicidal nor utterly morally reprehensible we'll perform to the best of our ability.
I think we have very different ideas on what kind of Services we would be offering for the fruit of unimaginable power. I mean if we insert clauses not to ask something which goes against our morals then what exactly is left for the dragon to ask?
Defeating enemies, building empires, cultivating magic, completely overhauling the basic principals of existence, he can ask for LITERALLY ANYTHING, that doesn't include murdering innocents, rape, and morally reprehensible shit like that, and we'll dedicate our all to achieving it.
(what does a 9/10 year old genuinely have to offer right now,
Pretty much nothing, hence handing over the IOU.
how long do we think this Dragon is willing to wait before it calls in its I.O.U.
Dragons TEND to be immortal, so waiting a decade to call in an I.O.U seems perfectly feasible
and what guarantee do we or it have that we would be able to perform whatever service it asks of us at a later date
I mean, the third and final clause (the second is "Not suicidal") is "Within our ability". He can ask for anything that is within said ability. It IS taking trust on his part that we'll become Worth Something, but I think that's a pretty safe bet considering our luck up to this point.
"Every great power comes with an even greater price."


"So, what have you decided? How resolute is your will?"
The price we are willing to pay "Literally anything that isn't utterly morally reprehensible" (for example, he could ask us to render ourselves quadraplegic, that is technically within the terms)
Now that we are actually bargaining for another I think we should admit that it's not going to be cheap or easy ( and it really shouldn't be).
It ain't. I expect a honestly herculean task later on. I believe it'll be worth it though, both from a mechanical perspective (more power now equals faster power growth), and a story perspective (Epic Quests are neat as fuck)
You mean the one that A LOT of people had quite a few problems with how it was done?

I stuck around throughout the entirity of the first version, and just had to drop out of the second one, for even though while I loved the idea, couldn't deal with that execution.
his is a quest and while no one wants to lose a quest depending on the circumstances and decisions a bad roll is all that is necessary to lose (no one wants to lose but winning isn't a guarantee and we can't expect the DM to bend over backwards every time something doesn't go our way).
I stand by my opinion that no quest should bad end because of mere chance. I find that as bad writing, closing off the infinite potential just because one dice decided to roll a 1. Not all authors agree, and Divine Oblivion might be one of those authors.

But, well, so what? If that is a risk that exists, it exists REGARDLESS of our choice (your know, besides the choice to just leave). Asking to be his student is JUST as likely to end with him biting our head off as offering an IOU. We are defying a dragon, ignoring the 2 options he demanded we pick from, and picking a third.
The second choice is a write in and can be anything you offer.
Offer in exchange for the apple. Not just some random offering.
None of these are even close to guaranteed and the fact that you talk about it so casually is insulting.
They are all far more likely than this dragon thing, to the point of practically being a sure thing
We already know that the DM has changed some things from Canon so for all we know Dumbledore (the man who was most likely to actually train is out of the kindness of his heart) may well attempt to kill us if he senses our potential and we end up sorted into Slytherin rather than risk us joining Voldemort or Grindelwald (assuming the three aren't secretly working together) or making our own faction.
Saying he has changed is one thing, saying he'd be in complete defiance with his canon character is another
hat's ignoring the equally likely possibility that he is so rigidly light that he unintentionally handicaps us or he tries to groom us Potter style in order to have us sacrifice our selves to see the other 2 defeated.
How could he possibly handicap us? We'd know a ton of light-side shit, but that wouldn't stop us from learning dark-side shit at our leisure.

As for grooming us, I would like to point out that he planned on Harry dying and coming back, so you know, I'm willing to die temporarily if that's what it costs.
Voldemort on the other hand (at least in canon) would not willingly suffer an equal and on the remote chance he doesn't kill Severus for his potential to become his equal, or at the very least a credible threat, is unlikely to ever truly wish to see him realize his full potential if he can't somehow guarantee his subservience (ie unbreakable vow or body jacking us) and this doesn't even take into account that if he even suspected we would join one of the other 2 factions or make our own he'd see us dead in a heartbeat.
You can't argue one character might be completely different from canon, then argue that another will be exactly as canon. Either characters are close to their canon selves (get Dumbles), or are very different (chance Dumbles, chance Volde).
Plus, I'd like to point out, that canonically Snape 100% hoodwinked Voldemort. We'll need to work on our intrigue, but we do have precedent on our side.

Also when you consider that at least Dumbledore and Voldemort where high tier Legilimens and we can't hope to join/trick them into training us until we become good enough Occlumens to trick them (if necessary) into thinking we genuinely agree with them.
Dumbledore would certainly be no trick. We, the questors, are extremely likely to go with Light mroe than Dark. As for Voldemort, we can deal with him AFTER hogwarts, giving us plenty of time to pick up Occlumens like Snape did in canon. And maybe even present the situation to Dumbledore teh same way in canon, become a double agent.
Also what exactly are you thinking (do you know something I don't) that you think learning from a (possibly Heretical) Peverel or Merlin is even an option. That's like me claiming that the Dragon is or may be Merlin in disguise (ie completely baseless but possible).
That is exactly the bases there. We live in a far wider world then in canon, and we have proof that people are able to overcome the grasp of death. Saying that there is NO ONE out there besides Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Grindelwald who could serve as a mentor is extremely unlikely. There might be Merlin, a 0.01% chance but a chance all the same. There might also be Peveral Brothers, or Ceasar, or Rasputin, any one of these are exceptionally low odds but there are SO DAMN MANY possibilities, I'm certain that we can find some other people.

Ptolemy is, admittedly distant, family and at the very least is far more likely to care more for Severus' safety, success, and goals then anyone else since the continuation of Severus and House Prince are by and large more likely to take priority in his views/agenda then for any of the other three whereas the other three are unlikely to truly train us unless we submit ourselves to their agenda and as such we should be looking for just about anyone else besides them to train us if only to keep ourselves unentangled for as long as possible and give ourselves time to truly come into our own.
Same can be said of Mr Dragon. Ptolemy has a personal reason to teach us, the Dragon doesn't, and actually has a more reason than the others to NOT teach us.

Also, just to note, Dumbledore CHOSE to become a Teacher. He actually likes teaching, it's his chosen profession.
Honestly it sounds like your POV is colored in a sense that Severus is amazing and has great potential right now and as such any of the other three wizards should be honored/excited by the possibility of being the one to train him if only because every true teacher is inherently delighted by the opportunity to mentor a pupil/successor to surpass them rather than the possibility that some people may well rather see his potential stifled or prematurely ended rather than realized.
Not at all. We'd have to convince them, just like we would have to convince this dragon. See point above.
Again this assumes we would be able to return a third time
Considering that returning is WOG possible after vowing to never return, I am given no reason to assume otherwise.
and that much of what Ptolemy has to teach isn't outdated or capable of being taught elsewhere (ie a rare spell that may have been kept secret in his time may be common knowledge, perhaps even improved upon, today). This dragon (assuming it isn't someone/thing else in disguise) is more likely to be politically neutral than any other wizard who might take an interest in us, and therefore more invested in us as a student/person rather than a means to further its agenda than anyone else outside of Ptolemy (or your mother).
And you are assuming that not only is Ptolemy's stuff outdated and easily aquired elsewhere, but the DRAGON'S stuff isn't. A dragon we are given no reason to believe has ever left this pocket-dimension it's currently in and knows ANYTHING about the wider world and the current state of things.
I would also like to point out that considering Grindelwald's followers are at least aware of, and interested in, Lily and therefore should be peripherally aware of Petunia (we caught/discovered that she is a shapeshifter so unless they epically failed their perception rolls they should be aware of it) and possibly even Severus. If they are in fact aware of Severus but still for some reason prioritize Lily then she is either so amazing as to make Severus look ordinary/plain, somehow needed for some other reason, or being used as a hostage to get Petunia to bait Severus. As such we may soon start running out of options for staying unentangled.
These probably aren't Grindelwald's Goons, going off the fact that he's been in prison for 25 years now. I'm fairly certain it's gotta do with the Peveral Clan, since we just recently had a info dump about them.
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Defeating enemies, building empires, cultivating magic, completely overhauling the basic principals of existence, he can ask for LITERALLY ANYTHING, that doesn't include murdering innocents, rape, and morally reprehensible shit like that, and we'll dedicate our all to achieving it.
The price we are willing to pay "Literally anything that isn't utterly morally reprehensible" (for example, he could ask us to render ourselves quadraplegic, that is technically within the terms)

I see this and all I see are excuses. Who is to say the enemy we are tasked to defeat isn't innocent, someone we would normally side or be alright with, or doesn't have an entire following of people/beings whose innocence may likewise be vague/unknown? That's ignoring the whole aspect of taking on the role of an assassin and hunting down to "defeat" a stranger we don't know and who hasn't done us harm. As for building an empire, all I have to say is why? What possible reason could this Dragon/spirit disguised as a dragon want us to build an empire and how would it benefit from it? Ignoring the fact that building an empire is likely to ensure we make hundreds/thousands of enemies (at least) whose innocence may is also questionable (even innocent/"good" people may take up arms against you if they see you building an empire and take exception) are we supposed to make set up this spirit as some sort of God or Ruler in the empire we build, and if so would it not be more satisfied with us building/founding a cult/religion for it instead? And again whose to say that the hypothetical empire/cult/religion would be the kind of empire/cult/religion we would want to build/found? As for cultivating magic (which if true makes becoming the things student even more likely) and overhauling existence (which may not be in a "good" way), again I ask why (specifically why us)?

Pretty much nothing, hence handing over the IOU.

As stated above the IOU seems pretty much worthless. Without knowing more about what may be asked.

Dragons TEND to be immortal, so waiting a decade to call in an I.O.U seems perfectly feasible

True but again if the IOU isn't of interest then the point is moot anyway and offering it one is a joke.

I mean, the third and final clause (the second is "Not suicidal") is "Within our ability". He can ask for anything that is within said ability. It IS taking trust on his part that we'll become Worth Something, but I think that's a pretty safe bet considering our luck up to this point.

It ain't. I expect a honestly herculean task later on. I believe it'll be worth it though, both from a mechanical perspective (more power now equals faster power growth), and a story perspective (Epic Quests are neat as fuck)

First, he could ensure that we are worth something by taking us on as a student, rather than just blindly trust and hope for the best. Second again a "Not Suicidal" task such as the ones you mentioned earlier already seem too likely to be vague enough that they may go against our morals (ie defeat an enemy and build an empire) and become things that we wouldn't do anyways. Besides I have to ask do you expect for the Dragon/spirit to give/allow us the fruit first and then collect or collect first? Because if it's the former then I think we can agree that the Dragon/spirit is only likely to allow it if it has as Iron Clad, Magic backed, Contract/binding/guarantee that we will deliver at which point even if we object or try to put off the IOU once he calls it in we'll likely have to drop just about everything in order to avoid the consequences.

Considering that returning is WOG possible after vowing to never return, I am given no reason to assume otherwise.

Returning is possible (but harder) if we straight up leave. Taking the risk of write in is where things become muddy. Author hasn't stated one way or another what the consequences for write in failure are (ie it could make it impossible to return, get us killed, make it so if we ever come back we are immediately attacked or find nothing but ashes, or just be nothing and all we have to do is get lucky enough to come back to get another shot).

Offer in exchange for the apple. Not just some random offering.

Again, this is the scenario.

"Every great power comes with an even greater price. Do you believe yourself capable enough?"

Severus quietly kept eye contact. "What are your stipulations?"

The molten dragon outwardly flared, as if it was pleased. "I am a generous spirit and considering your peerless fortune, I'll provide you with two options."

[] Leave and never come back.
[] Write-In. (How do you wanna go about convincing the dragon to give it to you? Keep in mind the dragon can reject any ridiculous propositions.)

"So, what have you decided? How resolute is your will?"

it states that Power comes with a price (sacrificing our morals may well be the price this being demands). It then asks if we believe ourselves capable enough , gives us two options, and then asks us how resolute our will is. I think that we can all agree that it is possible to get the Dragon/spirit to let us have another fruit. What we don't know is what it wants in return. Author hasn't told us what kind of roll we need to succeed and as such we have no idea how massive or easy an undertaking it is. An IOU with moral based Stipulations may make or break this (make in the case of a "good spirit, break in the case of a bad spirit). Becoming it's student and either hoping to impress it enough with (constant showings of how resolute we are ((ie become it's student and have it tie in to Sorcerer Supreme and we may impress the spirit enough to give us the fruit now)) or keeping open the possibility that the Dragon could send us on an "epic Quest" in order to earn the fruit just seems like playing it smart and the kind of cunning that the Dragon may well respect and even consider (rather than the predictable trade/exchange of service, especially one tied to morals that a SPIRIT may or may not share)

I stand by my opinion that no quest should bad end because of mere chance. I find that as bad writing, closing off the infinite potential just because one dice decided to roll a 1. Not all authors agree, and Divine Oblivion might be one of those authors.

But, well, so what? If that is a risk that exists, it exists REGARDLESS of our choice (your know, besides the choice to just leave). Asking to be his student is JUST as likely to end with him biting our head off as offering an IOU. We are defying a dragon, ignoring the 2 options he demanded we pick from, and picking a third.

Except the right decision lowers the chance of failure and the IOU with restrictions doesn't seem like the "right" decision.

They are all far more likely than this dragon thing, to the point of practically being a sure thing
Same can be said of Mr Dragon. Ptolemy has a personal reason to teach us, the Dragon doesn't, and actually has a more reason than the others to NOT teach us.

Also, just to note, Dumbledore CHOSE to become a Teacher. He actually likes teaching, it's his chosen profession.

Again, the Dragon is here and in a pretty good/neutral mood now (that may not be the case later). Also all three wizards come with baggage that we may not be interested in. Canon Snape was ignored by Dumbledore in favor of his favorite Gryfindores and is "rigidly" Light (like no killing DEs even in self defense light). Whereas Voldemort and Grindelwald are Likely to end up having us go against our "morals" (which means that according to you they shouldn't even be options/considerations) and would likely end up requiring we avoid Dumbledore/Hogwarts at all costs (unless we learn/master Occlumency). Also while Dumbledore chose to become a teacher there are also hints that he, at one point, also chose to be a blood/magic supremist Dark Lord too who we know/suspect to have misliked both Riddle (reasonably) and later Severus (unreasonably) when they where young. You are also asking us to trust that we can convince him to teach us everything he knows, which is something even canon Dumbledore never did for anyone.

Saying he has changed is one thing, saying he'd be in complete defiance with his canon character is another

The thing is his Canon character was a little too vague and circumstances in this world are different. Many fan fiction writers note that many circumstances surrounding Dumbledore are very easily twisted toward evil or can be made evil. For example, his favoring of the Marauders over Severus (simply because Severus was in Slytherin), the circumstances surrounding Lily and Jame's deaths, everything in regards to Harry, and his treatment of Snape. To clarify one of the examples Dumbledore convinces Snape to ask him to protect everyone instead of just Lily, convinces James to lend him his invisibility cloak before his murder, and doesn't become secret keeper for them (even when suspecting he has a mole in the Order). Another example would be the werewolf incident and his treatment of Snape after as well especially since he knows (should know) that Black did in fact try to murder him and should have been expelled and he not only brushed it off then but did so again decades later. All of this ignoring his manipulation of Harry (and Snape) and the fact that the only reason he needed to die was because he was so enthralled by the Resurrection Stone that he put it one like a dolt rather than destroy it or store it for safekeeping. All in all Dumbledore is just a little to easy to make fall for/towards evil for my comfort.

How could he possibly handicap us? We'd know a ton of light-side shit, but that wouldn't stop us from learning dark-side shit at our leisure.

As for grooming us, I would like to point out that he planned on Harry dying and coming back, so you know, I'm willing to die temporarily if that's what it costs.

First it handicaps us because it is too likely he will only teach us Light-side shit and would be on our case if we ever inquire too much into anything darker or possibly even "grey". Second if we know, learn, or use anything even remotely dark before he agrees to mentor us makes getting him to Mentor us even more difficult if we are in the "wrong" house and may well risk the mentorship (and more) if it happens during. Lastly he suspected and hoped that Harry might come back and that was under very specific circumstances that I find highly unlikely we share (and only worked because of WOG rather than anything else).

Dumbledore would certainly be no trick. We, the questors, are extremely likely to go with Light mroe than Dark. As for Voldemort, we can deal with him AFTER hogwarts, giving us plenty of time to pick up Occlumens like Snape did in canon. And maybe even present the situation to Dumbledore teh same way in canon, become a double agent.

A bad roll may well force us to deal with Voldemort during (possibly even before) Hogwarts rather than after and if we land in Slytherin than it is even more likely we have to deal with him (at least peripherally) during or risk getting killed in our sleep or suffering a fatal "accident". Also I think that as questors we are more likely to go Grey, which just may be too Dark for Dumbledore's liking so we should be prepared for the possibility it's going to be too hard to get him to teach us.

You can't argue one character might be completely different from canon, then argue that another will be exactly as canon. Either characters are close to their canon selves (get Dumbles), or are very different (chance Dumbles, chance Volde).
Plus, I'd like to point out, that canonically Snape 100% hoodwinked Voldemort. We'll need to work on our intrigue, but we do have precedent on our side.

Again, Dumbledore seems a little to iffy (even in canon) to risk. On one hand he may be pulling a Palpatine in which case he is far too dangerous to interact with unprepared and on the other he is so rigidly light that we would have to tow the line (to the extent we can't even be grey and are expected to be stupidly self sacrificing) until we are certain he has taught us everything he knew (or we are interested in). Voldemort on the other hand was very decidedly evil (although if you have a very dark interpretation of Dumbledore then he is being forced to play evil). The only saving grace may be that he might be more sane than Canon (and I'm not sure that would actually be a good thing). Also considering how reluctant you are to do anything morally ambiguous for the Dragon I can't imagine that you would accept either Voldemort or Grindelwarld as a teacher and thus don't know why you ever even brought them up as possible teachers. Them being interested in teaching Severus/us is one thing, if not accepting them is a forgone conclusion than why would you even mention it.

Not at all. We'd have to convince them, just like we would have to convince this dragon. See point above.

Again you won't even risk being morally sketchy by this (so far neutral) dragon why would you even think to become so for Voldemort or Grindelwald? Stop acting like Voldemort and Grindelwald are actual legitimate choices for teachers if you already think it's a forgone conclusion that we won't pick or side with them.

That is exactly the bases there. We live in a far wider world then in canon, and we have proof that people are able to overcome the grasp of death. Saying that there is NO ONE out there besides Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Grindelwald who could serve as a mentor is extremely unlikely. There might be Merlin, a 0.01% chance but a chance all the same. There might also be Peveral Brothers, or Ceasar, or Rasputin, any one of these are exceptionally low odds but there are SO DAMN MANY possibilities, I'm certain that we can find some other people.

We know of two other ways besides horcruxes (and Snape doesn't even know of Horcruxes to my knowledge) in which we can overcome death (Ptolemy's weird ring, that we still don't know how to make for ourselves, and Ghosts, whom are people that died with regrets and may therefore not care to teach us). Yes other people are options but so is this Dragon/spirit (unless you honestly believe that the chances of this Dragon/spirit in front of us taking us on as a student are less than .01%) and the other hypothetical people aren't the ones who are here at this moment.

And you are assuming that not only is Ptolemy's stuff outdated and easily aquired elsewhere, but the DRAGON'S stuff isn't. A dragon we are given no reason to believe has ever left this pocket-dimension it's currently in and knows ANYTHING about the wider world and the current state of things.

This Dragon/Spirit is more likely to be able to teach us on the inner/divine magic than any one else without involving us in their agenda/politics. Also it is so ancient it has likely forgotten more about magic of any kind than Dumbledore, Voldemort, or Grindelwald will ever know combined. Not knowing about the wider world or the current state of things is a god send as far as I'm concerned since it leaves us free and untangled and allows us to teach it some things as well to allow for a far more reciprocal exchange.

All in all you should stop acting like anyone who is morally questionable and isn't light is even an option you would consider for a possible teacher when if you won't even bend for this Dragon/spirit then you sure as hell won't bend for any would be dark lord.
[X] We don't have much to offer right now in exchange, but we'll owe him a favor, any task he desires that is neither suicidal nor utterly morally reprehensible we'll perform to the best of our ability.
Inserted tally. I guess that closes the vote. Update will be slightly delayed, but it is coming soon.
Adhoc vote count started by Divine Oblivion on Feb 8, 2020 at 11:50 PM, finished with 45 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] We don't have much to offer right now in exchange, but we'll owe him a favor, any task he desires that is neither suicidal nor utterly morally reprehensible we'll perform to the best of our ability.
    [X] Leave and never come back.
    [X] What will it take for you to be willing to relinquish one of the apples. I doubt Money would appease you as they are near priceless, but could I instead offer my services in exchange for another one.
    [X] Write-In. Within my veins runs the ancient bloodline of Ptolemy. I offer some of my blood for the apple
    [X] I will assist you in tending to this blessed tree.
    [x] "Get the fuck out of the way or one day I will come back and subject you to more torment than every living being has ever experienced. And I will do it again and again until even creation cries for your miserable existence."
    [x] Convince/persuade (the Generous) Dragon that training a human/Arcanist may prove to be an interesting/entertaining past time and could further/better prepare him for whatever end goals the being that blessed him in the first place wanted him to achieve. After all, considering how nigh on impossible it was to locate this place on accident the first time, how soon after he furthered/improved on the benefits of the first fruit (eternally infinite to divine in a year) , how much more difficult and unlikely to repeat the feat for a second time on purpose then surely Severus has proven himself capable/worthy/interesting enough to warrant some training. This would of course be contingent on Severus giving up the possibility of ever having another apple without the Dragon's blessing.
    [X] then a purpose a test of worthiness
The Draconic Guardian 2
"I don't have much to offer right now," Severus began as he gazed deeper into the molten orbs, "but I'll owe you a favour. Any task, that is neither suicidal nor utterly morally reprehensible, I'll do it, as the price for the apple."

Diplomacy check -> Roll(1d100)+4:
Total:101 -> CRIT

Total:101 -> CRIT


Grand Total: 260

The dragon regarded Severus for an instant, which instantly stretched into a neverending moment. And just like that, a stifling pressure descended, judging his very existence. The divine will receded as quickly as it emerged, leaving the young scholar somewhat breathless.

"Passably adequate." The mythical being telepathically confirmed. "I haven't given out quests in a while, considering the ridiculous mortality rate. Nevertheless, I'll provide you one, since you seem potentially capable."

Martial -> Roll(1d100)+15:

Diplomacy -> Roll(1d100)+4:

Stewardship -> Roll(1d100)+5:

Intrigue -> Roll(1d100)+9:

Learning -> Roll(1d100)+12:
Total:102 -> CRIT


Grand Total -> 197

Piety -> Roll(1d100)+15:

"I'll give you the following options." The ancient mind transmitted at length. "Take it, or leave it. And if you do leave, don't return. I don't care how intertwined our destinies are."

Pick 1

[] Martial Quest - The trinity.
  • 3 apples, 3 fates, 3 monstrosities. Fetch the heads of a cerberus, and prove your youthful fortunes.
  • The dragon will open the passage towards one, and all that is required is that you bring the heads.
  • Exceptionally difficult. (DC ???)
  • Will result in part 3 of the Draconic Guardian.

[] Diplomacy Quest - Social pariah?
  • The dragon has guarded the apples since time immemorial. But that does not mean it has transcended mortality. An unresolved issue, that needs to be settled.
  • The dragon wants you to meet someone and convince them about something. A letter has been provided, which you are to open upon arriving.
  • Relatively simpler. (3 separate DCs, totalling to 150)
  • Will result in part 3 of the Draconic Guardian.

[] Stewardship Quest - Agricultural enhancement.
  • The tree is unique and requires an ungodly amount of attention. Assist the dragon in handling it for a while.
  • Locks all Stewardship action till Hogwarts.
  • Moderately difficult. (2 separate DCs, totalling to 130)

[] Intrigue Quest - Phantom.
  • While there are unusual events that allow beings blessed by Magic itself to occasionally get one of the forbidden fruits, the dragon is always aware of it. But someone has been attempting to cloud the dragon's immeasurable senses.
  • Find the individual, and report back to the dragon. You are good at finding things, after all.
  • Insanely difficult. (DC ???)
  • Will result in part 3 of the Draconic Guardian.

[] Learning Quest - Intertwining destinies?
  • The dragon and you are bound by something inexplicable. Karmic connections have already been established, it would do you well to further them. Or will it?
  • The dragon will show you the Truth, and should you be able to survive, you shall receive a lot more than the apples.
  • Manageable difficulty. (3 separate DCs, totalling to 120)
  • Will result in part 3 of the Draconic Guardian.

[] Piety Quest - Sources.
  • The dragon needs certain resources. Some are found in inhumane, and inhospitable environments. Fetch, and the reward shall be yours.
  • Blocks all Piety actions next turn. But Ptolemy can provide some aid...
  • Moderate difficulty. (4 separate DCs, totalling 220).
[] Leave.

"So what will it be young one?" The titanic being inquired with a touch of insanity. "Will you be another ignorant mortal, or something much more?"

A/N - Well it's been a while. Personal reasons and exams have a unique way of blowing minor problems way out of proportions. Vote away, if anyone is still reading. Updates will definitely be slower for a while, but the quest shall continue.

P.S My dice gods still love Severus. At least someone will love him this way...

Also, some crazy background rolls have occurred, so stay tuned for the Rumour Mill this turn!
Our strengths are martial, learning, and piety.

On the other hand, the stewardship quest isn't that hard... and it's what I wanted to do anyway, so I'm voting for that.

[X] Stewardship Quest - Agricultural enhancement.
3 rolls with a combined total of DC 120, means each roll has on average DC 40. Meaning we got a 73% chance for each individually on average, 78% if we Transcend, 100% if it involves Searching, Identifying, or Enchanting.

While each individual DC is likely to pass, the odds of passing them ALL are a bit uncomfortably low. 39% at the lowest, 47% if we Transcend for all of them but none of them are searching/identifying/enchanting. Here's hoping for luck, I guess.
[X] Learning Quest - Intertwining destinies
-Has the most benefits, and should be the easiest with how High our Learning is now.