You ask to see a map first. Lord Storm goes outside and speaks to his steward, and then you sit in silence until the lad comes back with a large map of the North and the Lands Beyond-The-Wall. It's been drawn on recently, with several additions made, marking wildling settlements. There are also several lines in red, progressing steadily south. Finally, someone sketched a long line along the Milkwater, tracing it up into the mountains. You study the map for long minutes, asking questions about the terrain and some of the markings on the map. The red lines mark the progression of the beastmen – Jon tells you that those represent the expansion of beastman territory. "You can feel when they have made the forest theirs. It's death to go into those places. I think you could send an army into there and not have it come out." He tells you how much snow you can get, how cold the weather can be. The more questions you ask, the more his face falls as he begins to realize what your answer is going to be.
You remind yourself to be gentle. Jon is clearly no fool, but he has never commanded an army. The wildlings do things very differently, and the disparity in numbers and skill means his people can survive with much less supplies than yours. So you begin to explain the obstacles in your path should you wish to go north with an army. Carts will not be able to travel very far, and horses will begin freezing soon enough. Your men will only have what they can carry and catch, and neither will be sufficient to supply an army of the size necessary to endure normal attrition and defeat the host of beastmen. And even if you could supply that army, your men are needed elsewhere. Crops could potentially rot in the fields if that is not taken care of, and the North would starve. You will not allow that to happen.
"The Free Folk may come south, but they must keep the peace and follow my laws. I will discuss how exactly this migration is to work with my bannermen, but you and those who follow you are welcome to attend." Your head begins to throb slightly at the thought of what that conference will be like, but you cannot make a decision like this without hearing everyone's opinion and at least considering it.
You are right. As your lords gather in one of the empty halls of the Nightfort, you see them shooting poisonous glares at wildlings sitting behind Giantsblood and Lord Storm, sitting off to one side. The wildlings return the stares, and hands are close to blades. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice men walking into the halls. Stewards of the Night's Watch, with some wildlings mingled among them. Following behind are the wildlings who were also present in the solar and a Green Man you don't recognize them. The stewards are carrying bread and salt, which they begin to offer to everyone in the halls, starting with you and your counterparts. The stewards file out, and the hall settles down. No one likes anyone, but you see stances shift and hands removed from hilts and breathe a sigh of relief.
"Beastmen rule beyond the Wall now. There may be some survivors in the Frostfangs, but that is unlikely. It is clear that beastmen can convert humans into more of their kind, and many of their most fearsome members seem to have been made so." You glance at Lord Bolton, who nods slightly. "With that in mind, and with the consent of the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, I am willing to consider allowing the Free Folk to settl-" You don't get any further as the room erupts in noise, only for your direwolf to once again begin howling until everyone quiets down. You make a mental note to find him a nice big bone when you get the chance. "Thank you for your valued input. Now, Lord Umber, you were saying…"The boisterous man rises to his feet and begins to argue against allowing any of them south, not caring for the thunderous expressions on the faces of those across the hall. Lord Bolton rises, arguing against him with cold logic, suggesting that the Free Folk be distributed in penny packets across the North. Lord Tallhart suggested settling them on the Stoney Shore, Master Glover proposed restoring abandoned keeps in the Wolfswood for them.
Eventually, Giantsblood rises to his feet. "Magnars. I wish to thank you for your…valued opinions, but if I may offer a proposal of my own…We are the Free Folk. We choose those who lead us. As does the Night's Watch…whom many of our folk have joined, for the sake of vengeance if nothing else. So lets us settle the Gift. Let us swear oaths before a heart tree to keep the peace and send aid to the Watch."
Lord Umber rises to his feet. "My lords…that is a fine proposal. There is just one slight problem…how do I know you will keep your word? My lands have been raided time and again by your proud Free Folk. Farms have been burned, daughters stolen, homes destroyed, good men slain. And now I will not even have the protection of a wall to keep them safe…" The Giantsblood shrugs. "If you will not accept an oath sworn before a heart tree, I do not know what it will take." Lord Tallhart interjects. "Firstly, what does the Night's Watch think of this? And second, it is often customary to take wards…perhaps some of the children of those who settle in our lands could be given as wards to assure the good behavior of the parents."
Again the Lords begin to quarrel, the Free Folk with them, Lord Storm occasionally interjecting with his own thoughts on the matter, mostly regarding the settling of the Gift, something which he is in favor of. Now, though, the men in this room are thinking at least partly with their heads. Lord Umber still rages, as do two chieftains of the wildlings, but many are at least willing to consider what was previously unthinkable. You know it is unlikely that they will come to a decision on their own, but if you propose one they will likely accept it.
Where do you suggest they wildlings settle?
[] Stoney Shore
[] Scattered across the North
[] The Wolfswood
[] The Gift
[] A combination
How do you ensure that they keep the peace?
[] Oaths and nothing more
[] Hostages
- [] Under what terms?
[] Write-in
Afterwards, you take the opportunity to meet with Lord Bolton, Lord Umber, the Wull, and Lord Mormont to discuss rewards. You could offer them relief from taxes, thanehoods, or other honors. What do you give them?
[] Write-in