I do wonder, even if they win, what happens, for instance, with the proud Aristocratic Traditions (which is to say, the elitism and the discounting of most of the population) now that one of the most notable symbols of challenging it, Andre, is... maybe dead? Did I read that right? It'd be really easy for them, especially if this winds up being a victory that gives them room to stop with the desperation experiment of... *checks notes* allowing non-nobles to rise according to their competence, to just, like, walk things back? In a weird way, a lot of the more admirable things about the Exile Empire come from them being desperate enough to try it, so who knows what victory would bring.
Certainly, not anything as bad as the literal mass-murderous Solar Empire, but you have to kinda wonder what even victory will bring in a setting where a ruling aristocracy that controls everything is just a fact of life.
(Unlike our IRL free and fair system in which everyone may advance regardless of birth *nervous laughter.*)
Maybe I'm being too melancholy? I also should honestly go back through the updates, because I never quite got a good grasp on how aristocrats and non-aristocrats even interacted with each other outside of the military. The viewpoint character's an aristocrat, and so are... a pretty decent chunk of the main characters, so it's hard to tell. And basically everyone important is in the military, so that's kinda their focus of 'caring.'
If the answer to "We almost got bodied because the Solar Empire threw a massive fleet on a suicide mission" is "To double down on our worst and most counterproductive traits", then for all I like the characters, the Exile Empire deserves to die.
That it'll lose to something even worse is the real tragedy, but the Solar Empire's just too powerful and too cohesive despite their superfacism to lose. After all, all they need to do is send anyone who thinks otherwise off to die on some pointless crusade or another like they just did.
And Jupiter, where many of these ships and personnel were originally stationed, was already unstable, with a substantial local insurgency. Mosi was there hunting down pirates and "terrorist" rebels.we don't actually know how much of their fleet they sent out here, nor such a total defeat will affect things. Sure they can lie about it, but people will notice we're still here, and not a fucking single ship came home. That's going to be the kind of weakness that won't look good. None of their fleet making it home might actually destabilize things somewhat.
And Jupiter, where many of these ships and personnel were originally stationed, was already unstable, with a substantial local insurgency. Mosi was there hunting down pirates and "terrorist" rebels.
[X] The Divine Navy's Admiral, Lord Grangier, is killed in combat, sending the enemy into chaos again
They're likely to suicide charge anyways, they don't have a back route.
Its best that they do it utterly disorganized
Based on what we've seen of the (rightful) United Solar Empire outside of Lori and Daystar, I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of those times where having an absolute monarch to reign in the nobles is actually better for the common folk. And this goes double for the usurpers, considering that the ones with any power there are more or less defined by being zealous, greedy and/or assholes.Throughout this story, the characters are fairly likable, but I don't want the Exiles to win either. Overall, their system of government also makes them assholes.
He doesn't have a choice. They cut their own escape.the present admiral is not a fanatic, so he's unlikely to sude aattack.
Have an absolute monarch to reign in the nobles is good until it isn't. It just takes one particularly incompetent or kind of evil monarch to make the wheels come off of everything, and if the aristocracy has been defanged enough, you end up without any checks on that and an overall weaker state ready to fall. This Empire does have a more formalised bureaucracy and military, at least. Daystar in particular probably isn't evil anyway, barring me doing something stupid like having the death of her closest friend and advisor make her turn into murder queen, burner of worlds.Based on what we've seen of the (rightful) United Solar Empire outside of Lori and Daystar, I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of those times where having an absolute monarch to reign in the nobles is actually better for the common folk. And this goes double for the usurpers, considering that the ones with any power there are more or less defined by being zealous, greedy and/or assholes.
It's not like being a republic is a panacea against becoming a defacto oligarchy.
Have an absolute monarch to reign in the nobles is good until it isn't. It just takes one particularly incompetent or kind of evil monarch to make the wheels come off of everything, and if the aristocracy has been defanged enough, you end up without any checks on that and an overall weaker state ready to fall. This Empire does have a more formalised bureaucracy and military, at least. Daystar in particular probably isn't evil anyway, barring me doing something stupid like having the death of her closest friend and advisor make her turn into murder queen, burner of worlds.