A Spell in Parseltongue (A Quest of the Potterverse)

[X] Plan Mystic Mage
-[X] [Magical Strength] Spell Casting:
-[X] [Magical Strength] Knowledge of the Wizarding World and Writing
-[X] [Magical Strength] Predictive and Symbolic Magic
-[X] [Weakness] Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants:
-[X] [Qualities] Your Athletism:
-[X] [Qualities] Your Political astuteness:
-[X] [Qualities] Your Social Abilities:
-[X] [Qualities] Your Wisdom:
-[X] [Flaws] Your Elitism
-[X] [Flaws] Your Egocentrism
-[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Prone to Contemplation:
-[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge:
-[X] [Clubs] The Ravenclaw Quidditch Team:
-[X] [Clubs] The Little Wizard
-[X] [Friends] Hercules Greengrass (7th year):
-[X] [Friends] Gawain Ashcroft (6th year):
-[X] [Friends] Morris Warbeck (5th year)
-[X] [Friends] Lucretia Black (7th year):
-[X] [Friends] Ignatius Prewett (5th year)
-[X] [Enemies] Vesta Selwin (5th year):
-[X] [Enemies] Arpus Runcorn (7th year)
-[X] [Professor] Maria Bogdavna (Ancient Runes)
If that is your goal, I would recommend against choosing to be inept at social interaction.

We are already an opponent of Blood Supremacy and Lucretia is mentioned as having no issue with being friends or allies with moderates, we are one. We have not aligned with some of the more troubling, for Lucretia at least, political movements. Hercules seems actually nearly in line with our believes. He is anti-Grindelwald as we are and his girlfriend, is described as sharing his views and essentially being in line with our own. Leading to the conclusion that he should also be in line with our political statements. Last but not least is Eleanor, who would fall under true companion for us. Making her far less likely to raise problems for us, because it is not only friendship which unites us but a kind of love. She has not espoused any political sentiments, like Muggleborns should rule them all or be granted more power. All that is directed her way is based on the thoughts of blood supremacy, which we are according to our last vote an opponent of.

Trying to change former votes always lead to near schizophrenic characters. I don´t like that and I don´t see my proposed plan as juggling many factions. One should be our primary one and the other the moderate one from the traditionalists side. That is not much.

I have question some of the options do not have a bracket before them. Like the two I quoted. Does this mean they cannot be taken or was it a small oversight?
Eleanor hasn't truly chosen a faction quite yet but she leans toward the Phoenixes. If you pick her as a friend your relationship would probably be a fellow student version of the ones Slughorn had with Lilly and Hermione: you hold her in high esteem and, while not completely free of prejudices, you don't hate muggleborns or anything like that so you have no issues with being her friend or admiring how she succeded in spite of her origins (tough you obviously know better then to verbalise the latter part when she is around). On her part, she might not like some of your opinions but you have become close enough in spite of them, and yourself tactfull enough, that they aren't friendship breakers. After all, like most Sphinxes you actually are in favour of at least some changes that would create a fairer Wizarding Britain for whitches and wizards like her, even if it might not be as many as she would like you to support, and you do generally dislike those actively harrassing/bullying/persecuting them.

Crecy obviously won't be a fan of your frienship with Eleanor but she is willing to overlook it.

My bad for Hornby and Runcorn, I fixed it.

From the description, it sounds like Social Ineptitude is about general everyday socialisation and acquaintance with the general populace, not influencing the key players we have contacts with through my plan. When interacting with them, my plan has Politician to understand their goals, Wise to know what to do about them and Charismatic to convince them of it.
You and @Erzherzog_Karl are both partly right: obviously some of the traits you picked will help deal with the damages of the social ineptitude trait but it won't offset it completely. After all, everyone live in close quarters at Hogwarts so personal relatinships are obviously important and, more broadly, they tend to always be in any setting/society where there isn't formalised political divisions, either in the form of parties or in some other way.

Charismatic will mainly help you deal with a crowd, make a speech, that short of things. It will help in one on one conversations but not nearly as much.

Information overload is making it hard to even determine if the current plans have things I would like.

To much, to much-

[X] Plan Our own Bronze Trio

The only thing I saw was Vesta Selwin as an enemy and cousin rivalries are pretty good. There's no one you can hate more than family, even if you still love them.
I appologise again for nut cutting this update in two, it really became longer then I anticipated :( :p Now that we will start our story they should be much more concised.

As stated before, I am learning as a QM so I can only ask for peoples to be patient with any false steps I might make while I do so :)

On a lighter note, and while even as ennemies your Relationship with Vesta won't be nearly as bad, I am sure Sirius and Bellatrix would be happy to learn they still loved each other :p
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[X] Plan Our own Bronze Trio

Very difficult vote, but I can't resist the temptation.

Also, as Eleanor's creator, I am glad to see a lot of people liked her as a character. I think, regardless of which vote wins she will devop a bit differently from my original thoughts about her, but... such is the destiny of charcters who sort of take a life of their own.
The Rainbow Ministry
While their activities only affect Hogwarts indirectly the situation at the ministry provide much of the wider political and societal background to the setting of the questing. Moreover, Hogwart's internal politics tend to reflect those of the ministry, in one way or another, with similar familly names often playing similar parts...

The Rainbow Ministry

Leonard Spencer-Moon, Minister for Magic

Nobody can quite can remember where the term ''Rainbow Ministry'' first appeared but it caught on quite quickly, an unsurprising development considering how apt a moniker it was for a ministry who, around the nucleus formed by the alliance of the Sphinxes and Phoenixes, managed to assemble a cast more diverse then anything seen since the implementation of the statute of secrecy to lead it. Lords of the wizarding nobility served alongside muggleborns, War Dragons collaborated with Lions and Wizards born in immense wealth and privileges sat alongside others who, by magical standarts at least had to face poverty in their youths. The leading figures of the Spencer-Moon ministry didn't have much in common with each others and one would have been hard pressed to make them all agree on anything, except that Gellert Grindelwald was a threat of the utmost gravity that needed to be dealt with decisively, no matter the cost.

List of Heads of Departments and Other Key Figures of the Spencer-Moon Ministry:

(Political Factions, Hogwarts Houses and Blood Status are included in brackets)

''Sometimes I fear this war will end up making Gryffindors out of all of us!'' Achilles Greengrass - 1942

Minister for Magic: Leonard Spencer-Moon (Phoenix, Hufflepuff, Half-Blood) (1)
Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation: Lord Achilles Greengrass (Sphinx, Slytherin, Pureblood) (2) (3)
Head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement: Lord Caratacus Crouch (Sphinx, Huffelpuff, Pureblood) (2) (4)
Coordinator in-chief of the British Battle Wizards on the Continent: Theseus Scamander (Phoenix, Gryffindor, Half-Blood)
Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic: Amata Fortescue (Owl, Ravenclaw, Pureblood)
Head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes: Torquil Travers (War Dragon, Ravenclaw, Pureblood) (5)
Head of the Department of Muggle Liaison: Hasting Virecker (Pheonix, Gryffindor, Muggleborn) (6)
Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot: Arabella Bones (Pheonix, Gryffindor, Half-Blood) (7)
Head of the Departament for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creature: Cormoran Beauclair (Owl, Slytherin, Half-Blood)
Head of the Goblin Laison Office: David Goldstein (Lion, Ravenclaw, Pureblood)
Head of the Centaur Liaison Office: Anastasia Constantinov (Owl, Huffelpuff, Half-blood)
British Representative at the International Wizarding Confederacy: Augustus McLaghen (Sphinx, Gryffindor, Pureblood) (8)
Head of the British Division of Magical Trading Standart Body: Porphiria Selwin (War Dragon, Ravenclaw, Pureblood) (9)
Head of the Department of Misteries: Henry Potter (Phoenix, Gryffindor, Pureblood)
Unspeakable-in-Chief: Travis Jones (Sphinx, Gryffindor, Muggleborn)
Head of the Department of Magical Transportation: Wilhelmina Tuft (Sphinx, Huffelpuff, Half-Blood)
Head of the Department of Magical Sports: Borros Digory (Phoenix, Huffelpuff, Half-Blood)
Chief of the Auror Bureau: Antonia Abbot (Phoenix, Huffelpuff, Pureblood)
Head of the Department of Education: Balthazar MacMillan (Sphinx, Huffelpuff, Pureblood)

Other Canon Figures of Political Importance Collaborating with the Ministry in one way or another:

(I gave the american characters the faction they most likely would have in Wizarding Britain while the muggles get RL political affiliations that would have made sense for them in the time and context).

Newton Scamander (Lion, Huffelpuff, Half-Blood): Still acting as Dumbledore active hand in Europe, Newt has more or less accepted that, for the time being, his fame will come from his actions in the war rather then as a maziologist. He, his brother and their in-laws have proven to be such a torn on Grindelwald side that the sheer mention of the name ''Scamander'' in his presence his enough to make the most terrible dark wizard since Herpo the Fool throw a tantrum of spectacular proportion.

Porpentina Scamander (Thunderbird, Half-Blood, Lion): She has yet to recover from Quennie's defection to Grindelwald and plunged body and soul into the fight to cope. The American Valkyrie, as the legendary american auror is now known, is presently leading the forces of the International Wizarding Confederation supporting the lawfull italian ministry against the pro-Grindelwald rebels.

Seraphina Picquery (Horned Serpent, Pureblood, Lion): After leaving her post she was consumed by guilt over Grindelwald escape, tough most didn't hold it against her. To atone for what she saw as her mistakes she toured the world and meet with influent wizards to convince them of the danger represented by Grindelwald. She played a key role in putting toguether the massive coalition presently fighting him.

Col. Jacob Kowalski (A randow NY city public school, Muggle, New Deal Democrat (10)): To the eyes of the muggle world Jacob Kowalski is nothing more then one of the many officers dwelling in the corridor of the White House in these years of war. The truth, however, is far less banal: While it as accepted to modify the Rappaport Law to make him an exception to many of its requirements the MAVUSA still reluctant to establish direct contact with its muggle counterparts, despite the repeated demand of the latter. Thus, when Newt doesn't require his help for one of his mission, Jacob essentially act as Special Presidential Adviser for Magical Affairs. In the spite of the very real pain he still feel at the memory of Queenie's decision he cannot help but feel some pride at how far he has gone.

Winston Churchill (Sandhurst, Muggle, Moderate Tory): The possibility of ties between Grindelwald and Nazi Germany as well as his friendship with Spencer-Moon has lead Churchill to exhibit a degree of knowledge on and interest for magical affairs quite unusual among muggle prime minister. Regularly briefed by the ministry, Churchill has met many of its key figures and even the purists among them have taken to refer to him as the ''The First Muggle'' with something sounding suspiciously like respect.

Nobby Leach (Ravenclaw, Muggleborn, Phoenix): Put in Ravenclaw solely because of the fact that shorting a muggleborn in Slytherin during this era would have been against his interests, Leach quickly proved to be an immensely talented and driven wizard who, while often the target of purist bullying, made a point of honour to give more then he got. After a few years working as an unspeakable he headed to Europe to fight the good fight and ended up forming an elite band of wizards operating in areas supposedly controled by Grindelwald, with devastating effect for the latter. He and his battle wizards have come to be nicknamed The Boguarts for their seeming tendency to manifest in whatever way Gellert could have most feared.

Percival Graves (Thunderbird, Pureblood, Phoenix): Driven by the desire to ensure that he would be remember as more then a kidnapee, Graves has been instrumental to the creation and management of the system designated to train and organise wizarding volounters coming from all accross the world and ensure that they are quickly ready to face Grindelwald hordes.

(1) Once a simple tea boy Spencer-Moon ascended among the ranks and, thanks to his seat at the Wizengamot, spent much of the 1930's attempting to convince Wizarding Britain of the sheer gravity of the threat represented by Grindelwald and of the necessity of decisive actions to counter it. As such, he seemed to many the natural choice to lead the Rainbow Ministry.
(2) I was a bit conflicted when it came to nobility titles as, on one hand, I do admit allot of fanfics run with it far beyond the reasonable and cannonically wizards don't have a landed nobility. On the other hand, Lord Voldemort name, wizarding manors and the whole ''Most Noble and Ancient House of Black'' do show that the trapings, if nothing else, of aristocracy. I decided to cut the apple in two and have particularly prestigious and families bear courtesy titles who, while empty of any actual legal meanings, do testify of their social ranks. More in a latter worldbuilding piece.
(3) The leading figures of the owls turned sphinxes because of the Global Wizarding War, Achilles Greengras played a key role in the deposition of his former friend and political companion Hector Fawley as well as the formation of the political coalition presently leading the ministry. The de facto number two of the ministry, Greengrass has been given the reins of the Department of International Wizarding Cooperation, a post of crucial importance in the circumstances. Father of Hercules and Ulysses and uncle in-law of Tiberius McLaghen.
(4) Cora Crouch father.
(5) The former Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement lost much in the fall of minister Fawley but he proved influential enough to retain a seat at the table. Close to the Blacks he allow them to retain some influence over the minister, even if only indirectly. The father of Sullivan Travers, he grown estranged from his son due to their political differences, tough he still use his influence to protect him from some of the consequences of his opposition to the war.
(6) Due to the twin emergencies of WWII and the Global Wizarding War the Muggle Liaison Office was temporarely elevated to the rank of a full department. Hasting Verecker got the job due to his connection inside the muggle world, who the ministry hoped would serve them well, being a relative of John Vereker, 6th Viscount Gort.
(7) In many way a logical candidate for the post of Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement but political realities forced Spencer-Moon to give the job to a Sphinx. She was made Chief Warlock to provide her with a consolation price. Aunt of Patricia Bones
(8) While certainly competent, he obtained the job thanks to the patronage of his brother in-law, Achilles Greengrass. Father of Tiberius and uncle in-law of Hercules and Ulysses.
(9) Your second cousin, once removed. The tensions between the two branches of the Selwin familly have prevented the potential connection she represent to be of much use to you.
(10) As a catholic immigrant with a working class background Jacob would have most likely been a supporter of FDR.
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Are we going to have a look at all key characters of Hogwarts (Professors, Prefects, that sort of thing)?
Adhoc vote count started by phil03 on Oct 18, 2019 at 7:38 AM, finished with 37 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan Our own Bronze Trio
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Spell Casting:
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Martial Magic:
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Knowledge of the Wizarding World and Writing:
    -[X] [Weakness]Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Social Abilities:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Charisma:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Wisdom:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your drive to succeed:
    -[X] [Flaws]Your Elitism:
    -[X] [Flaws]Your Physical Weakness:
    -[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge:
    -[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Exuberant:
    -[X] [Clubs]The Duel Club:
    -[X] [Clubs]The Wizarding Chess Club:
    -[X] [Friends]Hercules Greengrass (7th​ year)
    -[X] [Friends]Eleanor Colville (5th​ year):
    -[X] [Friends]Morris Warbeck (5th​ year) :
    -[X] [Friends]Lucretia Black (7th​ year):
    -[X] [Friends]Ignatius Prewett (5th​ year):
    -[X] [Enemies]Sullivan Travers (7th​ year):
    -[X] [Enemies]Vesta Selwin (5th​ year):
    -[X] [Professor]Galatea Merrytought (Defense Against the Dark Arts):
    [X] Plan The Proud Selwyn Heir
    -[X](Magical Strength) Spell Casting
    -[X](Magical Strength) Martial Magic
    -[X](Magical Strength) Knowledge of the Wizarding World and Writing
    -[X](Magical Weakness) Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants
    -[X](Qualities) Athletism
    -[X](Qualities) Charisma
    -[X](Qualities) Wisdom
    -[X](Qualities) Social Abilities
    -[X](Flaws) Elitist
    -[X](Flaws) Egocentric
    -[X](Neutral Traits) Be Especially Proud of your Family
    -[X](Neutral Traits) Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge
    -[X](Club) The Ravenclaw Quidditch Team
    -[X](Club) The Little Wizard
    -[X](Friends) Artoria Montague
    -[X](Friends) Morris Warbeck
    -[X](Friends) Asha Fortescue
    -[X](Friends) Patricia Bones
    -[X](Friends) Henry Hornby
    -[X](Enemies) Arpus Runcorn
    -[X](Enemies) Septimus Weasley
    -[X](Professor) Galatea Merrythought
    [X] Plan Mystic Mage
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Spell Casting:
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Knowledge of the Wizarding World and Writing:
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Predictive and Symbolic Magic :
    -[X] [Weakness]Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Athletism:
    -[X] [Qualities] Your political astuteness
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Social Abilities:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Wisdom:
    -[X] [Flaws]Your Elitism:
    -[X] [Flaws] Your Egocentrism
    -[X] [Neutral Traits] Be Prone to Contemplation
    -[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge:
    -[X] [Clubs]The Ravenclaw Quidditch Team:
    -[X] [Clubs] The Little Wizard
    -[X] [Friends]Hercules Greengrass (7th​ year)
    -[X] [Friends]Gawain Ashcroft (6th year):
    -[X] [Friends]Morris Warbeck (5th​ year) :
    -[X] [Friends]Lucretia Black (7th​ year):
    -[X] [Friends]Ignatius Prewett (5th​ year):
    -[X] [Enemies]Vesta Selwin (5th​ year):
    -[X] [Enemies]Arpus Runcorn (7th year):
    -[X] [Professor] Maria Bogdavna (Ancient Runes)
    [X] Plan Awkward Hero
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Spell Casting:
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Martial Magic:
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Predictive and Symbolic Magic :
    -[X] [Weakness]Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Athletism:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Valliance:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Kindness:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your drive to succeed:
    -[X] [Flaws]Your Social Ineptitude:
    -[X] [Flaws] Your Naiveté:
    -[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge:
    -[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Exuberant:
    -[X] [Clubs]The Duel Club:
    -[X] [Clubs]The Ravenclaw Quidditch Team:
    -[X] [Friends]Gawain Ashcroft (6th year):
    -[X] [Friends]Eleanor Colville (5th​ year):
    -[X] [Friends]Frieda Caelstrom (4th year):
    -[X] [Friends]Bill Boshworth (3rd year):
    -[X] [Friends]Ignatius Prewett (5th​ year):
    -[X] [Enemies]Tom Riddle (5th year):
    -[X] [Enemies]Vesta Selwin (5th​ year):
    -[X] [Professor]Albus Dumbledore (Transfiguration):
    [X] Plan The Lynchpin Archmage
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Spell Casting:
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Martial Magic:
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Predictive and Symbolic Magic :
    -[X] [Weakness]Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants:
    -[X] [Qualities] Your political astuteness
    -[X] [Qualities]Your drive to succeed:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Charisma:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Wisdom:
    -[X] [Flaws]Your Elitism:
    -[X] [Flaws]Your Social Ineptitude:
    -[X] [Neutral Traits] Be Prone to Contemplation
    -[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge:
    -[X] [Clubs]The Duel Club:
    -[X] [Clubs]The Wizarding Chess Club:
    -[X] [Friends] Artoria Montague (7th year)
    -[X] [Friends]Eleanor Colville (5th​ year):
    -[X] [Friends]Morris Warbeck (5th​ year) :
    -[X] [Friends]Lucretia Black (7th​ year):
    -[X] [Friends] Barnabas Cuffe (6th Year)
    -[X] [Enemies]Tom Riddle (5th year):
    -[X] [Enemies]Vesta Selwin (5th​ year):
    -[X] [Professor] Horace Slughorn (Potions)
    [X] Plan Wise Warrior
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Spell Casting:
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Martial Magic:
    -[X] [Magical Strength]Predictive and Symbolic Magic :
    -[X] [Weakness]Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants:
    -[X] [Qualities] Your political astuteness
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Valliance:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Charisma:
    -[X] [Qualities]Your Wisdom:
    -[X] [Flaws]Your Elitism:
    -[X] [Flaws] Your Egocentric
    -[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge:
    -[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Exuberant:
    -[X] [Clubs]The Duel Club:
    -[X] [Clubs] The Little Wizard
    -[X] [Friends]Hercules Greengrass (7th​ year)
    -[X] [Friends]Frieda Caelstrom (4th year):
    -[X] [Friends]Eleanor Colville (5th​ year):
    -[X] [Friends] Barnabas Cuffe (6th Year)
    -[X] [Enemies]Arpus Runcorn (7th year):
    -[X] [Enemies]Vesta Selwin (5th​ year):
    -[X] [Professor] Maria Bogdavna (Ancient Runes)
Household Worldbuilding Items
I reserve myself the possibility to push back the deadline if the vote is especially tight but I will tentatively say that the voting will conclude tomorow at 12pm tomorrow, eastern hour.

Now, some small household worldbuilding items about Hogwarts and its students :)

List of Prefects

Your new Badge
(Blood Status and political faction to which they would identify too if asked and answering sincerely are in brackets)

Head Girl: Lucretia Black (Slytherin, Pureblood, Old Dragon)
Head Boy: Septimus Weasley (Gryffindor, Pureblood, Phoenix)


5th year: Ignatius Prewett (Pureblood, Sphinx) & Bethany Jones (Lion, Muggleborn)
6th year: Tiberius McLaghen (Phoenix, Pureblood) & Mary McKinnon (Lion, Half-Blood)
7th year: Charlus Potter (Pureblood, Phoenix) & Patricia Bones (Half-Blood, Phoenix)


5th year: Zagreus Burke (Pureblood, Owl) & Hildegard Hopkins (Half-Blood, Sphinx)
6th year: Ambrosius Flume (Half-Blood, Owl) & Gertrude Podmore (Half-Blood, Phoenix)
7th year: Lucian Korr (Half-Blood, Lion) & Cora Crouch (Pureblood, Sphinx).


5th year: Maxwell Selwin (Pureblood, Sphinx) & Eleanor Colville (Muggleborn, Phoenix)
6th year: Duncan Buchanan (Half-Blood, Owl) & Margaret Shackelbolth (Pureblood, Phoenix)
7th year: Hercules Greengrass (Pureblood, Sphinx) & Artoria Montague (Pureblood, Sphinx)


5th year: Tom Marvolo Riddle (Half-Blood, Basilisk) & Livia Mulciber (Pureblood, Basilisk)
6th year: Barnabas Cuffe (Pureblood, Owl) & Evelyn Rosier (Pureblood, Sphinx)
7th year: Abraxas Malfoy (Pureblood, Old Dragon)

Hogwarts Demographics in 1942


English: 50%
Scottish: 25% (1)
Irish: 15%
Welsh: 5%
Rest of the World: 5% (2)

Blood Status:

Half-Bloods: 65%
Muggleborns: 20%
Purebloods: 13%
Half-Breeds: 2%

Degree of Wealth (3):

Broke: 0.3%
Poor: 16.9%
Middle Class: 57.7%
Well-Off: 16,5%
Wealthy: 5%
Very Wealthy: 2.6%

Other Sentient Beings on School Ground:

Professors and Auxiliary Staff: 18
Centaur Colony: 146
House-Elves: 52
Acromentula: 2 (4)
Trolls: 24
Giants: 4
Ghost and Other Spirits: 20 (5)

(1) My love for Macbeth was far too great to NOT make Scotland be overepresented :p
(2) Significantly higher then usual due to refugees from both World War II and the Global Wizarding War.
(3) All by wizarding standarts
(4) Unknow to anyone but Rubeus Hagrid
(5) Not including Binns

The 1942-43 Quidditch Cup Schedule

Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch

November 14th: Slytherin vs Gryffindor
November 28th: Ravenclaw vs Huffelpuff

February 20th: Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw
March 5th : Slytherin vs Huffelpuff

May 1st: Slytherin vs Ravenclaw
May 29th: Gryffindor vs Huffelpuff

Where Friends and Relatives Might be Fighting

While the Global Wizarding War and the opening of the Chamber of Secrets are bound to play a key role in any game or story set in 1942-43 events in the muggle worlds might loom at least as large in the mind of some student. As the school year at Hogwarts began WWII had reached a decisive phase as the series of key battle who would eventually be colloquialy refered as ''The Turning of the Tide'' had already begun. As one could assume that more then a few students had relatives and friends on the frontline, or soon to be, I tought a quick rundown of the different teathers where they might fought might be worth assembling:

British Army:

I. The 8th British Army: Definitely one of the most interesting possibilities as the famous Desert War is about to reach its moment of decision. Bernard Montgomery has just taken command and the Second Battle of El Alamein is on the horizon, and with it the turning point of the war between Germany and the Western Allies.

II. The 1st British Army: Should be embarking toward North Africa in prevision of Operation Torch.

III. The Future 14th British Army: The forgotten front. After having surviving a catastrophic retreat through Burma, with the Japaneses in hot pursuit, the units guarding British India have managed to rebuild much of their strenght. Under the command of general William Slimm they are preparing their first counteroffensive, aiming to recover the province of Arakhan. Commander Orde Wingate and his Chindits are also about to forge a legend of their own.

Royal Navy:

I. Medditerranean: The naval counterpart to the 8th army, Admiral Cunningham and his Medditeranean fleet have proved to be a formidable obstacles to Mussoloni ambition and, through their deeds, have made victory in the desert possible.

II. Atlantic: One of the least celebrated battles of the war but arguably one of the most important battle of the war. Lasting for more then five years the Battle of the Atlantic saw packs of german submarines, the U-Boats, attacks merchant ships coming to and from Great Britain to starve it to submission while allied naval forces saught to protect convoys of merchants ships supplying the island, allowing it to not only survive but to see allied forces build their strenght on its soil in preparation for an eventual return to Continental Europe.

Royal Air Force:

Appart from offering air support to the ground and naval forces mentionned above the fall of 1942 also saw the RAF engaged in two large-scale air campaigns:

I. Malta: As the only allied base between Gibraltar and Alexandria Malta, who was also situated straight in the middle of the supply lines of the axis troops in Lybia, played a key role in the strugle for North African and the Medditerannean threater. Throughout much of 1942 the island had been the target of a relentless air campaign by the Luftwaffe and the Regia Aeronautica, aiming at breaching its defense to either starve it or make a ground invasion possible. As fall began the RAF has just begun to gain the upper hand.

II. Strategic Bombing on Germany: While still far from the level of intensity they would reach in 1943 and 1944 strategic bombings of Germany where already common occurence by the fall of 1942, and where definitely taken their tool on the German war effort.