A Spell in Parseltongue (A Quest of the Potterverse)

Character Creation Part II: Your First Four Years at Hogwarts
Character Creation Part II: Your First Four Years at Hogwarts

[X] Sophistication and Academia
-(X) Wizard
-(X) Pureblood
-(X) The Sphinxes
-(X) Ravenclaw
-(X) Scions of the Wizarding Upper Class
-(X) 11 and 3/4 inches, Elm and Phoenix feather

(X) Maxwell Selwin

The day is September 1st, 1942. The world is at war. In the mainland the Axis forces have overrun much of the continent, but that is the least of the worries that plague wizardkind. No, all attention is laid on Gellert Grindelwald, said to be the most powerful Dark wizard since Herpo the Foul, as he terrorizes Europe and has overthrown many magical governments, enlarging his Empire. His prison of Nurmengard is guarded by Dementors and worse, while he prepares himself to abolish the Statute of Secrecy and enforce his paternalistic hegemony over the Muggles. And yet, a darker and older horror is about to be unleashed upon the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and its students and staff, as an ancient beast is awoken from his slumber under the castle...

For now, however, students merrily gather at King's Cross station for yet another year at Hogwarts. Security, it must be noted, has been increased at the platform. Indeed magical wards have been set around the whole station for this day, as parents send their children off to Hogwarts.
As you make your way through the control points and answers the questions of the aurors guarding the platform the prefect badge shining over your heart make you feel pride, tough you still held some doubts as to how you well you will fulfill the responsibilities coming with it.
As you make your way toward the Hogwarts Express your thoughts drift to the last four years…

I: Many factors might play in the selection of a prefect but it is generally agreed then being magically talented and academically successful probably doesn't hurt. Far from a mean student yourself you can truthfully boast to be particularly talented when it come too… :
(Pick two three because of the Ravenclaw Prefect and Model Student traits. Exactly how good you are in each of the three will be determined by how many votes you give to each)

( ) Spell Casting: The twist of the wand, the words to be spoken (or soon to be only thought in your case should things go well) and the mysterious and still little know mixt of will power, instinct and internal strength that goes in every spell… The very base of most of magic is also the source of much of your strength for few among your classmate know how to wield a wand like you do.

Gain trait Natural Spell Caster

( ) Martial Magic: The thrill of the duel, the game of minds and wands coming with it, the sense of strength when you are able to cast stalwart shields and deliver mighty blows with your wands and perhaps also the smirk coming with a clever move on the chess board… Like most wizards and witches of your generation you feel the burden of the war weighting on your soul but at least you know that if the time will come for you to fight you won't be found wanting!

Gain the trait Fighter

( ) Knowledge of the Wizarding World and Writing: The Hogwarts Library and the professors of the venerable school deem your essays a pleasure to read. Few among your classmates can claim to command the same type of knowledge of the lore, culture, politics and history of Wizarding Britain and of the wider Wizarding World as you. Fewer still have your talent to express it in writing.

Gain the trait Wizarding Scholar

( ) Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants: Few among your classmates can be stated to love magical creatures and plants as much as you, and to be loved by many of them in return. When many see something disgusting, threatening or to be exploited you see something misunderstood and fascinating. Maybe even something to be loved. In years past your passion for magical nature would have been disdained by many but now none would dare to do so. After all, few among older wizards and witches would now admit that they once laughed at Newton Scamander!

Gain the trait Apprentice Magical Naturalist

( ) Magical Preparations: The concoction of potions, the enchantment of runes, the careful dosing a magic and spells to make an object truly exceptional and the patience needed to bring all of it to fruition. You possess them all, few among your classmates can be deemed to have your talent to prepare potion and enchant objects and you take great pride in your prowess in that department.

Gain the trait Magical Concoctionner

( ) Predictive and Symbolic Magic: While none can deny that true seer do exist many deem it to be the gift of a select few that can neither be acquired nor refused. The powers of numbers and stars, for their parts, are often denigrated as antiquated forms of magic, who, appart for the concoction of potions and a select few spells, became obsolete when Andros the Invincible ended the reign of terror of Herpo the Foul with what became known as the First Wand. You vehemently disagree with them and strongly believe that there is great wisdom can be found in studying those matters and few among your classmates can know more about them then you.

Gain the trait
Scholar of the Mysterious Magic

II: None, or at most very few, would deny your intelligence and your magical talent but rare indeed are the students who can be stated to have excelled in all areas of their magical education. You lack both talent and interest when it come to…

(Choose two one due to traits Model Student and Ravenclaw Prefect)

( ) Spell Casting: The twist of the wand, the words to be spoken (or soon to be only thought in your case should things go well) and the mysterious and still little know mix of will power, instinct and internal strength that goes in every spell… You natural possess some capacity when it comes to spell casting but merely what is needed to perform well in other disciplines. You cannot boast of having achieving much in classes like Charms and Transfigurations, who would ask of you to rise your mechanical executions to true art.

Gain the trait Uncreative Spell Caster

Incompatible with the trait Natural Spell Caster

( ) Martial Magic: The thrill of the duel, the game of minds and wands coming with it, the sense of strength when you are able to cast stalwart shields and deliver mighty blows with your wands and the smirk coming with a clever move on the chess board… You cannot claim to know any of it and can only hope that those better equip for war then you will prove equal to task of stopping the Heir of Herpo the Foul and spare you from having to ever fight yourself.

Gain the trait Poor Duelist

Incompatible with the trait Fighter

Knowledge of the Wizarding World and Writing: The talent and intelligence of some have proven to be far better suited to more practical matters and whatever academic success has come despite their writing homeworks, not because of them. Few of these students are in Ravenclaw and you are therefore not one of them.

Gain the trait Poor Academic

Incompatible the traits Wizarding Scholar, Ravenclaw Prefect

( ) Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants: You feel ill at ease among forms of magical lifeforms not gifted with sentience. As a general rule you cannot spend much time in their company without fearing some grievous injury. To be sure, you cannot be stated to hate them and you might even not dislike observing them. You prefer to do so at a safe distance, however, a very safe distance.

Gain the trait Indoor Wizard

Incompatible with the trait Apprentice Magical Naturalist

( ) Magical Preparations: The concoction of potions, the enchantment of runes, the careful dosing a magic and spells to make an object truly exceptional and the patience needed to bring all of it to fruition. There is at least one you do not possess, probably the latter. While you admire those able to do better force is to admit that your own talents and interests goes into more immediately satisfying types of magic.

Gain the trait Poor Magical Concoctionner.

Incompatible with the trait Magical Concoctionner.

Predictive and Symbolic Magic: While none can deny that true seer do exist many deem it to be the gift of a select few that can neither be acquired nor refused. The powers of numbers and stars, for their parts, are often denigrated as antiquated forms of magic, who, appart for the concoction of potions and a select few spells, became obsolete when Andros the Invincible ended the reign of terror of Herpo the Foul with what became known as the First Wand. You share these opinions.

Gain the trait Wizarding Sceptic

Incompatible with the trait
Scholar of the Mysterious Magic

III: Your talents and qualities are not restricted to the classrooms. Whether they might be qualities who speak well of you as a human being or simply advantages granted to you by fate you have always been able to count on…

(Pick four of the non-preselected choices)

( ) Your Athletism: You are strong and agile. Few wizards or witches can claim to wed magical and physical prowesses like you can.

Gain the trait Wizarding Athlete

( ) Your political astuteness: Few among your classmates can claim to understand the games of power played at the ministry and, to a lesser extent, at the castle as well as you. Fewer still can hope to play them as well as you.

Gain the trait The Politician

( ) Your drive to succeed: You might not be in Slytherin but you share the sheer drive that have characterised many of their greatest students. You have great dreams and you might just have it in you to realise them.

Gain the traits Ambitious, Cunning

( ) Your Kindness: You might not be in Huffelpuff but you are known for the compassion and the understanding you have shown your fellows. In time of joy you rejoice for them, in time of sadness you do what you can to help them and in normal times you are there to assist them in day to day life.

Gain the traits Kind, Empathic

( ) Your Valliance: You might not be in Gryffindor but you share their courage, their determination to do what you believe to be right and the importance. While Hogwarts is full of students with different beliefs few held strongly to theirs as you do yours.

Gain the traits Fearless, Morally Driven

(X) Your intellect: Throughout centuries Ravenclaws have been know for their minds. You have honoured this tradition and are known among your classmates as one of the best students in your year as well as a wizard of great wits. You are not Tom Riddle, of course, but who is?

(Locked in due to the Ravenclaw Prefect trait)
Gain the traits Model Student, Wizards of Wits,

( ) Your Social Abilities: You have a knack at making your classmates love you. Your humour make the halls of the castle rang with the echo of laughter and your friends are many. You are widely known to be among the most popular students of your year.
Gain the traits Socially Adept, Popular

( ) Your Charisma: You have a knack at convincing others of your opinions. Many of your classmates are looking up to you and expect you to provide them with leadership tough; you might or might not be truly suited to do so.
Gain the trait Persuasive

( ) Your Artistic Creativity: It might be music, or it was painting or perhaps yet you aspire to join those wizards who have created a vibrant literary community for their world. You, have, in any case be noted by your classmates for your artistic talent.

( ) Painting
( ) Artistic Writing
( ) Photography
( ) Sculpting

( ) Your Wisdom: You have the well-earned reputation of being of good counsel and sound judgement among your classmates. You are sought after when come the time to make a hard decision and you can maintain a clear head in difficult circumstances.

Gain the traits
Wise Beyond Your Years, Calm Under Pressure.

IV. You are not, however, without flaws. Throughout your first four years at the castle some have also noted…
(Choose two)

( ) Your Physical Weakness: Whether because of sickness or simply because of ill-luck you are weak of body and without much physical energy.

Gain the trait Weak
Incompatible the trait Wizarding Athlete

( ) Your Elitism: You have a tendency to look down at those who are less successful academically then you are and to those who occupy a less privileged position in the social ladder of Wizarding Britain.

Gain the trait Elitist
Incompatible with the trait Kind

( ) Your Egocentrism: While not necessarily intentionally cruel or mean-spirited you tend to care little about the problems of others, or at the very least to not notice them before they interfere with your own life.

Gain the trait Egocentric
Incompatible with the trait Kind

( ) Your Cowardice: Throughout your years at Hogwarts you have shown a tendency to prefer what seem easy and expedient far too often to what you believe is right. Some of the decisions you have taken in that regard are remembered by some of your classmates and has had a negative effect on how they see you.

Gain the trait Coward
Incompatible with the trait Fearless

( ) Your Social Ineptitude: You have shown yourself hesitant and stilted in your day to day interaction with your classmates. While you aren't really actively disliked, even less hated, by most of them you have nevertheless grown somewhat isolated. You also have a tendency to put your feet in your mouth from time to time.

Gain the trait Akward
Incompatible with the trait Socially Adept

( ) Your Lack of Charisma: You struggle to convince others of your view and you are naturally hesitant when it comes to public speaking. While you undoubtedly had other qualities that lead to your selection as a prefect your lack of charisma will undoubtedly provide you with challenges as you seek to fulfill your responsibilities.

Gain the trait Lacking in Charisma
Incompatible with the trait Persuasive

Poor Academic Performances: For one reason or another some of your classmates have found it particularly difficult to face the challenges awaiting them in the classrooms. Fortunately, you are not among them.

Gain the trait Poor Academic Performer
Incompatible with the trait Model Student

( ) Your Rashness: Your actions are not always well thought out and sometimes your instinct has lead you astray. It was not because of your capacity for good judgement that you where chosen as prefect but rather in spite of your tendency for the opposite.

Gain the trait Rash
Incompatible with the trait Wise

( ) Your Hubris: You are a wizard of great talents but you also tend to overestimate them. As a result, some bad decisions have been taken and tasks who are yet beyond you have been undertaken. Your tendencies toward hubris have also lead to decline to ask for help in occasion when you might have needed it…

Gain the trait Prone to Hubris
Incompatible with the trait Wise

( ) Your Naiveté: You believe the best of peoples and are often excessively reluctant to deem that somebody has nothing else then the best of intents. While admirable and likable this part of who you are has often made it easy to manipulate you.

Gain the trait Naïve
Incompatible with the traits
The Politician and Wise.

V. Not all parts of what make a person can merely be divided between sins and virtues or assets and liabilities. Some aspects or your personality are only that: part of who you are. Your classmates have noted that you have a strong to…
(Choose two)

( ) Be Especially Proud of House: You roared in joy when Ravenclaw was proclaimed the victory and received the House Cup last june and the weakness of your house Quidditch team is a source of despair. You often brag of the deeds of great Ravenclaws of the past and, tough you disagree with some of his beliefs, you avidly wait for news of the latest exploits of Nobby Leach, the most famous of the alumnies produced by Ravenclaw in the last decades and, in your opinion, Wizarding Britain greatest hero. Your house form an important part of your identity and you will not have it any other way.

Gain the trait House Pride

( ) Be Reserved: You are noted to be a wizard of few words, only truly talking in the presence of your close friends. While undoubtedly friendly enough when talked to you tend to prefer let other approaches you then the other way around.

Gain the trait Reserved
Incompatible with the trait Exuberant (Whichever has the most vote will have priority over the other if they are both chosen)

( ) Be Exuberant: You are noted to be particularly ongoing and expressive, quick to talk and try to create bonds with most of those you meet. Few among your classmates do not have an opinion when it come to you and fewer still do not have an opinion.

Gain the trait Exuberant
Incompatible with the trait Reserved (Whichever has the most vote will have priority over the other if they are both chosen)

( ) Be Especially Proud of your Family: The Selwins are an old and celebrated familly, with clout at the ministry and wealth aplenty. While your relatives might not all share your political beliefs, or have at the disposal the same type of clout, wealth and power of whom the most celebrated families of Wizarding Britain can boast you are nevertheless immensely proud of your family name.

Gain the trait Familly Pride

( ) Be Prone to Contemplation: You often find your thoughts wandering, trying to find an answer to the great questions of life and wondering how the events rooking the wizarding world to its core and those of your own life can help you answer them.

Gain the trait Contemplative

( ) Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge: Alchemy, the Origins of Magic or Ancient Studies. You are naturally drawn to areas of magical knowledge beyond Hogwarts curriculum.

Gain the trait
Beyond the Curriculum

VI. While being first and foremost a school Hogwarts is also a home, the site where the overwhelming majority of British Wizards spend their formative years. As such, a busy communial and social life has develloped around classes and homeworks. Key to such a life is the existence of several club, associations or other groups bringing like minded students toguether, some officially approved and supervising by the staff and others surrounded by much more ambiguity, if not complete secrecy. Your yourself are a member off… :

Official Clubs and Associations:
(Choose two)

( ) The Ravenclaw Quidditch Team With most of the students and the staff making the walk to the pitch to watch their games, many of their spots only being filled after fierce competition through their tryouts and large amount of house points rewarding some of their deeds on the pitch they're is no denying that the Quidditch teams of the four houses occupy a special place in the social life of the school. The last year saw Huffelpuff triumph, but not without a ferocious struggle with Gryffindor. Would the Badgers keep their title in the coming year despite the departure of some key player? Would a young up and coming Gryffindor team manage to lift the trophy who had remained out of their reach in june 1942, or would Slytherin or Ravenclaw manage to beat the ods? The poor performances exhibited by Ravenclaw in recent years does not leave much hopes of a surprise triumph but, as they say, how can one hope without trying?

Supervisors: Madame Rolanda Hoch and Professor Herbert Beery for Ravenclaw.

Gain the trait Quidditch Player

Need the trait Wizarding Athlete as a Prerequisite

( ) The Wizarding Chess Club: While Quidditch represent, in many ways, the quintessential uniqueness of the Wizarding World the popularity of magical chess represent how, despite the magical enhancement given to the game, even the most purists of magical families retain much of the muggle world they leaved more then two centuries ago. The Wizard Chess Club is the go to place for those loving the queen of games. While the club boast students from all four houses the clear majority of its members come from Ravenclaw or Slytherin and you have waged many battles against the cunning of the snakes and the wits of your fellow Ravens.

Supervisor: The club can boast of having Headmaster Dipet himself has its supervisor. Thanks to his love for chess the usualy strict disciplinarian has proven to be far more approchable by the members of the club then by any other students.

Gain the trait Chess Player

Incompatible with the trait Rash

The Gobstones Club: Most wizarding childrens tend to loose their interests in Gobstones years before seeing the shorting hat. The members of the Gobstones Club, however, have proven to be exceptions. Deeming the game the ''thinking wizard Quidditch'' they hope to see the popularity of the game rise in the school and approach any throw of gobstones as an act deserving the most carefull considerations. Significantly, the Gobstone Club has proven to be the only medium through witch Hogwarts can directly compete with other schools since the Triwizard Tournament was discontinued, as games between the teams of other wizarding school are organised during the Christmas and summer breaks. Tough you have met little success as of yet you do not despair to see your passion for Gobstones spread among your classmates quite yet.

Supervisor: Professor Kettleburn has proven to be ever devoted to Gobstones, telling whoever might be willing to listen that he could always find a partner to play with, no matter where in the world his research had brought him.

Gain the trait Gobstones Player

( ) The Drama Club: While the club struggle to attract much members those who do attend tend to compens(Will be automatically selected with the trait Fighter)
ate their weakness in numbers by their passion and, guided by the similarly driven professor Herbert Beery have been able to ensure the continuation of Christmas pantomimes at Hogwarts. You hope that Professor Beery will one day deem you talented enough to assign you the first role!

Supervisor: Professor Herbert Beery

Gain the trait Wizarding Actor

( )The Duel Club: Many reasons can lead a wizard to become a duelist. Wheter he does so because of the prestige of the activity, for the enjoyment of what he sees as a sports, to be able to defend himself if the need arrise or out of the desire to show his magical prowesses the Dueling Club welcome them all, provided they are willing to follow the rules. At the Club, duelists are expected to attempt to disarm, rather then hurt, their opponents and to design their spells and maneouvers with that goal in mind. Accidents can, and have, happened but a student lacking the proper concern for the safety of his partners would find himself shown the door rather quickly. With the Global Wizarding War looming large in the minds of many the Dueling Club has proven more popular in recent years then it has ever been in the last few centuries. Whether because of the war or because of innate interest you have decided to join.

Supervisor: Margarita Gavriilovna Bogdanova

Gain the trait Duelist

(Will be automatically selected if you have the trait Fighter)

( ) The Little Wizard: While being closer to a series of newsheets then a true newspaper the Little Wizard has nevertheless managed to establish himself as THE source of news by and for Hogwarts students. Covering all short of news pertaining to the school, from gossip to Quidditch, it has seen many of its writers go on to make celebrated career at the Daily Prophet, you hope to follow in their footsteps.

Supervisor: Professor Aella Selwin

( ) Gain the trait Wizarding Journalist

Unofficial Clubs and Associations:

(These associations most often recruit by cooptation and cannot be joined by mere decisions during character creation. Some of your decision might allow you to do so latter, tough).

The Knights of Walpurgis: On the surface the Knights appear to be nothing more then a group of friends like any others, with Tom Riddle merely playing the role of the one popular and charismatic student around witch such groups often form. Indeed, the very name of Knight of Walpurgis wouldn't be uttered in public by the self-proclaimed knights. The reality, however, is far less banal as, despite Riddle might claim in public, his supposed friends are, in fact, his croonies, through witch he has already carried several attacks among some of those having earned his dislike. Always cautious and cunning, Riddle and his carrefull planning have ensured that no incidents has yet been conclusively linked to the group. To become a Knight of Walpurgis one need to be personally selected and invited by Tome Riddle. In a future who might or might come into being the Knights of Walpurgis would eventually form the nucleus of another, far less discrete and with far more far-reaching activities group....

Gain the trait Knight of Walpurgis

Need the trait Basilisk as a prerequisite.

Supervisor: None

The Banes of Grindie: An ofshot of the Dueling Club the Banes of Grindie have been established by Deputy Headmaster Dumbledore, with Headmaster Dipet discret and tacit approval, to help those students intending to head to continental Europe to fight the good fight, or at least seriously considering too, prepare themselves for the trials ahead. With such a goal in mind, members of the groups are taught, and encouraged to teach each others, magical techniques often deemed beyond the usual set of a skill of even a seventh year students and how to duel in against an opponent genuinely seeking to hurt you, and whom they might themselves need to hurt. Considering the very nature of the skills acquired Professor Dumbeldore has, unsurprisingly, given great care to the selection of the student admited, with only those recommended by an existent member of the club, showing great promise in Defense Against the Darks Arts and deemed both mature enough and of a reliably anti-Grindelwald mindset admited. More discretely, the legendary Transfiguration professor has also taken upon himself to use the club, some of its members and their connections to detect any Grindelwald sympathisers, wheter at school or in the wider magical society. At the image of their founder, the Banes of Grindie have proved to be uncommonly equalitarian in the society having given them birth, with the Head of Gryffindor demanding of all its members, wheter they be the poorest muggleborns of scions of the wealtiest and most powerfull magical famillies, that they forgot the social divisions and strata regulating much of the life of Wizarding Britain during the activities of the club. Such is the prestige of the transfiguration professor and the strength of the anti-Grindelwald sentiments that such rules tended to be observed without much grumblings, and that scions of the aforementioned families can endavour to respect them without even causing eyebrows to rise.

Supervisor: Deputy Headmaster Albus Dumbledore

Need the traits Anti-Grindelwaldite and Duelist as prerequisites.

The Friends of Magic: Formed in clandestinity by the rare sympathisers Grindelwald can count on in Hogwarts, the Friends of Magic are deeming themselves the servants of the saviour of the Wizarding World. They believe themselves to be the wizards and witches, who, from the shadows, would work for his their triumph by giving Grindelwald information and new converts, by sapping the moral of its enemies and by eventually gathering enough strength to strike blows for the Greater Good. The reality has proven to be somewhat less grand, however, as the Friends of Magic have yet to do much more then blow of some steam between (a few, a very few) likeminded wizards while looking over their shoulders, as the society surrounded them his growing ever more hostile to their hero and as the flux of easy victories who had marked Grindelwald rise where now a thing of the past. Time will time whether they ever become more than that.

Supervisor: Considering a stint in Azkaban is a very real possibility should they be caught no member of the staff would touch them with a thousand foot pole.

Need the trait Grindelwaldites

The Slug Club: Many seek admission in the Slug Club but few manage to gain it. At core a networking club gatherin students deemed by Professor Slughorn talented and/or well connected enough to warrant his attention, the Slug Club only admit fifth to seventh years students deemed to form the elite of the school by the Head of Slytherin. For those who do manage to make it, however, admission to the Slug Club would prove to be a great honor and the source of many opportunities.

Supervisor: Head of House Horace Slughorn

The Mud Club: Some years ago, muggleborn students, as well as Half-Blood with heavy ties with the muggle world, having suffered because of their origins began to gather from to time to shares their experiences and see how they could provide support to each other. As such impromptu meetings happened to fill a pressing need for many they have gained new attendees throughout the years, wheter occasional or regular, to the point where some decided that a name was warranted for what had become a group with a life of its own. In a act of defiance to the worst of the purists and as a way to turn the slurs they used against them, they called themselves the Mud Club. The relation of the club with the school administation has proven ambiguous, to say the least, as none hoped the traditionalist and purist Dippet would ever give it official sanction. Thanks to the influence held over the headmaster by the far more progressive Dumbledore, however, as well as the lack of any rule breaching by the club and Dippet relative distate for the more extreme of the purists, the meetings of the club remain tolerated has any no ban on it has been issues in the past, or seem about to be in the forseable future. Due to the fear of becoming targets the meetings of the Mud Club have elected against establishing any clear schedule, with both their locations and times changing at random and word of mouth ensuring that all those wanting to go would know when and where. While most attendees where, naturally, muggleborns and half-bloods it isn't unheard off to see a Pureblood wanting to show goodwill toward a group who represented, after all, a sizable of the populations of both Hogwars and Wizarding Britain as a whole would come to a meeting to listen and exchanges.

Supervisor: Technically none but Professors Dumbeldore and Merrytought have been know to take walks close to the sites of the meetings to dissuade any who would wish to target them.

Incompatible with the traits Dragon and Basilisk

VII. What would Hogwarts be without your friends? Throughout your times at school you meet wizards and witches with whom you spend much of your free time. With them you have shared most of small and big moments of the past, you have rejoiced in each other triumphs and consoled each other after defeats. Throughout the last four years you have created deep bonds with…

(Choose Five, the top three Ravenclaw choices will be automatically selected, even if they aren't in the top five).


( ) Hercules Greengrass (7th​ year): It is overwhelmingly likely that being among the brightest students, or the brightest depending on who you ask, of a year blessed with many impressive minds, one of the most feared duelists of a generation not lacking in that department and an historiographical prodigy who discovered the true identity of the dark wizard Ezkredis as a mere OWL student would probably been have been sufficient to make Hercules highly respected by his housemates. Of course Herc, as you call him, isn't simply a rather talented wizard. He also happen to be the eldest son of Achilles Greengrass, Head of the Department of International Magical and defacto number two of the Rainbow Ministry, and the heir of one of the most powerfull and wealthy familly of Wizarding Britain.

Beyond his talent and connections, his first six years at the school also saw Herc became known for his fierce pride, his attachment to the moderate politics often identified with his familly, his strong dislike for Grindelwald and all those he suspect of supporting him, his genuine care for his housemates and, after he became a prefect, a true dedication for his duty. As a result he was quickly adopted as a leader by most of the Ravenclaws Dippet surprisingly selected Septimus Weasley. Still, in spite of the headmaster choice his influence in the school in general, and among his housemates in particular, cannot be overstated and he is overwhelmingly likely to spend his last year functioning as the defacto prefect in chief of Ravenclaw, with his girlfriend Artoria Montague as his right hand witch.

Like many Ravenclaws you quickly came to admire Hercules who, for his part, saw allot of himself in the well to do, academically minded Ravenclaws with Sphinx beliefs you are. As a result he took you under his wing and you became fast friends. Soon you found yourself becoming an integral part of The Flock, the group of brilliant Ravenclaws gravitating around him and Artoria Montague and to whom many Ravens die to belong, as well as spending some of your holidays at Foxridge, wizarding manor of the House of Greengrass.

Having learned of your selection he wrote you a warm letter of congratulation and seem overjoyed to see you become one his fellow prefects.

Gain trait One of the Flock, Gain the trait Friends in High Places, you know and are liked by peoples in position of influence in the halls of the ministry. Gain the trait Friend and Ally of the House of Greengrass, your ties with the House of Greengrass will lead your actions to be perceived through theirs and the opinion others have of you to be influenced by the opinion they have of them, for good or for ill.

Will get the opportunity to start the I'll Make a Bane Out of You questline to join the Banes of Grindie if you have the prerequisite traits.

( ) Artoria Montague (7th​ year): The daughter of shopkeepers in Diagon Alley Artoria, or Ria as you call her, always knew she didn't want to follow on her familly footsteps, preferring to aim for a career at the ministry or as an Hogwarts professor. In spite of their kind and less kind attempts to make her change her mind, she held to that beliefs. After a relatively lonely childhood she found in Ravenclaw the companionship of likeminded wizards she had so sorely lacked before, becoming especially close with Hercules Greengrass, her eventual boyfriend whose political beliefs she generally share, and building a group of friends made of fellow Ravenclaws to whom many of their housemates will die to belong. Their laughter and noise caused by lively, but good natured, intelectual debates often ringing in the school corridors.

Fiercely proud of her house she represented it proudly on the Quidditch pitch until a grievous injury in her fifth year forced her to retire. The end of her varsity Quidditch career allowed her to give even more attention to her duty as a newly selected prefect. Thanks to the dedication she showed, the ability she showed to navigate school politics and her academic prowess (she proved particular adapt in Astronomy and some her work on the influence of Mercury on speels has already been published) she was deemed by many a possible future Head Girl, before Lucretia Black was eventually selected.

Like many Ravenclaws you quickly came to admire Artoria who, for her part, deeply respected intelligence and magical talents and appreciated your personality as well as your political beliefs, which she general shares. As a result you became fast friends and she took you under her wing. You soon found yourself becoming an integral part of The Flock, the group of brilliant Ravenclaws gravitating around her and Hercules Greengrass and to whom many Ravens die to belong, and invite to spend sometimes at Foxridge, wizarding manor of the House of Greengrass, every now and then.

Having learned of your selection she wrote you a warm letter of congratulation and seem overjoyed to see you become one her fellow prefects.

Gain trait One of the Flock

Will get the opportunity to start the I'll Make a Bane Out of You questline to join the Banes of Grindie if you have the prerequisite traits.

For most of the school there seem to be little more to the teenage witch but you know better. Upon some of your previous midnight stroll in the castle you stumbled upon some of her extra curricular activites and discovered that she spent much of her free time smuggling into the castle and selling items and products far less wholesome then her father ice cream.

For one reason or another you elected not to denounce it and an odd friendship flourished as a result while Asha was becoming older and more and more proeminent among Hogwarts little underground world.

What you will do or not do about the matter as a prefect remain to be seen.

Gain the trait A Foot in the Underworld, you know more then most about the smuggling and the illicit activities conducted by some, for the better and for the worst,

( ) Henry Hornby (4th​ year): You spent much of your fisrt four years in Hogwarts looking after the younger who, as he had academic interests similar to yours, sought you out shortly after his arrival at the castle, leading to a quick friendship.

Having no older brother of his own Harry soon came to see you as something of a surrogate elder sibling and, after some hesitation, you embraced the role. While you tought him much during the last three years you also learned many things through your interactions with him. In particular, your time with Harry thought you much on how to interact with younger housemates looking up to you, something that will no doubt prove usefull in fulfilling your duties as a prefect.

Gain the trait The Patron, you have taken under your wing a wizard or a witch younger then you and who look up to you.

( ) Eleanor Colville (5th​ year): The most brilliant student of your year, after Tom Riddle of course, Nora had to face the special hostility the most vicious purists reserved to talented muggleborns, especially from Vesta Selwin, one of your common classmates and your least favourite cousin. As the years of bullying have taken their tool she often tend to withdrawn onto herself. While she is not entirely friendless she tend to trust more in her proficiency in jinxes and hexes to defend her from bullies then in some of her fellow witches and wizards.

As a pureblood coming from an affluent background, and moreover a Selwin, you naturally had to overcome some rather strongly held suspicions when you approached her to express your admiration for her intellect and to try to build a friendship. Surprisingly enough, however, you succeeded and the duo you now form can often be seen at the Ravenclaw table on in the halls of the castle, engaged in some lively intellectual discussion. As you have both been made prefects comparaison with Hercules Greengrass and Artoria Montague have quickly emerged, tough your friendship with Nora has, as of yet anyway, remained strictly platonical.

Gain the trait True Companion(s), There is at least one witch or wizard in your life for who you hold, as of yet anyway, no romantic attraction and to who you are not related but for who you truly feel love all the same. Gain the trait Suspected Blood Traitor, you are not treated as if you were a Weasley by the purists but some of your deeds, opinions and relationships have ensured that those wanting to enshrine pureblood supremacy in Wizarding Britain society will look at you with warry eyes.

Incompatible with trait Familly Pride

( ) Gawain Ashcroft (6th​ year): Consoling each other after Ravenclaw repeated, and overwhelming, defeats of the last two years on the pitch have created close bonds between you and your Quidditch captain. Shared political beliefs have not hurt either, tough Gawain himself tend to ignore the war as best as he can and concentrate on the Quidditch team. When you are not practicing or studying you can be seen together, enjoying some recreational flight, chess games and good conversations alongside some of Gawain's friends or yours.

In many ways Gawain's friendship will be an asset in the coming year. A brilliant keeper in an other mediocre, at best, team his deeds on the pitch have won him the respect of most of his fellow Ravenclaws and deep ties with the captain of the Quidditch team can always be useful to a prefect. Every medal has its reverse, however: shortly after his arrival at the castle Gawain fell in love with a then second year witch, Artoria Montague and, in spite of your advices, he has yet to move completely pass his unrequited crush on the senior prefect. While Artoria and her boyfriend can't be stated to actively dislike Gawain, and he cannot be stated to truly hate either, his recent interactions with the two prefects have been filled with awkwardness and frostiness, respectively. As a newly minted Ravenclaw prefect yourself you will have to frequently work with your senior counterparts and it is likely your friendship with Gawain will color your relationship with them, in one way or another.

Gain the trait Caught in Hogwarts Drama,

Need the trait Quidditch Player as a prerequisite.

( ) Morris Warbeck (5th​ year) : It is hard to not like Morris. For all that he can sometime be a bit immature, in your opinion at any rate, none can deny that he earned his status as one of Ravenclaw more popular student. Very clever, even if not as popular as some of his classmates, he can often be heard bringing levity to a heavy situation or some needed distractions by a good pun or a funny jape. Seemingly always in a good mood he can often be found helping other students with some of their homeworks when he isn't trying to convert them to his passion for Goobstones.

Whether because you share his passion for this least popular of wizarding game or because you simply like him you became friend with Morris shortly after your arrival in the castle, often using him as something of a soundboard when you want to know what an average wizard would think of a matter.

Gain the trait Soundboard, you have a friend whom you trust to help you predict the reactions of others.

( ) Frieda Caelstrom (4th​ year): The daughter of a she-goblin and a wizard, both from Scandinavia, Frieda and her parents had to flee their homeland to escape Grindelwald's wrath. Shorted into Ravenclaw she proved particularly adept at transfiguration and a generally good student.

With her parents having both headed to Europe to fight she, more then most students, often has to rely on the friends she has made at Hogwarts for any kind of companionship. As you are one of them you grew quite close with Frieda. After all, you always wanted a little sister…

Gain the trait Goblin Friend, for one reason or another you are completely devoid of prejudices regarding goblins and find it easy to gain their trust.

Other Houses:

( ) Lucretia Black (7th​ year): As they and the Selwins have often been close with the Ancient and Most Noble of Black you have met several of its members fairly early in life. While some of them have been rather cold, at best, toward you because you came from a more moderate branch of your family, and have espoused such beliefs yourself, Crecy never did.

By all accounts the most well-know of the new generation Blacks Crecy has taken upon herself to represent her familly and, by extension, to take inside the castle the role of leader among conservatives Blacks have often played, tough she has often care to maintain some distance with the more extremists among them. Immensely proud of both her family and her intelligence has well having complete confidence in her own ability and the truth of her beliefs there is very few students who ignore her name. So ubiquitous as she proved in the castle halls that she is often called the ''Queen of Hogwarts'', sometime in respect, sometime in mockery.

A strong proponent of Slytherin old friendship with Ravenclaw and always taking care to maintain strong ties with more moderate wizards and witches with a future political career in mind she consider you a good ally to have in both regards. With time she grew to genuinely care about you and you have found yourself invited to spend time at Grimmaud Place from time to time.

As a prefect the friendship of the Head Girl will be an immense asset but there is a price to pay: many Hogwarts students do not like Crecy and will hold you in some suspicions because of your friendship with her.

Gain the trait Friends in High Places, you know and are liked by peoples in position of influence in the halls of the ministry. Gain the trait Friend and Ally of the House of Black, your ties with the House of Black will lead your actions to be perceived through theirs and the opinion others have of you to be influenced by the opinion they have of them, for good or for ill.

Mutually exclusive with Patricia Bones as a friend (The one with the most vote will get priority)

( ) Asha Fortescue (5th​ year): The daughter of Diagon's Alley beloved ice cream seller, Asha is known throughout the school for her devotion to the arts. Singing, painting and the writing novellas for the Little Wizard are her favourite hobbies. Moreover, she is also dotted upon by professor Beery as one of the most talented actress of his little troop.

( ) Patricia Bones (7th​ year): The fiery Gryffindor prefect, both in hair and in personality, has also made quite a name for herself inside the castle. Both a half-blood and a card carrying member of Britain's wizarding aristocracy, from a familly well known for its defense of equalitarian beliefs, who she was would have been sufficient to incur the hatred of many purists.

To her origins she added an iron clad determination to defend the beliefs of much of her familly. As a result, she spended much of her early years at the castle wielding both the influence of her relatives and her own, unparalleled among her classmates, to lead a group of her fellow Gryffindors in skirmishes with students they disliked, most of them from Slytherin and particularly purist in mindset and/or bullies having the habit of targeting muggleborns, landing a few of them to the infirmery. A particular level of visciousness was reserved to those suspecting of sympathy for Grindelwald. Such actions quickly made Trish quite well know accross the school as well as extremely popular by some while despised by others, most of Gryffindors belonging to the former category while the bulk of Slytherins could be counted among the latter.

Still a brilliant student, having becomed more settled down as she grew older and benefiting from her social status she was named prefect at the beginning of her fifth year. It was in that capacity that a young and promising Ravenclaw came to her attention. Perhaps it was because you reported the misdeed of others and she happened to be the one around to listen, perhaps you where the one who broke the rules while she was on patrol or perhaps you simply stumbled in a situation you had nothing to do with. Regardless, from this improbable beginning was born a deep friendship as Trish, as you and her other friends call her, quickly came to like you well enough and see in you a possible ally among more moderate wizards and witches. You even found yourself, from time to time, invited to the Bones luxurious resistance in Feenyard.

While she will undoutebly be a formidable ally in the year to come there will be a price to pay, as many Hogwarts have come to dislike Trish and will look at you with some suspicions because of your friendship with her.

Gain the trait Friends in High Places, you know and are liked by peoples in position of influence in the halls of the ministry. Gain the trait Friend and Ally of the House of Bones, your ties with the House of Black will lead your actions to be perceived through theirs and the opinion others have of you to be influenced by the opinion they have of them, for good or for ill.

Mutually exclusive with Lucretia Black as a friend (The one with the most vote will get priority)

Will have the chance to begin the questline I'll Make a Bane Out of You further down the line if you have the trait duelist.

( ) Barnabas Cuffe (6th​ Year): When he was shorted in Slytherin six years ago few would have expected Bas to become an important part of Hogwarts community life. Reasonably academically and magically talented but not remarkably so, whity and charming but not exactly charismatic nor a natural leader he seemed utterly unremarkable. If one had the fact that he came from a family of relatively recent magical origins, technically pureblood but in many ways closer to the myriads of Half-Blood families population Wizarding Britain then those whose name are written in the Pureblood Directory.

The only notable aspect of Bas life during his first years at the castle was his dedication to the Little Wizard, the almost abandoned Hogwart's newssheet. As no one else wanted the job he quickly became its editor. Through hard work, determination and an undeniable knack for both writing and getting folks to talk more then they intended he managed to carve for the Little Wizard an imposing readership, gathering around work a team of dedicated apprentice journalists and becoming widely known throughout the school.

It was his newfound notoriety that lead Bas to be engulfed by the struggles of influence who, like in a miniature version of the ministry, often rage inside the castle. In many ways apolitical, and only truly wanting a career at the Prophet for his future, Bas is nevertheless known for following most of the school lead in fervently disliking Grindelwald and all he stand for. As he finished his fourth years many of the most well-know of his housemates sharing his views where about to head to Europe to fight, leaving a vacuum in leadership among the anti-grindelwaldite Slytherins. Approached by Dumbledore and asked to fill this vacuum he grudgingly accepted, as no one else seemed able to. To help him the Deputy Headmaster successfully arranged for a prefect badge to be granted to him.

You might have meet him because of shared beliefs, maybe you where one of the apprentice-journalists he gathered around him or maybe yet you simply crossed path.

Regardless, a true friendship ensued and you know you can count on Bass as an ally in the coming year, as well a seemingly untarishable source of informations about everything happening inside the castle.

Gain the trait Well Informed, for one reason or another you are particularly well informed on everything happening at Hogwarts and on your classmates.

( ) Tiberius McLaghen (6th​ year): In many ways your friendship with Tib was rather natural considering all that you have in common. Like you he grew up from a family who, while not as fantastically wealthy or powerful as some others, nevertheless has been doing rather well for itself. Like him, and despite the fact that he is more of a moderate Phoenix then a Sphinx, he has maintained ties with students from different beliefs and origins.

Perhaps it was because of these similarities that the Gryffindor prefect and Quidditch captain became your friend, perhaps your families knew each other well or perhaps it was simply his good nature that brought you together. Regardless, Tib is now your friend and you can expect him to help you in the coming year in anyway he can. The fact a significant number of your new colleagues are counted among his friends and relatives will no doubt prove particularly useful.

( ) Ignatius Prewett (5th​ year): Alongside, Eleanor Colville, yourself and Tom Riddle Prewy complete the quartet of your year's most brilliant student. Having grown up together in the mixed community of Halloway's Soul in the southwestern Wales you where each other first real friends, helping each other in all things and pursuing the friendliest of rivalry up until this day.

While your hopes to be shorted in the same house where dashed you nevertheless remained extremely close, ceasing any occasion you might have to spend time together and holding almost no secret for each other. Your double selection as prefects was the occasion of common celebrations for both of your families. Whatever you will have to face in the coming year you will face it together.

Gain the trait True Companion(s), There is at least one witch or wizard in your life for who you hold, as of yet anyway, no romantic attraction and to who you are not related but for who you truly feel love all the same. Gain the trait Friendly Rival, you know a wizard or a witch who is at once both a friend and a rival, her or his deeds push you to surpass yourself.

( ) Zagreus Burke (5th​ year): The brother of one of the founder of the infamous Borgins and Burke, Zagreus has become rather well known among Hogwarts's students. Through his personality, often described as ''Direct and probing yet lackadaisical'', he got to know rather well many of his classmates, tough he, while not hated, isn't exactly popular among them. While you found him irritating at first Zagreus eventually grew on you and you became good friends. Whether you support him and his attempts at starting a Beast Club in the school, however, remain to be seen.

Gain the trait Odd Friendship, you have a friend with whom you have little in common and many often wonder what brought you close. For good or for ill it will affect how others see you.

Will gain the chance to start the Gather the Little Newt's questline if you don't have the trait Indoor Wizard

( ) Hildegard Hopkins (5th​ year): Hard working, responsible, intelligent, short-tempered and, above all, a no nonsense witch, Hildie's respect is notoriously hard to gain but you have managed to do so.

Deploring the instances in which your house friendly rivalry with Huffelpuff has become less then friendly you have often spook against the more tasteless jokes that some of your housemates might have made at the Badgers expense, and some of the most insulting prejudices some Ravens might have on them. Fiercely proud of her house Hildie highly approved and thus a friendship was born.

Gain the trait Badger Friend, you are considered one of the few true friends Huffelpuff has in Ravenclaw.

( ) Bill Boshworth (3rd​ year): While many have joked that the colossal Huffelpuff must have some giant blood in his veins you are among the few who happen to know the truth in the jape. On one of the your escapade past curfiew you happened to stumble upon a crying Bill and, asking him what was wrong, you learned that his giantess mother had died a few days ago. Sorrow had made him forget, even for only a moment, his father warning against speaking of his origins…

Following that night you became something of confident for Bill, being a wizard to whom he could speak frankly as you already his secret. At first you accepted the role mainly because you pitied him but you came to genuinely care for Bill. You dread what might happen should the truth of his origins come out as few among the magical beings are as widely despised then giants.

Gain the trait Giant Friend, for one reason or another you have far less prejudices regarding giants then most wizards and find it easy to gain their trust.

( ) Septimus Weasley (7th​ year): To be the youngest of many siblings is no easy thing, something that both you and Sept know very well. It was that common experience that brought two students who, in many ways, didn't have much in common in one of the best-known odd friendship in the castle. To be sure Sept was always hard working enough and could never be deemed stupid but no one, least of all himself, was surprised when he wasn't selected as a prefect two years ago.

As such, you had no shame to admit you were as surprised as everyone else when you heard of Sept received the Head Boy badge. Hell, Sept himself would admit it! To have the unexpected head boy as a friend would undoubtedly be of some use in the coming year, even though Sept would look as much to you to teach him the rope as you will look up to him for leadership.

VIII. Of course, any medal has its reserve. While you cherish the name of some of your fellow students you sometime curse those of others, perhaps even literally if you are into that short of magic. Just like you love some you hate, or at least strongly dislike, others and just like you can trust some to support you through thick and thin you can trust others to do what they can to place obstacles in your path. Throughout the previous years you have often been at loggerheads with…

( Choose two, obviously you can't be both friend and enemy with the same person)

( ) Tom Riddle (5th​ year): Like almost all of the school, you do not see the monster behind the charming appearance. You do not what he already is and what he will become. You are, however, quite jealous of Riddle, of the praises he receive and of his academic prowess. As a result something of a quite unfriendly rivalry has grown between the two of you, giving you the honour of being Tom second oldest enemy, a great and dangerous honor.

( ) Sullivan Travers (7th​ year): Many reasons could have lead to dislike Sullivan Travers. Maybe you dislike his smugness and answered in kind with disparaging comment about his beloved Arithmancy and his weakness as a duelist, maybe your family and his never got along or maybe you simply followed the lead of most of your house and of most Sphinxes in disliking one of the school most infamous Peace Dragons and Ravenclaw's most notorious black sheep before your rivalry took a more personal turn.

To be Sully rival will bring you some sympathy from the many who dislike him, including several rather influential Ravenclaws. It will also, however, also incur some dislike from those, less numerous but not non-existant, who do like him. The latter group include some of your new colleagues.

( ) Gawain Ashcroft (6th​ year): Maybe you made a rather unkind joke about the performance of your house team while Ashcroft was its captain or about his inability to move on from his crush on Artoria Montague. On the other hand, you might have simply meant to offer good advice on the latter subject or to state that maybe the war was rather more important then who win the Quidditch Cup, only to see your words taken in the worst way possible. Regardless, Gawain has now become your rival and you can expect that he will be reluctant to accept your authority as a prefect where he and the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team are concerned.

Incompatible with being friend with Barnabas Cuffe,

Incompatible with the trait Quidditch Player

( ) Vesta Selwin (5th​ year): Since childhood you have never seen eye to eyes with Vesta. Before you wielded a wand the family gathering where often the scenes of fights, in the most litteral sense of the word, between the two of you. In many ways your rivalry act a short of stand-in for the greater disagreement between the elder (Vesta's) and the younger (yours) branch of the Selwin family, the former being filled with convinced and virulent purists and the latter having adopted a more moderate outlook.

While latter years saw you abandon the fists when came the time to solve your differences you nevertheless continue to trade venom at every occasion. At any occasion that might arise Vesta never fail to remind you that her branch of the family is considerably wealthier and far more influential than yours while you return the favor by pointing out her poor academic performance. Your selection as prefect no doubt gives you further ammunition for future verbal confrontation.

Particularly influential among more purist-inclined Ravenclaws, she will no doubt do her best to cause you trouble in the year to come.

Incompatible with the trait Familly Pride
Lucretia Black (7th​ year): In spite of your cordial relationship during childhood Crecy now sees you as an obstacle.

You are, after all, particularly well known for your willingness to openly say that Ravenclaw hold friendship with the snakes is now a thing of the past and for your suspicion of all those not supporting the war unambiguously.

As a prefect the ill-will of the Head Girl might cause you significant headaches in the year to come, even if it will also gain you the sympathy of some.

Patricia Bones (7th​ year): You never saw eye to eyes with Patricia Bones. Perhaps it was because of an old grudge some have your relatives might have kept with the Bones, perhaps it was a result of your willingness to give the benefice of the doubts to some who the Gryffindor prefect do not believe deserved it, perhaps it was because you disapproved of some of the means she once used to defend those she believe needed or perhaps your personalities simply clashed.

Regardless, you now look at each with some suspicion at best and hostility at most. Head Girl she might not be but Trish Bones is not an opponent, or even a possible opponent, to be dismissed out of hand.

( )Arpus Runcorn (7th​ year): Few students are as widely despised then Arpus Runcorn. Coming from a once wealthy pureblood familly who had lost its pre-eminence, and now provided several recruits to the Army of Truth (as the wizards fighting for Grindelwald pompously call themselves) he has done little to hide that he share the beliefs of his relatives, only barely restraining himself from saying in public words that could interests the aurors…

Having decided that muggle and muggleborns where responsible for his family relative misfortunes he has also proven to be one of the school worst bully, if not the worst, often leaving even convinced purists disgusted by some of his actions. As he grew older he gathered around himself a small group of likeminded wizards and witches, the Friends of Magics as they have called themselves, who seek to do what they can to assist their hero. As of yet that has proven to be little.

Despised by many of his classmates, you have to understand why Arpus considered you, in particular, one of his worst enemies. There is no denying that he did, however, and you will have to stay on your guard going forward.

( ) Hildegard Hopkins (5th​ year): Hard working, responsible, intelligent, short-tempered and, above all, a no nonsense witch, Hildie's wrath is notoriously attrack, as you have yourself noticed.

To yourself, if to no one else, you will admit that you did push house pride a bit too far on that day but the rather tasteless jokes you made on the Badgers certainly did not warrant the torrent of insults with which she answered. While your feud could probably be extinguished should somebody prove willing to make the first step neither has proven willing to do so yet.

Need the trait House Pride as a prerequisite.

( ) Septimus Weasley (7th​ year): You might not agree on everything with all of your relatives but family is family. When Septimus Weasley spoke badly of some of your relatives because of their purists beliefs you answered with remarks on your own regarding the Weasley's poverty and things escalated from there. While your rivalry was only an annoyance before Dippet rather incomprehensible decision to make Weasley Head Boy threathen to make it far more then that in the coming months…

Need the trait Family Pride as a prerequisite.

IX: Of course, it isn't only with your fellow students that you have created close bond during your years at Hogwarts. A brilliant student in any regard you are well liked by your professors. You are, however, particularly close with…

(Choose one who isn't preselected…)

( ) Maria Bogdavna (Ancient Runes): Coming from a rather traditionalist Russian familly that was nevertheless opposed to Grindelwald, professor Bogdvana had to flee as her home was overrun by the Army of Truth. Cut from the wealth on which she had depended she needed a new source of income and, having worked with Headmaster Dippet in the past in research pertaining to ancient runes, she convinced him she was the perfect candidate to teach the subject. Inside the castle Professor Bogdavna quickly gained a reputation for severity, of often being dismissive of most students. For students excelling in her class or in the duel, which she supervise, however, she can prove far more approachable and human. You are among those students, you are one of Professor Bogdavna favourites.

Need one of the following trait as a prerequisite: Duelist, Wizarding Scholar, Magical Concoctionner.

( ) Horace Slughorn (Potions): Those who like the Potions Master often says that no other can recognise the true potential of his students like no other while others would say that he has truly no peer in noticing which of his students can provide him with some advantage latter on. Whether it was the former, the latter or a mixt of both you quickly caught caught the eyes of Slytherin's head of house. Throughout the last four years you have come to see in Professor Slughorn something of a mentor, an wizard of experience and knowledge who always provided good advice. As you are about to begin your fifth year you believe that it is only a question of time before you receive an invitation to join the Slug Club. Time will tell if you are right.

Will have the chance to begin the questline Old Slughie and his Buddies further down the line to join the Slug Club.

Incompatible with the trait Poor Magical Concoctionner.

( ) Galatea Merrytought (Defense Against the Dark Arts): At first glance one could believe there is little more to Professor Merrytought then the kindly grandmother figure beloved by most of her students. You know better, however: while age has taken and sorrow have taken their tool on her she remain a formidable witch indeed. One of the few that have fought Grindelwald himself and survive to tell the tale and having lost several friends and relative to his supporters both her experience and her sorrow have allied to made her perhaps the most fiercely anti-Grindelwaldite of all of Hogwarts professors. You respect her prowesses and the strength of her beliefs. Professor Merrytought, on her part, has also come to held you in high esteem for one reason or another.

( ) Albus Dumbledore (Transfiguration): The most formidable professor Hogwarts has seen since the founders need no introduction. Admired by most and respected by almost all, Albus Dumbledore hide a deeply private and discrete nature behind a, genuine, good-natured and jovial appearance. From time to time, however, for his own mysterious reason he takes a deep liking to one of his students, trusting them above almost anyone else and, more recently, involving them in some of his schemes to hinder Grindelwald. Whether you are one of those select few or simply a wizard in which he see talents and good sense remain to be seen. There is no denying, however, that the Transfiguration Professor held you in high esteem and is always willing to talk on a large variety of subject.

Will get the opportunity to start the I'll Make a Bane Out of You questline to join the Banes of Grindie if you have the prerequisite traits.

Incompatible with the trait Uncreative Spell Caster

(X) Aella Selwin (Charms): Your older sister has often been deemed the pride of your familly. A brilliant student, especially in charms, she became one of Hogwarts's youngest professor in living memory a few years ago and showing great promises, tough she does admittedly also have some tendency toward hubris when it come to her abilities. Tough none could accuse her of favouring you in some shape or form you are, of course, quite close. After all, following father's death and due to mother's illness she played a significant part in raising you. She also happen to be the supervisor of the Little Wizard, a fact that or might not be of any importance to you.

(Automatically selected since she is your sister, after all).

( ) Herbert Beery (Herbology): The path Professor Beery took to return to Hogwarts as a teacher was rather unorthodox, to say the least. Even as a child the future Ravenclaw's Head of House was known for his great passions and his great talents for both theatrics and herbology and much of his early years where spent trying to find a way to make a living that would involve both, at first without success. His luck turned when he managed to convince the WBC to host Merry Berry and his Green Buddies, a radio show hosted by talking plants, voiced by him and some of his younger collaborators, and who introduced childrens to the wonders of magical flora. The programm quickly became a hit and was retransmited everywhere one could find wizards speaking english. Beery himself grew to became something of an international celebrity and, in the late 20's and early to mid thirties, was praised for brining to many a much needed sense of levity as the political atmosphere of the Magical World was growing ever grimmer.

As the years passed, however, he came to understand that he would need to soon pass the mike to one of his younger collaborators if he wanted his show to ever live without him as they wouldn't wait eternally. Thus, when he was offered the post of Herbology Professor at Hogwarts by Headmaster Dippet, alongside the perspective of soon becoming Head of Ravenclaw as the holder of the job was about to retire, he accepted. Generally liked by his students, and by Ravenclaws in particular, as well as respected for his expertise in his teaching subject Herbert also became know accross the school for the energy and entusiasm he put in promoting the Drama Club he held, ensuring that a steady stream of curious and/or occasional students reinforcing a small but dedicated core of theater enthusiasts. Through the years he also gained something of a, well deserved even if he deny ever doing anything of the short, of using the casting of any of the small-scale scenes he and his club reenact to help bring together students he believed only needed a little push to admit their feelings to themselves and to each other.

Perhaps you shared one of professor Beery's passion or perhaps you simply happened to rather like your head of house and he happened to rather like you. In any case, your relationship with Herby cannot be called anything else then friendship.

Incompatible with the trait Indoor Wizard

( ) Sylvanus Kettleburn (Care of Magical Creatures): Some would call professor Kettleburn nuts, citing his missing members, the occasions he exposed students to dangerous beasts and his numerous probations as evidence. You beg to disagree, however. Whether its because you share Old Kettle passion for magical beasts, or the one he has for Gobstones or because you simply connected with the eccentric and boisterous professor you often make the trip to his hut for tea and biscuits.

Incompatible with the trait
Indoor Wizard

Author Note: First things first, sorry for the delay and for the long read. At more then 12K words it is probably the longest piece I read outside of work and school! It really took a life of its own :p With the next update we will get to the story itself, which should reduce the lenght to something more manageable.

The idea of making a run down of the club come from Witchcraft and Wizardry, the only HP-RPG game I could find who was both set in a an era similar to A Spell in Parseltongue and had seemingly lasted long enough for its setting to acquire some degree of details. While they tend to be a too cavalier with canon for my personnal tastes they did have a few flashes of genius While most clubs you would find in both their list and mine are either canon or canon-inspired stuff that would logically come to mind (the chess club as Wizarding Chess seem to be at least reasonably popular, the Drama club to the anecdote about the Fair Maiden and the Fountain of Fair Fortune play, etc.) the Mud Club come directly from them and they should get all the credit with what I tought was too good an idea to leave it be.

On another note, considering the interest there was for a Half-Breed even if it didn't won the vote, I tought it would be nice to give peoples options to explore such a student :)

Plan voting is good for character creation so, upon further toughts, I'll allow it for this round but we will change to vote by line next round. :)
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Phew, very extensive character creation. I would advise breaking it down next time. ^^'
This is probably the longest voting plan I've ever written.

[X] Plan The Proud Selwyn Heir
-[X](Magical Strength) Spell Casting
-[X](Magical Strength) Martial Magic
-[X](Magical Strength) Knowledge of the Wizarding World and Writing
-[X](Magical Weakness) Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants
-[X](Qualities) Athletism
-[X](Qualities) Charisma
-[X](Qualities) Wisdom
-[X](Qualities) Social Abilities
-[X](Flaws) Elitist
-[X](Flaws) Egocentric
-[X](Neutral Traits) Be Especially Proud of your Family
-[X](Neutral Traits) Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge
-[X](Club) The Ravenclaw Quidditch Team
-[X](Club) The Little Wizard
-[X](Friends) Artoria Montague
-[X](Friends) Morris Warbeck
-[X](Friends) Asha Fortescue
-[X](Friends) Patricia Bones
-[X](Friends) Henry Hornby
-[X](Enemies) Arpus Runcorn
-[X](Enemies) Septimus Weasley
-[X](Professor) Galatea Merrythought
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Phew, very extensive character creation. I would advise breaking it down next time. ^^'
This is probably the longest voting plan I've ever written.

[X] Plan The Proud Selwyn Heir
-[X](Magical Strength) Spell Casting
-[X](Magical Weakness) Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants
-[X](Qualities) Athletism
-[X](Qualities) Charisma
-[X](Qualities) Wisdom
-[X](Qualities) Social Abilities
-[X](Flaws) Elitist
-[X](Flaws) Egocentric
-[X](Neutral Traits) Be Especially Proud of your Family
-[X](Neutral Traits) Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge
-[X](Club) The Ravenclaw Quidditch Team
-[X](Club) The Little Wizard
-[X](Friends) Artoria Montague
-[X](Friends) Eleanor Colville
-[X](Friends) Asha Fortescue
-[X](Friends) Patricia Bones
-[X](Friends) Henry Hornby
-[X](Enemies) Arpus Runcorn
-[X](Enemies) Septimus Weasley
-[X](Professor) Galatea Merrythought
You are probably right, I do admit I am a rookie QM so I can only ask for some patience with me :p :)

On another note, sadly Eleanor Colville doesn't work with the trait familly pride (the trait you get for the Be Especially Proud of your Family option).
[X] Plan Our own Bronze Trio
-[X] [Magical Strength]Spell Casting:
-[X] [Magical Strength]Martial Magic:
-[X] [Magical Strength]Knowledge of the Wizarding World and Writing:
-[X] [Weakness]Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants:
-[X] [Qualities]Your Social Abilities:
-[X] [Qualities]Your Charisma:
-[X] [Qualities]Your Wisdom:
-[X] [Qualities]Your drive to succeed:
-[X] [Flaws]Your Elitism:
-[X] [Flaws]Your Physical Weakness:
-[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge:
-[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Exuberant:
-[X] [Clubs]The Duel Club:
-[X] [Clubs]The Wizarding Chess Club:
-[X] [Friends]Hercules Greengrass (7th​ year)
-[X] [Friends]Eleanor Colville (5th​ year):
-[X] [Friends]Morris Warbeck (5th​ year) :
-[X] [Friends]Lucretia Black (7th​ year):
-[X] [Friends]Ignatius Prewett (5th​ year):
-[X] [Enemies]Sullivan Travers (7th​ year):
-[X] [Enemies]Vesta Selwin (5th​ year):
-[X] [Professor]Galatea Merrytought (Defense Against the Dark Arts):
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You are probably right, I do admit I am a rookie QM so I can only ask for some patience with me :p :)

On another note, sadly Eleanor Colville doesn't work with the trait familly pride (the trait you get for the Be Especially Proud of your Family option).
Ah yeah, my bad. I knew I fucked up somewhere I did notice it but forgot to fix it.
I liked Eleanor's character a lot honestly, too bad, I guess. We're not enemies either, to be honest, so friendship is possible throughout the game. This is only for what has happened before game start.
I assume the Family Pride trait automatically make Vesta a friend and ally? We'll be the ones to reign in the worst of her! And possibly make her improve into being a better person.
-[X] [Friends]Hercules Greengrass (7th year)
-[X] [Friends]Eleanor Colville (5th year):
-[X] [Friends]Morris Warbeck (5th year) :
-[X] [Friends]Lucretia Black (7th year):
Friends with both Hercules, Eleanor and Lucretia. Wew. We'll be juggling a lot between the factions formed around these three in that case. xD
If it wins, it'll be certainly interesting to see if we can manage to keep our head above water, I guess.
@phil03 If we get Fighter, does that mean that we only have one club to choose or do we get two besides dueling?
You still get two. Essentially fighter is a more general trait related to Martial Magic. You learn shields, dissimulation charms, maybe even some strategy, etc.... on top of wand against wand fights.

The duelist trait is more laser focused one dealing with duel, obviously. Their effects can be combined to make you especially fearsome in the Dueling Club, however.

Ah yeah, my bad. I knew I fucked up somewhere I did notice it but forgot to fix it.
I liked Eleanor's character a lot honestly, too bad, I guess. We're not enemies either, to be honest, so friendship is possible throughout the game. This is only for what has happened before game start.
I assume the Family Pride trait automatically make Vesta a friend and ally? We'll be the ones to reign in the worst of her! And possibly make her improve into being a better person.
Not quite, the tensions I outlined between the branches of the Selwin familly are still there and she is jealous of the fact you got the badge and not her (hence why she wasn't available as a friend) but you are still friendly with each other, even if not quite friends, as you work to diminish said tensions and it can definitely evolve into friendship. You can try to restrain her worst side but there is no guarantee of success, obviously.

And yes, relationships aren't set in stone and you will interact so it isn't impossible you can develop a friendship but her dislike for Vesta is quite strong and if one add a strong loyalty to the Selwins overall on your end it would certainly put some serious obstacles on that path, even if not necessarely overwhelming ones.
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[X] Plan Awkward Hero
-[X] [Magical Strength]Spell Casting:
-[X] [Magical Strength]Martial Magic:
-[X] [Magical Strength]Predictive and Symbolic Magic :
-[X] [Weakness]Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants:
-[X] [Qualities]Your Athletism:
-[X] [Qualities]Your Valliance:
-[X] [Qualities]Your Kindness:
-[X] [Qualities]Your drive to succeed:
-[X] [Flaws]Your Social Ineptitude:
-[X] [Flaws] Your Naiveté:
-[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge:
-[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Exuberant:
-[X] [Clubs]The Duel Club:
-[X] [Clubs]The Ravenclaw Quidditch Team:
-[X] [Friends]Gawain Ashcroft (6th year):
-[X] [Friends]Eleanor Colville (5th year):
-[X] [Friends]Frieda Caelstrom (4th year):
-[X] [Friends]Bill Boshworth (3rd year):
-[X] [Friends]Ignatius Prewett (5th year):
-[X] [Enemies]Tom Riddle (5th year):
-[X] [Enemies]Vesta Selwin (5th year):
-[X] [Professor]Albus Dumbledore (Transfiguration):

Picked a few traits that should make things very interesting, and as much misfits as I could find to make it even more interesting.

Edit. Changed Runcorn for Riddle as I think an enviou purê hearted boy makes an more interesting character.

My goal here is to make someone to bulldoze through all pureblood bullshit with The fury of a thousand suns, the fact that he is pretty much a hero lite already only make things more fun, and being mostly unconected to the big players gives him way more freedom to act as the hero He can be. Also means we have to work to get Somewhere, instead of getting a Royal mess of polítics to deal with from The get go.
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[X] Plan The Lynchpin Archmage
-[X] [Magical Strength] Spell Casting
-[X] [Magical Strength] Martial Magic
-[X] [Magical Strength] Predictive and Symbolic Magic
-[X] [Weakness] Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants
-[X] [Qualities] Your political astuteness
-[X] [Qualities] Your drive to succeed
-[X] [Qualities] Your Charisma
-[X] [Qualities] Your Wisdom
-[X] [Flaws] Your Elitism
-[X] [Flaws] Your Social Ineptitude
-[X] [Neutral Traits] Be Prone to Contemplation
-[X] [Neutral Traits] Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge
-[X] [Clubs] The Duel Club
-[X] [Clubs] The Wizarding Chess Club
-[X] [Friends] Artoria Montague (7th year)
-[X] [Friends] Eleanor Colville (5th year)
-[X] [Friends] Morris Warbeck (5th year)
-[X] [Friends] Lucretia Black (7th year)
-[X] [Friends] Barnabas Cuffe (6th Year)
-[X] [Enemies] Tom Riddle (5th year)
-[X] [Enemies] Vesta Selwin (5th year)
-[X] [Professor] Horace Slughorn (Potions)

My plan has two focuses: one is excelling at magic, the second having as many contacts as we can and be capable of influencing them. As Lorenzo De Medici and network theory teach, being the sole connecting point between many different parties gives influence and access to the most resources, i.e. power. A suspected blood traitor ally of the Black family finds few barred doors on opposite sides, even if he's looked upon strangely. As for the rivalry with Riddle? Well, a man is defined by the quality of his enemies...
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[X] Plan Wise Warrior
-[X] [Magical Strength]Spell Casting
-[X] [Magical Strength]Martial Magic
-[X] [Magical Strength]Predictive and Symbolic Magic
-[X] [Weakness]Handling of Magical Creatures and Plants
-[X] [Qualities] Your political astuteness
-[X] [Qualities]Your Valliance
-[X] [Qualities] Your Charisma
-[X] [Qualities] Your Wisdom
-[X] [Flaws] Your Elitism
-[X] [Flaws] Your Egocentric
-[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Prone to Interest in Unorthodox Areas of Magical Knowledge
-[X] [Neutral Traits]Be Exuberant
-[X] [Clubs] The Duel Club
-[X] [Clubs] The Little Wizard
-[X] [Friends]Hercules Greengrass (7th year)
-[X] [Friends]Frieda Caelstrom (4th year)
-[X] [Friends] Eleanor Colville (5th year)
-[X] [Friends] Barnabas Cuffe (6th Year)
-[X] [Enemies]Arpus Runcorn (7th year):
-[X] [Enemies]Vesta Selwin (5th year):
-[X] [Professor] Maria Bogdavna (Ancient Runes)

A youngster who is very outgoing, focused on magic and the big problems (as he sees them) but astute enough to minimize how many enemies we get while still taking a stand.
the second having as many contacts as we can and be capable of influencing them.
( ) Your Social Ineptitude: You have shown yourself hesitant and stilted in your day to day interaction with your classmates. While you aren't really actively disliked, even less hated, by most of them you have nevertheless grown somewhat isolated. You also have a tendency to put your feet in your mouth from time to time.
If that is your goal, I would recommend against choosing to be inept at social interaction.
Friends with both Hercules, Eleanor and Lucretia. Wew. We'll be juggling a lot between the factions formed around these three in that case.
Gain the trait Sphinx. Gain the trait Opponent of Blood Supremacy, you might or might not be completely devoid of prejudices related to blood status yourself but you can generally be counted upon to oppose the outright persecution of muggleborn. Gain the trait Anti-Grindelwaldite, you hate the Dark Lord and what he stand for and you fully support the efforts of the ministry to help defeat him. You despise those you suspect of supporting him and held even those professing themselves to be neutral in some suspicions.
We are already an opponent of Blood Supremacy and Lucretia is mentioned as having no issue with being friends or allies with moderates, we are one. We have not aligned with some of the more troubling, for Lucretia at least, political movements. Hercules seems actually nearly in line with our believes. He is anti-Grindelwald as we are and his girlfriend, is described as sharing his views and essentially being in line with our own. Leading to the conclusion that he should also be in line with our political statements. Last but not least is Eleanor, who would fall under true companion for us. Making her far less likely to raise problems for us, because it is not only friendship which unites us but a kind of love. She has not espoused any political sentiments, like Muggleborns should rule them all or be granted more power. All that is directed her way is based on the thoughts of blood supremacy, which we are according to our last vote an opponent of.

Trying to change former votes always lead to near schizophrenic characters. I don´t like that and I don´t see my proposed plan as juggling many factions. One should be our primary one and the other the moderate one from the traditionalists side. That is not much.

Arpus Runcorn (7th year):
Henry Hornby (4th year):
I have question some of the options do not have a bracket before them. Like the two I quoted. Does this mean they cannot be taken or was it a small oversight?
If that is your goal, I would recommend against choosing to be inept at social interaction.
From the description, it sounds like Social Ineptitude is about general everyday socialisation and acquaintance with the general populace, not influencing the key players we have contacts with through my plan. When interacting with them, my plan has Politician to understand their goals, Wise to know what to do about them and Charismatic to convince them of it.
From the description, it sounds like Social Ineptitude is about general everyday socialisation and acquaintance with the general populace, not influencing the key players we have contacts with through my plan. When interacting with them, my plan has Politician to understand their goals, Wise to know what to do about them and Charismatic to convince them of it.
I don´t see a definite difference between the description for social ineptitude and the benefits. All of them talk about interactions in Hogwarts and not only with specific key players.
Few among your classmates
You might not be in Slytherin
Many of your classmates
among your classmates
Nearly all of your chosen options talk specifically about classmates. Going by a literal interpretation that I assume you use for "day to day interaction", these could not even apply towards your claimed key-members, upperclassmen.
All of these strengths and weaknesses are interwoven. I think the following part, quite clearly shows how much being socially inept can harm even someone politically astute."You also have a tendency to put your feet in your mouth from time to time. " It does not matter, if you know what the other party wants or what you should say, when you will sometimes thoughtlessly spout some things that will turn all this good work to ashes. Politics are mostly about social interactions on lower levels, especially in a school where nearly no interaction would be ritualized.
I don´t see a definite difference between the description for social ineptitude and the benefits. All of them talk about interactions in Hogwarts and not only with specific key players.

Nearly all of your chosen options talk specifically about classmates. Going by a literal interpretation that I assume you use for "day to day interaction", these could not even apply towards your claimed key-members, upperclassmen.
All of these strengths and weaknesses are interwoven. I think the following part, quite clearly shows how much being socially inept can harm even someone politically astute."You also have a tendency to put your feet in your mouth from time to time. " It does not matter, if you know what the other party wants or what you should say, when you will sometimes thoughtlessly spout some things that will turn all this good work to ashes. Politics are mostly about social interactions on lower levels, especially in a school where nearly no interaction would be ritualized.
Except of course that the Persuasive means we can, in fact, persuade the people who matter, even if we aren't popular overall. Moreover, we just need to be respected to keep our influence, not liked.
[X] Plan Our own Bronze Trio

I spent a while trying to come up with my own, but since this plan hit the major points and already had some backing, I decided to join the coalition. For the Brilliant Buddy Band (And Associated Allies)!
Except of course that the Persuasive means we can, in fact, persuade the people who matter, even if we aren't popular overall. Moreover, we just need to be respected to keep our influence, not liked.
First the trait once more talks about classmates and not necessarily about upperclassmen. Then a trait does not stand alone. They can partly contradict each other. It is reasonable to believe that contradicting traits are not the best way to go forward.
You have shown yourself hesitant and stilted in your day to day interaction with your classmates.While you aren't really actively disliked, even less hated, by most of them you have nevertheless grown somewhat isolated. You also have a tendency to put your feet in your mouth from time to time.
Many of your classmates are looking up to you and expect you to provide them with leadership tough
You have the well-earned reputation of being of good counsel and sound judgement among your classmates. You are sought after when come the time to make a hard decision and you can maintain a clear head in difficult circumstances.
How can someone become isolated and at the same time be sought after or be expected to be a leader? I don´t get how you cannot see that choosing traits that partly contradict each other like these can harm the benefits they could provide. Furthermore, as I have already stated it does not matter if they MC would be able to convince people sometimes when he will fail other times because he is socially inept. You cannot know when his social ineptitude will harm us and when not. Taking a risk that is completely unnecessary for the goal you want to achieve is not a sound course of action. I don´t doubt the advantage charisma provides, just that this advantage and others that are based on social interactions are harmed by choosing to be socially inept at the same time.
Information overload is making it hard to even determine if the current plans have things I would like.

To much, to much-

[X] Plan Our own Bronze Trio

The only thing I saw was Vesta Selwin as an enemy and cousin rivalries are pretty good. There's no one you can hate more than family, even if you still love them.