0. Quest Mechanics and Details
Cacophonous Interlude is NOT active
  (the QMPC does NOT hear what you write right now)
Next story update : Sometime in July would be nice
Next vote closing : TBD
Progress toward next update : 3,146 words
Anything I post that's not in text blocks or in spoilers
may be understood to be said by the QMPC, with the
exception of the Collaboration Post
  (see Collaboration Post for details on itself)
Players do not need to use code blocks or spoilers
outside of cacophonous interludes

If you use code blocks, please limit yourself to 32 lines
and your lines to 57 characters, so that people on mobile
can read them without scrolling within the code block
This is not meant to be Plagiarism Quest.

You're not discouraged from using outside reference
material or quoting other sources.  When you do, please
cite your sources in spoilers or a code box.
 I have added some players who contributed a fair amount
the last two times as thread collaborators who can update
   the collaboration post. If you'd like to update the
collaboration post too, contact me by PM and we'll talk
                        about it.

Check the Collaboration Post and read the latest story post in the Threadmarks to get a rough idea of where things are at.

If you're not already involved in the game, portions of either of these may be difficult to follow. But you can skip to the line that says "B R E A K" in the latest threadmarked story post and skim from there to get an idea of what's going on.

If there's no corresponding Closing The Vote post in the Informational threadmarks for the latest story post in (normal?) Threadmarks, then the game is in a cacophonous interlude and the QMPC will hear what you post, unless you do so with spoilers or code boxes. The NOTICES portion at the top of this post should also tell you if the game is in a cacophonous interlude.

So you can engage with other players, make suggestions, ask questions, and propose plans and you can compose a message to the QMPC all whether or not the game is in a cacophonous interlude. And once it is, you can vote and/or send a message to the QMPC by creating a post in the thread.

If you want to vote, simply do so as you would in other quests on this board. You may look at other players' votes to see how yours should be formatted. And you may check the tally to see that yours are counted as you intend them.

If you want to send a message to the QMPC, though, keep in mind that they are a creature of their time. They may not understand what you mean if you don't take the time to make it clear. This game rewards and demands work from its players. When a player wants to introduce a concept or tool or technology to the QMPC, that player will probably need to expend effort to explain it carefully, and take into consideration the limits of the QMPC's understanding of the world.

I think this is similar enough to Graeber's 'interpretive labor' that we can use the term colloquially to describe what is being asked of players. Put yourself in the mind of the QMPC and ask yourself how such a person can be made to understand what you want to tell them.

The QMPC has different values than we do. They have different assumptions about the world and objects and forces within it. Their goals may not align directly with number-go-up or color-get-big gaming agendas. But they want something, and will listen most attentively to players that tell them how to get more of or closer to what they want.
                    Collaboration Post!
  1. The Quest Master posts story updates that have 3 parts.
    • Quest Master Player Character responses to player posts made during the last cacophonous interlude
    • An update by the QMPC following a break of varying length but usually some number of years, covering what the character believes is worth mentioning
    • Requests by the QMPC for direction on a number of issues, which the players will provide in the form of votes
  2. Following each story update, players posts are audible to the QMPC until voting is closed.
    This is the cacophonous interlude.
    • Players may convey any information they can represent in text.
    • No images, sounds, or hyperlinks will get through (this is my limitation, not a limitation of the game, so please do not try to transcend it with clever protocol tricks).
    • Players may use spoilers or code blocks to communicate with each other without doing so in ways the QMPC can hear.
  3. When votes are tallied, the QM collects player posts so that it may be known what the QMPC heard.
    • Votes are tallied in the conventional fashion. So only votes in the most recent post by each player are counted. [X] marks what the player is voting. And only identical write-ins accumulate.
    • Some votes are querying the players for their preference, in which case the only suboptimal answer is that which does not accurately reflect the preference of the players who nonetheless chose it (I don't think these kinds of misunderstandings can be helped).
    • Other votes are intended as puzzles where there is a choice the QM believes would best meet what they believe to be the goals of the players.
      • However, in these sorts of votes the QM has in mind a choice that would provide the players with what the QM thinks they most want, but which is not listed in the available votes.
      • In this way, clever write-ins are encouraged.
  4. QM reads player posts, researches their suggestions, checks notes for precedent, determines what the QMPC thinks they already know on the topic, what they're right or wrong about, how likely they are to engage with the topic, how likely the QMPC's followers are to follow-through in the matter, and finally what the result is going to be later on.
  5. QM composes QMPC's responses to player posts made during the cacophonous interlude and updates their notes.
  6. When narrative benefits from uncertainty and chance, QM devises tests for QMPC or other characters and makes those tests using die rolls on a post made just for that purpose.
    • Skill or attribute tests will be made with a largely undocumented homebrew modification of the Burning Wheel system, mangled to suit the format of this game. (The Burning Wheelis a good system and I encourage you to check it out.)
      • Tests may be a contest between two characters or against a static target with tiered results.
      • The rules being used and followed will be described in each post in which tests are made by die rolls.
      • Normal mortals count 7s and better as successes.
      • Heroic characters and characters who are otherwise innately magical count 6s and better as successes.
      • Demigod characters and characters who otherwise possess some spark of divinity count 5s and better as successes.
      • New gods and characters who have otherwise stolen the power of Old Gods count 4s and better as successes.
      • Old Gods count 3s and better as successes.
      • Sorcery and other magic skills lower the threshold of success by 1 to a minimum of 3 only when they are the skill being tested, not when they provide a bonus to other skills. Players may note that Old Gods' threshold of success does not improve when they use magic.
      • Bonus dice provided by Kahl's Warhorses and any incendiary devices more complicated than a burning arrow reroll 9s & 10s and keeps successes. These same bonus dice cancels successes on 1s & 2s, rerolls those, and additional 1s & 2s cancel additional successes. More 1s, 2, 9, or 10s mean more rerolling and more successes or cancelations, but only in the manner of the original die. That is, a 1 or 2 that comes up when a 9 on a bonus die is rerolled don't cancel successes or lead to further rerolling.
    • Research project results are determined by percentile dice with results falling into 5 tiers.
      • Uh oh: something has gone horribly wrong
      • Nuh uh: failure, but the boring kind
      • Huh: partial success
      • Uh huh: full success
      • Whoa: superior special case success
    • When players expect a test to be coming up -- for example if they vote for an invasion or to send a diplomat to manipulate a foreign leader -- they can improve the odds of the test turning out the way they want by providing the QMPC with advice specific to that matter. If the advice is not mistaken or outright bad, there will be at least a chance it will help. That is, decent advice adds dice.
  7. QM composes the QMPC's post-break update, player vote questions, and player vote options.
  8. GOTO 1
The QMPC is intended to be the only character the players will interact with in this game. (It's kind of possible that the players could maneuver the QMPC to surrender control of the Astute Cacophony to another character, but unlikely.)

The QMPC is a small, evil woman who knows magic and has not died, despite looking like she probably should have at some point. She goes by the name Bianca the Undying. Her early life took place in the Paleolithic, in which she has said that she traveled around quite a bit and came to understand the malleable nature of populations of people and animals and even the land itself. At some point she was trapped underground, to her displeasure. She remained trapped for a very long time.

When Bianca got out, she found her way to a community of eight tribes living pastoral and agrarian lifestyles in the local Copper Age. She made these people hers and they relied on her for magically enriching their fields so that they did not need to slash, burn, and move around a bit, unlike their neighbors. Bianca and her followers formalized their relationships into the Eight Ways Pact. Later, another tribe joined Bianca's followers bringing small horses and the Bronze Age and their pact was updated with a ninth directive.

Bianca has an agenda that requires her to have more power than she does right now. She believes that achieving divinity will get her that power.
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No. There are many prerequisites before they can utilize wood pulp, but they don't have enough of a cloth industry to support significant old rag based paper making. I would suggest a focus improving the cloth supply first.
No. There are many prerequisites before they can utilize wood pulp, but they don't have enough of a cloth industry to support significant old rag based paper making. I would suggest a focus improving the cloth supply first.
Got it, I'll describe a model of printing press that works with clay tablets, then.
Got it, I'll describe a model of printing press that works with clay tablets, then.

Maybe woodblock printing could work on the clay tablets, not the printing press?

I mean, you simply use properly carved piece of wood, and you can even hammer that instead of using a press. Sounds decent for clay.

Certainly seals could make impression on clay. Why not something bigger, to copy whole pages. Hmm.

And, Bianca, as you may still hear this conversation of mine with another Voice. We are less mad than you think. This is another language issue, like nails previously. Seals are animals from the sea, but we use the same word for something that is pressed to clay or wax and leave impression, like fingerprints but letters or image.

I would suggest a focus improving the cloth supply first.

Improving cloth supply... Indeed. I have no idea how to describe textile machinery properly (and besides, I said more than enough already), but if somebody could do that, then simply great.
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Bianca, I have some additional advice. A bit pertains to the reaping machine's issue with the wheel slipping. The rest is unsolicited explanations of an institution which mass adoption of the reaping and threshing machines will allow the Nations to support, and which will greatly increase the rate at which new inventions are discovered, even without our active assistance. Also a bit of advice on cannon design.

First up, the issue with the reaping machine slipping could be resolved by using gears to turn the blades instead of just friction between the wheels. A gear is a lot like a wheel, but with ridges along the edge so that when two gears touch, they interlock and turn each other with no chance of slipping. Just use nails to affix such a gear to the wheel the device rolls on, and have that turn the blades using another gear.

And now, for the institution of knowledge I mentioned. In its most basic form, it has three core components: Schools, Printers, and Public Libraries. Schools teach people to read (and possibly a few other things) from an early age, ensuring that they can easily access written knowledge. Printers allow easy and quick duplication of written words, meaning that there's actually a point to teaching so many people to read, and allows important written works to be quickly spread across the Nations. Public Libraries meanwhile provide a freely accessible way to read written texts, allowing those inclined to do so to the ability to rapidly acquire more in-depth knowledge.

So, each component will now be examined in-depth.

First up, Schools. Attendance of schools for children as young as three years can have useful results, because at such young ages the brain is rapidly developing, and is learning at a greatly increased pace from the adulthood years. As such, children learning in schools in this manner will have a significantly easier time learning to read than if they miss the chance to do so until adulthood. A simple school can operate in a single-room building and only need a single teacher in order to teach basic literacy and some other useful knowledge skills by age six or seven.

This young age range is also the optimal time to teach all the languages of the Nations due to the previously mentioned rapid development of the brain, thus breaking down the barriers to communication between the people of the Nations. As an added benefit, this makes learning new languages permanently easier in the future!

At present, I would recommend starting fairly modest with what you attempt to teach each child in school: The ability to read, arithmetic using a simple abacus, the languages of the Nations, and maybe a bit of history and geography if you really want to stretch things. As an added bonus, school can allow you to plant the seeds of certain ideas in the young upcoming generation; one particularly useful idea to impart is one named Progress in our world, which is the idea of deliberately changing the world for the better, and constantly searching for improved ways of doing things.

That said, in order to get the best effect from schools, attendance needs to be free, and heavily encouraged if it isn't outright made mandatory. This minimizes the number of people who grow up without the ability to read, and thus cannot benefit from Public Libraries or Printers. In addition, classes for adults should also be available, so as to ensure that the gift of literacy can be spread even further. That said, a school does not need to be open all year; particularly busy times such as planting or harvest can be made breaks in the school session, so that those involved in schooling can still assist with feeding everyone.

Next, Printers. Unlike Schools or Libraries, a Printer is a mechanical device. There are many possible designs for printers, but the one I am about to describe is likely to be within your ability to create and effectively use. It is designed to work on clay tablets due to the fact that you cannot produce parchment in sufficient quantity for mass distribution, and nor do you have the ability to produce paper in any capacity. For the record, paper is best described as a parchment-equivalent made out of plant fibers.

The basic idea of this Printer is that you have a large rack capable of holding blocks that each stamp a written character into a clay tablet. These blocks are designed to be interchangeable with each other, so that they can be re-arranged in any order on the holding rack; I would recommend casting the blocks out of lead or copper at your preference, using the same mold for each copy of the same block for a given printer. That said, carved wood can also work, if you can have it carved precisely enough. In addition, specifically cut engraved images can be made to slot into the rack for the blocks, so that a given tablet can have both text and relief images.

In any case, the general design of a basic Printer requires three sliding components, arranged into a press. First is the tray for the clay tablets, which needs to be able to slide out from under the press, both to be put in the kiln to fire the tablets into their finished form, and so new blank tablets can be loaded onto it. Second, the press itself needs to be able to slide up and down; I would recommend using a screw device to control the height of the press, but you can probably devise something that will work just as well. Third, the top surface of the press needs to allow the rack for type to be slid in and out, so that it can be easily worked on between printing sessions. This also allows multiple racks of letter blocks to be retained at once, allowing the printer to be rapidly switched between different pre-set arrangements of letter blocks.

All together, such a Printer can easily stamp clay tablets for subsequent firing and distribution in massive numbers, vastly increasing the amount of any given written work that is available for any given person to read. This can be used for more resilient historical record keeping, accurate spreading of news throughout the Nations, describing the fundamentals of how to perform a certain task, detailing how to make various useful devices and materials, and preserving stories so that anyone who wishes can read them at any time.

The last part of this institution of knowledge is Public Libraries. A Public Library is a building where large numbers of written texts are stored in an organized fashion, so that finding a specific text is fairly easy to do. Even more critically, these texts can be read and maybe borrowed by anyone who desires to do so, provided that they bring it back within a reasonable time. This has the effect of vastly increasing the average person's ability to access knowledge, which has several beneficial effects.

First and foremost, it enables those interested in enacting change for the better to actually do so, as they can more easily learn what has already been done without repeating the same inventions and methods over and over; in addition, reading about what is already known can inspire such people to try and add to what is known. It also allows for a given person to explore new complicated skills to a degree without needing an expert to actively teach them, though such still greatly assists. Lastly and of least importance, it can function as a means of entertainment, since fun stories may also be written down, duplicated at a Printer, then distributed to many public libraries.

For the resulting institution of knowledge to have the best possible effect, schools and public libraries need to be accessible to most people. And of course, Printers are required to make schools and libraries accessible.

And now, more on Cannons.

First and foremost, if you're firing solid cannonballs or scattershot, making the largest possible cannon isn't necessarily the best option. The reason for this is velocity; while the mass of a projectile certainly contributes to the damage it causes, how fast it goes is far more important. As such, you can get similar destruction from a medium sized cannon compared to a massively large one, since the medium cannon will shoot its cannonball much faster. This is especially the case if the cannon is rather long relative to the size of ball it shoots, since that gives the shot more distance to build up speed. As an added advantage, it's much easier to carry a large stock of ammunition for a medium cannon than a massively oversized one, and the medium cannon will be both quicker to load and easier to aim.

Also, shot benefits greatly from something called wadding. Wadding is a patch of cloth applied between the shot and the powder charge to keep the hot gas produced by the powder from leaking; this eliminates the normal leakage of gas, ensuring far more of the force produced goes into getting the projectile up to full speed.

None of the above applies in the case of bombshells. A bombshell is a hollow metallic sphere filled with pellets and blasting dust, with the only hole to the inside containing a slow-burning fuse. Generally, a bombshell should be fired at a high angle from a short cannon with a wide bore, with the fuse being pointed away from the propelling charge. The reason for this is that the hot gases produced by firing will light the fuse, meaning that when the bombshell comes back down, it will surely explode, causing great havoc across a wide area. As such, high impact velocity is not needed to do damage. Pointing the fuse away from the propelling charge prevents it from being forced inside the bombshell and setting it off immediately.
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I'm not Bianca nor LoserThree, but I can imagine obvious thought processes. "How attendance can be free, if labor and time of children is taken from the family?". We have maybe one busy table-ruler in a mid-sized village. Now he needs to also "educate" children in a new building (?!), and without any idea about modern pedagogy (we have maybe a few not only table-rulers but also decent teachers, if that, and not in the modern sense), so by trying to scare powerfull village clans with Bianca and beat small children for trying to play instead? "Attendance of schools for children as young as three years" in such conditions? Can you imagine how soon he will be killed, even despite fear? And even if you can copy a few pages thousands of times with woodblock printing, one short "book" maybe (and this is useful), you cannot create whole libraries. Do you even know how big and weighty a clay tablet equivalent to ONE PAGE is? Comparable to the whole paper/parchment book.

I'm not sure that you understand our level of development. We cannot prevent families from throwing unwanted people to their death in winter, we have no judges or halfway proper criminal procedure, we have one literate person per village and barely have administrators, not always but often the strongest and scariest person is the most influental politically. Stories? This is what Singers do with their songs.

"Information from the mid- and late nineteenth century suggests that 30 to 45 percent of the men and from 2 to 10 percent of the women in China knew how to read and write."
Can you imagine how enormously more powerful was imperial China than the Ten tribes, even though pre-industrial, behind Europe and suffering from rebellions? They had paper and printing for hundreds of years.

Now, we have simplier writing system, but consider literacy rates in villages of Niger or Somalia 2019, or France 1200... All more powerful and advanced nations than the Ten "Nations", in many ways.
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First, Liberty, I am going to request that you remove the veil on that message, so that Bianca can hear it.

And, as I noted, the advent of more advanced harvesting and threshing devices will have the effect of reducing the labor required to produce a given amount of food. I am explicitly stating that the system of schools should only be implemented after the food supply has been strengthened enough to afford it.

The advantages of universal literacy and access to information are many and varied. If the school system as I have described is infeasible, then just use part of the year of service to Bianca already legally mandated to teach people to read. Those inclined to make use of said skills would then take it upon themselves to do so, provided that there is a suitable library to study from. That said, to make a system of libraries, there is really no other way to make it practical than to use printers to duplicate written works.
Why am I hearing cannonballs and cannons? They are totally inappropriate technology for a society that can barely produce iron, much less have a need for it!
I'm Black Cat, though it's true that some people call me Liberty. Anyway, in regards to our conversation that you want Bianca to hear. Just Write, as I whispered, I disagree with you.

Mass education though small places to learn? It's true that such places could teach what Bianca wants them to teach, and tablets in the buildings with tablets could say what she wants to say, but it's not feasible for now outside of her Great Home, where table-rulers are already educated.

Educating all people in villages is simply not possible, why would they want to learn, how could they have time? For now stories of her Singers are for that.

I'm not Bianca, but I can imagine obvious thought processes. "How attendance can be free, if labor and time of children is taken from the family?", she could ask. We have maybe one busy table-ruler in a mid-sized village. Now according to your plan he would need to also "educate" children in a new building... Ugh. Now this is our madness. It's not a good advice for now.

If, as you say, the Ten Nations enter the Machine Age and start to overflow with simple to make machine-produced food and goods, then it could be considered. But I'm afraid that entering the machine age is not so simple when you barely managed to enter the Iron Age, if that.

Also. Even if you can copy a few pages thousands of times with woodblock printing, one short "book" maybe... And this is useful, yes... Even then you cannot copy anywhere near full written wisdom in such a fashion. Do you even know how big and weighty a clay tablet equivalent to ONE PAGE is?

Comparable to the whole paper or parchment book. That is, pretty inconvenient.
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Why am I hearing cannonballs and cannons? They are totally inappropriate technology for a society that can barely produce iron, much less have a need for it!
You are too late; I shared the knowledge of black powder and the basics of cannonry already. The Nations can and do already produce such weapons. I am now simply offering refinements to the basic concept.
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Why am I hearing cannonballs and cannons? They are totally inappropriate technology for a society that can barely produce iron, much less have a need for it!
It is the word of the three that is losing that such negative spoken word must not grace the thread of our cacophony.
So begone I say!
So, a few last things I want to mention, during this session of speaking.

I would like to clarify an important fact about our means of communication, Bianca: Due to the way it distorts time, we cannot hear your questions about what we say until after the end of a communication session. As such, we are literally incapable of answering said questions promptly, until the next communication session. This is also why we tend to offer so much advice unprompted; were we to wait for questions to answer, it would take an impractically long time on our end to get through all of them.

Next up is my discussion on Incentive Structures, Class Theory, and Economic Systems. AKA, my blatant attempt to make Bianca a Communist.

Next, I would like to present you with a means for better analyzing how societies behave, a set of concepts I call Incentive Structures, Class Theory and Economic Systems. To a large degree, these are already ideas you have some grasp of, but I hope to provide a bit of additional insight in this regard. In addition, I will use these concepts to explain a societal trap that you will almost certainly want to avoid at all costs.

So, an incentive structure is the idea of analyzing a person's environment and role, and seeing what that environment means they are encouraged to do, even if it's the opposite of what they're ostensibly supposed to be doing. It's easiest to explain with an example; in this case, I will be using the example of the deceased King of Wrul.

So, broadly, the King of Wrul was largely dependent on his army to remain in power, AND he wanted to make extremely sure that one of his direct descendants would succeed him as the next king. Another complication is that other Kings were in direct conflict with him, as they all were required to be vigilant against other kings aiming to snatch up parts of their power base to secure their own position.

All of this combined to heavily influence the King of Wrul's behavior; because he was dependent on his host of warriors to maintain power, he was required to heavily tax food from the rural areas around the city, so that he could feed both his warriors and the craftsmen who made the weapons and equipment for those warriors to use. To arrange such with a minimum amount of fuss, he made a deal with Erweh's priests so that they would try bringing the farmers around to his desired way of thinking.

Further, this desire to ensure that his direct offspring succeeded him as King was the primary motive for turning servants into eunuchs; he wanted to make absolutely certain that he was the only possible person who could impregnate his wife or wives.

Lastly, the manic accumulation of baubles was largely tied to a mix of raw greed, and the aforementioned problems with other kings. Having such a massive collection of shiny things both allowed him to 'buy off' possible opponents driven more by greed than sense, and demonstrated to anyone wanting to gauge his power that he was a powerful enough conqueror to make attempting to attack him folly. Of course, you clearly proved that this line of thought was folly when you killed him, but it was the way he thought, in all likelihood.

As you almost certainly noticed, nearly all of these incentives lead to behavior that was bad for the common people associated with Wrul, those serving the King, and could have ended disastrously for the Nations, if he was not so soundly defeated. Certain behaviors of his were almost certainly entirely due to his personal inclinations as an individual, but much was simply dictated by his position as a king who depended on his warriors to maintain his power.

Broadly, Class Theory is just the idea of applying Incentive Structures to groups of people in order to predict their behavior in aggregate. These groups can largely be categorized based on how they ensure their livelihood, their relation to other classes of people, and other incentives they have. For example, your Singers and Table-Rulers can be considered as a somewhat separate class from the common free people of the Nations, as they have a different role in society and a different set of incentives.

Lastly, an Economic System is a description of how a set of social classes interact, along with how needed food, services, and goods are distributed through society. It's a pretty simple concept, but it can be quite complex to describe all the various social classes in an economic system and their incentive structures.

Now, for me to explain the trap. The trap in question is an economic system known as Capitalism.

Within Capitalism, the primary institutions of economic activity are markets and Corporations. Meanwhile, the primary classes are a private owner class, and an ostensibly free worker class.

Broadly, a Corporation is a firm that is owned by either one rich person, or a small council of rich people. These corporations hire people to produce whatever good or perform whatever service the corporation sells to the rest of society, with the rich owners claiming all the wealth that the Corporation gets from the market, and only awarding the workers a pitiful trickle of baubles used as a medium of exchange.

Obviously, few would willingly work with a Corporation that siphons away the product of their labor in such a manner, and the owner class knows this. Thus, they make it nearly impossible to acquire even basic necessities without a ready supply of baubles to spend on the market for food, or housing, or medicine. THAT is the true function of a 'free market' in a Capitalist system. In addition, the owner class will put every effort into influencing whatever political leadership is present in order to remove laws that get in the way of them doing so.

The worker class meanwhile proceeds to be reduced to slaves in all but name, due to routes to survival that don't pass through the owner class controlled market being systematically closed off. This often leads to the worker class standing together in common defiance of the owner class, which is a problem that is almost guaranteed to lead to violence.

Other problems with Capitalism are that it blinds a society to long-term problems; since the various Corporations are in competition with each other and only concerned with concentrating wealth on the owner class in the short-term, these institutions will often prioritize short-term wealth extraction over long-term sustainability, destroying much of society's resources in the process. Meanwhile, those who actually attempt to maintain long-term viability will tend to be mercilessly crushed by those who only prioritize short-term gain.

Another problem with Capitalism is that it impoverishes society as a whole. Since wealth is sucked away from the worker class to the owner class's short-term gain, there are few resources left for the worker class to build new societal institutions outside the narrow mold dictated by the owner class, thus damaging the worker class further, and forcing them into a short-term survival mindset with little ability to change things aside from an attempt to round up the entire owner class and kill them all.

Seriously, do not allow Capitalism to come into being, it will lead to nothing but trouble.
Just Write, I see what you said, or what you want to say.

I would be tempted to heavily disagree with your critique of capitalism, Just Write, if not for the fact that it's so extremely premature, that, I think, Bianca wouldn't even understand your words.

I also appreciate all attempts to explain complicated opinions and systems. But, I shall say a few words.

Even cities of her world are not exactly "capitalist", even though they have inequality of wealth. Rulers of cities in her world, as far as I understand stories about these simple and small cities, are mostly like tribes "raised over another", or sometimes individual people or families "raised over another" by ruler of the city.

So, "capitalism" is something that is not used anywhere, as capitalism is more complicated system of power and exchange than simple inequality between people.

I midly wonder how this word, capitalism, may be translated from our language by the magic that allows our comunication.

Bianca should know that we speak in our own language, and yet our words are somehow heard by Bianca in the way that she can mostly understand. Mostly, but not always. There may be weird mistakes in regards to the meanings of words, sometimes.


I shall say only that while there are dangers from inequality of wealth, private ownership of resources, and using trade to exchange goods instead of using gifts, there are also benefits. Surely the custom of sharing, of the "For my family has so little and yours so much and only you can right this wrong" can spread resources between people that know each other.

But when Nation is very big, and there are Ten Nations with each one rapidly growing, that must be a pretty slow process of gifts between neighbours, that take years to distribute rare resource over all families. Somebody needs to notice disparity with a neighbour, then decide to say "For my family has so little and yours so much and only you can right this wrong"...

On the other hand rich trader constantly want to travel and search for occasions to exchange, of course with some dishonesty, and of course with greedily taking some of the wealth for his own needs... But this is a pretty fast exchange, and possible between strangers. And these are great benefits of trade.

On the other hand, if I understand things right, polite words and gifts sharing need much more time to spread rare resources than trade would.

There is great need for allowing trade and for roads safe to traders. And even more than that. I see a need to consider how internal trade inside of the Ten Nations could come to existence, because with steady population growth and territory growth - current exchange of gifts may start to be too slow and unwieldly for everything, the Nations too big for that.

Of course, some resources can be also distributed among the Ten Nations according to guidance from the table-rulers, like supplies for the army.
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Greetings, thou of undying flesh. It is the first time we speak, for seldom do I have time to dedicate to such things. You may call me Starrunner. Today, there are several things I wish to speak about, some more frivulous than others, but knowledge not immediately practically useful can still prove to be of import. Mayhaps some other voices have mentioned some of this at some point, so in that case, excuse the overlap.

Firstly, how aging works. A person's body, as I believe you know by now, is made up of countless cells. These tiny lifeforms form a community that collectively makes up a person – a person could be the Ten Peoples, with cells being its people, though that is of course an inaccurate metaphor. A city is closer due to the distances involved, but still not all that exact.

Whenever one of these cells die, and a cell's lifespan is only two weeks or so so this happens all the time, another creates a copy of itself to fill the dead cell's place. To do this, it uses instructions made for this purpose, doing its best to ensure that the new cell is not a cause of sickness or fault (for without the instructions, the new cell would become a harmful cell every time, much like a spirit that can think only of consuming its surroundings and making more of its ilk).

Each time these instructions are taken out and used, the tiniest bit of it is lost through sheer wear and tear. Now, the instructions of life were well-made, so there exists a certain length at the end of the instructions that is empty and unused, there to be chipped away as such in order to preserve the actually important bits. However, this empty space is gradually spent over the years until one day, the instructions can be used no longer. With the loss of instructions, that cell can no longer replicate safely, and so must cease or create nothing but problems. Over time, the body will have less and less margins to this, and so will be slower about replacing lost cells (which is incidentally why elderly people heal slower than the youth) as it cannot waste what instructions it has left. So, like an ill-maintained house, the aging person grows ever more fragile until one day, they collapse to rise no longer.

The potion of immortality, if it works, I would suspect to do so by restoring these margins on the instructions, returning its imbiber their youthful vigor. A working potion is no doubt magical, for no mundane potion can have these effects.

Next, something of less immediate import. In my day-to-day life, I busy myself with, metaphorically speaking, making rock think for itself. The truth is far more complex, but others who work similarly have done things like make a machine that you could ask "what will the weather be in three days", and the machine would answer, and without magical or godly intervention it would tell truth.

You could not accomplish such, for you lack countless prerequisites and the thinking machines you require are far beyond your capabilities – not to mention the need to throw certain highly complex machines so high into the sky that they are caught in an endless fall around the world. Nevertheless, I shall simplify things, and explain the art of machine learning (a practice not yet of use to you but mayhaps interesting nonetheless for its implications) in its simplest terms with a practical example you could, if you so wish, perform.

The game tic-tac-toe is simple. You make three squares in a row three times to form a three-times-three grid. Then, two players take turns placing circle and cross, respectively, until the board is full (causing a draw) or one of them have three of their symbol in a row (vertically, horizontally or diagonally) which causes them to win.

Take many markers. Their nature does not matter so long as they are categorically distinct and you have lots of each of them. Then, for each possible position of the board for one of the players, make a pile where you put a few of each marker representing each spot on the grid that is empty. You can then play a game with these piles of stuff. You play as good as you can, and when the piles are to choose, you simply pick an item randomly and place a mark accordingly. If the pile wins, you put back two of every marker used into their respective piles. If it's a draw, simply place them back. If it's a loss, remove the used markers.

Over time, the piles will lose the bad moves and retain the good ones. It starts to play better and better until it finally plays as good as the best of players. So you have taught piles of junk to play a game, and to play it good. For something more close to nature, this is comparable to evolution. The malfunctions that often cause sick children occasionally prove to be a 'good move' instead. These good moves are retained, and over time this improves the populace as a whole, much like the aforementioned piles getting better at the game. Like the training of the piles, this is of course a slow process, but is one you're trying to guide with your animal husbandry by yourself deciding which moves are 'good'. This is the point of another voice's talk of breeding only the friendliest cats – being friendly becomes a good move and so is preserved.

Enough about that, however. For the next item on our infinite bucket list, let me tell you about some ways to employ cannons. Firstly, a good cannon should be made out of iron, and care must be taken not to use too much black powder during its firing lest the forces be too strong for the cannon to withstand. I suspect the reason why your attempts struggled there was because you simply put in too much of it, and so your cannon was too weak to withstand the force. Moderation, I think, is a wise approach here.

You can, notably, load it with other things than just solid clumps of iron. For example, grape shot is a large collection of small iron balls, about the size of an eye, which are placed in the cannon with a suitably fragile container to keep them from escaping prematurely. When the cannon is fired, the small clumps will emerge in a cone from the front of the cannon. This is very effective at close range against infantry, and is one of the simpler things to fire. It should not, however, be used against most defensive walls, as the small balls will cause relatively little harm to structures. Canister shot is more advanced and effective, but you should start with grape shot, for it is simpler.

Another thing you can do is make explosive cannon shots. Instead of a normal cannon ball, you make one that is hollow. The space in the center, you fill with black powder, and then plug the gap you used to fill the ball with by using some sort of fuse. When the ball is fired, if the shot is properly made and the fuse proper, the shot explodes to cause more damage, especially against things like wagons, simpler fortifications or catapults as wood seldom handles such experiences well. The fuse itself can be an on-impact detonation thing by having the impact force be used to trigger the explosion (though that is a bit more complex) or, what I think you should do, a conventional fuse which is cut to approprate length depending on how distant the target is. The latter would then be ignited by the firing of the cannon. In either case, take care with this shot, for improperly done your own cannon can explode with more force than a normal misfire would cause.

Regrettably, it is only after speaking the last point that I realized someone else already had spoken about such. What is said is said and will not be taken back, so I shall let it be. More words on the matter could only improve your understanding, no?

Alas, I run short on time, and so must now cease my blabbering. Until next time, o undying one.
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Eeey Demon that stuff with the earwax was gross disgusting and poor joke. We can hear Bianca cannot see her.Bianca is undying so she probably looks like moving corpse but clean and without water and rot.

Devil Girl here!


[X] [Festival] Bianca's Palace

People would enjoy fun and drink and food but the festival can be more useful. Use festival to share more wisdom with people and between people. Show mechanical wonders and inventions and explain methods and talk with the FREE PEOPLE to improve faster and faster change their ways for the better. Around you home you have more singers and servants to help

[X] [Cult] Investigate personally

We are worried about weird rituals so Investigate personally but nobody wants you to overreact. Maybe there is nothing to punish. Maybe you would learn something interesting about spirits

[X] [Extension] The most promising singer

So I disagree with some VOICES. Makers of machines are useful people to reward and encourage and they should invent new stuff but the GREATEST GIFT possible to give a mortal should be for these people that you trust the most so SINGERS and the best Singer.

[X] [Potion] Enough for another, but let him try to gather for himself

Thats reasonable

And I refuse to vote for this imperialist war or meddling
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Firstly, a good cannon should be made out of iron,

Hmmm. Truly excellent cannon could be made out of high-quality steel, but such metal is beyond Bianca's current wisdom, I think. So I'm against saying that she should experiment with more iron cannons, or that, quote: "a good cannon should be made out of iron", end of the quote. When everything is perfect then maybe, but her people know iron for a pretty short time. As she said, for now bronze looks to be safer.
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Chiming in to say the story as interesting as always. Putting in the OOC, as ah, it would be weird for Bianca to read that. :V
Can we please postpone to the end of the day, I have had quite the trouble finding time to write.
[X] [Potion] Enough for another, but let him try to gather for himself

[X] [Cult] Investigate personally

[X] [Extension] The maker of the best reaping device in the next few years

[X] [Festival] Around the largest building the Burgeck have raised

[X] [Pettiness] Like before, bring only the chosen of the chosen, meet with the Host of Liavint, travel to Ekhaicvint, but this time with CANONS!

testing editing old posts to see how the collaborator permissions work; Testing another edit
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Hmmm. Truly excellent cannon could be made out of high-quality steel, but such metal is beyond Bianca's current wisdom, I think. So I'm against saying that she should experiment with more iron cannons, or that, quote: "a good cannon should be made out of iron", end of the quote. When everything is perfect then maybe, but her people know iron for a pretty short time. As she said, for now bronze looks to be safer.
This is true. However, bronze is also less sturdy, and so is inferior, if nevertheless better than wood. I suppose the better approach is to first make some cannons out of bronze and then expand to iron later. One thing I would not recommend is to fire iron grape shot out of a bronze cannon, for that, I feel, would be prone to damaging the cannon.
Maybe someone want to explain the seed drill? Or maybe something for production of cloth this time? *suggestion for anyone*
Stirling Engine
A heat engine is a mechanism that generates work such as the spinning of a wheel using the difference in temperature between two regions. An example of a heat engine is the alpha-type Stirling engine. It uses a spinning wheel to alternatively press and depress two plungers which in turn compress and decompress air. For the compression to work the air must be sealed away with no place to escape. The air travels from being compressed by the first plunger to decompress into the space provided as the second plunger retracts.

A plunger can be described as a cylinder which perfectly fits inside another hollow cylinder such that no air escapes when the plunger is pressed into the cylinder. The hollow cylinder should have another much smaller hole on the closed side for the purpose of connecting to the closed side of the other cylinder. Likewise, this smaller hole will have to be air-tight.

The plungers are positioned at ninety-degree angles to each other. One down and one on its side. The one on its side is the compression cylinder and will be heated while the one which plunges down will be the decompression cylinder and should be chilled.

The wheel is connected to the two plungers at the same point along its edge by the use of two pivoting levers. Each plunger is likewise connected to each lever by a further pivot. There are versions of this design that use additional pivots.

Presumably, the ice houses can be used for the cold side of the heat engine to generate work by a magical effect.
One last note on glassmaking: the issues with water casued by Soda Ash can largely be alleviated by adding quicklime to the glass. The resulting variety of glass is commonly referred to as Soda-Lime glass, and is particularly easy to work with, re-melt, and recycle. Generally, Soda-Lime Glass should be about 74% glassmaking sand by mass, with proportions of Soda Ash and Quicklime being varied as necessary to get the desired mix of clarity and water-tolerance.