Even Further Beyond [Complete]

[X] Mercy

Justice offers us no meaningful benefits relative to Mercy, and disappoints Baelixnaire more, so....
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While this is just a quest and not real, I do try to bring a certain moral seriousness with me when deciding on what to vote for. I think it makes for a more authentic questing experience.

Sure, that's a desire I can appreciate. The thing is, the second you introduce a topic like rape in a discussion related to punishment, the discussion will inevitably go donkey fuck in unpleasant ways.

The Fates have caused more suffering beyond what the realities of our world can allow for, their punishments should be similarly grandiose and unreal. At minimum, it's better to choose things like waterboarding or burning someone to death instead of an emotionally charged topic like sexual assault. Less visceral impact but also less potential for harm to bystanders.

I assumed no one in this argument was putting much thought into exactly what Vengeance or Justice actually entailed beyond the literary aspects or knock-on effects, or we'd all be voting Mercy in disgust. I'm honestly a bit alarmed to find that I was mistaken.

Yeah, while I'm still down for Justice since symmetrical punishment when the perpatrators were not coerced in some way or the other is fine with me, Vengeance is right out (unless we can get the Logos/Praxis in which case I'd say that this is a story and all the consequences involved are purely fictional so it doesn't matter, just give me my sweet fix of nerd lore).

Considering the future as to mass Embracing, I wonder if Elven Naturalism could reinforce the world so Stage 15 Vampires everywhere do not result in cosmic destruction?

I'm not sure even Stage 15 Naturalism would be sufficient to give the world transfinite durability. Stage 14 is as good as we'll get, if even that.
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In the abstract, Mercy has the issue that without new Ages it might be difficult to advance the peoples of the world. The Age system seems clearly designed to allow the advancement of the world even when it falls or stagnates, but have essentially been perverted by the Fates. In that case Justice would essentially be the best option to force them to actually do their job in the spirit of it.

Like an Age of Discovery, with the growth of sapients beyond the world and to distant stars.
I assumed no one in this argument was putting much thought into exactly what Vengeance or Justice actually entailed beyond the literary aspects or knock-on effects, or we'd all be voting Mercy in disgust. I'm honestly a bit alarmed to find that I was mistaken.

Bud your are actively trying to measure "right" amount of torture with your vote. Spare me your righteousness.

Nameless is neither merciful nor just. He is vengeful, lazy and likes Baen; as such leaving the Lich to his own devices is most obvious choice. That's all there is to it.
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In the future, I would prefer that you not offer voting options that we cannot discuss.

You can discuss it, just not in any way that might remotely constitute a violation of the rules of this site. If it's even in question, the thread could theoretically be locked for days, killing all momentum. Does this state of affairs kind of suck? No comment. Is there any practical solution to this, given that this quest was already on this site? Probably not.

That said, I'm pretty sure that Vengeance and the content of our current discussion on it is not over the line by a reasonable reading of the rules.
Other considerations:

Justice - We enslave destiny to do our empire's paperwork
Vengeance - Use the battlesuit to create a guy with the dao of paperwork

Immortal Ascension
Justice - We face the deadly confetti tribulation
Vengeance - Presumably nothing

Age of Blood
Justice - We'll have the best experts on fate to help us avoid it, or get both it and Immortality
Vengeance - No more ages, period

Our Ring Collection
Justice - Mass produce rings of arbitrary ages (over the longest of terms)
Vengeance - Due to the lack of ages, we cannot create more rings

[X] Justice
Do it for the rings, guys! Also, let's not torture people for eternity, what are we, the fates?

Bud your are actively trying to measure "right" amount of torture with your vote. Spare me your righteousness.

Nameless is neither merciful nor just. He is vengeful, lazy and likes Baen; as such leaving the Lich to his own devices is most obvious choice. That's all there is to it.
I mean if you want me to be direct about it, I'm considering it in an abstract mathematical sense of what's "fair", while you're gleefully describing elaborate torture scenarios in anticipation, and I think it's disgusting.
[x] Justice.

Revenge fantasies are boring. Anything possibly interesting in them was mined out well before the internet even existed.
I mean if you want me to be direct about it, I'm considering it in an abstract mathematical sense of what's "fair", while you're gleefully describing elaborate torture scenarios in anticipation, and I think it's disgusting.
What part of it is "gleeful", exactly? I merely proved patronizing "you don't understand" bullshit wrong, just as I'm pointing your hypocrisy of trying to virtue signal while trying to measure right amount of torture right now.

Like, don't project your feelings on Fates on me; I genuinely don't give a shit about Fates as they are not characters I care about. Their torture or lack of thereof is no concern of mine.

What I do care is Nameless and his friends. As such my vote goes towards option that is the best end for them. Suffering of Fate is of no importance to me.
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[X] Mercy

Revenge fantasies are boring, ironic punishments and messing around with the Heroine on the other hand are totally worth it.

Some disappointment in exchange for entertainment, although I prefer them all dead...
Mercy doesn't sound like a bad deal, being something most of our allies prefer - and it might apparently even make bonedaddy less disappointed in us than the Justice option if we spin this right. But it closes the road to making Artifacts! They were a major part of this quest, and I think Forging them is an activity Nameless enjoys quite a bit. That said, making our future Artifacts twisted and horrifying sounds right up an Overlord's alley, so maybe we can do that for a while even if we don't torture the Fates? Just for kicks.

Morally speaking, the decision isn't exactly difficult - it's just that Baenlixnaire was such an impressive and important character that his opinion weighs quite heavily in our minds, even when his desires run counter to our modern sensibilities and our other companions' viewpoints. He was the one to introduce Nameless to the greatness of the Diagram and bony immortality, so he's partly to blame for our Extrusion. Of course, we can resurrect him and his loved ones, so his burning desire for Vengeance might cool a tiny bit. Miracles do happen, right?

And as it has been mentioned, Suizhen didn't get her Vengeance, so it's quite unfair to her if we turn around and give our mentor his. We can afford to be as unfair and hypocritical as we want to with our power, but should we? I think that while Banelixnaire made great contributions to our final victory and was pretty cool all around, our other friends deserve to have input as well, since they've been with us all the way to the end. Even if it isn't their best pick, they'd still find Justice more palatable than the unspeakable horrors of Vengeance.

I'm still not sure I'll survive when bonedaddy calls us a disappointment, and giving up on the BPs hurts, but I suppose making the Fates deal with the Heroine will tide me over.

[X] Justice
What's the current vote count?

[X] Mercy

Revenge fantasies are boring, ironic punishments and messing around with the Heroine on the other hand are totally worth it.

Some disappointment in exchange for entertainment, although I prefer them all dead...

Mercy is actually the "kill them" option, Justice is the one you're looking for!

Also, I'm interested in scenes you guys'd like to see for the epilogue. Suggestions are welcome.
What's the current vote count?
Inserted as requested!
Also, I'm interested in scenes you guys'd like to see for the epilogue. Suggestions are welcome.
Personally I'd like to see Immortal Ascension, and what it would do.
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Make them summon more guys like us, because clearly nothing could go wrong.

Edit: Jokes aside, I really want to know what Immortal Ascension was about. And maybe go a bit more into the Logos?
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Mom alive, Tyranshal communicated with (home if he wants to come back, missing if the Accursed picked him up for some reason).

Peasants we've literally never interacted with, happy. Dad smug, grandad proud but a bit flabbergasted. Skeledad pouty and aimless, trying to find a new purpose.

Sandwich dao, infinite debt works, too smug about her success to be envious.

Council of protagonists rejects a new possibility because he's so fucking lazy.

Stuff like that.
What's the current vote count?

Mercy is actually the "kill them" option, Justice is the one you're looking for!

Also, I'm interested in scenes you guys'd like to see for the epilogue. Suggestions are welcome.
I prefer them all dead that's why I voted for Mercy over Justice... but I also like the ironic punishment and messing around with the Heroine so I support that option.

If they're all dead we don't have to think about them at all anymore... but if they're suffering Justice we can make them do things for us and be lazy and also entertain ourselves at the same time.

It's a tough decision but I like just killing them all more than ironic punishment and making them do things but on re-reading things and seeing new arguments I might swap to Justice.
Like an Age of Discovery, with the growth of sapients beyond the world and to distant stars.

There's not a whole lot to discover to be honest. Infinite speed and a complete lack of vital functions makes spacetravel pretty easy. Make some kind of pocket dimension and hand it over to a Diagram Mage volunteer to take randos around to see the stars. Tyranshal would've been ideal for this. Hopefully we can bring him back from the Outer Darkness at some point.

What I do care is Nameless and his friends. As such my vote goes towards option that is the best end for them. Suffering of Fate is of no importance to me.

From that perspective, while I doubt Xiaoling would give a shit, Rihaku's already indicated that Aurelia and Suizhen would probably not be down for the hyperatrocity, along with the entire Elven Nation.

Considering the fact that Baenlixnaire didn't even think we could do it and how our absolute power mean that the difference in epilogues with BP will be minor, I think pretty much everyone involved will be happier if we keep the Fates around as servants so we can gloat and mock them.

Also, I'm interested in scenes you guys'd like to see for the epilogue. Suggestions are welcome.

In no particular order

0. Us gloating to the Fates
1. The wedding between Aurelia and the Nameless One
2. Gods giving a loredump after we bring them back
3. Liefang, Shen and our mother's reaction to our absurd, impossible power when we come home
4. Kong fucking apologising to Suizhen
5. The Nameless visiting Earth to show his friends the sights and to maybe meme around
6. The reunion with Baenlixnaire and maybe Tyranshal
7. The state of the Empire as Aurelia, Xiaoling and Suizhen try unfuck things
8. Meeting some other Rihakuverse stuff, whether it be Cursebearers or other protagonists

Council of protagonists rejects a new possibility because he's so fucking lazy.

Pretty sure the Nameless has thoroughly outgrown the council by this point.

And on that note, lets bring out the ol' Rihaku tierlist again. While I don't think the Nameless Yong is quite yet ready to step to Odyssial, I'm guessing his infinite attributes and variety of esoterics put him at or above the Unconquered Sun's level, so I'd within two or three powergaps of Odyssial going all out. He might get within one powergap of Odyssial after he gets maxes out Necromancer, gets Incarnation and undergoes Immortal Awakening. Hell, at that point he might even be on the level, maybe. With that in mind, my guess is:

Hadrian, Rufus, Hektor, Abyssal Ulyssian, Haigara, Wu, Infernal Uly, Ryoshu, Nathor, Ishida, Seram & Control, Dr. Apocalypse, Solar Ulyssian, Arthur, Old Seram.

<Two Power Gaps>
Nameless Yong
<Two Power Gaps>
Dr. Apocalypse
<Power Gap>
Monarch Arthur
Solar Ulyssian
Infernal Ulyssian
Abyssal Ulyssian
Old Seram
Young Seram

Probably something like that.

the accursed is still an uncountable number of hypercosmic transinfinite metacardinal escalators away of course
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And on that note, lets bring out the ol' Rihaku tierlist again. While I don't think the Nameless Yong is quite yet ready to step to Odyssial, I'm guessing his infinite attributes and variety of esoterics put him at or above the Unconquered Sun's level, so I'd within two or three powergaps of Odyssial going all out. He might get within one powergap of Odyssial after he gets Incarnation, maxes out Necromancer and undergoes Immortal Awakening. Hell, at that point he might even be on the level, maybe. With that in mind, my guess is:

the accursed is still an uncountable number of hypercosmic transfinite metacardinal escalators away of course
Remember, post-IA, we get exponential stage gain via eating vampire essence. (Doubly exponential is pretty good! ...<looks at Cursebearers> we might be only one more cheat away from keeping up?...) Solars are still really really powerful, but having roughly "Stage Yes" power makes things easier, typically, even setting aside whatever Immortality gives. I wouldn't be surprised if Nameless ends up Odyssial-tier, at least as long as the eating vampires thing (or an equivalent, like using mastered Artifice and the aid of the Fates, if we enslave them, to let us make a pretty simple monster vault whose content monsters actually do have that much Essence) turns out to work.
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I want to see Nameless--in his victory, actually give himself a Name.

At any rate though, he's certainly established the foundation to hit the escalating spiral of infinite growth at this point that seems edemic in the Rihakuverse.
Hey @Rihaku if we take Justice and save the Age, can we overwrite the negative characteristics of the Age of Might, and thus its Ring? Or at least mitigate them to "stronger people command more respect" instead of "everyone's a sociopath now"?

Might be a neat far-future epilogue scene, when we finally allow the Age to change.
[X] Mercy
[X] Justice
*Future Artifacts crafted will be somewhat twisted and horrifying, though their function on a technical level will be similar.
This kind of choice would near-literally corrupt Nameless.
Also our waifus would be sad/terrified/morally disgusted over this kind of choice.

Bean can... well we can probably do something nice for him in the future, like let him command the Fates in Nameless' stead. An Age of his own, or maybe let him personally order Fates to shower in filth while singing peans on how pathetic they are? Not the greatest consolation, but it's there.
Also, I'm interested in scenes you guys'd like to see for the epilogue. Suggestions are welcome.

-What is Immortal Awakening?
-Past ages; tell me about them.
-I'd like to meet the Fates and see something of them, their character and what not.
-Describe where the Fates live. I love it when you describe things to me, and whatever celestial realm they live in sounds pretty cool.
-Throughout the story we see that the Fates are bound by fair and just rules. So this whole world seems to have been set in motion by a watchmaker god who made it and then abandoned it. Do we know anything else.

So combining all these into one scene: Nameless sits on the celestial throne and then holds something like the Hague trials. The Fates grovel and explain all their fuck-ups to him, in the process answering all my questions. We see them bicker with eachother, and see what grudges they hold against eachother and what sort of beings they are and what the Celestial realm is like. Then Nameless gives them suitable and ironic punishments (assuming Justice wins), or executes them if Mercy wins, or does whatever if Vengeance wins.
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Updated the last thread-marked character sheet. Colors are unfortunately broken though.
I know someone else posted another sheet a while back, but I haven't been able to track it down

Character Sheet, current as of To Shatter Heaven

Name: Nameless.
Age: 18
Combat Power: 16.5
Mastermind Points: ?
Beyond Points: 2
Heroic Passions: Spoiled, Vengeful

Sign: Knowledge

Tracking Pulse (self-developed, Sigil, not Mastered)

Essentially works like Trimurv's Greater Reckoning, but with a range of one kilometer and a duration of half a second. Not very effective at finding people beyond the Ego Barrier Stage, or Reagents suitable for the Reality Forming stage and above. Still, it's great for finding one's keys, or maintaining a encrypted library with no apparent lexical organization scheme.

Baenlixnaire's Deliberation (Grand, Mastered)

To know is simple, to understand is difficult. To memorize is simple, to internalize is difficult. The mind is the root and receptacle of all knowledge. And knowledge, properly acted upon, is power. By subconsciously cross-associating all elements of memory and heightening information-processing capabilities, this Diagram grants the truest facsimile of 'increased intelligence' that a Diagram Magus has heretofore achieved.

*Modestly improves overall effectiveness
*Automatically generate one Mastermind Point per (objective) month of intrepid adventuring or per (objective) timeskip year
*Once per year, convert Mastermind Points to Beyond Points (2:1) at will

Sign: Seeming

Illusory Guise (self-developed, Battle, not mastered) - For twenty-four hours, the caster or a humanoid target of his designation is clad in an illusion, a hologram of light and vibration that can mimic the form of any reasonable specimen in the humanoid spectrum. Cultivators of the Dao Cleaving stage and above may see through it.

Sign: Death

Mordant Fire (Sigil, Mastered) - Bolts of violet soul-flame sear away the essence of all ephemeral things. Launches up to twenty bolts per casting with mild homing properties. Burns life-force, attacks health and Cultivation base, objects deform and decay. Minor damage to Dao Cleaving Cultivators, semi-relevant to Soul Chrysalis, highly damaging to Organ Refining, lethal to Ego Barrier.

*Quantity of damage is completely irrelevant to targets of Reality Forming stage and above, but perhaps that can be improved...
*Directly attacking their Cultivation base causes most vulnerable Cultivators to fuck off

Lichdom (Grand, Mastered)

Immortality and a host of other effects. See Artifact (the Ring) for details.

Sign: Space

Open the Way (Battle, Mastered) - The character teleports to a location up to fifteen hundred kilometers away. Himself and up to four authorized individuals may be transported in this manner. Familiarity or at least general knowledge of the target destination is recommended. Repetitive casting of this Diagram quickly becomes progressively more onerous; fittingly, long-term transportation is best 'spaced out' over the course of a day.

Unlike many Battle Diagrams, this spell is quite difficult to disrupt. So long as the character remains conscious and in possession of their limbs, spell completion is likely.

Vault of the Ur-Pharoah - The Extrusion (Grand, Even Further Beyond, Mastered, True Alchemist) - It is said that the Ego Barrier of a sufficiently Cultivated self transmutes into a gradient of filtration. Having never undergone Titanic Ascension, Nameless knows little of the process, but understands enough to know that a linked Reality - typically the Titan's Inner Realm - is critical to that process. Nameless has no internal Realm, but he is hardly lacking Realms altogether...

The path of Heterodox Immortality promises power verging on the very limits of the comprehensible, but dare you take so brazen a path? To engineer a world, an entire reality for one's literal aggrandizement, a sword forged from an entire universe - what scope of hubris, what madness is this? Through such means an Immortal aspirant may develop a Titanic Extrusion without adhering to the Titanic path, thereby seizing the best of both worlds. But at what cost?

Truespell Inversion yields a 'Vault' superimposed upon local reality. This space is then compressed and merged via the Heart Rune with Nameless' Ego Barrier, creating a proper Ego Gradient. A Titanic Emanation and Extrusion can thereby be manifested, but this custom-built Realm is not entirely subordinate to Nameless. From adversity comes strength, that is the organizing principle of the Monster Vault, and so too is it here.

Nameless will develop the Emanation and Full Extrusion that most suits his true personality, but he is not guaranteed to like it. With work and understanding, he may someday come to develop the associated Incarnation as well. The manifest soul of a Titan stitched to an Immortal's might: what wonders and horrors might he manifest here?

*For moral and logistical reasons, this engineered Realm is likely to exist as a single being rather than a full civilization.
*Assuming you can find some other way to Cultivate quickly, the power of a weaponized universe harnessed towards utility and power amplification in a horrifically efficacious union.

Emanation - A constantly active aura surrounding the Titan's body. Influences reality around him, typically in a tactically advantageous manner, though the specific effect differs by Dao. The Ego Gradient in its typical state.

Extrusion - Titanic Ascension is the stage of Dominion, whereby the lesser reality without is suppressed by the greater Reality within. A Titanic Extrusion is an expression of that Dominion. It can take the form of a weapon, technique, or even sub-being from within the Titan's Reality. It embodies something about the Titan and their Dao, a physical representation of abstract qualities, and thereby has access to powers beyond the remit of ordinary Cultivators and their Reality Effects. Destruction of an Extrusion can damage the psyche for years.

The Gradient inverted, to expel rather than draw in, negative pressure to maintain a higher being's coherence within the lesser void.

Incarnation - The supreme form of the Titanic arsenal. Turned to the purpose of violence, it is a Dao made the self, and the self made a weapon. The Great Maker becomes the Gunstar, the man becomes the Dawn Caste. "I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

The Gradient becomes the Barrier again, drawn around him as armor, to hold and condense the fury of power within.

Sign: Stone

Kleinvarr's Greater Refining (Battle, Mastered) - This obscure but versatile spell upgrades the 'quality' of a non-Artifact object according to an unknown but generally intuitive standard. The object must be a solid that the character can comfortably hold in both hands. Unless the character understands the object intimately, results may seem underwhelming. Once cast, changes are permanent and not subject to dispellation. Further castings have diminishing returns, but even the reduction of minor imperfections provides a substantial boost to the effectiveness of Cultivation ingredients.

Baenlixnaire taught Nameless this spell when the young scion asked for an effect that could improve Cultivation reagents. The lich recalls master mage-smiths using this spell to turn the crude mass-produced blades of their apprentices into shining masterpieces.

Sign: Force

Unravel (Sigil, Mastered) - A precisely tuned onslaught of Diagram energy disrupts, dispels, and nullifies the effects of external magics. Swiftly rends the effects of other external schools. The arts of the Diagram are resistant to dispellation, but Sigils and Battle Diagrams can be weakened (if already cast) or countered (if being cast).

At this level, it is capable of weakening even the externalized Reality effects of high-level Cultivators. Such effects find their power roughly halved. Titanic extrusions may resist this.

Tyranshal's Amplification (Grand, Mastered, Beyond) - The vicious glyph laid by Tyranshal to entrap any Cultivator of strength sufficient and wisdom insufficient to breach his sanctum. Now defanged, this Grand Diagram of Force dramatically (but safely) amplifies the Energy of All and Nothingness generated by a Cultivator's internal realm, tripling Cultivation speed. Incorporated into the Chronoreactor.

Sign: Flesh

Alvan's Balm of Growth (Sigil, Mastered) - Cast daily on a plant, dramatically improves its vitality, ultimate size, and speed of growth. It has been established that Cultivation reagents experience a substantial bonus to potency. Many daily repeated castings are required lest the plant begin to backslide.

Baenlixnaire taught Nameless this spell after Nameless complained that Kleinvarr's 'Greater' Refining was useless.

Llewyn's Prodigious Might (Battle, Mastered, Beyond) - The caster's physical form swells with barely-restrained power. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, snatch a ballista bolt from midair, or snap a dragon's neck with a blow, this represents the apex of the Diagram's self-augmentation magic. The caster's flesh is perfected and enhanced to the point where they may fight on par with Cultivators at the peak of Soul Chrysalis. Should the caster be a Cultivator at or above that level, instead their bodily power is increased by one full Stage. Duration: Sixteen hours.

Ascendant Sign: Time

Haltsuphrect's Quickening (Battle, Mastered, Beyond) - Allows for perpetual x4 temporal acceleration of self (and allies, if willing to undertake strain) without side effects. Spell durations and recuperation from onerous spells continue to operate under objective time, though casting speed is accelerated.

Ascendant Sign: Blood

Tyranshal's Distillation (Battle, Even Further Beyond) - It was the insight of Sage Tyranshal that blood, essence of life, could be spent to empower the spells of the Diagram. But it was entirely theoretical speculation that this empowerment of the essence was not limited to the Diagram alone. For one who is Thrice-Great, the border between theoretical and actual is liminal indeed. Just as the Sign of Flesh can sculpt the material corpus, the Sign of Blood can alter and enhance the underlying quintessence, of which the physical form is but the grossest emanation.

Blood calls to blood. Recursive enhancement & distillation via abuse of the Nebula Battlesuit allows Nameless to reach a local optimum whereby the quality of his augmented blood is sufficient to support his corpus against its own overflowing strength. By concentrating the power in his blood to the limits of what his current form may bear, Nameless acquires the equivalent of two full Cultivation Stages in all aspects. Further, he reduces the costs of Tyranshal's Potentiation by a factor of ten. Emptying his entire blood supply allows him to an as-yet unprecedented stage of Potentiation, achieving five times the effect of the previous 100% draw. Integration of Nameless' blood within the structure of the Nebula Battlesuit improves its Loyalty modifier by + (to +++) and its power modifier by +.25 stages (to +.75).

Finally, in conjunction with the Necromancer Nameless may seed his blood within the veins of a willing or helpless character, elevating their physical and spiritual power to one stage below his own and granting them immense capabilities of regeneration, shapeshifting, and essence manipulation. Those so affected have their Loyalty to Nameless set to +++++++++ and may pass on their powers via a similar method, those each successive generation is diminished from the last.

Tyranshal's Potentiation (Grand, Mastered, Beyond) - The great sage Tyranshal crafted this, the quintessential 'Blood Reactor,' by which virtually any Diagram art can be augmented. Though it is not quite as efficient as later Battle and Sigil variants, its constant availability made it the Reactor of choice for those Archmages who saw frequent combat. That the spell draws its fuel directly from one's arteries and veins, rather than requiring tedious and time-consuming self-harm, is another notable benefit. Like most Blood spells, this one does not augment Grand Diagrams. Blood costs reduced by 75%.

The spell has three draw settings: 10%, 30%, and (safety-restricted) 100%

Stage 1, 10%: Spells that directly create attacks or defenses are doubled in power.
Stage 2, 30%: Spells that directly create attacks or defenses are dectupled in power, and other spells are improved by one 'step' (for example, Haltsuphrect's Quickening -> x5)
Stage 3, 100%: Spells that directly create attacks or defenses are improved by the equivalent of one full Cultivation stage, and other spells are improved by two 'steps.'

Ascendant Sign: Fate

Forge of the Nameless One (Grand, Mastered, Further Beyond)

A spell you developed to improve your powers of Artifice. By inscribing this Diagram upon your anvil, bellows or hammer, the caster can channel and re-shape the very stuff of Fate around the object being created. Substantially improves the efficiency, speed, and power of the essence invested and grants a moderate bonus to control. Forging speed is quadrupled and the resulting Artifacts are two (1.5 if effective level exceeds Grand Solipsism) full stages stronger. This Diagram is indestructible.

Ascendant Sign: Essence

Tyranshal's Cerebration (Battle, Mastered, Beyond) - When the stars are right, the caster plumbs the unthinkable vastness of the cosmos, combs through filaments of sun-stuff and fate-spun tethers of dross, drifts like a struck tuning-fork through the tenor of the celestial spheres, and arrives - irrevocably, inescapably, impossibly - at an answer. Scarce fragments of truth may he find, but know with a Sage's certainty that they are true, and moreover relevant to the caster's path.

Can be safely cast once per calendar year. Further uses incur a permanent and exponentially increasing cost in strength, selfhood, and sanity. Delivers accurate knowledge about any subject. The more information the caster already has to go on, the more effective this spell is. Likelihood of actionable intelligence is increased by having gone Beyond, and the minimum amount of information is tripled.

Tyranshal's Extirpation (Grand, Mastered) - A Grand Diagram of Essence that banishes a soul and attendant mind into the outer darkness beyond the reach of all material and worldly forces. They are then free to undertake an existence of contemplation. After the soul is cast out, destruction of the Diagram accomplishes nothing - they are already beyond the reach of such magics.

Final Sign: Truth

Azure Flare (Lesser/Sigil, Unlearned) - What is the Truth? That which is axiomatic and self-evident? But axiom is the spawn of assumption, self-evidence all too often the subject of argument. That set of statements upon which all can agree? But agreement is a merely a matter of politics, nothing but a proxy that points towards the real.

A Daoist might say that the only unassailable truths are those statements which are complete unto themselves: that "people sometimes disagree" is true, for any attempt at refutation would serve as proof. Slippery as truth is to define, humanity nonetheless has little trouble grasping its essence. A child or simpleton knows what truth is, how to act in its service, and how to stray. It does not take a Diagram Magus to see the truth, nor should it be for that thing called Truth.

Let the Truth be shown. Let it be apparent in the form of its wielder, in his every word, and his every deed.

*Grants the ability to speak like this.
*Truthsaying is extremely exhausting, drawing upon every reserve the character possesses - of mind, body, spirit, and even essence. Anything but the lightest of use will reverse Cultivation progress.
*The character may only speak those things which he believes with absolute conviction to be true, and which are also objectively true. He cannot use this function to 'test' statements for truth value.
*It is completely and self-evidently apparent to all who witness this speech that its contents are true. This is not a form of mental influence and cannot be overturned as such. It is simply the truth.
*Further study and mastery can improve Truthsaying endurance.

*The character may flare the blue of Truth, a brilliance too sharp to endure, and yet inescapable in sight or in thought. This is exponentially more draining than the function of speech. Most cannot withstand Truth bared and will freeze or flee; Cultivators regardless of power are as vulnerable as any other. While flaring Truth, lies cannot be spoken in the character's presence, and all illusions are laid bare.

*The character may act as Truth. This is exponentially more draining than the flaring of its nimbus. Unless the action taken is in accordance with the character's self and the principles of the Truth, this will likely extinguish the entirety of his essence before the action is even complete. While acting as Truth, the character's deeds are impervious to the interference of powers governed or represented by the lesser Signs. He can elevate a fated pauper or cast down a fated king; pre-empt or un-make Dooms as he sees fit; tear through the boundaries of the natural forces, or pull free his loved ones from the clutch of Death itself.

Truespell (Full/Battle) - Elevates a spell of the lesser signs. The mind of a near-mortal can only contain so many Truespells. Nameless estimates he will be able to hold three. Spells can be 'un'-slotted, but the effort is taxing, time-consuming, and drains essence proportional to the power of the spell. Casting a Truespell is draining in the same manner that Truthsaying is, though Sigil Truespells can be employed with reasonable regularity.

True Incarnation (Grand Diagram) - Who is the Ringbearer of the Age of Truth, its champion and avatar, its supreme and culminating incarnation? He is the Nameless Yong, Thrice-Great, Daoless One, Archmage of the Diagram Schools; Baenlixnaire's apprentice, Yong Liefang's child, Ming Xiaoling's dear companion, Kong Suizhen's faithful liege, a spoiled brat and capricious. Let no force, high or low, intrude on that true self; let nothing compel him to forget it.

*The character is impervious to esoteric attacks that affect the mind, including all forms of supernatural influence, including supernatural effects that 'count as' natural, such as Fated Loves.
*The character may voluntarily expend essence in an unrecoverable manner while forging Artifacts. The product of such artifice is considered a Magnum Opus and may access effects reserved for Magnum Opus-class Artifacts. Further, such Artifacts will grow alongside the user, maintaining relevance even in the face of innumerable ascensions.
*This forging permanently 'sets back' the character one stage's worth of Cultivation progress, and removes any unique features of that Stage. Stageless milestones removed in this way still penalize Cultivation speed by the appropriate amount, but do not reduce the character's ultimate potential.
*The character gains +.25 effective Cultivation stages worth of power for the Ego Barrier and Dao Cleaving stages, so long as they are compatible with Truth. Further bonuses may apply to future stages.
*Increases the number of Truespell slots the character can maintain.
*Significantly reduces the cost of flaring and acting as Truth, should the character possess Azure Flare.
Ego Barrier - Absolute (Beyond), [Heart] Rune
Organ Refining - Perfected Heterodox (Beyond), [Sacral] Rune
Soul Chrysalis - Purified Orichalcum (Beyond),[Third Eye] Rune
Dao Cleaving - All Paths (Even Further Beyond)
Immortal Ascension (Not yet attempted)
+1 effective stage for determine growth rate

Emanation of the Final Scion - The Veil of Maya

This emanation can be modulated to range from a city-sized radius to one encompassing an entire galaxy. All characters within its range receive an increase to their worldly and intellectual pleasures and to the intensity of all emotions experienced. The Nameless one fled Earth and the grey banality of its office corridors. Never again will he return. The only source of sensation not subject to the Veil of Maya is that cultivated by enlightenment itself, but who has time to cast away the world when it is ever so alluring?

The increase can be adjusted, from 50% to 2000%. It cannot be turned off, worsening Spoiled by an amount proportional to the amount of increase, and as a 'positive' effect bypasses many mental defenses. All within the radius including the Cultivator are affected to some extent. Higher levels may cause society to descend into an anarchy of indulgence and vice. Elven societies are resistant.

Nameless receives a 90% cut of all Cultivation progress that would have been made, but was prevented due to the Veil's presence. The more distracted the world's Cultivators are, the more thoroughly chained by desire, the greater his power swells.

*Most populations don't contribute a noticeable Cultivation increase, but affecting someone like Suizhen, the Heroine, or Zang Kong could lead to significant gains.
*The effect falls off with distance and is strongest near the source, causing his presence to be associated with the inflaming of all pleasures. Alas, if only he could turn it off. (?)

Extrusion of the Final Scion - The Necromancer

The Necromancer is the Sage of Vices, who marries the essential energies of life and death to infuse his flesh with unnatural power. He crosses those lines that are forbidden, exulting in ploys and machinations, wielding influence through his mastery of the sacred and profane. His arrival precipitates turbulence, vast and often destructive change. He is no stronger to deceit and sees clearly to the fallen nature of men. He is the dark alchemist, who explores the bounds of the heterodox with fearless stife. But though he is inclined more to the fallen than to the light, he is ultimately a liminal being, straddling the line between the permissible and the unforgivable. With one hand he slays, and with another, restores.

This Extrusion takes two forms: A double-helix scepter of white ivory with corrosive violet-blue energy at its core, and a lich of Nameless' exact stature clad in decaying finery. Wielding the scepter dramatically worsens the Vengeful Heroic Passion.

The power of this Extrusion is power over Death, interpreted through the lens of Titanic mastery, elevated by an Immortal's might. This is not a Sign of the Diagram with its formal and predictable constraints, but rather conceptual mastery on the level of Yong Shen's command of the elements. He who wields the Scepter may slay with a gesture (contested by the essence of the target); witness, bind, and compel the spirits and bodies of the dead; combine, transfigure, and mutilate the undead in almost unlimited variations; siphon life by gaze or touch; unmake virtually anything; arise as an undead shade and subsequently resurrect the self; transfer years of lifespan between targets; trap and enslave the souls of one's enemies; infuse the self, body and spirit, with power beyond all natural bounds of life; and many other effects besides. Practice is required to develop the full range of one's abilities.

*Practically speaking, mastery over its faculties of offense and defense enhances the Cultivator's Combat Strength by two full stages in addition to its innumerable utility applications.
*Reanimation and resurrection of those slain by essence depletion are possible, but requires much practice and an equivalent quantity of essence to transfer. If the target perished while forging a Magnum Opus, their power of Binary Magic cannot be returned.
*With sufficient mastery, can directly transfer Cultivation progress from targets to oneself (or vice-versa) with minimal losses in efficiency. A truly terrifying power...
*Can un-diminish diminished Elves, but spiritual perfection prevents diminishment (essence extraction) of un-diminished Elves
*Reanimation of dead gods should be possible if they can be found. Control may be another matter.

When manifest as the lich, the lich gains all these powers instead, though it cannot act against Nameless. Skills practiced by the lich are retained by the wielder of the scepter. The lich develops Death-related skills at a far greater rate than Nameless and will be necessary for practical use of the scepter's full powers within any reasonable timeframe.

Incarnation of the Final Scion - Presumably this will be suitably impressive, if Nameless can figure out how to unlock it.
Binary Magic: Artifice, enhanced by Forge of the Nameless One.

  • Thrice-Great - Grants ability to use otherwise incompatible magics of Cultivation, Artifice and Diagram. User is granted genius level of aptitude in each of these craft, rivaled only by greatest users in their history.
  • Truth Seeking Eyes - Although the lie underdeveloped, the Eyes of Kong hold the potential for great power. Keeping the eyes perfectly integrated reduces True Regeneration speed to 1/4th the original.
  • Daoless - The Daoless One cannot be truly bound by any path, be it his own or that of any other. Upon the conclusion of any episode in which a Drawback substantially disadvantages him, he may choose to discard it. This applies even to those Drawbacks created by [A Throne of Stars] or [The Fates], such as his vulnerability to death by Age's ending.
  • Pseudo-Lich - improves action efficiency without impairing the bodily sensations that maintain one's humanity. No longer requires food, water, or sleep and will not age past physical maturity.
  • Skill in combat on the level of a Great Sect assassin.
Phial of Aurioum - Magnifies dramatically the beneficial effects of self-modifying materials ingested. Has expired.

The Jewel - A miscellaneous Artifact used to fuse the soul of the lich Baenlixnaire to Nameless.

The Ring of Truth (Opus) - Mightiest and most classic of the Artifact forms, the forging of a Ring is never to be undertaken lightly. A Magnum Opus clad in this form is the only object that might properly be called a Ring of Power, and each Ring so forged is nothing less than an Age of the World made manifest. He who slips Ring on to finger feels blue-blooded essence sluicing through desiccated veins; dreams once more of shining towers; breathes once more the air of the Diagram ascendant - the air of a realm that once was, first blazing season of man's triumph, where the mind could expand without limit, and the truth could slay with a word.

The Ring of the Diagram is a band of white silver holding an ice blue sapphire of elongated marquis cut within a slender lattice of solid diamond. The power of the Ring is The Age of Truth, doubling the efficacy of Beyond Points spent on Diagram Magic and providing a host of benefits relating to the incarnation of an Age. Inscribed on the band in the High Script of the Magus Conclave: "All our glories, we pass on to you."

*Hastens the Doom of the remaining magi; the Ring of an Age ought not be forged until the last of its sons passes from this earth.
*Haltsuphrect's Quickening is now a x4 rather than x3 acceleration (+1 -> +2); Avolen's Lunar Sarcophagus grants a x70 rather than x40 boost (+30 -> +60).
*You are still required to spend the Beyond points necessary to achieve the effect; Going Further Beyond still takes 3 points; Even Further Beyond still 10.
*The bearer can cast Diagram Magic and is immune to the offensive Diagrams of others. This effect persists regardless of the world they find themselves in, even a Legacy Realm which seals such magic or which is a permanent anti-magic zone, and regardless of whether they would normally be barred from such (Cultivators, Elves, etc). Even if they were to travel to an Age before the Diagram even existed, still they would be able to cast.
*Those who witness it intuitively understand that the Ring is very valuable, a precious thing to be coveted. The light of Truth outshines any illusion, making it difficult to conceal, and its wielder immune to illusions from any type of magic.
*Gain the power to speak like this. Causes practitioners of Diagram Magic to feel an urge to defer to the bearer; this is natural. Should you desire access to Truth itself, you may go Even Further Beyond [7 Beyond Points] to do so.

The ring is almost incalculably durable, even more so than the other Artifacts, but unlike them, it can be stolen and its power used against you. Like the others, it is your Phylactery; unlike them, it is not necessarily so, though undoing such a work would be the quest of an Age.

Respawn time: seven days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries... (resets per Age)
Regeneration: Moderate and Fortifying - body does not count as dead until thoroughly destroyed (reduced to a quarter of its default strength)

[Heart] Rune - An Artifact created to augment the character's Ego Barrier, but also the central seed of an Artifice array intended to harmoniously re-arrange the character's body and inner universe into a supreme Grand Diagram with unknown but titanic powers.

Strengthens the character's Absolute Ego Barrier, granting 'durability' equivalent to the Layered Absolute Barriers stage, though a single incomparably powerful barrier has both advantages and downsides. This allows the character to operate as if his Cultivation base were half a stage higher for all purposes except Stage-specific effects.

Additionally, the character's Ego Barrier gains a fierceness and ductility that makes him terrifying in battle; the sheer concentration of his power sufficient to rend and repel the attacks of Cultivators many times more powerful than he.
  • Grants +.75 stages to combat power so long as effective level does not exceed that of Reality Forming.
  • Grants +.5 stages if instead it does not exceed that of Grand Solipsism.
  • Grants +.25 stages to characters of Titan-equivalent or greater power.
[Sacral] Rune: The character's body generates Diagram-viable blood at four times the original pace, roughly neutralizing the impaired True Regeneration from Suizhen's Eyes for purposes of the Blood Sign. +.25 additional stages for purposes of resisting esoteric attacks upon the body.

[Third Eye] Rune: Spiritual fortification, while imperfectly correlated with the reservoir that Diagram spells draw upon, nonetheless does offer improvements to casting stamina. Nameless' spell capacity for Battle and Sigil Diagrams is tripled. +.25 additional stages for purposes of resisting esoteric attacks upon the soul or destiny.

The Chronoreactor - Forged to enhance Haltsuphrect's Quickening, the Chronoreactor allows Nameless to passively acquire the Energy of All and Nothingness at a multiple* of his current rate without the need to Cultivate actively. Chronoreactor is combined and integrated with his Tyranshal's Amplification Artifact to turn into a highly-durable breastplate that lets you transfer protection and benefits to others.

*Dao Cleaving: 2.5x, Reality Forming: 2x, Above: 1.5x. 4.0 to 4.9 in only 1.4 months! That's 8 Titan-Grade Artifacts per year (or 4 Stage "8" Artifacts per year), and you can do other stuff while Cultivating.

Regalia of the Knight-Errant - A runic lace of silver and sky-blue, an implant not unlike your own Perfecting Artifacts, to placed above her Throat chakra. The sapphire at its heart would be a jewel not unlike the one that adorns your Ring. This Artifact will allow Suizhen to Go Beyond Ego Barrier. It also grants limited but powerful shapeshifting capabilities, allowing Suizhen to disguise herself without illusions - or, yes, improve her looks to the peak of human attractiveness. In battle, she can alter her musculature, grow bone plating, and cause neural proliferation at will, granting her the equivalent of Further Beyond Organ Refining for combat purposes. The Eyes of Kong cannot be shifted away. Total boost +.75 stages for combat, +.25 stages for general use, plus the utility effects of perfect humaniform shapeshifting - after implantation she will have no true form, so her shapeshifting cannot be dispelled by Diagram or Reality effects.

The Lover's Oath - Preserves a minimum level of Loyalty determined by their feelings on the date of marriage. A human can only love as a human, but the power of the Thrice-Great is greater than love or humanity.
Nameless' Loyalty level at date of marriage: +++++
Aurelia's Loyalty level at date of marriage: +++++++

Nebula Battlesuit (True Opus) - This form-fitting bodysuit seems drawn from another epoch entirely, its angular inscriptions and slate-gray coloration more reminiscent of a neuromantic dystopia than any iteration of the classical world. In movement, it trails neon-blue streaks like headlights in time-lapse, a searing incandescence that hangs in the cornea, its stripwise impressions bright as the naked sun. Its faceless plasticine helm strobes a still-more-fearful shade of blue, the stone-bleaching azure of Truth stripping bare all illusion and pretense. Stars sprayed like a contrail of dust shift and gleam across its surface in battle, trillions upon trillions - the night sky gathered in full, now harnessed into a single constellation, dancing to the baton of the Thrice-Great.

The Battlesuit is a combat vestment of nearly immeasurable power. Those who its maker deigns to authorize find their strength elevated to heights that would make a Titan weep. It is not only the body that is thus reinforced; one's mind, spirit, and even Dao are augmented to beyond the limits of wonder and sanity.

*S/he that dons the Battlesuit finds her Combat Strength elevated to half a stage above Nameless' own.
*For this purpose, Nameless' Combat Strength is considered to be the greater of:
**His Combat Strength while forging this item, OR
**His present Combat Strength, not counting the effects of this Artifact should he be wearing it.
*This holistic enhancement increases the character's physical, mental, and spiritual attributes, as well as the development of her Dao. Characters without a Dao spontaneously manifest an appropriate Reality Effect. These effects are of tremendous utility and apocalyptic scope, as would befit a Dao of the character's new level.
*While the Battlesuit is worn, the character finds it natural to act even against their own Dao in service to the Battlesuit's creator, should it be necessary. Effective Loyalty increased by ++, to a maximum of ++++++++++, and Loyalty cannot be reduced while the suit is worn. Those without a minimum Loyalty of +++++ to the creator cannot wear the Battlesuit.

*The Battlesuit provides general life support for virtually any environment or hazard, including esoteric realities or exotic forms of metaphysical harm, but can be partially retracted at any time to allow for consumption of food/drink, elimination of waste, etc.
*However, the Battlesuit cannot be removed without the creator's permission.
*At any time the Battlesuit's creator may slay the Battlesuit's wearer without resistance, or strip them of any amount of power.
*The creator may wear the Battlesuit themselves for a generalized half-stage boost.

*You can give it to Aurelia, Suizhen, Xiaoling, or even your mother! Sit back and relax while someone else does the dirty work.
*Realistically speaking, since the Battlesuit does not confer actual fighting skill, Suizhen would be the obvious choice.
*Have someone to guard the world's empires while you are fighting - or perhaps you can stay behind and stand watch while they bring the battle to your foes.

The Constellation - A merger of the Jewels of Conquest, Prowess, Insight, and Harvest, a wireframe constellation that traveling the length of his left arm to his shoulder.
*+0.25 stages, can absorb the fates to torture them for eternity.
The Noble Lady (Second) - Vampire
Ming Xiaoling has deigned to allow you to escort her for a tour of the Southern Provinces. She is a Cultivator of some skill, and is very interested in pursuing ancient Legacies and Secret Dungeons. As a fellow member of the Great Clans, her influence is the equal or superior of your own. Finicky, exceptionally beautiful, cantankerous and spoiled, she insists on traveling with her overlarge luggage and despises camping out. As she has no real female friends and Nameless is one of the few peers that can handle her, she is loyal to him if only out of necessity (and desire for Beyond Stages).

Line of Ming - To stand against one Great House is ill-conceived; to stand against two is folly.

*Her father is the Patriarch of Ming, she only has one elder sister. She is third in line to the Trade Throne of Ming
*A Half-Elven bastard whose ears have been partially filed down, smuggled into the line of inheritance by her doting father.
*Qualifies as an Elf for purposes of using Artifacts. Elvish Charisma grants large bonus to social checks.
*Cultivation speed slightly impaired
*As a Half-elf, her higher base parameters make her considerably more potent (a full half-stage) than her frame, combat skill, and Cultivation level should imply.
*Beyond Stages in Ego Barrier, Organ Refining, and Soul Chrysalis. Knows the secret arts of Ming. Pretty useful both in and out of combat.

*Suspicious and perceptive, sixth sense for ill intentions and will help you talk through complex social situations
*She also adds the Coffers of Ming to relevant trade checks, greatly heightening your purchasing power for major items
*Gets along well with Nameless, but her cattiness demoralizes other female Lackeys

The Genius - The Sky-Spitting Sword, wielder of The Nebula Battlesuit, Vampire
Kong Suizhen is a prodigy of the Age, having attained (and promptly sacrificed) the peak of Reality Forming at only 15. Her skill with a blade is matched only by her ruthlessness in battle. Despite this, she has a pleasant and even-tempered disposition, though sometimes prone to an unsettling level of focus. She enjoys, but is embarrassingly bad at, flower arrangement, tea ceremonies, and other traditional pursuits of the noble lady. She seems indifferent to Cultivation, yet practices it with a mercilessness and drive that borders on insanity.

Heaven-Sent - Accelerates advancement speed, stacks with Lieutenant.

*She hails from an obscure and disfavored branch of Kong whose fief was devoured by monsters; marriage would be scandalous
*Believes in truth, justice, and the Imperial Way
*Completely useless outside of combat, will spend literally all her time training
*Kong Zang killed her father; seeks revenge and stridently opposes practitioners of Forbidden Techniques.
*Fanatically devoted to Nameless, with a 95% chance to resist any Loyalty- effects. Automatically accepts Forbidden Technique usage on behalf of Nameless or his allies, can try to talk her out of killing Zang Kong without Loyalty penalties.
*[Truth Seeking Eyes], can achieve Beyond Stages as if she were a Diagram Magus.
*Base of Reality Forming, +.75 stages from Regalia of the Knight-Errant (Beyond in Ego Barrier and equivalent of Further Beyond in Organ Refining).

Aurelia, Twilight's Majesty - Majesty's Ringbearer, Vampire?

Beneficence - The Ring of Majesty conveys both the authority to rule, and the aptitude. Its wielder shall be a paragon of their kind, essence compounded upon essence. All attributes amplified by a degree scaling with their original values; thus, a highly talented individual would become stunningly so, while a mediocre one would remain mediocre. This transformation is permanent and nonmagical and thus not vulnerable to dispellation or Ring-theft once the Ring has bestowed its gift. Effect is stronger for female Ringbearers.

*As the Seventh Crown Princess was already considered Fairest among the highborn and a generations-spanning genius, this effect elevates her attributes to incredible levels. Her physical strength and durability are still nowhere near the level of a high-level Cultivator, however.

Glory - The Ringbearer's preferred means of communication (speech, written, or body language) is elevated to supernal perfection. This transformation is permanent in the manner of Beneficence. While employing their preferred means of communication, the Ringbearer is capable of communicating with and persuading otherwise unreasonable beings. For example, she could attempt to defuse a character in the throes of a Heroic Passion, or convince a Titanic Cultivator to act outside their Dao.

The Ringbearer may flare Majesty, causing all who perceive her to be struck by overwhelming waves of love and despair. This bypasses most defenses and subordinates the weak-willed. One who has Mastered the Ring of Majesty may transfer ownership of the Ring to a descendant of their direct line. Thus, it is one of the few Rings capable of possessing multiple true Ringbearers.

Scorn - Mere force of arms cannot overturn true Majesty; gross matter cannot overcome its truth. Attenuates incoming physical and esoteric attacks. This effect grows exponentially stronger the more powerful the attack is relative to the Ringbearer. Combined with Elven spiritual perfection, the Ringbearer is all but invulnerable to assault, except for relatively weak attacks. Those who fail to discover this counterintuitive weakness may find themselves unable to harm the Ringbearer. Effect is stronger for male Ringbearers.

None may benefit from the Ring of Majesty save its rightful Ringbearer, as it has been mastered.
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