Ugh, this setting is just so fucking bleak.
Anyway, writing on the wall here. I'm pretty sure we're going to have to sacrifice ourselves to avoid our entire polity of what seems like the last humans in the universe from getting destroyed by the infinite power of evil. What, and the whole "We're going to suicide on a superior enemy fleet in their own territory out of what amounts to being spite", and nobody really considered surrender until everything was already dead thing. Like, it's actually depressing how literally nobody on the opposite side has been portrayed as anything but a psychotic zealot who exists for nothing more than murder and destruction, and they're sufficiently good at indoctrination that they can create shit like, well, North's sister.
We might have had a chance beforehand, but we've basically shunted all of our losses onto the mecha force over the course of the game, reasoning that "We can replace them, that's their job, right?" And now we're finding out in the finale that "no, actually, you can't, we're down to the point where we can only maintain maybe a skeleton CSP now and most of our elites have been spent at this point."
Like, I'm moderately sure that the final "Here's what you lose choice" is going to involve
"You personally manage to avoid death"
"Perbeck and some of her squad are not killed"
"The Titanium Rose is not destroyed"
"You do not fail to destroy the enemy fleet"
And we get to choose maybe one of these, two on the most, and one of those has to be spent to actually have our side survive until they send three more fleets stronger than this one to finish us off, as their morale level has been established over the course of this story to be "As required or needed to achieve our goals, one of which is your complete genocide as a people"
Because this is what happens in a carrier setting when one side has strike craft and the other side does not. The side that doesn't have them gets annihilated.
This story just breaks my heart because I've seen where it was going for a long time, but the characters are just too good to ignore it and write it off like I do most tragedies, and I hate it for that even as I keep reading every update.