Character Sheet
Chaotically Inclined
- Location
- Ohio
- Pronouns
- Anything non-rude.
Infamy: Feared. Once the people of Atlantis realize what you are and why you are created, they will fear you. Most of them, anyways.
Gain Rate: Due to your nature as a mythical creation of the Gods' themselves, your infamy will rise at the utmost of rates.
Stats: The stats shall be added to the character sheet once I have the chance. Hunger is how hungry the shark is. The more she has eaten, the better she will be able to perform. HP is generally how much damage the shark is capable of taking. Strength, Intelligence, and Willpower are the only stats that we shall be keeping track of and one of them is capable of modifying every single roll that this quest shall entail.
Hunger: 500/????
HP: 1,500/?????
Strength: Strength based rolls will have a +10 modifier to them in your favor. This stat can and will fluctuate depending upon your hunger, health, and the progress made through the quest. Current minimum modifier is +5. Current maximum modifier is unknown.
Intelligence: Intelligence based rolls shall have a +20 modifier to them in your favor. This stat is currently static, though it is liable to change when unlocking new traits during the duration of the quest.
Willpower: Willpower based rolls will have a +5 modifier to them in your favor. This modifier can only be increased as the quest progresses, even throughout reincarnations of the shark.
- Mythical Beast - You are a product of the Gods of this world. And therefore, you are their favored champion of the seas. Adds a bonus to all rolls when attacking anything that is not natural to the sea, depending on what it is you are after.
- Albinism - Due to your mythical nature, you have been uplifted as different than other great white sharks. You are the only albino shark. This also makes sneaking up on surface dwelling prey more difficult as you do not bear the natural camouflage that other great whites have. Bears a negative to all stealth rolls.
- Fury Re-InCarnate: As a creation of the Gods of the seas, your spirit is everlasting, and your soul, restless. Regardless of if your mortal form dies, you will be back. Quest Loss Condition Omitted: Death.
- Temporary Trait : Hungry - You've fed in the past days, but with your now advanced size and intelligence, you need more sustenance than usual.
Theme: Could it have been anything else?
Known NPC's:

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