Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Holy shit, just checked out what Hannes gua Britannia was from. It's the side material Code Geass: Fragments of the Mosaic, and jesus fuck the guy is a freak canonically.

spark note of it:
The guy is pushed by his mother to reach for the throne, but he's not that impressive so she and the maids often beat him. 15 years of beatings leads him to develop a fear of women, and when he pushes away a girl she falls and gets hurt*. He then has a revelation that crippled women can't hurt him, so he chops the girl's limbs off. Which he finds beautiful or something. As time goes on he proceeds to do the same to his 10 wives (that is, chop all their limbs off).

He was gonna do it to another girl, but a geass user killed him before that could happen.
*I'm pretty sure the girl is implied to tried to have sex with him when he didn't want to or something
Yes, Hannes is actually a character from a fringe piece of CG canon. He's not an OC, at least in spirit.

Pretty obviously, he won't be going down that road unless shit gets really bad. Even if he's not the PC, so don't feel obligated to pick him, but his mother is kind of putting pressure on him to succeed against long odds.

As Blonddude42 posits, there isn't really a 'dump stat' in this quest so much as 'if I can't do it, I should find people for it.'

All six stats are necessary in some way for your PC to, at the very least, be playable. Dumping a stat runs the serious risk of being blindsided by a problem you aren't equipped for. In the case of weak stats in a given area, your choices will be to gain Traits which use your strengths to cover those weaknesses, build your weak stats up to not be much of a penalty, or hire someone (hopefully loyal) to cover any problem areas for you.

That said, I encourage players to to play to their PC's strengths. At least initially, the choice of PC will dictate what you're good at and where you can excel.


Lelouch will be best used gathering information and developing tools/technology/strategies to see victory. He'll be a good character for small delicate (black) operations or building a tech empire.

Euphemia has the potential to be Schneizel 2.0 in a lot of ways, if played correctly. High diplomacy can be extremely useful if you want to move the pieces into place to win without fighting at all.

Carine would be best setting up an army group in a problem area and turning it into a pacified gold mine. That said, she'd likely do it on a mountain of corpses, so playing her isn't for faint of heart.

Hannes should stay out of the spotlight for a while. Ideally, he should go heavy into finance and have everyone financially obligated to him before they can do anything about it to win.

...again, though, you've got time. There isn't a ticking clock in this quest. Unless something goes drastically wrong, Charles has another 20 years on him before health concerns start settling in. On the other hand, while becoming Emperor/Empress is the ideal outcome for eventual plans, it's not absolutely necessary depending on how the quest goes. Lots of possibilities to advance your interests as the PC.
[X] Carine ne Britannia

I have to say Carine is the most interesting one. We saw of Euphemia through the anime, same for Lelouch who's the protagonist. Hannes is predictably the ignored young prince low in the line to the throne that will eventually rise up under our control.
Although, from what I see Carine is unlikely to win, unfortunately.
[X] Euphemia li Britannia

Edit: So i changed mine due to the fact that we arnt smart enough to play Lelouch
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As Blonddude42 posits, there isn't really a 'dump stat' in this quest so much as 'if I can't do it, I should find people for it.'

Would you say Schneizel is a good example of this? He seems the type that's built himself up to not be really weak anywhere, but I've always gotten the feel that his trick was talking to people and having good subordinates. Admittedly, I'm almost certain there's a bit of fanon messing with my view, but it's hard to really say what was canon for a lot of characters when a fair bit is open to interpretation and variation based off what parts are considered canon.

Also, what's your view on the amount of "murder the other contenders for the throne" business going on? I've seen interpretations where if the Prince/Princess can't name their entire staff and has assurance of their loyalty they're a prime assassination target, but I've also seen interpretations where they don't really need to worry about unless they actively antagonize people it since Charles enforces a policy of "no killing family for the purpose of succession"*.

And as another side material check (sorry, I'm a Code Geass fanboy), what's your opinion on Nunnally? Specifically if she's genuinely a nice person or if she just got used to wearing the mask of one. I like both interpretations myself, but I tend to lean towards the mask one since it fits nicely with the themes of much of the show.

*I actually like this policy since it's Canon that he came to power by ending a very bloody succession crisis, and lost at least his mother (but some parts include his father) to an assassination attempt. Although I usually see that way enforced by him making liberal use of Geass and sometimes talking to dead people (which I don't know if that's canon or not).
Also, what's your view on the amount of "murder the other contenders for the throne" business going on?
Charles' reign is at its highest peak at the moment, none would dare challenge him in virtually any substantive way, which definitely includes killing his kids. Above and beyond the potential death of a royal at a time of (as close as it gets to) peace and tranquility among the royal family, it would be seen as a slight against Charles himself, one which he would be obliged to bring the hammer down on, hard.

Especially if it was one of his own kids.

At the moment, the PC has intuited the mood as, "There's little to gain and everything to lose," by being the first to break the uspoken peace between themselves. That means no direct assassination attempts unless they are deniable on a level even God himself isn't sure who did it. If Charles suddenly died due to a European assassination or a heart attack or something, all bets are off. Massive power struggle ensues. Bloodbath free-for-all.

That said, attacks on one of the royals assets, such as businesses, finances, material possessions, and even associated friends or the family thereof isn't out of the question. Again, killing is a little too far, but you can humiliate them. Impoverish them. Harass them. Pay the press to demonize them. You can even leave their favorite horse's head in their bed as a message. All of these things and more are okay, as long as you're not caught red-handed.
And as another side material check (sorry, I'm a Code Geass fanboy), what's your opinion on Nunnally?
This isn't a question I can answer in-quest until the PC is chosen. If Lelouch is picked, I can go into more depth. Euphemia would know a (different) bit as well. Carine and Hannes wouldn't know much at all, though.
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[X] Carine ne Britannia

Taking a minor inconsequential villain and making them competent enough to fulfill their ambitions appeals to me.

Especially someone as War focused as Carine.
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[X] Carine ne Britannia

Could be a cool start. Always willing to try out new things. Also it gives Slayer a chance to stretch his worldbuilding and characterisation muscles. He writes some great original characters.
Current Tally has Lelouch leading by a single vote.

I'll be turning in for the night, but I'll be back on later. As it stands now, there are at least 12 hours from the time of this post until I call the vote. We'll see what things look like later.

Until then, feel free to post speculation and ask questions, I'll get back to you when I can.
[X] Lelouch vi Britannia

My first decree as Emperor will be found cyborg research.:p

Go full SB/SV actually viable tactic in this verse.
[X] Lelouch vi Britannia

It was between Lelouch and Hannes. Let's be honest, these guys play to the main style of SV. Most of the time we go learning or stewardship first of worry about the military afterwards.