Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X] Euphemia li Britannia: 7th in line for the throne, born of a duchess and possessing an older sister who is an obviously more likely candidate for the throne. The combination of a compassionate temperament and friendship with the vi Britannia line makes it unlikely you will rise to the challenge.
[X] Euphemia li Britannia: 7th in line for the throne, born of a duchess and possessing an older sister who is an obviously more likely candidate for the throne. The combination of a compassionate temperament and friendship with the vi Britannia line makes it unlikely you will rise to the challenge.
[X] Hannes gua Britannia

Being under the radar is always a huge boon when you don't have a secure power base. Having a high diplomacy also means that we can reach out to our other siblings with a high chance they won't smack us down for it.
"Take, for example, South America. It is a recently Britannian conquest, one which still offers some token resistance to our rule. However, by and large, the population has risen to greet us with welcome arms. Do you know why this is?"

You frown, but shake your head.

He nods. "It is because our arrival heralded the dismantling and removal of their race-based social segregation known to them as Apartheid.

Was Apartheid in South America for this AU (and was it somehow a recent conquest) or do you mean South Africa

Mother has explained outside the formal power structure of the government as part of my training to possibly inherit the throne. Will I still be expected to stay within the confines of the law in doing so?"

It might just be me, but the phrasing felt weird here. Almost like it was missing a few words

The emperor cited a number of skirmishes between the two native factions which had crossed the border as a casus belli and forgive Agnes exceeding her authority by fait accompli.

Minor correction, I think you want "forgave" or some other pasted tense of the word rather than "forgive"

-High Learning/Intrigue – Med. Martial/Stewardship – Low Piety/Diplomacy

I'd personally protest Lelouch's stats not being higher, but I'm a Lelouch fanboy so I'm incredibly biased. Are you using some type of intrigue and learning modifier to provide a boost to Lelouch's martial and diplomacy?

I'd definitely agree that his battles are based heavily on information superiority and knowing how to predict his enemies. Hell, he's bullshit enough to predict what people will say in a conversation, so if intrigue covers that then it makes sense.


[x] Euphemia li Britannia

I'd like playing Lelouch, but we're not good enough to be Lelouch. Euphie is a pretty good option for having him on our side though.
Adhoc vote count started by Blonddude42 on Jun 10, 2019 at 10:02 PM, finished with 34 posts and 24 votes.
Was Apartheid in South America for this AU (and was it somehow a recent conquest) or do you mean South Africa

It might just be me, but the phrasing felt weird here. Almost like it was missing a few words

Minor correction, I think you want "forgave" or some other pasted tense of the word rather than "forgive"
Fixed, thanks.
I'd personally protest Lelouch's stats not being higher, but I'm a Lelouch fanboy so I'm incredibly biased. Are you using some type of intrigue and learning modifier to provide a boost to Lelouch's martial and diplomacy?

I'd definitely agree that his battles are based heavily on information superiority and knowing how to predict his enemies. Hell, he's bullshit enough to predict what people will say in a conversation, so if intrigue covers that then it makes sense.


[x] Euphemia li Britannia

I'd like playing Lelouch, but we're not good enough to be Lelouch. Euphie is a pretty good option for having him on our side though.
As is implied by the scene, the PC will be fairly young. Early teenager or late preteen. As such, they won't have the full accumulation of stats and traits that they would at the time of 'canon.'

Lelouch, in particular, has not undergone the period of transformative hardship and character growth after the assassination of his mother, the crippling of his sister, and their exile to Japan. He is still a loyal Britannian Prince and a somewhat spoiled one at that, though he doesn't have anything on Carine or Euphemia in that way.

A 'canon' Lelouch, to my understanding of his character would have an extremely high Intrigue stat and be buffed out with Traits which would add part or all of his Intrigue score onto Martial, Diplomacy, etc... It is unlikely, however, that Lelouch develops along canon lines, due to, well... this is a heavy AU. Things are different.
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[X] Euphemia li Britannia

There's no way we're out-Lelouching Lulu himself, and even though Carine's high martial sounds juicy, her canon hairstyle confuses me to the point I'd rather vote for Euphemia. We can turn her into a badass yet! Social-fu route, go!
So I did some diving as a quick refresher on the Britannian Imperial Family and I noticed something interesting.

Or rather someone.

Seated you have Nunnally, Tianzi, and some third girl. So I did some hunting for other pictures with her to see who she is and I found these.

Supposedly, the girl is Laila la Britannia. Clovis' little sister. Supposedly she was from a mobile game released only in Japan, and I guess the fans liked her enough to have her included in the reboot movies in some way.

Just felt like sharing this interesting find of mine while I ready a who's who of the Royal Family as we know from canon (and common fanon to go with it)
[X] Hannes gua Britannia: 26th in line for the throne, a child who has absolutely no business amounting to anything. Even more than the Vi Britannia children, this child is a black sheep who's only claim to power is being good at staying out of the way and being deeply inoffensive towards everyone she's met. Few enemies, but mostly because he's beneath their notice.

This is the best option we could go for, considering that it dumps two stats that aren't all that relevant (especially since High Diplomacy allows us to compensate for one of those stats), in exchange for having the best combination of Diplomacy and Intrigue stat line (compare High + Medium to Low + High\High + Low\Low + Low), which are very important stats that we shouldn't dump.
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[x] Euphemia li Britannia

Though I feel like we could be a decent Lelouch, he's not
that clever.
[X] Lelouch vi Britannia: 17th in line for the throne, born of a commoner woman ascended to the status of empress. A favorite of the people, but hated by the nobility and other royals, especially for the favor the emperor shows your mother.
[X] Hannes gua Britannia: 26th in line for the throne, a child who has absolutely no business amounting to anything. Even more than the Vi Britannia children, this child is a black sheep who's only claim to power is being good at staying out of the way and being deeply inoffensive towards everyone she's met. Few enemies, but mostly because he's beneath their notice.

This is the best option we could go for, considering that it dumps two stats that aren't all that relevant (especially since the High Diplomacy allows us to compensate for one of those stats), in exchange for having the best combination of Diplomacy and Intrigue stat line (compare High + Medium to Low + High\High + Low\Low + Low), which are very important stats that we shouldn't dump.

This is the Britannian succession. You shouldn't have any dump stat* if you want a chance at actually succeeding. Considering our GM explicitly said that piety isn't a meaningless stat, it'll likely end up of at least middling importance. Hell, it might end up being the stat you want to start the highest since it's linked to psychic abilities.

And while Intrigue + Diplomacy is a powerful combination, it favors those with a head start (and those that don't want to be on the top). Now, if you want to aim for the right hand of the next Emperor, that's a good build.

*Or have a bullshit converter for your main stat into everything.


Holy shit, just checked out what Hannes gua Britannia was from. It's the side material Code Geass: Fragments of the Mosaic, and jesus fuck the guy is a freak canonically.

spark note of it:
The guy is pushed by his mother to reach for the throne, but he's not that impressive so she and the maids often beat him. 15 years of beatings leads him to develop a fear of women, and when he pushes away a girl she falls and gets hurt*. He then has a revelation that crippled women can't hurt him, so he chops the girl's limbs off. Which he finds beautiful or something. As time goes on he proceeds to do the same to his 10 wives (that is, chop all their limbs off).

He was gonna do it to another girl, but a geass user killed him before that could happen.

*I'm pretty sure the girl is implied to tried to have sex with him when he didn't want to or something