Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Always Towards Better Things: Semper Ad Meliora
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Semper Ad Meliora: Always Towards Better Things

The Holy Empire of Britannia – Pendragon, West Angle County, Royal Palace District

You stiffen, grimacing against the swat from your minder that strikes between your shoulder blades.

Your instructor clears his throat, redirecting your attention to the board before you. It's an ancient piece of slate, upon which are various marks and pits rivaled only by the ones engraved into the man himself who stands nearby. A professor emeritus, recently of Cambridge on St. Louis, the man is a living fossil who has found an immensely successful career engaging the young of high nobility and royalty alike.

Such as yourself.

"The Empire." He restates with obvious displeasure at having to repeat himself. "It is an amalgam of a number of disparate ideologies, and you must master them all if you wish to stand a hope of inheriting the throne from you father."

Left unsaid, of course, is that you must want to inherit the throne.

It would be foolish not to, of course.

"The Europeans," and you hear that ill-concealed distaste that virtually everyone you've every interacted with expresses on this subject, "would have you believe that our Empire is a beast of domination, consuming and destroying the so-valued independence of the various nations they swear to protect, and then blithely ignore when in peril." He sighs. "This simply is not so, or at least, it is most definitely not a bad thing."

The instructor's cane whips out and raps against the political map of the world. "Take, for example, South Africa. It is a recently Britannian conquest, one which still offers some token resistance to our rule. However, by and large, the population has risen to greet us with welcome arms. Do you know why this is?"

You frown, but shake your head.

He nods. "It is because our arrival heralded the dismantling and removal of their race-based social segregation known to them as Apartheid. Under Britannian rule, it is a simple and plain fact that social mobility is open only to those who demonstrate the worthiness to advance up, out of the masses. As your father, our great Emperor so deftly espouses, humanity is not born into equality. Those of great luck are born to the rank of nobility. Those of great valor and prowess may earn recognition against the enemies of the empire. Those of great skill may work to display valuable mastery of their art, whatever it may be, such that it will raise them up."

You nod, understanding this as truth.

"Of course, as with all things, the weathering of age, which in turn begets wisdom, trumps a great deal. It is that wisdom, passed down from your ancestors and earned through their achievements, that must be your most vital shield and sword." The ancient man explains patiently. "In your blood flows the wisdom of the royal line, within your soul rests great fortune to be born into high station in life. It is in your body, though, that you must demonstrate your worthiness to this favored status of fate and destiny."

"To do so I must listen to my elders and obey the wisdom of my royal blood." You repeated solemnly, as you had been taught.

The instructor's cane raps harshly against your desk, startling you, but the man sternly nods. "Part of listening is not interrupting, but yes. There is truth in what you say. Now, to move on to our topic of the day: the powers of the Britannian throne."

You raise your hand slightly and, at the acknowledgment, speak.

"I thought father, the emperor, had unlimited powers." You state, frowning.

"That is, theoretically, true." The aged academic replies with a nod. "However, in practice, there are a number of informal limitations on the Emperor's powers. The upper nobility, for example, controls access to a number of corporations, industries, and resources without which the emperor's policies would fail. Additionally, they can voice their concerns through the upper house of parliament, the House of Lords. The common people, meanwhile, have a voice in the lower house as well as the outsized representation which their great masses can show. Sufficed to say that while these bodies can, and do often pass legislation, the emperor is in no way obligated to obey their letter or spirit. However, it is expected that the emperor does follow them unless and until extraordinary circumstances present themselves. Then, it is not only expected for the emperor to act outside those laws, it is considered his duty."

Another motion and a moment until you're acknowledged.

"Mother has explained that I will need to take actions outside the formal power structure of the government as part of my training to possibly inherit the throne. Will I still be expected to stay within the confines of the law in doing so?"

Your teacher gives you a judicious nod. "An apt question, and the answer is unfortunately complex. Firstly, there is the matter of your status. As a royal, only the Emperor or a special body invested with his power is truly allowed to pass judgment on any crimes you may or may not commit-"

You're sure you pale just a bit at the thought of answering to your father in that manner. He is intimidating enough normally.

"-but, beyond that, whether or not you will be found in violation of the empire's law without due cause depends both on what the empire stands to profit by your actions and, most importantly, whether or not you succeed."

You frowned, and your teacher sighed with a pinch of irritation.

"In 1907, under the reign of Julius sul Britannia, your five-times great-grandmother, the next empress-to-be Agnes ti Britannia was stationed on the southern border of the empire at that time, what is today the Rio Grande River. Although she was sixth in line for the throne and commanded little more than an army group, she saw great opportunity in the chaos consuming the successor state which briefly occupied former Spanish imperial territory. While the court was divided amongst themselves in advising the emperor on a path forward, Agnes sallied her army group and drove hard towards the capital as a French puppet ruler and local rabble militia squabbled nearby. Using superior tactics and training, she was able to attack and defeat both armies, taking numerous leaders hostage and occupying the capital. Do you understand the thrust of this tale?"

You thought for a moment, before nodding slowly. "The course of action Agnes pursued violated international law, but given her results in adding a significant area of territory to the empire, that was overlooked."

The instructor nodded. "The emperor cited a number of skirmishes between the two domestic factions which had crossed the border as a casus belli and forgave Agnes exceeding her authority by fait accompli. Victory washes away many sins."

You flex your imagination, considering the various number of potential 'sins' you could wash away with a proper victory. As your teacher had explained, Agnes went on to become the next empress. You could do a great deal if it benefited the empire enough.

Your instructor coughed slightly, clearing his throat. "I will also point out examples such as your great-grandfather, who as a youth interfered in European and Catholic persecution of individuals with psionic talents. Although the common belief at the time was that they presented a clear threat to imperial integrity, your grandfather acted under his own initiative to remove the immigration ban, rightfully seeing their paltry talents as the non-issue it truthfully is. While those individuals were never able to use their minor benefits to aid the empire, many of them had valuable trade skills significant economic power, or other contributions to make. To the day of his death, bless his soul, Richard von Britannia counted them among his most stalwart supporters, who helped usher in a new golden age while the Europeans suffered a major social and economic upheaval as a resulted of their persecution of anyone with even suspected talents."

Yes, the lesson was clear indeed. Like your forefathers before you, you would hurdle or trample over those who were too short-sighted to understand your goals. At least, if they would not stand aside or work with you first. You were not a tyrant, but you were royalty, and they would learn to bend knee or taste your power.

If you could succeed, history would remember your name.

The name of...


[ ] Lelouch vi Britannia: 17th in line for the throne, born of a commoner woman ascended to the status of empress. A favorite of the people, but hated by the nobility and other royals, especially for the favor the emperor shows your mother.

-High Learning/Intrigue – Med. Martial/Stewardship – Low Piety/Diplomacy

[ ] Euphemia li Britannia: 7th in line for the throne, born of a duchess and possessing an older sister who is an obviously more likely candidate for the throne. The combination of a compassionate temperament and friendship with the vi Britannia line makes it unlikely you will rise to the challenge.

-High Diplomacy/Piety – Med. Learning/Stewardship – Low Martial/Intrigue

[ ] Carine ne Britannia: 10th in line for the throne, a late birth from among the first wives Charles zi Britannia took, the status bestowing an inferiority complex that drives you to accomplish much. However, that has also bred a tendency inherited from your mother, making plenty of enemies, such as the favored wife of the emperor.

-High Martial/Stewardship – Med. Piety/Learning – Low Diplomacy/Intrigue

[ ] Hannes gua Britannia: 26th in line for the throne, a child who has absolutely no business amounting to anything. Even more than the Vi Britannia children, this child is a black sheep who's only claim to power is being good at staying out of the way and being deeply inoffensive towards everyone he's met. Few enemies, but mostly because he's beneath their notice.

-High Stewardship/Diplomacy – Med. Martial/Intrigue – Low Piety/Learning
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet:
Lelouch vi Britannia


Martial: 13+1-2+2+4 = 18(+4) = 22
Diplomacy: 5+1-2+1+1+2+5+1 = 14(+4) = 18
Stewardship: 12+1+2 = 15(+4)(+7) = 26
Intrigue: 14+1+2+1+3+2 = 23
Learning: 12+1+2+1+1 = 17
Piety: 5+1+2+3+1+1+2+2+5 = 22


Royal Blood: +1 to All Stats. As the child of a world ruler, you have inherited immense natural potential. Already some of it has begun to show.

Intellectual: -2 Martial/+2 Learning. Your are possessed of a weak body, but a strong mind.

Black Prince: -2 Diplomacy/+2 Intrigue. As long as you can remember, you have shied away from the glares and disapproval of other royals and nobles; this has improved your skill at going unnoticed, but somewhat hurt your interpersonal relations.

Knightmare Frame Devicer: +2 Martial. You have learned the skills to pilot a giant robotic war machine.

Financial Sleuth: Add (1/6) of Base Intrigue to Stewardship. You have learned that numbers, like people, can hide their intentions. As something of an expert in the art of concealment for your age, it comes naturally to apply the lessons of Intrigue to Stewardship.

Alchemist: Add (1/3) of Base Piety to Stewardship. You have unlocked the ability to transmute one substance to another using the pure potential of your mind. This manifests, too, in an underlying ability to simply know how better to manage your resources.

Backroom Dealer: Add (1/6) of Base Intrigue added to Diplomacy. You are skilled at navigating back-channels and this prowess shows itself in knowing how to open doors which would otherwise be closed to you.

The High Ground: +4 Martial. You have found a method of warfare in which you do not simply acquit yourself well, but demonstrate enviable talent.

Clear, Like Water: +2 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue. In learning the ways of the initiate shinobi, you have found better understanding of human interaction and find yourself better able to predict the emotions and actions of others. Of course, this aids you in doing as they least expect.

Secretive: +2 Intrigue. You're simply better than most at concealing information from the curious or maliciously-minded.

Blackmailer: +3 Intrigue. You have successfully used cover intelligence gathering to force an otherwise hostile party into a more positive standing. Better yet, they feel indebted to you for it.

Outmatched: +1/6 of Base Intrigue to Martial. You dearly understand that you will never be the greatest of pilots. As such, you will not try to be, instead aiming to outsmart and outmaneuver your opponents. In other words, you cheat.

Business Savvy: +2 Stewardship. You're well-acquainted with the skills necessary to run both an estate and an company. These will serve you well.

Psionic: +2 Piety. You have discovered you have some moderate ability to manipulate the world around you simply by thought and will. Such talents are negligible, though greatly feared by some.

Polyglot: +5 Diplomacy. It turns out that you're able to speak essentially any language you're exposed to. No one was more surprised than yourself. You're still not sure whether to blame your natural intellect or the fact that you've been poking around with ancient mind-magic.

Second Awakening: +3 Piety. You have felt your mind expand beyond its former limits, awakening your potential a second time. You yet flounder in the possibilities.

Reservoir of Ancient Wisdom: +5 Piety. You have unlocked ancient secrets from a time long thought lost. Unlock unique piety constructions, unlock unique piety actions, unlock potential Mantle Activation Quest. You move with a wisdom and grace which belies your age.

Heart to Heart: +1 Diplomacy. You have begun to understand the intricacies of the human condition and, thusly, have grown more able to find common ground between yourself and others.

Psionics: (+10) Bonus to use in combat situations.

Psionic Shielding
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World Map
  1. Alaskeya​
  2. Ashfordshire​
  3. Bahamas​
  4. Black Hills​
  5. Californian Isles​
  6. Delaware​
  7. Denver​
  8. Deseret Basin​
  9. Florida​
  10. Grand Duchy of Bermuda​
  11. Grand Duchy of Elizabeth​
  12. Grand Duchy of Germany​
  13. Grand Duchy of Greenwood​
  14. Grand Duchy of Massachusetts Bay​
  15. Grand Duchy of Pennsylvania​
  16. Grand Duchy of Texas​
  17. Green Bay​
  18. Halifax​
  19. Haudenosaunee​
  20. Hudson Bay​
  21. Iceland & Greenland​
  22. Iowa​
  23. Lochs of Ozark​
  24. Louisiana​
  25. Lower Ontario​
  26. Maryland​
  27. New Berkshire​
  28. New Bourbon​
  29. New Cumberland​
  30. New Hampshire​
  31. New Jersey​
  32. New Lancaster​
  33. New Leicestershire​
  34. New Liverpool​
  35. New Oxford​
  36. New Wessex​
  37. New Wiltshire​
  38. New York​
  39. Newfoundland​
  40. Niagara​
  41. Nicaraguan Canal Zone​
  42. Nordhaven​
  43. North Carolina​
  44. Rhode Island and Providence Plantations​
  45. Royal Domain of Pendragon​
  46. Rupert​
  47. Santa Valentina​
  48. Sherborne​
  49. South Carolina​
  50. Southern California​
  51. Sterling​
  52. Sutter​
  53. Tennessee​
  54. Upper Ontario​
  55. Vancouver​
  56. West Buckingham​
  57. West Elizabeth​
  58. West Florida​
  59. West Hereford​
  60. West Lincolnshire​
  61. West Rupert​
  62. West Worcestershire​
  63. Western Ontario​
  64. Westhaven​
  65. Yellowstone​
  66. Yosemite​

Red/Pink=Britannia-controlled Territories | Blue=Europa United Territories | Green=Chinese Federation Territories
White=Neutral States | Pink-Purple=Middle-Eastern Federation | Violet=Indonesian Confederation | Orange=Japan
Light Gray=Anarchic Territories | Dark Gray=Indian Militarized Zone (CF-Controlled)

National Significance Scores 1-100:
Britannian Empire: 75
Chinese Federation: 80
Middle Eastern Federation: -10
Ethiopian Empire: 35
Indonesia Confederation: 80
East/West Afican Unions: ???

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Financial Sheet
Financial Sheet

Current Annual Income: 8350 Britannian Royal Notes
-Royal Stipend [vi Britannia family] (Turn 1 Phase 1) 1000
-Hit the Books (Turn 1 Phase 1) 300
-Prince & Pauper (Turn 3 Phase 2) 300
-Knights & Days (Turn 4 Phase 1) 300
-Investment Opportunities (Turn 4 Phase 1) 500
-The Duke (Turn 4 Phase 2) 700
-Extend a Hand (Turn 6 Phase 1) 500
-The Japanese Perspective (Turn 6 Phase 1) 250
-Many Hands, Light Work (Turn 6 Phase 2) 1000
-A Cut of the Gross (Turn 9 Phase 1) 3000
--Expires Turn 19 Phase 1
-Steiner Konzern Ramjet Sale (Turn 10 Phase III) 500

Current Annual Upkeep: 5900 BRN
-Royal Connections [li Britannia family] (Turn 1 Phase 1) 100
-Bodyguard Unit (Turn 2 Phase 1) 50
-Mighty Steed (Turn 2 Phase 1) 100
-Royal Connections [Hannes gua Britannia] (Turn 2 Phase 1) 100
-This Land is My Land (Turn 2 Phase 1) 50
-Keep or Castle (Turn 3 Phase 1) 300
-Codes & Ciphers (Turn 3 Phase 2) 50
-Patrol Boats (Turn 4 Phase 1) 150
-Tools of the Trade (Turn 4 Phase 2) 100
-Patrol Aircraft (Turn 5 Phase 1) 200
-Navy Crews (Turn 5 Phase 1) 300
-Translators (Turn 5 Phase 1) 50
-The Base (Turn 5 Phase 1) 200
-Piety Workshop (Turn 5 Phase 1) 100
-Island Observation (Turn 5 Phase 2) 50
-Chasing Shadows (Turn 5 Phase 2) 50
-Island Improvements (Turn 6 Phase 1) 150
-Personal Computers (Turn 6 Phase 2) 50
-Fleet Expansion (Turn 7 Phase 1) 300
-Staffing (Turn 7 Phase 1) 100
-Administrative Structures (Turn 7 Phase 1) 200
-Enlarge Docks (Turn 7 Phase 1) 300
-Student, Teacher (Turn 7 Phase 2) 100
-Security Upgrade (Turn 8 Phase 2) 150
-Psionic Computing (Turn 8 Phase 2) 200
-Psionic Compendium (Turn 8 Phase 2) 50
-Kallen's Squadron (Turn 9 Phase 1) 100
-Domestic Supplies (Turn 9 Phase 1) 100
-Ramjet Theory (Turn 9 Phase 2) 200
-Ruin Delvers (Turn 9 Phase 2) 200
-Combat Training (Turn 9 Phase 2) 100
-Knight of Honor (Turn 9 Phase 3) 100
-Refugee Crisis (Turn 10 Phase 2) 100
-Raise Levies (Turn 10 Phase 2) 200
-Watchtowers (Turn 10 Phase 2) 100
-Staffing (Turn 10 Phase 2) 200
-Invade Chinese Federation (Turn 10 Phase 2) 500 (Duration of Operation)
-Double Down (Turn 10 Phase 2) 200 (Duration of Operation)
-Shadow Administration (Turn 10 Phase 3) 200
-Living in the Shadows (Turn 10 Phase 3) 300 (Duration of Operation)
-Animal Testing (Turn 10 Phase 3) 100

Current Banked Income: 22,410 BRN (Turn 11 Phase I)

Major Financial Investments:

-20% of the Britannian-Registered PMC known as the 'Crowns.'
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Social Link Page
Social Links:

Schneizel el Britannia: (SL 3)


Martial: 23
Diplomacy: 29
Stewardship: 25
Intrigue: 22
Learning: 18
Piety: 8


Heart of Ice: You Stand Alone, Apart, and Unmoved. Penalty to all Social Links. Schneizel el Britannia treats all Social Links as though they were 5 Lower than their actual score for any bonuses that might accrue. Does not affect the other individual in the link. +5 Stewardship, +5 Intrigue, +5 Martial, +5 Diplomacy. -20 Piety.

Eye of the Snake: You know weakness when you see it and are unafraid to strike. +1/3 of Base Intrigue to Diplomacy and Martial.

Steward of the Empire: Groomed to take the throne, you are a fine heir. +1/3 of Base Diplomacy to Stewardship.

Well Read: +3 to Learning.
Cornelia li Britannia: (SL 2)


Martial: 27
Diplomacy: 16
Stewardship: 18
Intrigue: 11
Learning: 16
Piety: 18
Clovis la Britannia: (SL1)


Martial: 13
Diplomacy: 27
Stewardship: 23
Intrigue: 14
Learning: 10
Piety: 11
Hannes gua Britannia: (SL 1)


Martial: 14
Diplomacy: 19
Stewardship: 22
Intrigue: 17
Learning: 11
Piety: 6


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Military Unit List
Hero Units/Advisors:
Nunnally vi Britannia: (SL 9) [Knight of Honor]


Martial: 23
Diplomacy: 16
Stewardship: 9
Intrigue: 11
Learning: 15
Piety: 17

Royal Blood: +1 to all Stats.

Prodigy of War: +4 Martial. The battlefield is where you belong, behind the barrel of a gun is where you feel most comfortable, a part of you will never be at peace.

Assault Leader: +3 Martial/-3 Intrigue. Bluntness has its advantages on the battlefield, off of it though...

Faithful Heart: +5 Piety/+3 Learning/-5 Stewardship. You are confident in what you have learned. You have faith in what you are confident in. However, this manifests a certain lack of attention to detail.

Beautiful: +2 Diplomacy. Now growing to reach your full potential, you are the picture of a proper Britannian Lady, if somewhat more fierce than usual.

Secret Keeper: +2 Intrigue.

Steel Will: +2 Intrigue/+2 Diplomacy. You are focused and intent on your duty, able to think through tense situations that would beggar lesser men and women.

SL 4 Perk: +5 to All Personal Actions
SL 5 Perk: 1 Reroll to any Combat Action involving Nunnally vi Britannia
SL 6 Perk: -10 to any Enemy Combat Fortifications Effectiveness in a battle involving Nunnally vi Britannia's Unit
SL 7 Perk: 1 Reroll to any Combat Action involving Nunnally vi Britannia
SL 8 Perk: -10 to any Enemy Assaults on Allied Fortifications in a battle involving Nunnally vi Britannia's Unit
SL 9 Perk: 1 Reroll to any Combat Action
Euphemia li Britannia: (SL 7) [Diplomacy Advisor]

Euphemia Specializations:
-Deescalation Policies
-African Politics (via Zala)
-Foreign Economic Investment (via Chelsea)


Martial: 11
Diplomacy: 25
Stewardship: 26
Intrigue: 9
Learning: 15
Piety: 21


Hearts & Minds: +3 Piety & Stewardship - Displaying an uncanny ability to court public interest for support, your empathy and business skills have grown substantially.

Secret Keeper: +2 Intrigue

SL 4 Perk: +5 to First Impression Rolls Amongst Retinue.
SL 5 Perk: (-10) to Difficulty Checks involving De-escalation Diplomacy Actions.
SL 6 Perk: +5 to All Personal Actions involving more than one Lover.
SL 7 Perk: 1 Personal Action Reroll
Jeanne Rowe: (SL 6) [Military Advisor]


Martial: 24
Stewardship: 13
Diplomacy: 14
Intrigue: 12
Learning: 14
Piety: 17


Prodigy of War: +4 Martial. The battlefield is where you belong, behind the barrel of a gun is where you feel most comfortable, a part of you will never be at peace.

Of Merit: +2 to Diplomacy & Piety. You were not born to greatness, you earned your place through hard work, blood, and countless days and nights of exhaustion.

Land, Sea, & Air: +3 to Martial & Learning. You have learned the arts of war in their totality, expressing competence if not excellence in theory and planning on every battlefield available to you.

Secret Keeper: +2 Intrigue

SL 4 Perk: +5 to Trait Rolls for Retinue.
SL 5 Perk: +5 to tactical cohesion during a military operation involving multiple branches (navy/air force or air force/army).
SL 6 Perk: +1 Reroll to Any Martial Action involving Jeanne Rowe
Admiral Greta Romano (SL 4) [Naval Combat Specialist]


Martial: 21
Diplomacy: 8
Stewardship: 18
Intrigue: 17
Learning: 12
Piety: 5


Ad Hoc: +5 Stewardship, +2 Learning. You have not benefited from formal schooling, military training, or any level of mentorship. Despite that, instinct guides you true.

The Silent Blade: +5 Martial, +5 Intrigue. The best offense is one sprung on an unready opponent. At this point, you would find it difficult to meet an enemy on an equal playing field, simply out of habit.

Immigrant: -4 Diplomacy, +3 Learning. While you are relatively new to the country, the exposure to many languages and cultures has broadened your mind and allowed you to become more intelligent.

Butcher: +6 Martial, -6 Piety. Pity, Mercy, Quarter. These are words for those who have had the luxury to receive them, themselves. Having never benefited from them yourself, you see no value in them.

SL 4 Perk: +5 to Trait Rolls for Retinue
Dr. Kenshin Jaeger (SL 4) [Learning Advisor]
-Dr. Madison Hashima


Martial: 14
Diplomacy: (-3)
Stewardship: 13
Intrigue: 16
Learning: 25
Piety: 20


Mad Genius: Remove Learning Cap (30+ Learning Possible); Remove Diplomacy Cap (Negative Diplomacy Possible); (-10) Diplomacy/(+10) Learning; For every point above (30) Learning rises, subtract one point from Diplomacy.

Father of a Discipline: +10 Learning. Opens up a specific field of research to the individual (Psionics) above and beyond what would be possible merely by learning of the new research second-hand.

The Organization: +5 Intrigue. They're following you, and have been for a long time. Other people know it, but won't acknowledge the shadowy conspiracy controlling the puppet strings of the world. You must be ever-vigilant.

Sufficiently Analyzed: +10 Piety. Although the traditional path to psychic power is closed to you, through intense study you have bridged the gap with sheer skill and knowledge.

SL4 Perk: Receive an Additional (+5) when working on projects within his specialty.

Shinozaki Sayoko: (SL 8) [Intrigue Advisor]


Martial: 25
Diplomacy: 13
Stewardship: 15
Intrigue: 23
Learning: 8
Piety: 20


Blood of the Kami: ???

Living Shadow: ???

Clan Heiress: +5 Stewardship. You have shown diligence in understanding the inner workings of a large, inherited, organization.

Assassin: +5 Intrigue. You have taken a life from the shadows, and come away blameless.

Trained for War: +7 Martial. All your life has been the study of death, how to inflict it, and how to judge where to earn your own.

SL 4 Perk: +5 to Trait Rolls for Retinue.
SL 5 Perk: +1 Reroll to delegated infiltration or covert operations missions.
SL 6 Perk: +10 Bonus against retinue assassination attempts.
SL 7 Perk: +1 Reroll to delegated infiltration or covert operations missions.
SL 8 Perk: +1 Reroll to survive life or death situations you are personally present within.
Kallen Kozuki-Stadtfeld: (SL 7) [KMF Platoon Leader]


Martial: 25
Diplomacy: 7
Stewardship: 8
Intrigue: 20
Learning: 12
Piety: 18

Secret Keeper: +2 Intrigue

SL 4 Perk: +5 to all Personal Actions
SL 5 Perk: +1 Reroll to any combat action in which Kallen is involved.
SL 6 Perk: +1/6 of Kallen's Martial Added to Lelouch's when working in the same unit.
SL 7 Perk: +1 Reroll to any combat action in which Kallen is involved.

Viletta Nu: +1 Reroll to any combat action involving Kallen's Special Group.
Gino Weinberg: (SL 4) [Aerospace Combat Specialist]


Martial: 21
Diplomacy: 19
Stewardship: 12
Intrigue: 8
Learning: 17
Piety: 5

SL 4 Perk: Receive (+1) Reroll, Activates only when you are personally threatened and your survival is at stake.
Millicent Ashford: (SL 4) [Stewardship Advisor]

Millicent Ashford Specializations:
War Materiel & Heavy Industry
Emergency Housing & Prefab Deployment


Martial: 17
Diplomacy: 17
Stewardship: 23
Intrigue: 19
Learning: 18
Piety: 12


Warrior & Poet: +3 Martial & +3 Diplomacy

Noble Blood: +2 Stewardship & +2 Learning

True Nobility: +3 Stewardship & +3 Learning

Business Acumen: +5 Stewardship & -4 Piety

Untrusting: -2 Piety & +2 Intrigue

Secret Keeper: +2 Intrigue

Bound in Silence: +2 Intrigue

SL 4 Perk: +5 to All Personal Stewardship Attempts.
Kaguya Sumeragi: (SL 5) [Intelligence Analyst for Chinese Federation]

Martial: 8
Diplomacy: 24
Stewardship: 21
Intrigue: 16
Learning: 10
Piety: 16


Blood of the Kami: ???

Royal Blood: +1 to all Stats.

Tongue of Silver: +5 to Diplomacy.

Blood of Gold: +5 to Stewardship.

Eyes of Jade: +2 Piety, +2 Intrigue, +2 Diplomacy.

Well Read: +3 to Learning.

SL 4 Perk: +5 to All Personal Actions.
SL 5 Perk: +5 to In-Person Diplomacy Attempts.
SL 6 Perk: 1 Personal Diplomacy Reroll.

Aleister Crowley: (SL N/A) [Piety/Psionics Department Administrator]


Martial: 5
Diplomacy: 13
Stewardship: 7
Intrigue: 23
Learning: 18
Piety: 20


Devoted: Automatically Succeed against checks to turn him from your service.

Silver Tongue: +5 Diplomacy.

Intellectual: -2 Martial/+2 Learning. Your are possessed of a weak body, but a strong mind.

Secretive: +2 Intrigue. You're simply better than most at concealing information from the curious or maliciously-minded.

Unit List:

Bodyguard Squad: 10 Active Duty Shinozaki Clan Shinobi. Count as Veteran Elite Units (+20) to Combat Rolls. Activate only if all other troop units are cleared from the field.

Covert Ops Unit: 30 1000+ Skilled Individuals available to be sent on Intrigue missions. Functions as a Experienced Unit (+10) to Intrigue rolls that require their assistance. May only be used on one mission at a time.

Pelleas: Hero Unit Knightmare Frame for Nunnally vi Britannia. (+10) Martial to Personal Combat Checks. (+1) Reroll personal reroll per combat. (+1) Forced Enemy reroll per combat.

Knightmare Command Squad: 3 Personalized Command Sutherland KMF Units. (+10) Martial to Battlefield Commander Unit's Combat Rolls.

Knightmare Armored Calvalry: 2 Squads of (25) Sutherland Knightmare Frames. (+10) Martial to Battlefield Commander Unit's Combat Rolls.

Elite Squadron: 5 Personalized Sutherlands. (+10) Martial to Battlefield Commander Unit's Rolls. (+1) Reroll per combat.

Naval Patrol Boats: 5 Naval Security Vessels. (+5 [Max. Bonus]) to Battlefield Commander Unit's Combat Rolls.

Naval Flotilla: 8 Frigates, 4 Cruisers, 1 Destroyer, 1 Battleship (Victor zi Britannia)

Primary Fleet: 4 Frigates, 8 Destroyers, 3 Submarines, 1 Aircraft Carrier + 40 Fighters & 40 Dive Bombers.

Air Force: 20 Dedicated Heavy Bombers.

Patrol Aircraft: 12 Aircraft capable of patrol actions over New Caledonia and the nearby ocean.
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Technology Trees Unlocked
Jeager's Tech Tree:

Psionic Energy Studies
-Psionic Computing
--Animal Testing (Optional)
--Human Testing
---Psionic Teaching Standards (Requires Dedicated Campus, ???)

Psionic Detector (Improved)
-Psionic Shielding
--Psionic Inhibitor
---Psionic Amplifier

Hashima's Tech Tree:

---Ionic Wind Propulsion

Orbital Launch Mechanics Theory
-Multi-Stage Launch Design
--Verne Artificial Satellite Delivery System
--Stage I Satellites

Signal Relays
Laser Targeting
-High Altitude Weather Balloons
--Satellite Tracking

QM's Note: Obviously, as the psychic stuff gets mentioned, this will be a fairly heavy AU. The piety score will relate to psychic ability and skill, it's not meaningless.

Charles is less of a shit parent. Still a pretty shit one, but not quite so horrible. No, you aren't going to have to race the Ragnarok Connection to save the world. Heavy AU. Other stuff is happening, I'm not going to call the game in five turns just because you weren't able to bullshit-protagonist around an ex machina.

Geass is still a thing, not that you know about it currently, whoever you are. What changed with the Instrumentality Plot? Well, figure it out In-character, none of the PC choices have any level of inside info on that.

Edit: There will also be crossover content somewhere along the way, just FYI.
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[X] Lelouch vi Britannia
Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Jun 10, 2019 at 10:10 PM, finished with 35 posts and 25 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Jun 11, 2019 at 1:09 AM, finished with 48 posts and 36 votes.
[X] Lelouch vi Britannia

All hail Lelouch!
Let's take this timeline and drive it off the rails!
[X] Carine ne Britannia

As much as I'd like to play Lelouch I find myself interested in seeing how the other characters develop:)
At this moment I'm planning to leave voting open for 24-48 hours, depending on intensity and focus of voting.

If there's an obvious front runner, in other words, I'll likely call it sooner.

If anyone has any reasonable questions, I'll be available to answer them for the next few hours.
Hannes gua Britannia is a male. Are you gender bending the character or didn't know?
Or it could just be a typo. Fixed, thanks.