The Restless Dead Want YOU To Fight Necromancy

[X] You should take some time to rest and think on the drive.
-[X] Make a plan to deal with that -12 VERY HUNGRY on the hunger scale, and one which does not involve eating any people by accident. Also, try not to get hungrier while thinking about about hungry you are.

Morgan just needs to use their tried and true hide in the basement until current crisis is over stratagem, nothing can go wrong with this plan.

[X]You should take some time to rest and think on the drive.
-[X] Make a plan to deal with that -12 VERY HUNGRY on the hunger scale, and one which does not involve eating any people by accident. Also, try not to get hungrier while thinking about about hungry you are.
44. We're Thinking About Economics, Really
[X] You should take some time to rest and think on the drive.
-[X] Make a plan to deal with that -12 VERY HUNGRY on the hunger scale, and one which does not involve eating any people by accident. Also, try not to get hungrier while thinking about about hungry you are.

Saturday 12 May 2001
11:00 PM

Willpower: 3/4 (fine)
Hunger: -12/-30 (very hungry)
Spirit: 6.9

Maybe you'll just sit here quietly and pretend to be asleep for a while.

You have no idea what you're doing. You should be worrying about the state of the modern economy and whether or not your plan to buy some local businesses came out or if your accountant abandoned it. You should be worrying about what happened to your extensive collection of rare magical ritual ingredients. You don't have time to worry about either of those things, because someone decided to start a magical plague.

Most importantly, you should be worrying about the raving beast you will turn into if you do not make a better plan about eating. You were very lucky when you rose, and didn't find yourself surrounded in bodies, but you could have. You still could.

Don't think about that too closely, Morgan, you'll start thinking it's a good idea. Think about math.

For thirty days, in an effort to pretend you'd fled the town, you locked yourself in a magically reinforced panic room that shielded you from minds, interference, and people. You gave the keys to the Hendersons, to let you out when it was safe. There was no reasonable, safe way to preserve blood, but you'd gone hungry before. You thought you knew what it would be like.

After three weeks, the vampire hunters moved on, you do remember that through the red haze. It was safe for you to come out, but it was not safe for them to release you. You would have killed them, and everyone else in your house, and your sweet pleas made them even less inclined to help you. In your more lucid moments, you pled that they would keep you locked up, that you might not ruin your new home with blood.

You have not dealt with what that was like. You are not sure you ever will. Some things, like blood on an axe blade in the snow, should be put away forever.

So, you went into torpor after thirty days. Call that a thirty. Say that in your first night awake, after glutting on cold human blood, you reduced that by a little more than half. Call it a twelve. If you did not feed for a week, you would go mad again. If your will was not made of ancient oak, the better to control your telepathy and magic, you would already be leaving a trail of bodies behind. If you feed only on Bruce and Claudia, taking care not to damage them… you still probably go mad in a week, perhaps a little more. Just because you can feed more often from two people doesn't mean they are enough to satisfy your daily hunger, let alone dig you out of the pit of starvation.

Bagged human blood from the hospitals was a nice bonus, but does not seem reliable enough to base a plan around. It seems especially important not to attract negative vampire hunter attention now, when the Chosen One is in town.

You have two blood bonded. With eight, you would not need anyone or anything else to survive, except that you still want others to survive. You don't like doing this in a slap-dash fashion where you barely know the person, but you've already started. Perhaps you should think about who would be a possibility?

You have a wide selection of healthy adults at your home. You've already fed from Lisa, though you've had no time to chat. You will need to either take on some of those who are already living there or find them someplace else to live, to have room for six more people of your own. Perhaps – yes, perhaps you will discuss how best to partition the house with the Hendersons. While you can understand the human link to their childhood home, it is also your home, and you need space for your own people.

Starting a bond with at least one of the Hendersons might be sensible. Right now they're shocked and traumatized, but they'll get territorial once they remember they can. It helps that many of them seem interesting. Wyatt, Bob's technomage son. Will, the overtly lesbian Henderson cousin.

Kenneth Finn, your doctor friend, is desperately attractive, but also angry with you. Not reliable enough to build a plan around. There are also the five that you gave your blood, earlier last night. Last morning, before you finally got some sleep. Torpor is not sleep, it just exists, in an other-worldly realm of shadows and lights. You are very happy about having slept. You know nothing about them, but they're half-bonded already.

You will continue your efforts to make friends in this new era. You will keep an eye out for the possibility of people you could live with for decades. But thinking about it makes it more obvious that you will have to go outside your comfort zone in order to not feel the urge to eat everyone you come close to.

Animal blood is obvious and easy. You can find a little time to go hunting later tonight, and bring back meat for the table after you've had your fill. You already have asked the humans to fetch more from the butcher and arrange things with an owner of herds of horses and cattle. Also a llama for some reason? You should have paid more attention at the meeting. It's just not reliably filling, you're not sure how much you would need in order to not be a danger to those around you again.

You doubt bars will be open full of drunken strangers to kiss, under these circumstances. That leaves something more overt.

Well, you are in your heart…

[]…a capitalist. You'll offer to trade your warding and your healing magics for human blood.
[]…a communist. You'll explain your needs to your new friends, and arrange everything equitably.
[]…a believer in feudalism. You have an idea about a king-and-the-land ritual to protect the town, if necessary, and rulers can institute taxes.

Write-ins must be based on an economic system.
Adhoc vote count started by Wysteria on Jun 8, 2019 at 7:38 AM, finished with 808 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X]…a believer in feudalism. You have an idea about a king-and-the-land ritual to protect the town, if necessary, and rulers can institute taxes.
    [X]…a communist. You'll explain your needs to your new friends, and arrange everything equitably.
[X]…a believer in feudalism. You have an idea about a king-and-the-land ritual to protect the town, if necessary, and rulers can institute taxes.

I don't believe the thread could keep up the capitalism for any true amount of time and challenges.
I dislike the communist option and I think it will lead to more choices I will dislike.

Feudalism is outdated for a lot of reasons and this way of making choices will surely make some of the others in our home unhappy. But and the end of the day, this is our home, if they don't like it here they are free to leave and fuck off. It's not unreasonable to be in charge in your own home, especially not if you're the one keeping the magical defenses strong and probably the one with most potential for anything really.
Side note: I would quite like one or two more options on this one but couldn't think of them. Write-ins are strongly encouraged!
Adhoc vote count started by Wysteria on Jun 8, 2019 at 8:22 AM, finished with 809 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X]…a believer in feudalism. You have an idea about a king-and-the-land ritual to protect the town, if necessary, and rulers can institute taxes.
    [X]…a communist. You'll explain your needs to your new friends, and arrange everything equitably.
[X]…a communist. You'll explain your needs to your new friends, and arrange everything equitably.

This for now, might switch if someone comes up with a write-in I like.
[X]…a believer in feudalism. You have an idea about a king-and-the-land ritual to protect the town, if necessary, and rulers can institute taxes.
[X]…a communist. You'll explain your needs to your new friends, and arrange everything equitably.
[X]…a believer in feudalism. You have an idea about a king-and-the-land ritual to protect the town, if necessary, and rulers can institute taxes.

The relation between ruler and vassal is sacred and only as good as long as both sides are beholden to the contract. We know we are--immortality precludes the messes that inheritance makes for humans-- just need to pick the right people.
As fun as a blood driven commune or capitalist system sound, there is a charm to feudalism. Besides, it's only fitting for a vampire from the past, no? We don't have to call it feudalism anyways, could always make small changes if necessary.
Also, feudalism is a relic of the past, in some ways that is good. It is without the heated debates that capitalism vs communism that exist in this time. It focuses on relationships rather than cold exchange or equality. Better for story, I say!
[X]…a communist. You'll explain your needs to your new friends, and arrange everything equitably.

Now, at heart, I think Morgan is a capitalist -- they enjoy math and they've devoted much care and attention to amassing a fortune. But I think it's clear that they cannot manage their needs in a cold-blooded way. People are important to them. Relationships are important to them. Compelling people to give Morgan their blood under a feudalist system where it's a legal obligation has all kinds of downsides. One big one: vampire hunters will HATE IT. And we've already MET THREE vampire hunters and know of others! Over the course of, what, thirty-six hours? Pretending vampire hunters are not really an issue is not going to work.

Another downside of feudalism: Morgan would have to tell people what to do. People would have to be persuaded to do it. If Morgan uses their powers to persuade people, (a) that will use up more blood-fueled-power and wasn't the point to be LESS HUNGRY and (b) wow the vampire hunters are gonna be EXTRA HATEY. Moreover, it's clear Morgan has lots of problems already and "telling a whole town what to do" is going to add a whole heap of new problems that they don't have time to deal with.

The "communist" approach is going to work out to have similarities to both capitalism and feudalism: some people are going to want Morgan's resources and some people are going to want their protection. But it's the approach that allows for the possibility of fulfilling Morgan's very real need for companionship. They are desperately lonely. Managing their hunger through force or economics is only going to make them more isolated and alone.
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[X]…a capitalist. You'll offer to trade your warding and your healing magics for human blood.
[X]…a believer in feudalism. You have an idea about a king-and-the-land ritual to protect the town, if necessary, and rulers can institute taxes.

Side note: I would quite like one or two more options on this one but couldn't think of them. Write-ins are strongly encouraged!

[Q]...a stock broker. Everyone can sell shares to their body to anyone else. Owning shares of someone entitles you to a say on how to use their time and the blood they produce. Hopefully people will be smart enough to not lose majority ownership.
[Q]...a gambler. You will engage in a variety of convoluted contests, betting something you own against an amount of blood. You could make a, what was it called, a game show out of it, to cover the costs of your stakes?
[Q]...a gift-giver. You couldn't possibly impose on someone by outright asking them for their blood instead of them offering it of their own initiative, so you will shower them in gifts until they get the hint. Luckily, you have practice keeping up a smile no matter the circumstances, and what a smile it is!
[Q]...a fundraiser. By the wonders of this thing called internet, you will put up various videos and blog posts about the life and needs of a vampire, and wait for people to mail in blood conserves.
[Q]...a subsistence hunter. You will dedicate your life to hunting wild animals. The apocalypse will have to wait, you're a strong and independent vampire who don't need no human and you will prove it!
[Q] utopist. By the wonders of blood magic and modern bio-engineering, you will finally throw off the shackles imposed by your archaic baseline body and transcend into glorious post-vampirism!
[Q] Every day, the people of the area will collectively vote for one of them to become your meal. USA! USA! Glorious FREEEDOOOM!
[Q]...virtual economist. You will spend your day surfing the internet and buying the rights to various gifs and videos that feature blood, and then stare at them longingly and fantasize until the hunger goes away.
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Hey, just foud the quest, and I have to say, it has captured my imagination and interest like few others have before.

Compliments to the DM, compelling, not-wish-fulfillment vampire stories are rare, bonus points for making the protagonist an ancient super-powerful vampire without them feeling overpowered.

That said,
[X]…a believer in feudalism. You have an idea about a king-and-the-land ritual to protect the town, if necessary, and rulers can institute taxes.

It just makes the most sense, not only for historical reasons, but personality-wise. Morgan has shown that they believe themselves to be better, being used to having more rights than the people around them (as shown by their interactions with other supernatural forces and the Hendersons). They are used to being in charge, and believe that it is the natural state of things (and who could blame a 6 century old vampire sorcerer?). At the same time, Morgan believes (in some sense) that they have an obligation towards those that they claim as "their people", in fact people have voted for this to be their primary goal/motivation.
At this time, Morgan considers anybody living (or at least sleeping) under their roof and anybody who has recieved or donated blood to/from them under his protection, and takes for granted that anybody with this status in some sense "belongs" to them and will help in managing/protecting/providing for his household.

This is a description (a little bit biased, i admit) of a person who in their heart believe in feudalism.
Of course Morgan has some aspects of both capitalist (they are, after all, a successful investor who likes owning nice things) and communist (they share with others freely(?)) mindsets, but they are not at the core of them.

As an additional note, I'd like to add that feudalism is not about absolute rulership, but about delegating portions of your power to people who you trust (kinda) to manage those. This system is much more compatible with the already existing power structure in the household and with vampire nature in general. It is hard to share power equally among all if one of them is a superpowerful vampire-mage who owns everything around and is essential to everybody's survival (and whose survival depends on many people submmitting to them (blood-bond)).
Just as making the blood-bond a transaction would not sit well (I think) with the person who, their survival upon it notwithstanding, is deeply uncomfortable with committing to such a bond without having a deep trust-based relationship already.

tl;dr: vampires create too large a power-imbalance for them to be communists. Blood-drinking is too intimate to Morgan for it to be considered a transaction. Feudalism is the most in line with Morgans personality as presented thus far.

P.S.: respecting gender-neutrality is annoying. Sorry if I slipped up
Edit: corrections of grammar and pronouns
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[X]…a capitalist. You'll offer to trade your warding and your healing magics for human blood.

Given that we;re apparently a stockbroker ...
[X] A participist. People get an amount of say in a decision based on how much it affects them. People discuss their needs and votes are impact-driven.

Get us out of a crisis hole without putting others in another one.

We've been doing it already, giving our domestic person more "votes" on domestic things.
P.S.: respecting gender-neutrality is annoying. Sorry if I slipped up

Welcome to the quest and thanks for the kind words! You 100% did slip up and standard three strikes rules and penalties will apply. That said, I do wish folks would consider at least varying their slip-ups, sticking to one involves bad assumptions.

Slightly more seriously, if it's that difficult for you, consider using we/us. (The royal we, perhaps?)
Adhoc vote count started by Wysteria on Jun 8, 2019 at 9:24 AM, finished with 816 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X]…a believer in feudalism. You have an idea about a king-and-the-land ritual to protect the town, if necessary, and rulers can institute taxes.
    [X]…a communist. You'll explain your needs to your new friends, and arrange everything equitably.
    [X]…a capitalist. You'll offer to trade your warding and your healing magics for human blood.
    [X] A participist. People get an amount of say in a decision based on how much it affects them. People discuss their needs and votes are impact-driven.
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You 100% did slip up and standard three strikes rules and penalties will apply. That said, I do wish folks would consider at least varying their slip-ups, sticking to one involves bad assumptions.

Ah, I don't presume fixing my mistakes would help? I genuinely didn't notice, and as an additional excuse, my native language doesn't have gender-neutral anything.
Ah, I don't presume fixing my mistakes would help? I genuinely didn't notice, and as an additional excuse, my native language doesn't have gender-neutral anything.
Fixing it does prevent in character penalties, yes. <3
Adhoc vote count started by Wysteria on Jun 8, 2019 at 10:04 AM, finished with 819 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X]…a believer in feudalism. You have an idea about a king-and-the-land ritual to protect the town, if necessary, and rulers can institute taxes.
    [X]…a communist. You'll explain your needs to your new friends, and arrange everything equitably.
    [X]…a capitalist. You'll offer to trade your warding and your healing magics for human blood.
    [X] A participist. People get an amount of say in a decision based on how much it affects them. People discuss their needs and votes are impact-driven.

Adhoc vote count started by Wysteria on Jun 8, 2019 at 10:25 AM, finished with 821 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X]…a believer in feudalism. You have an idea about a king-and-the-land ritual to protect the town, if necessary, and rulers can institute taxes.
    [X]…a capitalist. You'll offer to trade your warding and your healing magics for human blood.
    [X]…a communist. You'll explain your needs to your new friends, and arrange everything equitably.
    [X] A participist. People get an amount of say in a decision based on how much it affects them. People discuss their needs and votes are impact-driven.

Adhoc vote count started by Wysteria on Jun 8, 2019 at 12:34 PM, finished with 826 posts and 18 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Wysteria on Jun 8, 2019 at 12:58 PM, finished with 826 posts and 18 votes.
[X]…a believer in feudalism. You have an idea about a king-and-the-land ritual to protect the town, if necessary, and rulers can institute taxes.

I do agree agree Morgan has been operating under something like feudalistic principles already.
[X]…a capitalist. You'll offer to trade your warding and your healing magics for human blood.

Morgan would make a great robber baron, just saying.

They have something that many people are going to want, and they MAY have a near-monopoly on it.
[X]…a communist. You'll explain your needs to your new friends, and arrange everything equitably.

Interpersonal relationships for the win!
[Q]...a stock broker. Everyone can sell shares to their body to anyone else. Owning shares of someone entitles you to a say on how to use their time and the blood they produce. Hopefully people will be smart enough to not lose majority ownership.
[Q]...a gambler. You will engage in a variety of convoluted contests, betting something you own against an amount of blood. You could make a, what was it called, a game show out of it, to cover the costs of your stakes?
[Q]...a gift-giver. You couldn't possibly impose on someone by outright asking them for their blood instead of them offering it of their own initiative, so you will shower them in gifts until they get the hint. Luckily, you have practice keeping up a smile no matter the circumstances, and what a smile it is!
[Q]...a fundraiser. By the wonders of this thing called internet, you will put up various videos and blog posts about the life and needs of a vampire, and wait for people to mail in blood conserves.
[Q]...a subsistence hunter. You will dedicate your life to hunting wild animals. The apocalypse will have to wait, you're a strong and independent vampire who don't need no human and you will prove it!
[Q] utopist. By the wonders of blood magic and modern bio-engineering, you will finally throw off the shackles imposed by your archaic baseline body and transcend into glorious post-vampirism!
[Q] Every day, the people of the area will collectively vote for one of them to become your meal. USA! USA! Glorious FREEEDOOOM!
[Q]...virtual economist. You will spend your day surfing the internet and buying the rights to various gifs and videos that feature blood, and then stare at them longingly and fantasize until the hunger goes away.
Love the choices! What about
[?] ...parasite. You realize that the burdens of real life are too much for one person, so you decide to leech off society. Society wouldn't miss your meager contribution. Drinking whatever blood your friends and family keep in their fridge is part of... self employment. You're not unemployed, just... job searching.