We Will Never Die: A Halo Spartan Quest (AU)

Boot: 4: Becoming the Soldier.
Boot: 4: Becoming the Soldier.

[X]Soldiering: You are going to learn how to be a soldier, so that means marching in formation, shooting, and teamwork Rolled: 1D100 => 40

It was rather Easy, learning to be a soldier. The basics of it were rather like farm work, only instead of sowing the fields, picking the weeds, and making sure everything was watered.

Here it was formations, drilling, and constant improvement.

There were days that you would stand in the freezing weather of Reach's windy days, with gusts so powerful that some people were literally knocked off their feet.

But the discipline was growing, and now frightened, scared children that were brought in were hardened by weeks of discipline. There were some slackers yes, some of the kindly rulebreakers that would twist every rule that Mendez gave them in good fun and profit.

You were becoming the spartans that Mendez was molding you into.

Reward: Soldiering at the Journeyman Level.

[X]Riflemanship: You are being taught how to use, maintain, and clean a standard battle rifle. Rolled: 1D100 => 82

Handling a rifle meant for military use was hardly any different than using a hunting rifle. The only difference was that one had a pistol grip and was fully automatic, where as a hunting rifle was mostly a bolt action contraption.

One was a weapon of war. The other a weapon of precision.

You liked the MAS5B rifle much more than your old hunting rifle. It felt… natural in your hands.

Reward: You are now a journeyman in riflemanship.

-[X] Battlefield Tactics: You are going to learn how to command people on the battlefield. Rolled:1D100 => 97

It was honestly not quite surprising when you took to battlefield tactics like a fish to water. Your natural inclinations towards strategy was nearly second to none in the entire spartan corps. You dazzled Deja with your keen tactical mind and strategies, in such a way that she asked you where you learned it.

You told her the truth… that you didn't know, and all of it just came naturally to you.

Reward: Battlefield Strategy now at ODST Levels.

-[X] Robotics: "Do not rely on this machine to win your battles." Rolled:1D100 => 70

Machines were like toys to you… though you were not quite the mechanical wizard you thought you would be. Fejahd… and most everyone else in the small group of 10 spartans was much better than you at using and maintaining robotics.

But in using those machines, you had an idea spring into your mind. An idea that you thought you had seen before.

Do you remember now?
Reward: Robotics is now at the Journeyman level.Your memories are beginning to return in earnest.

-[X] Weapons Mastery: You want to learn to use all the weapons on base, to proficiency. Rolled:1D100 => 75

It was a strange thing seeing all the weapons on the table before you. The ammunition, the modifications… everything.

Stange and rewarding. For you spent hours, days even, at the range, firing, practicing, running through the courses that Mendez had set up, and gaining proficiency with them.

It may have been only a month, but you were getting very proficient with them indeed.

Reward: Weapons Mastery at Journeymen level. When it reaches spartan level, all other weapons mastery, save for covenant weapons, will be replaced.

-[X] Spend time with Alpha Team: You are going to learn how your team operates, and get to know them Rolled:1D100 => 70

Alpha team sat on the hills overlooking the base that they now called home.

Max and Able sat by you, snuggling under a blanket that you stole from the laundry. "So. Jorge, where are you from?" You asked.

Jorge chuckled. "Visegrád. In the mountains about 300 kilometers north of here." He stated. "It was a small place, lots of farms around there. It was quiet and peaceful."

Cal laughed. "I wish I could say that about my home. I was born on Jericho VII, in the largest city on the planet. You've never stopped hearing trucks full of silver. Or all the people celebrating about any of the random stuff, like the creation of a new hair product from the planets local wildlife." Cal seemed particularly happy about that bit of information.

"Why do you wear your hair above regulation?" Able asked.

"Because my mom said that if you take care of your hair, it will take care of you when the time comes," Cal states with pride. "Although I never knew what she meant by that."

"Ha!" Max said. "If you don't cut it, I'll just yank it until it falls off."

Cal glared at your little brother. "If you do that, I'll kill you."

Max then replied, "Ooh scary." He said mockingly.

You stayed there for the night and enjoyed each other's company.

Reward: Bonds made with your Brothers and Sisters in Arms. As it grows, fighting together will net you more bonuses.

-[X] Spend Time with another Team: You want to spend time with your other spartans. They are your family now. Rolled:1D100 => 87
--[X] Red Team

Red Team were not nearly as suspicious as you thought they were when you invited them to your side of the barracks to hang out.

"So… What do you want?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just want to get to know you," you replied. "Being hostile to each other will not be beneficial, and I would prefer for us to be friends."

Fred looked confused, and Serin eyed you with suspicion. "You are offering to be friends with us, just because?" She asked.

"Yes." You replied. "We would be able to work together with more efficiency if we do not have any animosity between us."

Fred took a deep breath. "He has a point."

Red team agreed.

The next day, you spent time getting to know each other better.

It felt normal… well as normal as one could get for children training to become soldiers.

Reward: Brothers in Arms Met, red Team: Fred-104, Linda-058, Will-043, Serin-019

-[X] The Black Market: It seems that Linda and Daisy are going to start a Black Market of Contraband goods. Might as well give them some help and pointers for base security. Rolled:1D100 => 55

Linda had dragged you into the corridor. You were met by Daisy and a few other spartans whose names you, frustratingly enough have not memorized.

"Hello." You replied.

"Spill it, why are you following us?" Linda asked.

"I have no idea what you are talking about?" you played dumb.

You saw Daisy pull out a knife. "We will not ask again," Linda asked. "What do you want?"

You rolled your eyes. "I want to procure supplies for illegal and unethical experimentation on myself."

That made Linda laugh. "Daisey put the knife away." Daisy did that. "Are you insane?"

"No." You replied. No one on this base could be considered sane by any psychiatrist worth their license. Except maybe the drill instructors, but that was not saying much. "Though I have heard that you can get things that people want."

"We can," Linda replied. "But they have to help us with getting security off of us."

"Alright." You replied.

"Wait? Just like that?" Daisy asked.

"Yes," you replied. "I need those supplies."

Reward: You must help the Black market crew with security before you can get the supplies you need.

You frowned as you woke up. You were alone, cold and only wearing a beanie, some sweats, and a long-sleeved shirt.

And as you looked around, you tried to find your bearings.

Where did you wake up in?
[]A Forest: It was a large snow-covered cascade, with evergreen trees and snow on the ground.
[]A rocky cliff edge: Well shit. You're on a cliff. And that fall looks like it will kill you.
[]A Beach: The Saltwater hit your face, and you scampered back. Ew… you got some salt in your mouth.
[]A Desert: The wind was cold, but the sun beat down on your skin.
[]On a wooden Raft: Dammit… you really hope that everyone is okay.
[]A City: Wow… New Alexandria is big…. Best try to blend into the crowds. You hope it's a weekend, or the schools will think your cutting class.

AN: Enjoy
There's some invisible text in the robotics section. I'm happy to see we are a tactical mastermind.

[X]A Beach: The Saltwater hit your face, and you scampered back. Ew… you got some salt in your mouth.
[X]A City: Wow… New Alexandria is big…. Best try to blend into the crowds. You hope it's a weekend, or the schools will think your cutting class.

Welp, better find the team and give jail breaking the old college try.
[X]A City: Wow… New Alexandria is big…. Best try to blend into the crowds. You hope it's a weekend, or the schools will think your cutting class.

I'm courious...why the hell are we in a city.
[X]A City: Wow… New Alexandria is big…. Best try to blend into the crowds. You hope it's a weekend, or the schools will think your cutting class.
[X]A City: Wow… New Alexandria is big…. Best try to blend into the crowds. You hope it's a weekend, or the schools will think your cutting class.
[X]A Beach: The Saltwater hit your face, and you scampered back. Ew… you got some salt in your mouth.

Forgot Serin on Red Team in the info post.
[X]A City: Wow… New Alexandria is big…. Best try to blend into the crowds. You hope it's a weekend, or the schools will think your cutting class.
[X]A Forest: It was a large snow-covered cascade, with evergreen trees and snow on the ground.

It's what we grew up in.
[X]A Forest: It was a large snow-covered cascade, with evergreen trees and snow on the ground.
[X]A Forest: It was a large snow-covered cascade, with evergreen trees and snow on the ground.
[X]A rocky cliff edge: Well shit. You're on a cliff. And that fall looks like it will kill you.
Some Spartan AAR’s For when they were captured
Some Spartan AAR's For when they were captured:


We did not have any complications with 052. Local law enforcement was bribed and sent to other locations.

At 2300 hours, the mission began. House was unlocked and we found the subject sleeping on the roof. 5 tranquilizers were used on the subject to ensure there was no commotion or sign of struggle.

The Flash clone was placed into the subject's bed.

There was not a problem with the subjects retrieval.


The subjects family was still awake when retrieval team arrived. Kilo-1 disguised himself as a child service employee and the covers were used.

Kilo-3 went in through the building's windows while distracting the parent, while Kilo-4 brought in the clone and Kilo-3 replaced the subject in her bed.

As the clone was placed, the subject woke and screamed for her parents.

Kilo-1 tried to stop the parents from entering the subjects room, but they saw the clone in bed while the subject was in the arms of Kilo-3.

Thinking that we were about to kidnap her child, the father of the subject tried to tackle Kilo-3, thinking the subject was the dummy in question we were going to replace her with.

After a brief struggle, Kilo-3 jumped out the window, and authorities were notified, but the cover for the operation was not compromised.

AN: I might make some more if everyone likes it, or you guys can make some for some bonuses.
[X]A Forest: It was a large snow-covered cascade, with evergreen trees and snow on the ground.
Posting a tally
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on May 21, 2019 at 8:15 PM, finished with 21 posts and 19 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on May 28, 2019 at 12:41 PM, finished with 23 posts and 21 votes.