Shield Hero, but hopefully Heroic

[X] You are inside your house. Saki looks at you her sightless eyes, shining with malicious intent.

Go big or go home.

[X] You are inside your house. Saki looks at you her sightless eyes, shining with malicious intent.
[X] You see the broken remains of Tokyo. Wailing wind and the puttering of rain, the distant sounds of gunfire.

I think the Saki option is too big of a risk and meant to BREAK Yukihime. She already came to terms with being separated from her daughter so I'm not sure why it would be a good idea to traumatize her. What exactly happens if Yukihime fails here?
The First Lesson: Ablation
[X] You are inside your house. Saki looks at you her sightless eyes, shining with malicious intent.

"Welcome back Yuki~!" The doppelganger of your daughter looks at you, malicious amusement shining in clouded eyes a too wide smile stretched across her face. "Or must I say... Nice to meet you, Yuki! My, oh my don't get so angry now!" This... This horrid insect! "Usually how this would go is that I'd pretend to be someone from your past and you'd have to find me and beat me somehow but... You're a special case Yuki! Isn't that fun! There's no way I'd be able to escape your wretched vision... So I had to improvise." The house surrounding you vanishes like dust, leaving a dark void where only the two of you stand. "I chose the one thing you couldn't hurt! Hehe! You'll rot and die in here while I puppet your body... Maybe I'll force you to watch as I burn down an orphanage? Rip apart that cute girl Vivian while wearing your new outfit? Ahhh the things I can do with a body!" The wretched bug wearing Saki's skin taunted you...

"Why in fact-", "Is that it?" You interrupted the Bug. "Huh!" Bug's face twisted into confused shock... "W-what do you mean is that 'it', I'm going to win. I'm going to take your body and do unspeakable acts with it! And you say, 'IS THAT IT!" You start to laugh! "HAHA! Yes I admit it, I don't think I can hurt your form... But really! You think... You think after you posses my crippled body you'll be able to take more than three steps before William cracks your head in? Oh my, have you even looked at the body you're inhabiting!" You look down at Bug, with a derision you think few could match... Bug finally took a good look at your frame... And it's face contorted into rage.

"YOU! You... My new container is a broken girl! That fuck! Hah... I guess it's inevitable that I won't take your body anywhere... So I think I'll play instead!" Maybe you made a mistake by telling it that your body was of little use. You grit your teeth if it was anyone else you would be able to do ANYTHING against it, but you couldn't... Not in a million years lay a hand on Saki, even if it's a mere mirage. You sit down into a seiza, you would go down with pride if at all. You glare defiantly at the Bug "Do your worst, monster. Just hope that you stay in that form." The Bug merely grins wider... "I wonder if you'll put up such a face after I'm done with you?" It snaps their fingers.

You have been captured, A̵͉͔̳̝͙o̲͚̩͎̜i̹'s men have not treated you kindly. "So... You want the kid for your experiments right?" you hear his voice... "Yes, I think she's a perfect specimen for what I have in mind don't you think?" What... "Will she suffer?", "Oh, most definitely!"... "Good."

"W-what... No..." You choke that out almost desperately... The monster merely grins back.

"Test Zero Zero Three, serum 'Ziggurat-1 A', on Subject Princess. Hypothesis: limited regeneration. Begin the experiment." You feel the needle go into your arm, then agony you've never felt before course through your body. You faintly hear a buzzing noise, and the whirling of various instruments... You constantly hear something wet hit the floor. "Cease the experiment. Serum Ziggurat-1 A is a partial success... Clean her up, she still has some use with the other experiments." You hear HIM, walk away.

You tremble a bit and grab your head. It's pounding... You don't want to remember. Please, you really don't want to remember!

"Test Zero One One, serum 'Ziggurat-5 B' along with designated drug '0034-X' extracted from the Osaka Lab... Hypothesis: death of the subject. Goodbye Yukihime, you were a good rat." You struggled futility against the bindings that constrained you to the table, even as you feel it enter your bloodstream. You feel parts of yourself ROT, fall apart, break, twist, you felt the ablation of your skin... All for it to just regenerate and do it over again and again and again... "Oh... You're still alive? Wonderful, we'll continue the tests."

Thus you died, alone with nobody but HIM, over and over and over and over again on that table... You could have been there for days, for weeks, for months... Years? Have you truly left? Is this all but a hallucination that you will eventually wake up to HIS droning voice? Did you think you could forget Yukihime?

[X] You have enough hate to kill.

[X] Break.

[X] Serenity.

[X] Dignity.

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[X] Break.

Let us destroy, destroy, DESTROY! Until nothing sad or bad remains!

Wouldn't that be nice? To shatter it all till neither bug, girl nor smoke exists?
[X] You have enough hate to kill.

... I might have needed that grief seed after all.