We Will Never Die: A Halo Spartan Quest (AU)

I certainly would like to deviate from the norm, but we need our MC to remember his time as a Soldier/Hero by giving him a gun. That might jump start his combat skills to a ludicrous degree by the time he gets drafted into the Spartan Program. Also, our siblings could also be candidates for the Spartan II Programs so we should increase our bonds with them right from the start. Robotics might give us an edge in Technology mumbo jumbo later on, but SPARTANS are soldiers foremost in the Covenant War, and that means we gotta master the arts of DAKKA.

I mean fair, but considering A) Soldier in a past life, B) We're guaranteed training in both of these, C) It'd be more the Art of War rather then Dakka, lol.

But realistically as I said, I'm fine with the Protective Older Sibling vote, I'm just not going to vote for it as I believe more in the Iron And Family one. I'll be fine with either winning as they're both decent plans based around good ideas.
Edit: Plan name: possibility
[X]Robotics: You loved the way machines worked on the farm, and how they operated.
[X]Spend time with Max: Your brother always loves to play games of strength, wits and intelligence, chess being his favorite. But he always tries to beat you, never giving up… never giving in. You loved him for that.
[X]Dream: In your Dreams you see wires and blood, darkness and light… a soul with the body of a machine. And a heart of something greater.
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[X]Robotics: You loved the way machines worked on the farm, and how they operated.
[X]Spend time with Max: Your brother always loves to play games of strength, wits and intelligence, chess being his favorite. But he always tries to beat you, never giving up… never giving in. You loved him for that.
[X]Dream: In your Dreams you see wires and blood, darkness and light… a soul with the body of a machine. And a heart of something greater.
Need a plan name to go with that.
[]300: After the Legendary Spartan of Thermopylae, the Three hundred warriors who stood their ground to the Last Man, whose actions brought valuable time for the Greek City states. They are an Army of Brothers and Sisters, ready to face the oncoming struggle that the future will bring.

[]150: The Theban Sacred Band was 150 man strong contingent of soldiers, who had defeated the Spartans in battle: A lucky number, it may be. But the group will become one, through time and training.

Huh, I guess Halsey was able to secure far more funding for her program in those instances.

That was the only reason the program was cut down from 150 to 75 in canon. The project was simply over budget (or the budget was downsized due to other ONI priorities as they fought the Innies).
Huh, I guess Halsey was able to secure far more funding for her program in those instances.

That was the only reason the program was cut down from 150 to 75 in canon. The project was simply over budget (or the budget was downsized due to other ONI priorities as they fought the Innies).
Actually... there are some consequences of there being 300 Spartans.

Like a Certain Colonel having his foot in the door and watching everything. And with his mitts invested... things may change.
Calling the vote in 3 hours.
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on May 15, 2019 at 9:54 AM, finished with 26 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X]Plan: Family and Iron.
    -[X]Robotics: You loved the way machines worked on the farm, and how they operated.
    -[X]Spend time with Able: You little sister enjoyed your company, though she was very weirded out whenever you stared off into space at night. But tonight you would be camping in the fields, as harvest season ends, and her curiosity gets the better of her. She asks what is out there in the Stars.
    -[X]Spend time with Max: Your brother always loves to play games of strength, wits and intelligence, chess being his favorite. But he always tries to beat you, never giving up… never giving in. You loved him for that.
    [X] Plan Protective Older Sibling
    [x] Plan: Love, Death & Robots= Halo Edition
    [X] Plan Protective Older Sibling
    [X]Hunting: Your Father gave you a rifle and took you and Max, and Able out into the wild lands. He taught you trigger discipline, how to clean and maintain the rifle, and how to shoot straight. And how to survive and keep others alive.
    [X]Spend time with Able: You little sister enjoyed your company, though she was very weirded out whenever you stared off into space at night. But tonight you would be camping in the fields, as harvest season ends, and her curiosity gets the better of her. She asks what is out there in the Stars.
    [X]Dream: In your Dreams, you see wires and blood, darkness and light… a soul with the body of a machine. And a heart of something greater.
    [X] Plan I am a Mechanical Man
    - [X] Robotics: You loved the way machines worked on the farm, and how they operated.
    - [X] Dream: In your Dreams you see wires and blood, darkness and light… a soul with the body of a machine. And a heart of something greater.
    - [X] Upgrade (Can only be taken with Cybernetics or Artificial Intelligence skill and with the Dream Action): Your body is too weak, your mind to brittle to handle the information that is needed to be processed. The only way to compensate for it… is to upgrade your body. That is the only way you can accomplish your mission.
    [X]Robotics: You loved the way machines worked on the farm, and how they operated.
    [X]Spend time with Max: Your brother always loves to play games of strength, wits and intelligence, chess being his favorite. But he always tries to beat you, never giving up… never giving in. You loved him for that.
    [X]Dream: In your Dreams, you see wires and blood, darkness and light… a soul with the body of a machine. And a heart of something greater.
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Gun safety sounds good, potential bonding with Siblings is nice as well, but learning how to survive in the wilderness before any SPARTAN training sounds pretty vital to me.
Eh... you'll learn to survive in the wilderness anyway. However, there will be less of a shock for you if you already know how to survive.
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calling the vote: Plan Protective older sibling wins.
Before Boot 2: Harvesting the Future.
Before Boot 2: Harvesting the Future.

Life was simple here. Wake up, do chores if there were any, play if there wasn't and try to act like the odd but bright child you were.

It was simple. And you like it.

[X]Hunting: Your Father gave you a rifle and took you and Max, and Able out into the wild lands. He taught you trigger discipline, how to clean and maintain the rifle, and how to shoot straight. And how to survive and keep others alive. Rolled: 1D100 => 92

The rifle in your hand was small, with a small caliber as well, made for hunting small game or birds that were trying to eat the crops.

Max and Able were behind you, making sure the orange colors that they were wearing was clearly visible.

Your father stood beside you. "Take deep breaths, and pick your target. Once you have it, breath in, and as you exhale, gently squeeze the trigger."

You followed his instructions, and there was a pop, and the bird fell.

"Good." He stated. "And always remember."

"Always treat the rifle as if it was alive." The three of you stated in a cheerful monotone, as the rifles bolt opened, and the empty chamber indicator was put in by Able.

The rest of the day, you practiced your survival skills by camouflaging yourself in the woods. Dad found you, but he told all of you that you were getting better.

Every day he taught you and your siblings about the hunt. And how you were apart of nature. You must be willing to live alongside nature in the hunt, and not to change it to suit you. To be able to find anything that may help you, from roots to feed you, to clean you, and to protect you. You must suit yourself for any environment.

The way he said that almost made him sound like a soldier.


Reward: You, Max and Able are now Journeyman Survivalists.
[X]Spend time with Able: You little sister enjoyed your company, though she was very weirded out whenever you stared off into space at night. But tonight you would be camping in the fields, as harvest season ends, and her curiosity gets the better of her. She asks what is out there in the Stars. Rolled:

The Fields were freshly harvested, leaving nothing but a barren field of grass and dirt. Able and you were lying down on the ground. "Cayde… What do you think is out there?" She asked. "Do you think there's something watching over us?"

You looked up to the stars. In your mind you could see a monster, an infinite monster that grew and grew on the misery of others, and thrived in the darkness.

But in that darkness, there was a candle, a light, something that drove it back and a man holding it, facing the monster down with every fiber of it's being. A machine man whose body seemed to hold the entire void back by himself.

"There is." you replied bluntly.

You loved nights like this, with Able… You could see the universe for what it was.

Uncaring… but only that little bit to make you appreciate what you have.

You appreciate your family.

Reward: You spend time with Able. She trusts you with her life.
[X]Dream: In your Dreams, you see wires and blood, darkness and light… a soul with the body of a machine. And a heart of something greater. Rolled:

You awoke in your dreams to a machine man. It was a man with glasses and a suit, with intelligent eyes and a calm demeanor about him.

"Hello young one." he said quietly. "Do not be afraid."

"What are you?" You asked.

"A protector of Humanity… of earth and all her colonies." The machine man said in a robotic voice. "And so are you."

You were confused. "What am I? An AI, A robot or cyborg?"

"No… you are none of those things… unless you wish to become them." The machine stated. "I am unsure how we bonded like this. Your organic body, and soul, with my own machine soul as well. But I do know that if we are to cooperate together, your body must be upgraded."

"Why?" You asked.

"Dark things are in this universe. And the human body is far too fragile to face them." The machine said.

And you awoke from your dream with a start, your heart racing.

Reward: You can now upgrade your body if you gain the skills for it. The Machine will wish to talk again soon.

The strange woman came to your school wearing a fake smile and large pink sunhat. She was asking around, talking to some of the children.

And then she came to you. "Hello there." She said with a gentle voice.

"Hello." You said, looking up from the chess board you were playing at. It was empty, save for the imaginary pieces in your mind.

"Playing a game?" She asked.

"Yes." You replied, looking up to her. "What are you doing here?"

The woman smiled and shook her head. "I'm just looking for a school to send my children to." She replied.

She was lying.

The man who had come in with her was armed and carried himself like some kind of soldier. You noticed the pistol that was hidden under his shirt.

What do you do:
[]Expose the Lie: "I know you are lying ma'am. Why are you really hear?"
[]Ask her a question about herself: "Who are you? You didn't even introduce yourself"
[]Call over Able and Max and introduce them: "You want to meet my brother and sister?"
[]Continue playing your game: "Checkmate."
[]Expose the man who had come with her: "That man has a gun!"

AN: Enjoy.
[X]Continue playing your game: "Checkmate."

Lets see how this goes down...lets deconstruct the SPARTAN Program to AI countered pices.

Just for Halsey's Reaction.
So why do y'all wanna expose Keyes? Let's just call her on her lie and tell her we know the guy behind her isn't exactly safe per say, form a finger gun or something. That's if we're allowed a write-in. Otherwise just call her on the lies, lol.
So why do y'all wanna expose Keyes? Let's just call her on her lie and tell her we know the guy behind her isn't exactly safe per say, form a finger gun or something. That's if we're allowed a write-in. Otherwise just call her on the lies, lol.
I just want to see if we can fly under the radar and not get kidnapped.
I just want to see if we can fly under the radar and not get kidnapped.
Impossible. You are going to be a spartan 2.

However our first impression with Dr. Halsey will actually affect how she deals with us, and if we are... well let's just say the good doctor needs to assuage her guilt and her conscious. And how we interact with her may affect how she treats us in the future.
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