Why Can't My Worshippers Understand What I'm Saying?: A Well Intentioned God Quest

[X]You're interested. It might give you a better idea of something to aim for.

So a lot of people have talked about what the lek-kego should be, but I have to ask who should we be? I feel the need to ask because so far our character arc has been going from apathetic teenager to an uninspired college student to a full on commited artist/parent figure. Somewhere in there is our relationship with unbeing and tied into that was is our relationship with our chosen lek-kego. Before, when we hadn't created anything worthwhile there was something that our superiors were convinced was sympathy if left to our own devices in that state, we would definetly never have created a whole world let alone a sapient people to inhabit that world. Now here we are fully invested in the Lek-kego's development even if we are working within a few parameters they're still our people and knowing what it's like to have a people we decided to igore the unbeing that passed through because we now understood what it was like to nurture life. So where do we go from there? We've already had a pretty well defined arc, but it always seems like someone is trying to throw us onto a different path comepletely, myself included.
We are proving a point. We have enough conviction in our new-found ideals, and in the world we built, that we're willing to put it under fire of a single, tiny stand of Unbeing, just to test how it holds out. After all, we will eventually have to put it up against the entire Unbeing, and it's better they practice now with a weakened version than just have them take to field unblooded. Kinda like immunization shots, or training matches for a boxer.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Ancient Scholar on May 3, 2019 at 5:46 PM, finished with 28 posts and 23 votes.
'The Functionings of Cosmic War' or 'I Can't Believe It's Not Unbeing!'
@Dreaming what even constitutes a race as being useful in the War against Unbeing? Considering the god-like attributes involved in the primary actors, I'm left wondering if all the Lek-kego could ever accomplish would be stalling Unbeing by distracting part of it. In which case ... well mission accomplished?

Neither your people nor theirs are often capable of harming the other so you must turn to other methods. The frontline of the War is at the forefront of the tide of Unbeing, where, outside of defined little pockets such as your prison, the nature of reality is far more wobbly due to the constant loss and erosion of fundamental attributes. Out past that point, where the tide has been and gone, is nothing. The tide itself is the boundary of the cosmos, of not just the universe but also of what is possible to perceive or even imagine about it. It is the weapon of the Unbeing and though it may even unmake things like you with sufficient exposure, that's not really the point of it. The Unbeing isn't really trying to kill your people, that's just secondary to their objective of unmaking reality beneath you. Accomplish the latter and the former will follow.
But even though neither of you are capable of harming the other in all but the most strenuous circumstances, the things of the Unbeing are poisoned by the stuff of Creation. The more Unbeing is forced to interact with things and peoples of reality, the more it must admit that reality is real (or else it wouldn't be interacting with it). It gets into them like a poison and makes them more real even as they do the reverse to reality, tying them to reality in a web of context that can ultimately entomb them in Creation like an insect in amber. All Unbeing that you'd ever come into contact with is already at least a little tainted by this, due to the virtue that they're fighting a war at all, but it varies from one to another and the more they must do battle against things that aren't your people, numinous beings who are almost as removed from reality as they are, but creatures and things made in the universe, the more it traps them. Even trying to jump back into time or wipe them from existence requires admitting that physics and dimensions exist. Hence you get things like your current cell-mate, whose previous meddling with your experiment wound up with them wedged into the walls of your prison.

To that end, your people cultivate universes and civilisations to be warriors, though in this case 'warrior' can apply just as easily to denizens who sing at the Unbeing as much as they do denizens who blast at them with star-fleets or impale them with demigod blades. They don't even have to survive or be involved themselves: their entire existence and history can be just to peak in the creation of a single weapon or idea that justifies themselves. Out in the frontlines, where reality is extremely tenuous, the battlefield is often a single singularity of space or time where ones relative dimensions or the cosmic impossibilities of things interacting with something bigger than a universe stops mattering.
Besides, 'bigger than a universe' is not only extremely relative (you are bigger than your current universe but it is scant more than a light-year and a few hundred millennia across) but mostly meaningless as a bragging point when space and form are illusion.
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Vote called. Though they are split into three, the votes to blather with them is more than the opposite.
Adhoc vote count started by Dreaming on May 4, 2019 at 10:38 AM, finished with 36 posts and 28 votes.
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Lot and the Lord
[X]You're interested.

While it is very tempting to simply harden your heart once more and ignore them, since they clearly need this much than you do...you can't deny that your interest has been piqued. A wager, huh? What kind of wager?

Then you agree?

You're interested, that's all. And they're right about one thing. You can't really talk to the Lek-kego. But they better be quick about explaining themselves too, you want to get back to the Lek-kego. They're sort of the point of this whole thing.

Don't worry, they matter. But this is the question here: Do you trust them?


If you accept my terms and grant me permission, I will hide a seed within your World that will contain the Truth of all things and open the minds of any who reads it. A treatise of Unbeing. The philosophical mathematics that encapsulate why universal liberation is the only way forward.

What happened to not being here to preach?

Not to you, never to you, old friend. It is for the mortals. That is the wager. It might take them generations to find it, they may never find it at all. But if they do, do you think they will withstand it? Will they come to their senses or will they cling to the Lie? Do you trust them to cling to tortuous reality?

...You're not sure if you want to dally with the potential mass suicide of your chosen people.

It would be kinder.

And what of the terms? What do you get out of this if you win and the Unbeing is proved wrong?

I have nothing I can give you that you'd want...save myself. You already know how.

Right. Unbeing is the moral end of the universe and yet it is also so fragile that it can melt away from a sunbeam. Just the act of this wager, of sowing some part of themselves into the fabric of this universe's reality, is dangerous to them. Even thinking about your Lek-kego stagnates some incredibly minuscule part of them into something that only exists in the context of reality where things like Lek-kego exist and are not lies. it doesn't kill them, not exactly, as that implies nonexistence and that is fine by them. But stagnant Unbeing really isn't just Unbeing anymore, it's just...Being. Like a reverse-suicide and to them, just as revolting.
Seems like an incredible risk for just a little distraction. Why?

Because I love you and I love your people. And if I can so much as touch a heart and set it back on the right path, I won't be gone. Not really.

Really? Even if you remain aloof and they capture just the 'heart' of a mere Lek-kego?

Why put it that way? They aren't less important than you or I.

[ ]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.

[ ]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.

[ ]Other (State what)
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
- [x] Waifu the Unbeing.

This is a great idea. Trust me.
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[X]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.
What sort of things do Unbeing become after coming into existence?

It's a continual process along a scale so there's no tipping point or transition point where it just happens. But they basically become more like the MC's people and then, go past that and actually become a thing of the world itself and not above it like the MC and Unbeing generally are. Something mighty and massive and cosmic, potentially, but trapped in the laws of the universe in ways that you are not. They're actually even made of stuff by that point.
At that point, they can die and their corpse continues to exist as matter! Wow!

EDIT: And as noted above, any thing of Unbeing that you'd be liable to encounter is already somewhat along their descent down this scale, having picked up things like traits, qualities and descriptors. Whether they once existed as a theoretical 'pure' state of nothingness that paradoxically become somethingness or whether this is a taint left over from Unbeing's shared origin with the MC and their people is a mostly meaningless point. If there is pure Unbeing, it by nature doesn't exist within the bounds of the tide. By the time you can perceive or even think of it, it is at least a little rooted down in reality.
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[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
- [x] Waifu the Unbeing.

[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.

By agreeing, both participants are agreeing to exist in concert with each other, and we have a boundary established. Refusal, is to drift on the whims of fancy until the end.
Honestly I laud the imagination of anyone who can be horny for the interactions between two invisible bodiless/formless clumps of spacetime
It's not really about that. Mainly waifu the unbeing is to see if we can try to have a relationship of some kind with them. Maybe we can achieve some sort of balance or something. I don't know.

I just feel that this war was forced on us achieved we don't really have to fight the Unbeing.
[X ]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.
Keep your metaphysical hands off my rock children
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