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Initializing TenCo console...
Importing So You've Been Hit By A Truck save data...

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Love & Destroy
Initializing TenCo console...
Importing So You've Been Hit By A Truck save data...

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What I'm about to say may shock you.

You have been summoned to a fantasy world.


That's not really the response I was expecting.

Happens all the time, you say? It's cliche?And a terrible one? Those stories from your world can't be that bad, can they?



Oh dear...That's rather saucy.

Well that tears it, you must be Terran. You call it Earth, but calling you an Earthling is a little too sci-fi, don't you think? I am sending you to a fantasy world, after all.

Oh right. Hells, I had a whole Professor Oak spiel ready for you, but you already know the situation. I don't get to do it very often, with the major nations having their own summoning systems and all. Most people skip this whole process.

...Don't look at me like that. I'm a goddess, you know.

You want the spiel? Honestly?

You're not saying this out of pity, are you?



O pitiful soul wandering in the darkness, reckoning is at hand. Know me, Grand Duchess of the Myriad Realms. Know me, Judge of Lost Souls. Know me, Ariel Ialdabaoth. In my left hand, I hold Death. In my right hand, I hold Fate. In my bosom, I hold Rebirth. Love me, fear me, do as I say and I shall grant thine wildest dreams.

...You do have dreams, right? Please say you have dreams.

[What is your dream?]
[ ] To be a hero.
[ ] To be filthy rich.
[ ] To be free.
[ ] To be a culinary god.
[ ] My dreams are all dead and buried.

By the way, these effects are pretty cool, huh? The fractal galaxy bit took forever to get just right. And this is but a mere fraction of my power!

Ehehe, you're making me blush...


O lost soul, thou art as unshaped clay. Art thou of Mars or Venus?

Psst, that means are you a boy or a girl? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

[What are you?]
[ ] A boy!
[ ] A girl!
[ ] An experience!
[ ] No comment!

This next part is always awkward, but it's TenCo protocol. Hope I don't butcher it too badly.

Though thine body has left the cradle of Terra, the heavens smile upon clay formed in the crucible of the Rising Sun. Hath thine form been kissed with the breath of myriad gods?

What's the Rising Sun? Japan, of course.

Why Japan specifically? TenCo has a vested interest in the Japanese. The Japanese are more compatible with their reality hacking tech, or "cheat skills" as the kids call it these days. Native, full blooded Japanese have the highest compatibility, but living there also increases cheat skill compatibility.

Due to their high compatibility, TenCo is more, erm, aggressive in recruiting the Japanese. They're rather fond of hitting them with trucks; the sudden shock is quite good at separating souls from bodies. I know one girl under my jurisdiction had a truck thrown at her. Imagine that.

Sorry, I'm rambling.

[Are you Japanese?]
[ ] Yes
[ ] Yes, but I don't live in Japan.
[ ] No, but soon I will be.
[ ] No

Ah, where did you come from? I just assumed you were Terran. If you aren't I apologize.

Oh good, you are Terran. What's it like? With the fantastic things your fellow Isaac cases come up with, Earth must be a fascinating place.

It's boring?

Oh come on, don't say that. I'm sure there was something interesting about it.

It makes sense you'd think a parallel fantasy world would be more intetesting. Greener pastures and all. When you've been around as long as I have, you learn to find everything interesting.

Oh, can I do the Goddess Voice for this? There's not a script here, but I'd like to do the Goddess Voice.


Ahe-hem, almost choked on my spit there.

O wandering soul, myriad doors open await thy arrival, yet thou hast departed from but one. From whence does thine soul spring?

[Where did you come from?]
[ ] A world of magic and miracles
[ ] A world of blood and gunpowder
[ ] A world of heroes and villains
[ ] A world of gods and devils

[Skip Intro?]
[ ] YES
[ ] NO
Adhoc vote count started by FourthWall on May 1, 2019 at 2:26 PM, finished with 21 posts and 14 votes.
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This is a Public Service Announcement: With Guitars!

I decided to do this Quest because going over my rap sheet reminded me how much fun Truck was. So to avoid catching a ban like I did from Truck, I'm posting another PSA.

Do not, I repeat DO FUCKING NOT push your luck with the rules in this thread. Do not be a creep, do not start shit, do not give any mods any reason to bring the ruckus. In Truck, I called general shittery "being a Hiiro."

Don't be a Hiiro.

If you're a Hiiro, this thread gets nuked. Savvy?
Adhoc vote count started by FourthWall on May 1, 2019 at 3:55 PM, finished with 21 posts and 14 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by FourthWall on May 1, 2019 at 4:13 PM, finished with 22 posts and 15 votes.
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[X] My dreams are all dead and buried.
[X] An experience!
[X] Yes, but I don't live in Japan.
[X] A world of magic and miracles
[X] plan more gold!!!

[X] To be filthy rich.
[X] A boy!
[X] No, but soon I will be.
[X] A world of blood and gunpowder
[X] My dreams are all dead and buried.
[X] A boy!
[X] No, but soon I will be.
[X] A world of magic and miracles
[X] My dreams are all dead and buried.
[X] A boy!
[X] No, but soon I will be.
[X] A world of blood and gunpowder
Adhoc vote count started by Hikari on May 1, 2019 at 4:43 AM, finished with 7 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] My dreams are all dead and buried.
    [X] An experience!
    [X] Yes, but I don't live in Japan.
    [X] A world of magic and miracles
    [X] plan more gold!!!
    [X] To be filthy rich.
    [X] A boy!
    [X] No, but soon I will be.
    [X] A world of blood and gunpowder
    [X] To be filthy rich.
    [X] An experience!
    [X] No, but soon I will be.
    [X] A world of blood and gunpowder
    [X] My dreams are all dead and buried.
    [X] A boy!
    [X] No, but soon I will be.
    [X] A world of magic and miracles
    [X] My dreams are all dead and buried.
    [X] A boy!
    [X] No, but soon I will be.
    [X] A world of blood and gunpowder
    [X] My dreams are all dead and buried.
    [X] A boy!
    [X] No
    [X] A world of blood and gunpowder
[X] My dreams are all dead and buried.
[X] A boy!
[X] No
[X] A world of blood and gunpowder
[X] My dreams are all dead and buried.
[X] An experience!
[X] Yes, but I don't live in Japan.
[X] A world of magic and miracles
[X] My dreams are all dead and buried.
[X] An experience!
[X] Yes, but I don't live in Japan.
[X] A world of magic and miracles
[X]Plan lets be an Oasis

[X] To be a culinary god.
[X] An experience!
[X] No, but soon I will be.
[X] A world of blood and gunpowder
[X] To be filthy rich.
[X] A girl!
[X] Yes, but I don't live in Japan.
[X] A world of unending war and battle of the immortals

Can we do a write-in to those things too?

Also, why does everyone always choose boy if girls are somehow more interesting to read about? That doesn't really make sense. A girl is more prone to social interaction while a boy often shuts himself off. Though a girl sadly won't win a majority here.
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[X] To be filthy rich.
[X] An experience!
[X] Yes, but I don't live in Japan.
[X] A world of gods and devils
Can we do a write-in to those things too?
Write-ins are always cool, as long as they don't violate the PSA. Even if they don't win, if they're funny, clever or cool enough, I'll find a way to make them work.

And interesting characters are interesting regardless of gender. :V
Adhoc vote count started by FourthWall on May 1, 2019 at 1:48 PM, finished with 16 posts and 11 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by FourthWall on May 1, 2019 at 2:05 PM, finished with 18 posts and 11 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by FourthWall on May 1, 2019 at 2:12 PM, finished with 20 posts and 13 votes.
Well this is exciting! Here's to hoping it doesn't get mods called down on it. No real strong feelings on voting rn, so I'll just sit out on this one.
Write-ins are always cool, as long as they don't violate the PSA. Even if they don't win, if they're funny, clever or cool enough, I'll find a way to make them work.

And interesting characters are interesting regardless of gender. :V

I changed my write-in. Mine is basically a Capsuleer from Eve Online. She has extensive knowledge about super-advanced industry and how to pilot extremely large ships and how to build them including very advanced infantry weapons. Her history is, that she just died another time and expected to wake up in a clone again like she always does, but that won't happen. Instead she wakes up to the Isekai.
[X] To be a culinary god.
[X] A boy!
[X] No, but soon I will be.
[X] A world of heroes and villains
Input Error
There's a tie between boy and experience. So let's do something that will get me banned accommodate everybody. The other choices are locked in.

[ ] I'm just a boy!
[ ] I'm a boy, but I make a great girl!
[ ] I'm a boy that turns into a girl!
[ ] Who cares what I am!
Adhoc vote count started by FourthWall on May 1, 2019 at 4:13 PM, finished with 22 posts and 15 votes.
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