Why Can't My Worshippers Understand What I'm Saying?: A Well Intentioned God Quest

My only suggestions are maybe give spirits and Lek-kego the ability to interbreed to have spiritually strong Lek-kego or monster babys.

Maybe put a lake of Ferrofluids somewhere.
I don't expect this'll shift discourse in any way, but I really dislike how our interventions keep smashing bits of our beautiful Spun-Apart into into each other after tearing them out of where they were.
My only suggestions are maybe give spirits and Lek-kego the ability to interbreed to have spiritually strong Lek-kego or monster babys.

Maybe put a lake of Ferrofluids somewhere.

Spirit Eugenics is a can of worms I'm personally not interested in opening. I'd rather give spirits the ability to make bargains on an individual level, maybe do a binding trial thing where a Lek'kego earns the spirit's respect somehow. Of course, Lek'kego don't age, which throws a lot of wrenches into both your and my idea.

Edit: to clarify what I mean by bargain, I'm thinking of either a fusion/possession thing, or some kind of similar reciprocal pact. Preferably with a soul link or some kind of empathy aspect to it. The issue I have with the state of things is that the spirits gain nothing with the way the things are, and are entirely at the mercy of the Lek-kego, and the Lek-kego have no reason to care what happens to the spirits. Also, something should probably be done about the mind control thing.
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[X] [Earth][Creation]
-[X]Create a single small deposit of Stainless Steel near each of the various civilizations in remote areas, only enough for say, five Lek-kego in each deposit.
-[X]Right at the end of the Age

I wanna see how the Lek deal with essentially a Highlander situation, with immortals who need no further metal to really prevent erosion. Claim immortality, Lek-kego!
Spirit Stands!

[X][Spirit] Let Spirits and Lek-kego form partnerships, allowing the spirit agency and action so long as the partner approves.

The 2 man teams of Lek-kego and spirits are the future, but the Lek-kego having to attack the spirits manifestation is cumbersome. Let spirit pacts flourish, let our children become warlocks and spirit mongers.
-[x] right after the guy attacks the tungsten spirit and they team up.
-[X]Dock the Shard with the Knights on it to a Shard with more water. DO NOT DOCK THEM TO SPUR CLAN'S SHARD!
-[X]Right at the end of the Age

[X][Spirit] Let Spirits and Lek-kego form partnerships, allowing the spirit agency and action so long as the partner approves.

The 2 man teams of Lek-kego and spirits are the future, but the Lek-kego having to attack the spirits manifestation is cumbersome. Let spirit pacts flourish, let our children become warlocks and spirit mongers.
-[x] right after the guy attacks the tungsten spirit and they team up.
No, please don't do spirit pacts. Every time they've proven to be more trouble than they're worth.
[X][Spirit] Let Spirits and Lek-kego form partnerships, allowing the spirit agency and action so long as the partner approves.

The 2 man teams of Lek-kego and spirits are the future, but the Lek-kego having to attack the spirits manifestation is cumbersome. Let spirit pacts flourish, let our children become warlocks and spirit mongers.
-[x] right after the guy attacks the tungsten spirit and they team up.

There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to these pacts. Lek-kego don't age, so how long do these pacts last? How does the pact work, and what does each party gain? What kind of communications do the pacts open up between the spirits and the Lek-kego? How do different elements affect the pacts? I think this intervention is too open ended and prone to abuse.

The thing about pacts is that I'm pretty sure the Lek-kego don't age.
The 2 man teams of Lek-kego and spirits are the future, but the Lek-kego having to attack the spirits manifestation is cumbersome. Let spirit pacts flourish, let our children become warlocks and spirit mongers.
-[x] right after the guy attacks the tungsten spirit and they team up.

How do you intervene in an event you've butterflied away with a previous intervention?
Can we make Handwavium metals?

Using a Creation Intervention with Earth Aspect, yes.

EDIT: That said, you can't make a super-metal that boosts Lek-kego's intellect or whatever by a hundredfold every time they eat it or something that's inherently antithetical to the things of Unbeing once it's been forged, thus fulfilling the terms of your imprisonment. It has to be within the realm of what is possible in the Earth Aspect. So it can do things that things of Earth can already do or could reasonably do.
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-[X]Dock the Shard with the Knights on it to a Shard with more water. DO NOT DOCK THEM TO SPUR CLAN'S SHARD!
-[X]Right at the end of the Age
How do spirits organize themselves internally and interact among one another?

Edit: Also, would a spirit pact allow us to change the rules on how spirit pacts work? Like, could we make it that spirits could magically enforce demands and bargains if the Lek-kego try to screw them over?
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I mean yes, technically, since Interventions can change time. But when I said that I meant more in the sense that an Intervention done right at the start of an Age will change events all the way along it. Just because you've seen the whole Age of Wrath doesn't mean you can't Intervene at specific time points (that is, right after or between any of the 10 Events).
But I don't want to re-write the Age of Beasts, the Age of Faith and the Age of Wrath all because of one Intervention thrown back to the beginning of History so for game mechanics purposes, you can Intervene at any point in the current Age but not before. I am not a masochist.
Don't blame you in the slightest. Okay, my understanding of permissible Intervention timing was correct, then.

[X]No more interventions, this Age is good now.
Actually, if we want to give the Lek-Kego a head-start on travel, we could create a sort of metal that acts as a means of propulsion when heated.
-[X] it is good that they have begun to embrace democracy, however it must be spread to the entire populace! Let the fires of revolution burn in their hearts and forge a clan where all are equal.
-[X] The Steel War is technically still going but it's really just an occasional issue for both the Spear Clan and their colony, which still sees itself as Spear Clan but obviously a better more traditional Spear Clan than the literal Spear Clan, especially after the coup. Since then the two have been passively aggressively jousting with one another, both protected by distance and the Steel War making travel across the beach intermittent. What the distance doesn't stop however are the refugees, wealthy upper castes slowly drifting away from the Spear Clan's new focus on a new caste system that doesn't elevate them personally. The colony is eager to take most of them in and is becoming common to derogatorily refer to the original Spear Clan as the 'Steel Clan' due to their ferrocracy. Meanwhile back in said ferrocracy, the Chieftain's following the victorious general have found themselves facing an unpleasant truth: All the other generals now know that they can try and be Chieftain whenever they want. It is coup after coup after coup, pausing only to continue its military pissing match with the colony. Eventually what it settles into is the Lek-kego's first electoral system but with only steel-shells of distinguished military service being able to vote. This way, ideally, the new Chieftain rules with the majority support of the armies and cannot simply be couped repeatedly as they had been in the past.
How do spirits organize themselves internally and interact among one another?

Varies depending on the spirit. They mostly get along with spirits of the same type or conceptual grouping. And by conceptual grouping I mean in the sense of 'could they all feasibly be part of a bigger spirit' so even though a spirit of a woodland creature and the spirit of a tree are very different, at the same time they're also part of the overall Spirit of the Woods. Spirits flow together even as they're individuals. The less concrete the spirit, the more time it spends dormant in a state of temporary nonexistence.
That said, since you made them so well they're not going to do anything on their own unless you give them permission to.
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If people are wanting to do shard slamming, can we make it Instant? Last time we didn't do Instant, we nearly killed a lot of Lek-kego, and I can see Safe just stopping it from directly crushing any Lek-kego, ignoring stuff like impact and things breaking off and so forth.
[X] [Earth][Creation]
-[X]Create a single small deposit of Stainless Steel near each of the various civilizations in remote areas, only enough for say, five Lek-kego in each deposit.
-[X]Right at the end of the Age

I wanna see how the Lek deal with essentially a Highlander situation, with immortals who need no further metal to really prevent erosion. Claim immortality, Lek-kego!
This would mean there nearly biggest weakness is black iron
Osmium is denser and paramagnetic.

We could always just make a new metal, we are a god after all. @Dreamer, or do I misunderstand our abilities here?

Also, did you miss my earlier question regarding whether souls exist.

For choices... hmmm... I am somewhat interested in the idea of giving spirits permission to create some kind of "home-area", where they can incorporate and fight anyone that intrudes upon them... something like Dresden Files style thresholds maybe? They cannot go into homes to murder you, but if you go to their realm, they can murder you???

-[X]Dock the Shard with the Knights on it to a Shard with more water. DO NOT DOCK THEM TO SPUR CLAN'S SHARD!

Any reason why you have to move their Shard instead of putting another shard with water onto theirs? Because that way I see some more people falling over because they are dumb...
Could we abduct a Lek-Kego and make him Lek-Kego Jesus?

I'm sure that it can only end badly, but I want it anyway.
I don't expect this'll shift discourse in any way, but I really dislike how our interventions keep smashing bits of our beautiful Spun-Apart into into each other after tearing them out of where they were.
It's literally just smashing a world we already intentionally smashed into pieces.