God Save The Queen (Post-Apocalyptic Britain Quest)

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The Collapse of the Old World happened twenty-eight years ago. As someone who was born sixty...
The Prime Minister
Southampton, Great Britain
The Collapse of the Old World happened twenty-eight years ago. As someone who was born sixty years ago, you have had the misfortunate to live through it. A loyal subject and patriot of your King and Country, you did your best to hold things together since the Collapse, refusing to let the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and all it stood for just vanish from the face of the Earth.

And by God, you did that. The United Kingdom is diminished, reduced to mostly ruling over what used to be Hampshire. Winchester is once again the national capital while Portsmouth and Southampton are the other two major cities of the country.

The rest is gone. Welsh is ruled by squabbling feudal princes while the Midlands and the North are fought over by techno-barbarians, some of which will sometimes strike down at those south of them. The old capital of London is ruled by the Anglican Church, a mockery of what it once used to be as the Archbishop rules over its feudal vassal-kingdoms that surround London. Ireland is ruled by disunited Catholic Republican states that seek to restore the Republic of Ireland, but cannot decide on which of them gets to be in charge.

It isn't all bad. You have friends to the west as King Oliver had an alliance with the Count of Kernow until the recent death of the former. There is also the Union of Ulster. What was once Northern Ireland still technically pledges allegiance to the British monarch, but that has allegiance has always been nominal and a way for the leaders of the Union to claim legitimacy.

The Scots were also doing well from themselves from what you heard last, but news from that far north is hard to come by these days. You heard some worrying about the Steel Storm cultists up there, but that is the norm these days when it comes to those Old World tech-worshipping cults. Storm Steel, Tempered Lightning, Forged Iron, Hallow Machines and Atomic Sons, they are all trouble.

With most of them born after the Collapse, the cultists have an unhealthy obsession with the technology of the Old World as they worship as some form of divinity and try to get their hands on it everywhere. Seemingly having outposts everywhere, the various cults are troublesome and dangerous thanks to have access to Old World tech, especially since they sometimes figure out how to reproduce some of it.

God knows that you had enough problems with the Atomic Sons in northern France make attempts to seize what is left of the pre-Collapse Royal Navy while Forged Iron ruling the Isle of Wight have make a regular nuisance of themselves.

Yet for all the things that have gone wrong with the world, you have managed to maintain one shining bastion of light in the world, the last holdout of a bygone, but better era. Parliament has continued to rule over the United Kingdom despite the Collapse even if the royal family has taken more of their responsibilities than they had prior to the Collapse. You managed to keep democracy alive in the world and you managed to keep freedom and rights for your citizens. You got a handful of Royal Navy left over from before the Collapse and you got something worth fighting for.

King Oliver and his son Prince George at dead, leaving Queen Victoria both as the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and as the last surviving member of her family. She has appointed you as her Prime Minister and you intend to serve your queen and country with the loyalty that they both deserve from you.

The years have been long and hard and they will continue to be so for the foreseeable future, but you got something to rebuilt from, something from which you can restore your home and bring back an old era of light into this new age of darkness.

And you will be the man who does it or you will die trying.

What is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom called?
[] [Name] Write-in name (Subject to QM veto)

What is the past of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
[] [Past] City Councillor. You were on the City Council of Winchester, one of its younger members, when the Collapse happened and the Old World ended. With most of your fellow councillors dead, you step up to the challenge and assumed leadership, keeping your civ intact and reaching out to the nearby areas. You formed coalitions with the neighbouring cities. You brought not only kept Southampton and Portsmouth in the United Kingdom, but you also brought the cities of Bournemouth, Salisbury and Basingstoke back into the fold. You have ensured that the railroads have kept running in the United Kingdom and ensured that the power has stayed online for your people.
[] [Past] Naval Officer. You were a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy. As older and more senior officers either died or abandoned their posts, you kept the Royal Navy mostly intact and brought it back to the United Kingdom. It is diminished and weakened compared to what it was before the Collapse, but it still exists and thanks to that, Britannia still rules the waves. Something you will teach the Atomic Sons as the French cultists seek to steal your warships once again.
[] [Past] Aspiring Businessman. You were an aspiring businessman before the Collapse, running a successful business in Hampshire that was going to spread to the rest of the country and maybe aboard. Since the Collapse has happened, you have kept things running. You have ensured that what is left of the United Kingdom has been a major centre of trade and you have kept both railroads and the power grid running in addition to keeping the secret of electricity alive.
[] [Past] Member of Parliament. You were one of Parliament's youngest members before the Collapse. Since the Old World ended, you have been running the country's government, establishing it in Winchester when most of the British Isles collapsed into anarchy and chaos. Continuously re-winning the elections you have made sure to keep alive, you have kept most of the old government organisations alive even if they are greatly diminished alongside the rest of the country. The Civil Service, the NHS, MI5, MI6 are all things that continue to exist to this day and it is thanks to you. Alas your feats have come with recognition as the Anglicans to the east have declared a holy war against the United Kingdom to try and extinguish what you have kept alive.
[] [Past] University Professor. You were a professor at the University of Southampton before the Collapse, the youngest of your colleagues. After the Collapse, you have down your best to keep knowledge alive. You have kept the public school system running and you have made sure that people have remembered how to generate electricity and build computers. The people of the United Kingdom still use plenty of Old World tech in their everyday lives and they are eager to reclaim the level of technology that the Old World had.


I had this idea bouncing about since last June, but while I got the setting down, I have only recently found the set of mechanics to use as I plan to use similar mechanics to Poptart's Victoria Falls quest. I prefer this to a CK2 system as it lets me capture the character focus of CK2 quests without having to worry too much about all the stats.

I plan for the main themes to be balancing restoring the old against destroying the new way of life alongside the fact that the old civilisation is thoroughly gone and while some things remain for the Old World, they either lack their old connections or are in-name only. You are one of the last legacies of the Old World and it is up to you decide what happens with that final legacy.

The player character will the Prime Minister of what is left of the old UK government and they will be trying to restore old way of life that the Old World have had. A survivor of the Collapse, they will fighting to restore western liberal democracy against the feudal and strongman states that have risen up in the years after the Collapse. They will also be trying to restore old level of tech as much of the Old World's technology has been lost to the point that some areas have been forced into a premodern way of life.

In this update, you will be doing character creation as you name the Prime Minister and select his past from one of five pre-selected backgrounds. The next update will nation creation as you select what state the United Kingdom is currently in and what assets it has at its disposal in addition to what problems it is currently suffering.

The next update will also contain more information on what caused the apocalypse and how it came about.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.

My main inspirations for this are the Fallout setting and the CK2 mod After The End plus its sub-mod During The End.
[X] Plan: Britain of the World
[X] Aarav Smith
[X] [Past] University Professor. You were a professor at the University of Southampton before the Collapse, the youngest of your colleagues. After the Collapse, you have down your best to keep knowledge alive. You have kept the public school system running and you have made sure that people have remembered how to generate electricity and build computers. The people of the United Kingdom still use plenty of Old World tech in their everyday lives and they are eager to reclaim the level of technology that the Old World had.
Indian British university professor.
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[X] Plan: The Industrialist
[X] Alexander Dzulkarnain
[X] [Past] Aspiring Businessman. You were an aspiring businessman before the Collapse, running a successful business in Hampshire that was going to spread to the rest of the country and maybe aboard. Since the Collapse has happened, you have kept things running. You have ensured that what is left of the United Kingdom has been a major centre of trade and you have kept both railroads and the power grid running in addition to keeping the secret of electricity alive.

"Leaders can build an empire but only trade can keep it alive," Alexander.
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[X] Plan: Rules the waves
[X] [Name] Adam Clarke
[X] [Past] Naval Officer. You were a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy. As older and more senior officers either died or abandoned their posts, you kept the Royal Navy mostly intact and brought it back to the United Kingdom. It is diminished and weakened compared to what it was before the Collapse, but it still exists and thanks to that, Britannia still rules the waves. Something you will teach the Atomic Sons as the French cultists seek to steal your warships once again.
[X] Plan: Britain of the World
[X] Aarav Smith
[X] [Past] University Professor. You were a professor at the University of Southampton before the Collapse, the youngest of your colleagues. After the Collapse, you have down your best to keep knowledge alive. You have kept the public school system running and you have made sure that people have remembered how to generate electricity and build computers. The people of the United Kingdom still use plenty of Old World tech in their everyday lives and they are eager to reclaim the level of technology that the Old World had.
Indian British university professor.
[X] Plan: From the Ashes
[X] James Bond (No relation)
[X] [Past] Member of Parliament. You were one of Parliament's youngest members before the Collapse. Since the Old World ended, you have been running the country's government, establishing it in Winchester when most of the British Isles collapsed into anarchy and chaos. Continuously re-winning the elections you have made sure to keep alive, you have kept most of the old government organisations alive even if they are greatly diminished alongside the rest of the country. The Civil Service, the NHS, MI5, MI6 are all things that continue to exist to this day and it is thanks to you. Alas your feats have come with recognition as the Anglicans to the east have declared a holy war against the United Kingdom to try and extinguish what you have kept alive.

It's through the governments institutions that we may gleem dominion over Britain. Taxation, representation, and manpower will guarantee not only smooth conquests but also legitimacy in all of Britain. Also, we have the best secret agents.
[X] Plan: Britain of the World

This gives us a jump start, which is something we could desperately use. The only thing I for more readily would be some sort of guaranteed resource start, like a steel baron or coal baron or something. Something that gives us a resource beyond the manpower and tech, or the ships, or rails.
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[X] Plan: Britain of the World
[X] Aarav Smith
[X] [Past] University Professor. You were a professor at the University of Southampton before the Collapse, the youngest of your colleagues. After the Collapse, you have down your best to keep knowledge alive. You have kept the public school system running and you have made sure that people have remembered how to generate electricity and build computers. The people of the United Kingdom still use plenty of Old World tech in their everyday lives and they are eager to reclaim the level of technology that the Old World had.
Indian British university professor.
This gives us a jump start, which is something we could desperately use. The only thing I for more readily would be some sort of guaranteed resource start, like a steel baron or coal baron or something. Something that gives us a resource beyond the manpower and tech, or the ships, or rails.

All of them give you an equally balanced jump start. Each option is just as good as the others.
[X] Plan: The Industrialist
-[X] Alexander Dzulkarnain
-[X] [Past] Aspiring Businessman. You were an aspiring businessman before the Collapse, running a successful business in Hampshire that was going to spread to the rest of the country and maybe aboard. Since the Collapse has happened, you have kept things running. You have ensured that what is left of the United Kingdom has been a major centre of trade and you have kept both railroads and the power grid running in addition to keeping the secret of electricity alive.
[X] Plan: Britain of the World
[X] Aarav Smith
[X] [Past] University Professor. You were a professor at the University of Southampton before the Collapse, the youngest of your colleagues. After the Collapse, you have down your best to keep knowledge alive. You have kept the public school system running and you have made sure that people have remembered how to generate electricity and build computers. The people of the United Kingdom still use plenty of Old World tech in their everyday lives and they are eager to reclaim the level of technology that the Old World had.