Posted this on discord, but, might as well post it here too.

First things first, Neianne seems actually interested in her classes, but especially the trade one.
Second, knives are gonna be a dope ass weapon.
Third, her instructors either need a better information trading system or they ALL got together and decided to make absolutely sure that Squad Shi was going to participate.
Buster Sword teacher doesn't count.
Four, our team 1000% needs to actually train together.
Like, this a huge issue that needs to be addressed.
Five, Our team needs to sit in a room, lock the door, put a rug uder the crack and just fucking have a big pow wow.
Because things are coming to a head.
Like, Elizabeth has slowly just been growing more and more done with Stephanie.
And when looked at, it seems like it's on OUR behalf.
Everytime this argument comes up between them it's because of us.
Five, Our team needs to sit in a room, lock the door, put a rug uder the crack and just fucking have a big pow wow.
Because things are coming to a head.
Like, Elizabeth has slowly just been growing more and more done with Stephanie.
And when looked at, it seems like it's on OUR behalf.
Everytime this argument comes up between them it's because of us.
And this I think is really important. If we're going to function as a team the Stephanie issue needs to be dealt with. Trust aside, it's just making it really hard for people to work with her - see for instance how she got in whatshername's way when during the attack.

There's also an clear anime story arc waiting to be jumped on here, so we should do that :p

My feeling is that the question here is whether or not it's better to have this conversation *before* deciding to go to the tournament, or whether or not it's better to decide to go to the tournament as a way of forcing it.
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[x] Postpone the decision.

I think they need to talk more about it, at least find out how serious Stephanie issue with attending the Tournament first.
[x] Postpone the decision.

I think we're going to need to TEST our team first. Losing is fine, but if our teamfight gets us humiliated that is not.
[x] Decide to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
-[X] Talk to Stephanie more about why she doesn't want to participate.

Thinking about it, I'm worried that postponing means we don't start preparing as a group, which means we're even less ready if we do decide to participate. Deciding at the last minute would hurt our chances, so I can't in get behind putting it off without knowing how many chances to decide we have before it's too late.

We should still talk to Stephanie about it, and just how much she's against it. Probably bring it back to the flame-swords thing from the Squirrel attack, which we let her choose not to elaborate on before.

Also explain that like our instructor said, "being ready" isn't really the problem and they could still grow from the experience. It's possible humiliation which would impede growth that is the problem. Plus, there's the assumption that we'll only be fighting nobles who won't also have non-prodigy teammates.

Edit: Didn't mean to quote. And changing my vote.
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[x] Decide to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
-[X] Talk to Stephanie more about why she doesn't want to participate.
Here's the question. What does Postpone, specifically mean. Like, is "Postpone and try to work through the issues" gated behind it, or does it mean more 'ignore the problem until we're forced to make a choice'?

That's somewhere where it'd be best to ask @Kei how they view each option, rather than guessing.
[x] Decide not to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
3 out of 4 don't want to go, one undecided: the choice is clear.

Also, I feel a bit insulted by the reasoning for choosing us as Squad Leader :p
Adhoc vote count started by Pempelune on Feb 22, 2019 at 8:47 AM, finished with 99 posts and 55 votes.
[x] Decide to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.

Buster sword instructor is right in one thing I think. Neianne needs to get used to a higher quality of challenges to grow from. We should lean into it even if we fail. And I dont think anyone in the squad is particularly vulnerable to Humiliation except maybe Seiglinde (I think she is strong enough to weather it) or Stephanie (she can just sandbag if she has to)
[x] Postpone the decision

I very much want to see squad 4 participate in the tournament, but it does not feel right for Nianne at this moment to immediately commit to it. That said I'm definitely hoping for some clarification as well. Maybe decide means we're personally commiting to it rather than signing our squad up before we're remotely coherent enough, maybe postpone means not dealing with stuff, in which case I'd want to switch votes.
On the one hand, TOURNAMENT SCENE!
On the other...Not co-ordinated and Neianne can't necessarily keep up.
On a third hand...How popular IS the Buster Sword as a choice of weapon? And Stephanie's good in her own right...
But a team that's divided is no team
Eliza won't be happy I think, if only because a yes would give her more time to pressure Stephanie, but honestly...I smell a dark and tragic backstory with Stephanie, so I think a dire wolf night or something similar would be needed to make her crack under the pressure.
[x] Postpone the decision.

My main problem with deciding either way now is that it feels too much like it'd either be a kneejerk decision by Neianne, or that she's being influenced too much by other people.

I feel if we postpone, that increases the chance Neianne gets to come to a decision in her own time (relatively speaking), though I suppose it's just as likely she ends up putting the decision off for the sake of ignoring it.
Here's the question. What does Postpone, specifically mean. Like, is "Postpone and try to work through the issues" gated behind it, or does it mean more 'ignore the problem until we're forced to make a choice'?

That's somewhere where it'd be best to ask @Kei how they view each option, rather than guessing.

Either or. There will be a chance to work through the issues, but it'll be after the upcoming assignment, in hopes that maybe something by then will have changed. For better or for worse.