Hrm, so all the choices at once and I'm way behind. Still, an effort should be made!
I want to have Neianne explore the coarser sides of warfare. While the bustersword is going to be our main weapon, we've been learning a lot, and experiencing first hand, the shadier side of war. Our first Conversation with Ravenhill had her imply assassination for fucks sake, and Neianne never really confronted that. With the attack by the squirrels, Neianne has been caught in the duality of 'they're in a war trying their best to stop us from killing them back' and 'this was wrong and reckless, and I hate them for it.' Instead of just leaving us in that limbo, I want to learn more about the thinking about that aspect of warfare, and if it's something that can only be as horrible as it seems, or if you can be a good person even when doing those 'necessary' things.
I don't know if we're going to want to do that, but if we learn all we can and decide not to, we can be counter-intrusion specialist instead. With a big fucking sword.
[x] Plan Face the Darkness
-[x] Espionage
-[x] Sabotage and Trapping
-[x] Tactics and Command
-[x] Buster Sword
-[x] Dual Daggers
-[x] Social Time
So my plan has Buster sword because it is going to be our main weapon, but Dual Daggers lets us be subtle and have a close-in weapon. It's not a typical Dryad weapon, which I think is also good. Neianne may protest, but she's never been a 'standard' of anything.
Dual Daggers also fits with the espionage and sabotage lessons. In truth, there are more options to learn for 'sneaky' stuff, but those seemed the best method for learning about this sort of things.
Tactics and command I feel is needed, because we are squad leader and need to at least get a grounding of it. And social time because Nieanne loves social.
Other options I wouldn't mind taking is: Strategy and Logistics, Stealth, and maaaybe Scouting and Tracking. If someone can make a good case for swapping out Espionage or Sabotage and Trapping on my plan, feel free to advise. I don't plan to overload or lock in Neianne with this plan, so depending on year three we can still focus on upfront battles, or specialize more into a knight/spy hybrid.
But I want to confront how Neianne feels about the non-heroic and non-logistics side of warfare, she's been effected by it, and I think she'll want to learn more about the whys and hows that these things happen.
I know that this build doesn't have a lot of min/maxing synergy, but that's because I don't want to just be good at one role, which I think doesn't play to our natural strengths of being a nice shy polite girl with lots of friends and never says a bad thing about anyone being able to cut throats or plan a sabotage. People look at Neianne and are likely to think she's a front line fighter with her buster sword, big into battles and direct strength, but I think we can be a lot more then that.