[X] Chadwell

[X] Randor

[X] Nora
So, a quick update on the progress.
I've cast the die for the bloody encounter.
All I can say is ouch.
No knights survived.
Only one squire who is one arm short.
Five pages found hiding around, all of them are traumatized but hale.
Myria was something livid, since according to her, if you had not held the healers back, They could have saved at least five knights, maybe more, and a lot more of squires and pages.
On the other hand, the ancient manticore did practically sit atop the knight party for some time licking its wounds before wandering off, and thus even approaching the edges of the conflict during that time would have put your healers and windriders in serious risk.
Update probably will come tomorrow or the day after.
So, a quick update on the progress.
I've cast the die for the bloody encounter.
All I can say is ouch.
No knights survived.
Only one squire who is one arm short.
Five pages found hiding around, all of them are traumatized but hale.
Myria was something livid, since according to her, if you had not held the healers back, They could have saved at least five knights, maybe more, and a lot more of squires and pages.
On the other hand, the ancient manticore did practically sit atop the knight party for some time licking its wounds before wandering off, and thus even approaching the edges of the conflict during that time would have put your healers and windriders in serious risk.
Update probably will come tomorrow or the day after.

I really am bad at keeping up with schedules, am I not?
Well, this time at least I can say it was RL and not feel like a heel.
Sorry folks; was left holding the bag at work for an extra four hours last Tuesday when the colleague from day shift came down with something, and there was apparently noone they could send to replace him for some time (I mean, it's not as if one of the 8 shift managers could do it, they are far too busy and important to come out of their nice comfy stations, and it's not as if covering sudden unexpected holes in their shifts is supposed to be, yanno, an actual part of their duties :rage::rage::rage:) during which time, besides fatigue, I picked up a cold as a bonus.
Which in turn threw my circadian rhythm totally out of wack.
TL/DR - I suffered from a combination of crud and insomnia that left me feeling like shit and in no mood to stare at the screen.
I've just awoken from the sleep of the dead (19h, uninterrupted), my sinuses are as unclogged as they ever are during winter, and I just had a solid, greasy, delicious brunch.
All in all, feeling ready to get back to work.
Naming vote will stay open for the next ten-ish hours.

As a sort of apology, your departure from the empire was an extreme success in terms of staying hidden with 17<80, and you'll be getting an extra choice for the upcoming turn.
Setup turn 1.1
The long march up the mountains was wearisome, exigent, perilous and punishing beyond even the worst expectations of everyone involved, including the stout and rugged soldiers of the imperial legion most used to hardships.
Despite that, not only were the losses experienced literally negligible, something a lot of the common folk took as a sign of favor from the gods, but the fleeing renegades even got to the end much better off then they had started with.
Firstly, there was the small group recovered from the slaughter of the party of Knights of the Sanguine Spear, consisting of a single surviving, albeit maimed, squire and a gaggle of jittery but hale and hearty five pages that had hidden. The squire, one Haldor of Tyrum, proved pragmatic and taciturn sort, as was customary to the order he had joined, and despite lacking his right arm below the elbow, had proven himself able and useful fellow to have around. It was at his urging, that every piece of equipment, even the unsalvagable ones, of the dead was collected and brought along. As he explained, it was the way of Sanguine Spear to reuse every little bit of the gear of their fallen to support the living for as long as possible. Once the pages calmed down, they too quickly integrated into the column. Lieutenant Randrim was quick to mark all five of them as excellent potential recruits for the household guard and urged Aelyn to extend them the offer as soon as possible.
Then there was the blessing of the very divines that were the folk of Freyr's Rest and their jackalope herds. Without them, the issues of food once the march concluded and proper settling down began would have been dire. Nearly all of the seeds and plantings the original members of exodus brought with them proved wholly unsuitable for the harsh colds of the plateau they had settled, and it was only the hardy, if not particularly tasty, grains and vegetables of Freyr's folk that prevented the need for severe rationing that first year. And the angora of their Jackalopes was even more useful. Both softer and more resilient than the wool provided by the sheep herd, it provided almost sinfully luxuriant ways to ward off the merciless colds of the high shelf in winter.

Still settling out into the frontier was bitterly hard work, even when every preparation could be taken. For an ad-hock group such as Aelyn had started with, it was only the spark that allowed them to survive long enough to actually establish a proper settlement.
Besieged at all times as they were by both the hostile natives, no matter how primitive they were, and the deadly fauna who considered humans a good source of protein, the military would have been run beyond ragged had Aelyn and Idrien not run themselves through the wringer regularly restoring stamina of the soldiers and war animals, and increased hardiness and resilience of the weapons and gear.
For all the skill of Imperial College of Architecture, precious few of them, or the common folk, actually knew much about quarrying stone, especially as it turned out that the stone of the path and the shelf was an especially hard variety of granite. And, without the initial aid via strenuous usage of The Spark, they would not have managed to quarry, shape and fit in place enough proper stone to build the initial housing, much less the initial fortifications before the first hard winter was upon them. And even then, it is doubtful that the rushed constructions would have sufficed, had the royal couple not further run themselves into the ground to enhance the stonework to repel the cold and resist the winds.
Still, with the aid of The Spark, and blessings of the gods, the royal architects and legion engineers managed to ensure that before the winter arrived, a proper fortified settlement was in place. A new capital for a new realm and a new generation of Tasakars and their people.
The burgeoning town was named
[] New Tasakar
[] Fort Tasakar
[] Aelynsburg
[] Mountainhome
[] Tasakarberg
[] Write-in
And Aelyn and Idrien were mighty quick to ensure the arrival of those new generations of Tasakars. As a matter of fact, their first child, a son they named Thomas in honor of Aelyn's father, must have been conceived during the long march to be born during that first winter.
Little Thomas did not stay alone for long in the royal nursery. Scarce two and a half years later his little brother Taesta came along and, almost to a day, a year later the family was completed with the arrival of little princess Anora.
The priesthood of Isanela was quite fast in advising the new parents that Thomas, and later his siblings, should start training in centering and descending into Spark as soon as they were three or four, and no later than six years old, so as not to be limited to crude and superficial methods Aelyn and Idrien were forced to rely on.
Also, as those who would be providing the Spark based education, the temple advised that it would be for the best to consider specializing education for the children, so they could specialize the way they used Spark as well.
Being specialized might mean one could only use The Spark for certain aspects, but what could be done with The Spark expanded manifold.
On the other hand, it would take until at least their teenage years to reliably determine the purity of children's blood, and thus the order of inheritance, so there was a risk that the child who turned out to be prime heir was the one specialized in the least suitable usages of The Spark.
After a lot of deliberation, Idrien and Aelyn decided that
[] The children would get generalized education until the order of inheritance was established. (Rounded out option)
[] A single child will get specialized education (can take maximum two specializations).
-[] Thomas
--[] Military
--[] Diplomacy
--[] Scholastic
--[] Religious
--[] Governance
--[] Architecture and stonework
--[] Medicine
--[] Philosophy
--[] Arts
--[] Animal husbandry
-[] Taesta
-[] Anora
[] Two of the children will get specialized education (can take maximum two specializations).
[] All three children will get specialized education (can take maximum two specializations).

The following years were much the same as that first one, if not quite as frenzied due to the absence of the fear of winter catching the people out in the open, without enough food and proper shelter.
Farms were established outside the immediate settlement, protected by sturdy palisades and frequent military patrols, monsters and barbarians got fought off, and life in general continued on.
Beyond that, the new Tasakarim focused on growth and establishment more than anything else. During those first fifteen years, the focus was mainly on
(Can take 12 (11 for the population +1 apology bonus), unless specifically stated otherwise, can take as many suboptions as one desires)
[] Building up military (roll difficulty 20)
-[] Continuous (will carry on into next turns without locking up any future choices. have to specify for how many turns. increases the roll difficulty by 10 for every additional turn)
[] Securing the plains portion of the High shelf (roll difficulty 60. 100+ finishes project)
-[] Continuous (will carry on until finished without locking in any future choices. will be rolled again every turn until the sum of all rolls reaches or exceeds 111)
[] Establishing a secure, fortified perimeter between the plains and the forest (roll difficulty 60. 75+ finishes project)
-[] Continuous (will carry on until finished without locking in any future choices. will be rolled again every turn until the sum of all rolls reaches or exceeds 80)
[] Sending out armed patrols into the near reaches of the forest (roll difficulty 35)
-[] Have them set up hidden caches, observation posts and scout hideouts (increases difficulty by 10)
-[] Continuous (will carry on into next turns without locking up any future choices. have to specify for how many turns. increases the roll difficulty by 10 for every additional turn)
[] Scouting out the woodlands (roll difficulty 25)
-[] Have your scouts engage in guerrilla warfare with To-Reil (increases difficulty by 15)
-[] Continuous (will carry on into next turns without locking up any future choices. have to specify for how many turns. increases the roll difficulty by 5 for every additional turn)
[] Eliminating monster nests and lairs near the settlement and farmlands (roll difficulty 45)
-[] Continuous (will carry on into next turns without locking up any future choices. have to specify for how many turns. increases the roll difficulty by 5 for every additional turn)
[] Establishing at least somewhat secure path back towards the former lands of the empire (roll difficulty 60, 175+ finishes project)
-[] conceal it as much as possible (increases difficulty to 70, 200+ finishes project)
-[] Continuous (will carry on until finished without locking in any future choices. will be rolled again every turn until the sum of all rolls reaches or exceeds 200/225)
[] Expanding and upgrading the granite quarries along the winding path (roll difficulty 20)
[] Sending out groups of tamers and breeders under military escort to search for usefull beasts (roll difficulty 75)
-[] Seek birds and birdlike monsters specifically (Roll difficulty 50; increases overall roll difficulty to 85)
[] Sending out groups of prospectors under military escort to seek out for useful deposits of stone and metals (roll difficulty 75)
[] Digging out a canal to divert a portion of the local river for capital usage (roll difficulty 65)
[] Securing a portion of the nearby forest and establishing a fortified outpost dedicated to woodcutting and wood processing operations (roll difficulty 80)
[] Fortifying the winding path (roll difficulty 45)
[] Establishing an elevator to the bottom of the shelf and fortifying the bottom terminal (roll difficulty 45)
[] Establishing proper facilities to house your Royal Academy
-[] Centralized (roll difficulty 25. All colleges under a single big roof. Cannot be taken with Scattered. If taken with Specialized difficulty raises to 35)
-[] Specialized (roll difficulty 45. All colleges get personal building with space enough for additional facilities as suits their needs. If taken with Centralized difficulty lowers to 40. If taken with Scattered difficulty lowers to 35)
-[] Scattered (roll difficulty 35. Colleges are unconnected. Cannot be taken with Centralized. Can be taken with Specialized)
[] Building a proper temple complex (roll difficulty 20. Must have at least one specific temple. Aditional temples can be delayed for following turns without locking in any options by appending FT at the end)
-[] To Isanela, the great goddess of stars, and the personal patron of Tasakar dynasty (due to Isanela being the family patron, and bringing people from the great temple along, base roll difficulty is reduced by 10 for any temple to her)
--[] Small (raises difficulty by 5)
--[] Medium (raises difficulty by 10)
--[] Large (raises difficulty by 25)
--[] Cathedral (raises difficulty by 35)
--[] Grand Cathedral (raises difficulty by 50)
-[] To Belsun, the god of the sun, firstborn of Isanela (can go up to medium without a cathedral to Isanela, can't have bigger temple than Isanela)
-[] To Ulair, the great god of the mountains, who holds dominion over pretty much every aspect of your current habitat
-[] To Rosa, the goddess of Rosa mountain range you now inhabit and favored daughter of Ulair (can go up to medium without a cathedral to Ulair, can't have bigger temple than Ulair)
-[] To Camny, the great god of the sky (can only build joint twin cathedrals to him and Satine. small to large temples as normal)
-[] To Satine, the great goddess of the waters (can only build joint twin cathedrals to her and Camny. small to large temples as normal)
-[] To Teelana, the goddess of birds (Can go up to medium without a cathedral to Camny, can't go large without large temple to Dar)
-[] To Waurug, the god of the forests
-[] To Hudrun, the goddess of winter

-[] To Rowe, the god of soldiers (Can only go up to large)
-[] To Davi, the god of masons and builders (Can only go up to large)
-[] To Honder, the deity of medicine (Can only go up to large)
-[] To Dar, the god of beasts (Can only go up to large)
-[] Write-in (subject to authorial fiat)
[] Studying the To-Reil (roll difficulty 40)
-[] Continuous (will carry on into next turns without locking up any future choices. have to specify for how many turns. increases the roll difficulty by 5 for every additional turn)
[] Having the brotherhood of the Talon infiltrate and start building up agency in the lands of the former empire (roll difficulty 35)
-[] Order them to sow chaos and disorder (raises difficulty by 10, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
-[] Order them to seek out other brotherhoods and eliminate anyone inimical to the new Tasakarim (raises difficulty by 15, slightly increases the chance for discovery)
-[] Order them to seak out and eliminate people in power most inimical to the new Tasakarim (raises difficulty by 10, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
-[] Order them to give covert aid to any loyalist they might encounter (raises difficulty by 5, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
--[] Allow the agents to, at their own discretion, approach the loyalists and convince them to join up with new Tasakarim (raises difficulty by further 5, further raises the chance of discovery penalty to low)
-[] Order them to, at their own discretion, remove the morally worst elements of society they encounter (raises difficulty by 5)
-[] Have volunteers from the college medicine join them (reduces difficulty by 5)
-[] Have volunteers from the college of philosophy and arts join them (reduces difficulty by 5)
-[] Have volunteers from the priesthood of Isanella join them (reduces difficulty by 5)
-[] Have agents screen for suitable spousal prospects for the royal children (slightly increases the chance of discovery, if non-assassin agents are also sent the penalty is eliminated)
[] Reach out to the people of the former empire (can't pick more than 8)
-[] To trusted Fergaz cousins (roll difficulty 35, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
--[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10, further raises the chance of discovery penalty to low)
-[] To vetted members of the former imperial nobility of the north-western regions (roll difficulty 50, increases the chance of discovery by a low amount)
--[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 25, further raises the chance of discovery penalty to middling-low)
-[] To the people of the city of Sastor (roll difficulty 35, increases the chance of discovery by a low amount)
--[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 25, further raises the chance of discovery penalty to middling-low)
-[] To the people of the city of Redol (roll difficulty 45, increases the chance of discovery by a low amount)
--[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 25, further raises the chance of discovery penalty to middling-low)
-[] To the people of the city of Shingh (roll difficulty 40, increases the chance of discovery by a low amount)
--[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 25, further raises the chance of discovery penalty to middling-low)
-[] To the people of the north-western regions' towns (roll difficulty 35, slightly increases the chance of discovery, can be taken multiple times)
--[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 25, further raises the chance of discovery penalty to low)
-[] To the people of the north-western regions' villages (roll difficulty 25, can be taken multiple times)
--[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 15, increases the chance of discovery by a low amount)
-[] To low-level priesthood (roll difficulty 15, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
--[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 5)
-[] To mid-level priesthood (roll difficulty 20, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
--[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 5)
-[] To high-level priesthood (roll difficulty 35, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
--[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10, further raises the chance of discovery penalty to low)
-[] To members of the imperial academy
--[] College of Medicine (roll difficulty 15, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 20)
--[] College of Architecture (roll difficulty 15, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)
--[] College of Philosophy and Arts (roll difficulty 15, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)
--[] College of Horticulture (roll difficulty 25, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)
--[] College of Husbandry (roll difficulty 25, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)
--[] College of Alchemy (roll difficulty 25, increases the chance of discovery by a low amount)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)
--[] College of History and Law (roll difficulty 25, increases the chance of discovery by a low amount)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)
--[] College of Linguistics (roll difficulty 25, increases the chance of discovery by a low amount)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)
-[] To knightly orders (roll for who you find, difficulty and chance of discovery depend on who is rolled but will not exceed difficulty 40 nor midling-low penalty to chance of discovery. can be taken multiple times)
--[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10 (5 if Sanguine spear is rolled), might raise penalty to chance of discovery by a tier)
-[] To former imperial legions (can be taken once for every legion)
--[] The I central legion (roll difficulty 45, increases the chance of discovery by a middling-low amount)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 15)
--[] The II central legion (roll difficulty 35, increases the chance of discovery by a middling-low amount)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)
--[] The III central legion (roll difficulty 45, increases the chance of discovery by a medium amount)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)
--[] The IV central legion (roll difficulty 40, increases the chance of discovery by a medium amount)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 15)
--[] The V border legion (roll difficulty 45, increases the chance of discovery by a low amount)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 15)
--[] The VII border legion (roll difficulty 45, increases the chance of discovery by a middling-low amount)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)
--[] The VIII border legion (roll difficulty 40, increases the chance of discovery by a middling-low amount)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 15)
--[] The IX forward legion (roll difficulty 45)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)
--[] The X forward legion remnants (roll difficulty 55)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 2)
-[] To one of the spy brotherhoods (can be taken once for every brotherhood, roll for difficulty, chance of discovery scales with difficulty)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10, might raise penalty to chance of discovery by a tier)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10, might raise penalty to chance of discovery by a tier)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10, might raise penalty to chance of discovery by a tier)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10, might raise penalty to chance of discovery by a tier)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10, might raise penalty to chance of discovery by a tier)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10, might raise penalty to chance of discovery by a tier)
-[] To the Sorcerers of Neris (roll difficulty 45, increases the chance of discovery by a medium amount)
[] Attempting to establish diplomatic and/or mercantile contacts with To-Faun (roll difficulty 35)
[] Attempting to establish diplomatic and/or mercantile contacts with To-Kruk (roll difficulty 40)
-[] Try to reach Skaggi through To-Kruk (raises difficulty by 10, slightly increases the chance of discovery)

Aaand done!
Further delays due to being dragged (against my will and better judgment) out of town to meet up my visiting older brother and his family while they were in the country, and not being allowed to bring my laptop. That was 8 hours of my life I'm never getting back.
As for the names - Thomas was the clear victor. I weighed-in on Taesta to retain the current naming conventions and then wanted to give Nora for the other camp, but at the last minute (literally, I just did it as I was writing this note) decided to append A to it also for reasons of retaining current naming conventions.
The voting will remain open, AT LEAST until the 9th, and it might drag on 'till 15th. I have a shitload other stuff to do, including the long-in-the-coming update for my other quest, and editing work for some of my fiction.

Your Fortune roll is:
yannoshka threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Fortune roll Total: 85
85 85
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[X] Mountainhome
[X] The children would get generalized education until the order of inheritance was established. (Rounded out option)

[X] Plan Paranoid Planners:
[] Convert to Fortune Point
[] Building up military (roll difficulty 20)
-[] Continuous (1 additional turn)
[] Securing the plains portion of the High shelf (roll difficulty 60. 100+ finishes project)
-[] Continuous (will carry on until finished without locking in any future choices. will be rolled again every turn until the sum of all rolls reaches or exceeds 111)
[] Establishing a secure, fortified perimeter between the plains and the forest (roll difficulty 60. 75+ finishes project)
-[] Continuous (will carry on until finished without locking in any future choices. will be rolled again every turn until the sum of all rolls reaches or exceeds 80)
[] Establishing at least somewhat secure path back towards the former lands of the empire (roll difficulty 60, 175+ finishes project)
-[] conceal it as much as possible (increases difficulty to 70, 200+ finishes project)
-[] Continuous (will carry on until finished without locking in any future choices. will be rolled again every turn until the sum of all rolls reaches or exceeds 200/225)
[] Establishing proper facilities to house your Royal Academy
-[] Centralized (roll difficulty 25. All colleges under a single big roof. Cannot be taken with Scattered. If taken with Specialized difficulty raises to 35)
-[] Specialized (roll difficulty 45. All colleges get personal building with space enough for additional facilities as suits their needs. If taken with Centralized difficulty lowers to 40. If taken with Scattered difficulty lowers to 35)
[] Building a proper temple complex (roll difficulty 20. Must have at least one specific temple. Additional temples can be delayed for following turns without locking in any options by appending FT at the end)
-[] To Isanela, the great goddess of stars, and the personal patron of Tasakar dynasty (due to Isanela being the family patron, and bringing people from the great temple along, base roll difficulty is reduced by 10 for any temple to her)
--[] Large (raises difficulty by 25)
[] Having the brotherhood of the Talon infiltrate and start building up agency in the lands of the former empire (roll difficulty 35)
-[] Have volunteers from the college medicine join them (reduces difficulty by 5)
-[] Have volunteers from the college of philosophy and arts join them (reduces difficulty by 5)
-[] Have volunteers from the priesthood of Isanella join them (reduces difficulty by 5)
-[] Have agents screen for suitable spousal prospects for the royal children (slightly increases the chance of discovery, if non-assassin agents are also sent the penalty is eliminated)
[] Reach out to the people of the former empire (1st pick)
-[] To the people of the north-western regions' villages (roll difficulty 25, can be taken multiple times)
[] Reach out to the people of the former empire (2nd pick)
-[] To former imperial legions (can be taken once for every legion)
--[] The IX forward legion (roll difficulty 45)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)
[] Reach out to the people of the former empire (3rd pick)
-[] To former imperial legions (can be taken once for every legion)
--[] The X forward legion remnants (roll difficulty 55)
---[] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 2)
[] Studying the To-Reil (roll difficulty 40)
[] Scouting out the woodlands (roll difficulty 25)
-[] Continuous (3 additional turns)

Alright here's my attempt at a plan. I'm paranoid about being discovered so I didn't pick anything that would increase discovery chance. That's also why I didn't pick one of the Tasakar names for the city.

The Royal academy is either a difficulty of 35 or 40, not sure which one it is. And the temple complex is something I'm very uncertain about. Should we be adding more than just Isanella?
Otherwise I've tried to grab some actions we can lock in without eating up actions next turn, reached out to everyone in the empire that doesn't increase discovery risk, and grabbed a few low hanging fruits. I'm especially hoping that the scouting the woodlands will drop the DCs on finding useful animals & resources, because ouch! those difficulties were pretty high. I also banked our high fortune roll into a fortune point.
The Royal academy is either a difficulty of 35 or 40, not sure which one it is.
It is both. As in, it is two rolls.
Still a single project.

And here is a little free advice. Well, not advice, per say. More, an idle fleet of fancy.
Just a thought to meditate upon, you could say.

No such thing as being overly cautious, but paranoia always causes more harm than good.
Firstly, there was the small group recovered from the slaughter of the party of Knights of the Sanguine Spear, consisting of a single surviving, albeit maimed, squire and a gaggle of jittery but hale and hearty five pages that had hidden. The page, one Haldor of Tyrum, proved pragmatic and taciturn sort, as was customary to the order he had joined, and despite lacking his right arm below the elbow, had proven himself able and useful fellow to have around. It was at his urging, that every piece of equipment, even the unsalvagable ones, of the dead was collected and brought along. As he explained, it was the way of Sanguine Spear to reuse every little bit of the gear of their fallen to support the living for as long as possible. Once the pages calmed down, they too quickly integrated into the column. Lieutenant Randrim was quick to mark all five of them as excellent potential recruits for the household guard and urged Aelyn to extend them the offer as soon as possible.

Uh is Haldor of Tyrum a page or a squire? I can't tell since some parts of this text point towards him being a page and others point towards him being the surviving squire.
Alright here's my attempt at a plan. I'm paranoid about being discovered so I didn't pick anything that would increase discovery chance. That's also why I didn't pick one of the Tasakar names for the city.

Just out of idle curiosity, why are you so paranoid?
After all, one of the reasons Highlands got chosen is their high discovery threshold.


huh, well, might as well tell y'all this. Seems RNG want it known quite empathically.

Or, at least not at the same difficulties/risk factor. Some things will get easier, some significantly more difficult, and some will be gone altogether.

Well, cheerio!
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Because there's already a 20% chance of being discovered. Which according to the mechanics post is really bad.
21% discounting your boni against discovery.
And I'm leaving out what successful projects award you to hinder munckinery as much as possible, so how do you know that taking some of those 'risky' options would not, in fact, increase your overall chances to avoid discovery?
Mind, there is no right or wrong plans or ways to play, as far as I am concerned. I'd just prefer players having fun with the quest, instead of treating it as some kind of monster to appease or try to vanquish.
Of course being careful is paramount, but I never could understand being risk-averse. There is, in my eyes, a steep difference between being reckless and taking calculated risks.
Again, not trying to tell anyone how to play. If you find it fun, that is all that matters. I am just trying to allay fears.
[X] Plan: Green is a colour
-[X] Pyratryst

-[X] All three children will get specialized education (can take maximum two specializations).
--[X] Thomas
---[X] Military
---[X] Diplomacy
--[X] Taesta
---[X] Military
---[X] Architecture and stonework
--[X] Anora
---[X] Scholastic
---[X] Medicine

-[X] Put Fortune Roll onto 'Reach out to people of the former empire; 'to one of the spy brotherhoods';'eagle'; 'convince them to join you'

-[X] Building up military (roll difficulty 20)
--[X] Continuous (3 additional turn)
-[X] Securing the plains portion of the High shelf (roll difficulty 60. 100+ finishes project)
--[X] Continuous (will carry on until finished without locking in any future choices. will be rolled again every turn until the sum of all rolls reaches or exceeds 111)
-[X] Establishing a secure, fortified perimeter between the plains and the forest (roll difficulty 60. 75+ finishes project)
--[X] Continuous (will carry on until finished without locking in any future choices. will be rolled again every turn until the sum of all rolls reaches or exceeds 80)
-[X] Establishing at least somewhat secure path back towards the former lands of the empire (roll difficulty 60, 175+ finishes project)
--[X] conceal it as much as possible (increases difficulty to 70, 200+ finishes project)
--[X] Continuous (will carry on until finished without locking in any future choices. will be rolled again every turn until the sum of all rolls reaches or exceeds 200/225)
-[X] Sending out armed patrols into the near reaches of the forest (roll difficulty 35)
-[X] Scouting out the woodlands (roll difficulty 25)
-[X] Eliminating monster nests and lairs near the settlement and farmlands (roll difficulty 45)
-[X] Expanding and upgrading the granite quarries along the winding path (roll difficulty 20)
-[X] Establishing proper facilities to house your Royal Academy
--[X] Specialized (roll difficulty 45. All colleges get personal building with space enough for additional facilities as suits their needs. If taken with Centralized difficulty lowers to 40. If taken with Scattered difficulty lowers to 35)
--[X] Scattered (roll difficulty 35. Colleges are unconnected. Cannot be taken with Centralized. Can be taken with Specialized)
-[X] Building a proper temple complex (roll difficulty 20. Must have at least one specific temple. Aditional temples can be delayed for following turns without locking in any options by appending FT at the end)
--[X] To Ulair, the great god of the mountains, who holds dominion over pretty much every aspect of your current habitat
---[X] Small (raises difficulty by 5)
-[X] Having the brotherhood of the Talon infiltrate and start building up agency in the lands of the former empire (roll difficulty 35)
--[X] Order them to sow chaos and disorder (raises difficulty by 10, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
--[X] Have volunteers from the college medicine join them (reduces difficulty by 5)
--[X] Have volunteers from the college of philosophy and arts join them (reduces difficulty by 5)
--[X] Have volunteers from the priesthood of Isanella join them (reduces difficulty by 5)
--[X] Have agents screen for suitable spousal prospects for the royal children (slightly increases the chance of discovery, if non-assassin agents are also sent the penalty is eliminated)
-[X] Reach out to the people of the former empire (can't pick more than 8)
--[X] To the people of the city of Sastor (roll difficulty 35, increases the chance of discovery by a low amount)
--[X] To the people of the north-western regions' towns (roll difficulty 35, slightly increases the chance of discovery, can be taken multiple times)
--[X] To the people of the north-western regions' villages (roll difficulty 25, can be taken multiple times)
---[X] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 15, increases the chance of discovery by a low amount)

--[X] To members of the imperial academy
---[X] College of Architecture (roll difficulty 15, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
----[X] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)
---[X] College of Philosophy and Arts (roll difficulty 15, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
----[X] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10)

--[X] To one of the spy brotherhoods (can be taken once for every brotherhood, roll for difficulty, chance of discovery scales with difficulty)
----[X] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10, might raise penalty to chance of discovery by a tier)

----[X] Convince them to join you (raises difficulty by 10, might raise penalty to chance of discovery by a tier)

This plan grabs low hanging fruit to build something in the first turn.

Edit: Added...
-[] Order them to sow chaos and disorder (raises difficulty by 10, slightly increases the chance of discovery)
Fortune roll assinged to convince Eagle to join us.
Replaced establishing an elevator with seeking out two of the spy agencies and assinging the fortune roll to the second.

Edit2: Added reaching out to Sastor, to the people of the North-western regions' towns, and Convincing the people of the north western regions' vllages to join us.
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so, not a lot of interest...
Well, that's discouraging...
Creating a plan takes a bunch of work. And while I sympathize with not wanting to show all the numbers, the ambiguity makes it even more work. 2 of us thought it was worth the effort though! :)

-[X] Building a proper temple complex (roll difficulty 20. Must have at least one specific temple. Aditional temples can be delayed for following turns without locking in any options by appending FT at the end)
--[X] To Ulair, the great god of the mountains, who holds dominion over pretty much every aspect of your current habitat
---[X] Small (raises difficulty by 5)
By not using the FT thing, does this prevent a temple to Isanella? Because if I recall rightly, the other gods try to stay hands off since she's the dynasty's patron and they don't want to encroach on her territory. So in my opinion a temple to her is a higher priority and getting locked out of her temple would be pretty bad.
By not using the FT thing, does this prevent a temple to Isanella? Because if I recall rightly, the other gods try to stay hands off since she's the dynasty's patron and they don't want to encroach on her territory. So in my opinion a temple to her is a higher priority and getting locked out of her temple would be pretty bad.
Nah, it just means you'll have to spend a new action to add temples to the complex. And, as already stated earlier, Isanela is one of the most difficult gods to get a hold of. It's one of the reasons, late Tasakar generations stopped giving a fig. Of course, the arrogant sods were willfully ignoring the fact that the single greatest blessing Isanela had to offer - and several magnitudes greater than any other god has or ever would give - was already upon them.