Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
We can make ourselves more useful all around with the stealth systems so I have changed my vote to the Stealth System.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Dec 4, 2018 at 3:38 AM, finished with 34 posts and 31 votes.
Stealth is a game-changer, both IRL and as we've seen in this story. It improves both our chances of getting a punch in and surviving the encounter. While the retrofit can't match a native stealth platform, it still puts the Rose ahead of anything in the enemy fleet, since they've only just become aware that stealth of anything larger than a shuttle is even possible.

It also synergizes well with both the Rose's mission as a reconnaissance platform and Amani's own role as a sensor specialist. Since Amani is the protagonist, this is probably the upgrade that will enhance both her career and the Titanium Rose's prospects on a metal level.

We're not getting stealth though. Stealth requires a dedicated platform, custom build for this purpose. What we're getting is a few minor innovations that allow us to reduce our signature. Basing your estimation of this upgrade on the stealth system we saw in action is a gross overestimation of it's actual capabilities. It won't be anywhere near as good.

We're not going to be able to act like a stealth shuttle, and fly right under their noses. We'll just be slightly harder to spot, and I very much doubt that that'll be better than anything in the enemy fleet. Signature reduction is not an unknown technology to them. Large scale Stealth is, but we don't get a stealth system.

All this'll mean is that we'll be slightly closer to the enemy when we'll be spotted.
[X] Cutting edge shield technology
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We're not getting stealth though. Stealth requires a dedicated platform, custom build for this purpose. What we're getting is a few minor innovations that allow us to reduce our signature. Basing your estimation of this upgrade on the stealth system we saw in action is a gross overestimation of it's actual capabilities. It won't be anywhere near as good.

We're not going to be able to act like a stealth shuttle, and fly right under their noses. We'll just be slightly harder to spot, and I very much doubt that that'll be better than anything in the enemy fleet. Signature reduction is not an unknown technology to them. Large scale Stealth is, but we don't get a stealth system.

All this'll mean is that we'll be slightly closer to the enemy when we'll be spotted.
[X] Cutting edge shield technology
I explicitly stated I don't expect it to match a native stealth platform, as did the description. It's true the Titanium Rose won't equal the Night Lily at its best, but that's not the comparison I made. I do expect it to be an upgrade at least as significant as any of the others, though.

On what grounds is there to think the enemy will field better? The upgrades are said to be based on technologies developed by the Night Lily, which exhibited stealth technology that came as a complete surprise to the Divine Navy, suggesting radical innovations. While the upgrades to the Titanium Rose are comparatively minor, that still leaves room to far surpass anything we're about to face. The upgrades we do receive, while limited, may even be improved from the prototypes the Night Lily fielded, based on experience and collected data.

Also, there remains the fact that the stealth upgrade best complements the Titanium Rose's primary role as a reconnaissance craft. In the upcoming battle there may be other ships that can punch harder or tank shots better, even with our upgrades, but probably not any with the Night Lily's tech. That would make the Titanium Rose uniquely capable. Fits well for any future recon assignments, too.

Additionally, working as a sensor tech with new stealth technologies plays to Amani's strengths. It's also the upgrade that would be the most direct sign of the Princess's favor, building off what we've previously accomplished by saving the Night Lily.
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I'm never disappointed when you update, Gazetteer. Well worth the wait.

And if I may say, for being an update you didn't want to work on, it turned out pretty nice. :)

Hmm now, voting choices. On one hand, the Rose seems to get hit an awful lot, and reducing the repair bill in any way is always nice. On the other, the XCOM player in me says that only amateurs get hit in the first place... ;)

Stealth it is!
[X] Quasi stealth system
[X] Cutting edge shield technology

I demand politely request tentatively suggest for the ability to actually cut things with our shields now.
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Glass cannons die first. Having bigger guns just invites the enemy to make us a priority.

Stealth would be good. Quasi stealth not so much. From the description it won't actually hide the Rose, just make it harder to identify and track. As we are going head first into a fleet engagement I doubt it will help all that much in the immediate future.

[X] Cutting edge shield technology
I'm of two minds, but ultimately I think this would be the most interesting, so I'll use that as a tie-breaker:

[X] Quasi stealth system
[X] Quasi stealth system
I know, the shield system seems like the correct choice given the whole 'impending fleet assault' but yeah I'm voting stealth because I'm presuming after this we'll get situations more suited for that sort of play.
Plus I'm thinking a light of hope for the long-term is going to be useful come the impending SALT post-battle.
[X] Quasi stealth system

In what I'm assuming to be a chaotic fleet battle, being a relatively smaller recon ship that hits hard that is also difficult to detect (amidst all the chaos, as bears repeating) could be really damaging if we play our cards right. And I definitely trust our captain to steer us right.

Therefore, changing my vote to quasi-stealth in the hopes that we can be a dagger in this battle. As well as being a pick that suits our role as recon for future missions. I'd rather get upgrades that help us do our job well over things that are better for when we mess up. Not that shields aren't good no matter what, because they are.