Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Now the real question is how literal the term "cutting-edge shield technology" is, because anything that incentivizes ramming as a tactic is by definition superior.
[X] Quasi stealth system

I mean in case it hasn't been slammed into our skulls enough as a sensor officer its kinda fucking important to have this kinda shit.
[X] Improved weapons systems

What's the biggest problem we've run into it combat? That's right: the Rose gets hit at times. Therefore, we need to make sure that we aren't so fragile in future.

I just subscribe to the "enemies can't hear you coming if you deafen them first" school of stealth, so let's get bigger guns to be tougher.
[X] Cutting edge shield technology

So how bad was the damage? Given that the warning got out through intelligence services, I imagine that somewhat blunted the hack?
[X] Quasi stealth system

IIRC, the Rose is a reconnaisance craft. Giving her stealth will only improve her performance in that role.

Also, what the hell I missed an update!?
[X] Cutting edge shield technology

So how bad was the damage? Given that the warning got out through intelligence services, I imagine that somewhat blunted the hack?
I believe that it is mentioned that they only had access to a quarter of the defense array. The plan was to get the entire thing. Getting the warning out as well as you all did meant that at least some of the civilians had been evacuated, and it resulted in 3/4s of the defense satellites being saved. People still died -- a lot of people, frankly -- but a fraction of the number that would have without Amani figuring that out for Owusu as fast as she did.

I mean in case it hasn't been slammed into our skulls enough as a sensor officer its kinda fucking important to have this kinda shit.
Whoa, too soon, give Jackson's corpse a chance to cool first.
Adhoc vote count started by Gazetteer on Dec 4, 2018 at 1:26 AM, finished with 24 posts and 22 votes.
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As tempted as I am by the RAMMING SPEED! better shields choice...

...we're trying to avoid having our shields pinged at all. And there's a way better choice available for that.

[X] Quasi stealth system
[] Cutting edge shield technology

As cool as stealth tech would be for the Rose, we also have happened to find that we need to take more hits. There's still plenty of problems with stealth tech on the ship that was built for it, let alone trying to modify a scout ship to handle the same power and otherwise requirements. Bigger guns are always nice, but we already hit above out weight class, and anything we need them for, will likely kill us too quickly to be useful without having that stealth drive for the stealth strike.

Overall, seems to me that shields are the best way to go, at least for a start.
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[x] Quasi stealth system

Stealth is a game-changer, both IRL and as we've seen in this story. It improves both our chances of getting a punch in and surviving the encounter. While the retrofit can't match a native stealth platform, it still puts the Rose ahead of anything in the enemy fleet, since they've only just become aware that stealth of anything larger than a shuttle is even possible.

It also synergizes well with both the Rose's mission as a reconnaissance platform and Amani's own role as a sensor specialist. Since Amani is the protagonist, this is probably the upgrade that will enhance both her career and the Titanium Rose's prospects on a metal level.

Or it normally would, if it weren't for your knowledge of the impending enemy attack, Mosi, and your mother's response to her continued missing status. You shared dinner with her last night, and it's all she seems to be able to think about.
"I should be," you agree, relaxing a little. meeting mother in Beta Sphere anyway, but be able to see you after that."
Hope Amani gets a chance to explain the rest of the deal with Mosi to their mother soon.
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