[ ] Make a bolt for the door. Perhaps you can find help before he can react. (Prowess)
[ ] Agree to stop prying. You can go to port security as soon as he leaves (Subterfuge)

I'm not decided yet but I think these are our best options - I don't like trying to get our gun because it leaves us with trying to explain why we shot a fellow officer in our home.

also, @Artificial Girl , I really question the wisdom of trying to use our worst stat in a high-tension situation like this.

I wanna know more about what's going on.

Diplomacy 8, Strategy 10, Tactics 11, Prowess 10, Subterfuge 10, Technical 12

This is a life-or-death situation; we should use Prowess or Subterfuge. I feel like we're likely to get a better result from going for our pistol than from running out the door. If he brought backup (possible) we be screwed if we run out the door unarmed, and if he was willing to come here at all he may be willing to risk shooting us in the back as we run away to keep us from telling the authorities. On the other hand, I may be mis-assessing the situation, so I'll include "run away" on approval voting. This quest does run on approval voting, right?

[X] Make a bolt for the door. Perhaps you can find help before he can react. (Prowess)

[X] Make a bolt for your service pistol in the other room. (Prowess)

[X] Ask what they plan. This might be a chance to avoid violence. (Subterfuge)

[X] Agree to stop prying. You can go to port security as soon as he leaves (Subterfuge)

How do we know it's life or death? I think you're making a lot of assumptions. Dude literally says he doesn't want to hurt anyone or plan to.

Also I wouldn't assume this is approval voting unless the QM says so.
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I wanna know more about what's going on.

How do we know it's life or death? I think you're making a lot of assumptions. Dude literally says he doesn't want to hurt anyone or plan to.

Also I wouldn't assume this is approval voting unless the QM says so.
He says that yes, but if we're reading between the lines here, he's clearly part of a coup of some description. The threat to us is implicit.
[X] Agree to stop prying. You can go to port security as soon as he leaves (Subterfuge)
How do we know it's life or death? I think you're making a lot of assumptions. Dude literally says he doesn't want to hurt anyone or plan to.

Also I wouldn't assume this is approval voting unless the QM says so.
I'll narrow if down if she says so.

That said, this captain says he doesn't want to hurt us, but he wouldn't have come armed and ready to make not-so-veiled threats if he weren't willing to hurt us if he thinks he has to.

I'm willing to try and learn more about the plot, but I want to minimize the risk that whatever we try will simply fail, given that "get shot" is at least a potential outcome of our actions.
[X] Ask what they plan. You are as patriotic as any other officer. (Diplomacy)
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[X] Agree to stop prying. You can go to port security as soon as he leaves (Subterfuge)
It's a no on approval voting from me. I may allow it for specific votes, but this is not one of them. Commit.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Nov 13, 2018 at 9:02 AM, finished with 20 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Ask what they plan. This might be a chance to avoid violence. (Subterfuge)
    [X] Ask what they plan. You are as patriotic as any other officer. (Diplomacy)
    [X] Agree to stop prying. You can go to port security as soon as he leaves (Subterfuge)
    [X] Ask what they plan. This might be a chance to avoid violence. (Subterfuge)
    [X] Ask what they plan. You are as patriotic as any other officer. (Diplomacy)
    [X] Make a bolt for your service pistol in the other room. (Prowess)
C1P10: The Armour Cracks
Partial Success. Just.

"If you are truly a patriot, then I find myself in good company." You say, suddenly seizing on a plan that isn't simply giving up from fear. His brow furrows, a questioning look. "There is no love lost for the Stoli's at this dinner table, Kapitan Sverdlov, I can reassure you of that."

"I'd expected nothing less of a member of our…" he gives a breathy chuckle, "Sister service."

You smile at his half-a-joke, aware that if you're going to get any information from him then you had to attempt to get on his good side. Even if he was making a pun out of your gender.

"Well, exactly. We are brothers in arms, as it were." Another chuckle which you match half-heartedly, "Had I realised this was not simply the work of another damned black marketeer, I certainly wouldn't have gone about things the way I did." A half-truth. You certainly would have investigated. You absolutely would not have done so so blatantly.

"I can't say I'm not glad to hear it. I told you, what we are doing is dangerous. You could get into trouble if you weren't careful." He pauses, looking at you with a frown. "Valentina- May I call you Valentina?"

"Of course. You're sitting at my dinner table, after all." With neither invitation nor permission, you wanted to add.

"It may be dangerous, but what we are doing is important. The future of Kevia may rest on the next few months and the shoulders of a few true patriots. It is not simply desire that drives me, it is duty to my nation and my people, a duty that some have let lie for far too long." As he spoke, his voice swelled with the sort of pride that you would usually hear in the speeches of radicals and politicians trying to stir the people to action. It is, you must admit, a fine set of words.

The time to strike had come.

"If it is the duty of patriots that you are committed to then surely the opportunity to fulfill it must be extended to all true patriots." You say, the words coming easy. The best way to find out more was to gain his trust. The best way to do that may just be to involve yourself.

He focuses on you, frowning again. He is silent, letting the stillness of the room settle interrupted only by the nervous chirruping of your pet bird and the ticking of a clock that counts long seconds.

"You have no idea what you are suggesting." He answers firmly.

"And yet a patriot steps forward to defend their country regardless of the dangers they may face."

"That they do, Valentina, that they do." Again, the silence. "I cannot answer you now. Meetings must be had, before things escalate."

"Escalate?" The word worries you. He gives you a sharp look and stands.

"Frankly I have said far too much already." He picks up his gun belt and holds it for a moment, a moment in which your heart is still and your mouth entirely dry, before strapping it around his waist. His jacket goes on next. "I may see you again, Valentina Mikhailova."

"You know my name, yet I don't know yours." You are trying to delay him and from his smile it appears he realises it.

"No, you do not." The door closes with a quiet click behind him.

You have some information. What do you do with it?
[ ] Take it to the Zaschita, the security services.
[ ] Take it up the chain of command in the Navy.
[ ] Wait to see if contact is made again.
[ ] Write-in (with GM consent).

Chapter 1 ends! Roll 2d10 v 5 stress. Rolling high is good!

How will you deal with the stress you have built up?

[ ] Indulge in a current vice (-1 stress) (Usually a choice, but you only have one vice)
[ ] Discover a new vice (-1 stress) (Write in a new vice)
[ ] Manage both, somehow (-2 stress)
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[X] Wait to see if contact is made again.
[X] Indulge in a current vice (-1 stress) (Usually a choice, but you only have one vice)

Our stress gain is seems fairly controllable right now and I don't know that we really need a 2nd vice.
I also have half a mind to just take this straight to the security services rather than relying on our average subterfuge but we don't have a huge amount of evidence yet.
[x] Wait to see if contact is made again.
[x] Indulge in a current vice (-1 stress) (Usually a choice, but you only have one vice)
[X] Wait to see if contact is made again.
[X] Manage both, somehow (-2 stress)
-[X] New vice: Alcohol

In this system, assuming it hasn't been tweaked too much for this quest, repeat vices is dangerous and it is good to have a number to choose from. Also, somehow I feel like further involvement in this kind of intrigue will tend to increase the rate at which we acquire stress, and after all of this we could probably really use a drink.
[X] Wait to see if contact is made again.
[X] Manage both, somehow (-2 stress)
-[X] New vice: Alcohol
[X] Take it to the Zaschita, the security services.
[X] Manage both, somehow (-2 stress)
-[X] New vice: Cigarettes

A dangerous course, I know, but I don't feel ready to jump aboard the plotter's ship.