[X] Send the Bo'sun to report the issues (If this is selected, none other can be, -1 stress)
[x] Look into exactly what was mishipped and to who (+1 stress)
[x] Deliver the information to your superior officer (+1 stress)
[x] Look into exactly what was mishipped and to who (+1 stress)
[x] Deliver the information to your superior officer (+1 stress)
C1P5: Firearm Furore
(+2 stress)

"Leo, get me the shipment records for second pier, the destroyer flotilla." you ask as calmly as possible. What you had found was already making you nervous that this was more than an administrative oversight.

A shipment of infantry weapons and ammunition had been delivered to Polyapavlosk's destroyer flotilla with no sign of any true destination on the paperwork. This would not have been worrying - you have had to deal with arms lockers emptied to sell on the black market before - but for the best sheer quantity of equipment. A hundred rifles and ten of the powerful, lightweight Chalpot machine gun favoured by the marines. This was many more weapons than needed to resupply a few destroyers with crooked parsers.

"Is everything okay, Leytenant?" Leo dropped a stack of papers on your desk. "You look worried."

"Just a little discrepancy, I'm sure. It would be remiss to not check though." you respond, verbally shooing him away.

The files were dense; three thick folders, each containing at least six months of order, delivery and supply records. You'd soon know whether this was a singular mistake or part of a much larger problem. Nobody tried to get one past the Quartermaster and Victualling Headquarters, nobody!

It was difficult work, separating basic failures of a shoddy system from something that may have been larger, but eventually you had it. Shipments of weapons were going missing across Southern Kieva and then remarkably similar shipments would appear and be delivered to entirely incongruous destinations. A quick skim had over a thousand rifles, machine guns, even explosives delivered all over Polyapavlosk and presumably more beyond. It was enough to equip a small army.

This would have to be looked into further, but… with a glance at the Stolrussian officer you realise that perhaps this is not for you to deal with. You may be in charge, but it was a Kievan problem and it should stay between Kievan officers. This would have to go up the chain.

With a pang of regret, you chivvy Marina from your lap and gather up the files and folders you'll need. Both Leo and the Stolrussian Leytenant watch you leave but you refuse to offer a word of explanation. That you will save for the Kapitan.

Kapitan Andrieyavich, commander of the shore establishment of Polyapavlosk and decorated officer was many things. He was a veteran of several wars, a former torpedo boat commander and, perhaps most pertinent to you, a drunk. Your sharp knock on his door is met with a half hearted growl and your salute is barely returned by a man who is clearly halfway into a bottle.

"better be important." He grumbled, apparently disturbed from his business by your intrusion.

"Sir, I believe I've uncovered evidence of a-" a what? What had you found? "a, um."

"a what girl? Spit it out." His eyes fix on yours, sharp for a moment before returning to their boozy haze.

"A conspiracy, Sir. An armed one. Weapons are going missing all over the city and I believe the Stolrussian's may be involved." you have no evidence for the last, but it's as likely as not.

"Its just the black market, Leytenant, relax."

"With respect, I don't believe it is. See, I have evidence-" you step forward, proffering the folders.

"Rubbish. You're just being over eager. Again."

Frustration courses through you. There must be a way to get through to him.

How will you try?
[ ] Appeal to his vanity (subterfuge)
[ ] Appeal to his patriotism (diplomacy)
[ ] Write-in (test to be decided)
[ ] Find a way to deal with this yourself
[X] Appeal to his vanity (subterfuge)

Well, our subterfuge isn't terrible and I'm having a hard time coming up with ideas on how to make this a technical or tactics test but if someone has a better idea then I'm all ears.
Weapons are going missing all over the city and I believe the Stolrussian's may be involved.
Unnecessary apostrophe.

[x] Appeal to his vanity (subterfuge)

I bet there is a service that takes interest in that kind of thing, so once there is a report, things will go down. The captain probably wants to be the one to deliver that report, rather than have an audit come to him.

We won't say the latter part out loud, but we should probably keep that in mind. He isn't drunk enough to shrug off the implications of us not sweeping this under the rug.
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C1P6: It ain't all rosy cheeks
You bite back a sharp retort and instead think for a moment. The Kapitan has had long and glorious service and while it has left him a drunk, it has also left him a proud and egotistical man.

"A discovery of this magnitude - and it is a massive operation if I'm right, Kapitan -" You say, stressing his (unfortunate for his age) low rank, "Could be very good for our Navy and, if I may say so, our careers. It could be the making of us." You are aiming for a subtle stroke of his ego but as he fixes you with steely eyes once more you realise that you may have made a mistake.

"If you think it is as simple as offering me a few compliments, Starshi-Leytenant, then you are sorely mistaken. You bring me nothing but supposition and expect me to drag myself from behind my desk? You must think very little of your fellow officer if that is the case. Get out."

"Sir, I-" You begin, an attempt at an apology.

"Out!" He roars, sending you stumbling backwards for the exit.

Once outside with the door to his office shut firmly behind you you take a moment to breath. That could certainly have gone better, although you hadn't gone in expecting very much. You had made an attempt, and that was the important thing. If this went the way you perhaps expected and a report was made to the Zaschita (the Kevian security department), his name would not feature as positively as you had offered.

Walking back to the office, you can feel the stress of your discovery creeping up your spine and making your shoulders tense. Someone was arming themselves far beyond anything the navy considered necessary. At the best, you thought, somebody was preparing for the rumblings of a future war that the papers said would surely break out in Europa at some point. At the worst - and it could be so much worse - there was violence on the horizon of the sort that you do not want to imagine.

As you reached your own office you hesitate. There is much to be done and apparently you are the only one you can trust to do it. And Bo'sun Maximov, of course. But you must consider your next step carefully. Stress is a killer and you are sorely tempted to continue your investigation tomorrow but you wonder how much time you really have.

How do you proceed?
[ ] Go home for the afternoon - it's not quite within the rules but honestly, with your senior drunk and your office-mates uncaring, who's watching. (-1 stress)
[ ] Quietly continue investigating alone - though you may consider bringing in the Bo'sun as a helping hand. (+0 stress
[ ] Bring in additional assistance from the office - there are plenty of trustworthy men and women amongst them. You may even be forced to ask the Stolrussian. (+1 stress)
[ ] Confront the Destroyer Flotilla Commander - you have evidence and you have an idea of what's happening. The commander is likely to be one link in a chain that you must break. (+1 stress)
[X] Quietly continue investigating alone - though you may consider bringing in the Bo'sun as a helping hand. (+0 stress
I'm not really sure what I want to do yet but I'm reluctant to spend more stress on this, so it'll probably be either investigating alone or just saying 'fuck it' and going home.
[x] Quietly continue investigating alone - though you may consider bringing in the Bo'sun as a helping hand. (+0 stress
How do we know who is the trustworthy one, anyway? Schemes of such scope aren't lacking in accomplices.

[x] Quietly continue investigating alone - though you may consider bringing in the Bo'sun as a helping hand. (+0 stress)

This is not a one-time deal, this scheme has been in the works for several months, if not longer. The probability of us noticing it at the very last possible moment... well, I wouldn't worry about it were I in this situation (especially compared to the consequences of presenting an easily dismissable case), but this is a quest and we have got to suspect some sort of trade-off everywhere.
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[X] Bring in additional assistance from the office - there are plenty of trustworthy men and women amongst them. You may even be forced to ask the Stolrussian. (+1 stress)

This is a race to zero sanity, because if we don't unplug this mess it will eat our office whole.
[x] Quietly continue investigating alone - though you may consider bringing in the Bo'sun as a helping hand. (+0 stress)

Well, I suppose.
[X] Quietly continue investigating alone - though you may consider bringing in the Bo'sun as a helping hand. (+0 stress

Might need some more evidence (or any evidence at all) efore doing something drastic.

Also: Hi. This seems interresting :D
[X] Bring in additional assistance from the office - there are plenty of trustworthy men and women amongst them. You may even be forced to ask the Stolrussian. (+1 stress)

I'm trusting 7734 on this one.
[X] Bring in additional assistance from the office - there are plenty of trustworthy men and women amongst them. You may even be forced to ask the Stolrussian. (+1 stress)
[X] Quietly continue investigating alone - though you may consider bringing in the Bo'sun as a helping hand. (+0 stress
[X] Bring in additional assistance from the office - there are plenty of trustworthy men and women amongst them. You may even be forced to ask the Stolrussian. (+1 stress)
[X] Bring in additional assistance from the office - there are plenty of trustworthy men and women amongst them. You may even be forced to ask the Stolrussian. (+1 stres
[X] Bring in additional assistance from the office - there are plenty of trustworthy men and women amongst them. You may even be forced to ask the Stolrussian. (+1 stress)