Lord of the Rings: Reign of the Great Eye

[x] Dragon Age
[x] Your Craft- forging of magical impliments
[x] Great forces, your summoning is an accidental event of those kind souls...their mistake.

Choosing this based on the possibility of Sauron becoming the Inquisitor.
Chose Craft based on the fact that:

You said that we would get weird burns, so maybe we could pass off Sauron's burn marks as a result from the Conclave Explosion.
And with Craft, maybe we could decipher the Anchor early.

Also, since we are experts in corrupting people, there are several openings that would allow Sauron to corrupt the DAI companions to his side.
Example: Cullen, a former soldier of faith going through withdrawal, Hello Opening.
Cassandra, after learning about the Seeker's truths, she might be open to be influenced by us.
Leliana, just make her follow the 'dark side' further than canon.
Cole, recreate our favorite black riders?

And more importantly (at least from my POV) the potential consequence that due to our craft, we accidentally make Bianca sentient like a certain 'decoder' ring we all know.

Hey! I appreciate the, vote, however I already called the initial starting world. This its not to say it's impossible to go to dragon age potentially.

...oh dear chaos gods a sentient artifact Bianca....
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Arrival; time unknown, day 1
You had wandered far and wide. Surveying the world you had sought to rule...the destruction you had inflicted to every corner of Middle Earth, nowhere near the ungodly power of Morgoth who fought on a scale of raising and destroying mountain ranges. Yet you were not Morgoth, and you were opposed by peers sent to guide the mortal races, if but from the position of an advisor.

It was too much, damned to eternally watch as all you'd accomplished was undone, forgotten, or repurposed somehow. Fortunately you felt a pull upon your very being your shattered and broken soul. This pull grew and grew until you were enveloped in a vortex of magic and pulled from the world you once called yours.

This new world was brimming to the point of boil over with conflict. Forces of Order, Chaos, Destruction, and Death all clashed for supremecy, for survival, or for the fun of it.

He could tell that his conjuring was not so much intentional as it was a side effect. This was...ideal to you for you would not want to attempt to resist the binding of another. Not in this diminished form, yet magic was fickle here. And came and went with the wind. By harvesting these magics carefully and the magic of your arrival, you were able to restore your body to it's great form before the war. Tall in stature, strong in strength. The marrings of your past also remained however and thus you are burned. Your armor once hid this from your lesser, but your skin is left charred and blackened. The land you fall upon is a great glassy black plain, where once stood a mighty bastion...

Who finds you?

[ ] Men

[ ] Dwarves

[ ] High Elves

[ ] Other (Write-in)

You felt the returning of a cornerstone of who you were. It was not your fair form to cloak yourself in, nor the raw sorcerous powers you could wield, nay it was in fact your vast and potent powers of magical smithing. This...opened up possibilities to you indeed.

Rank One of Divine Forging Unlocked


Apologies but I realized we needed to discern who finds you as this greatly shapes how things will go xD. I will say no one will automatically go oh hey your evil. So if you choose to portray yourself as a good guy you could pull this off.
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Just to clarify what timeline did we land in?
For the record, my WHF lore comes directly from SB and SV quests.
Just to clarify what timeline did we land in?
For the record, my WHF lore comes directly from SB and SV quests.

0_o there Is more then one official timeline? I am using the Warhammer fantasy wiki timeline of things currently. This is not to say that you guys aren't going to derail things vastly though.

My lore of Warhammer comes from quests, and wiki binges mostly lol, along with the total war games xD.
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[X] Men

ecause they would apreciate a artificer the most. And Warhammer elves are not Lotr elves. WH elves are arogant pr#!*s.

...Lord of the rings elves are also arrogant assholes xD. He had to look like an elf to mess with them at all lol. Granted Warhammer fantasy is a whole new scale of nope so yeah their probably gonna be damn arrogant.
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"Hey guys! I never thanked you for saving me, so here's nine rings for my nine physically powerful, influential friends!"

And nothing can go wrong with that!!!

After all you get super powers without chaos being able to infect you...you all just need to sign this waiver here and the secret clause agreement you will serve me until you find a good replacement as my Nazgul...of course said replacements cant be done for 300 years at the minimum. So have fun with the Rings! After all they make you excellent rulers! All the power! all the wealth! all the good ladies! all the armies too!
I just realized Sauron could actually convince people to be nazgul willingly given the power he offers and the variety of threats. College of Mages aren't gonna like Sauron at all methinks...

Though to be fair Sauron could also make immortality devices that aren't so shit to use as well xD.

Edit 1: anywho if all goes well I'll be closing this vote in half an hour to an hour.
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I just realized Sauron could actually convince people to be nazgul willingly given the power he offers and the variety of threats. College of Mages aren't gonna like Sauron at all methinks...

Though to be fair Sauron could also make immortality devices that aren't so shit to use as well xD.

yeah and with our quick silver tounge we can make it seem like it was their own free will that came to it!

Moor cant be pissed off it was in the agreement that they signed on! plus sigmar cant complain since they obviously want to go murderize Deamons, orks, vampire's, necromancers (NOT OURS!), and chaos for eternity!

The other gods of order can make a petition if they want us to stop being a asshole to their followers...if its reasonable in done in a orderly fashion we may be inclined to be polite but still an asshole. Besides, we saw what Melkor did to Arda…we spent several hundred years trying to fix it in our weird/stupid attempt to get things done in a fashion that no one else was trying!

Bloody hell it was chaos! plus everyone kept on backstabbing and being worse assholes while lying about it! Lets not get into Celebrimbor being a ass and stealing the credit for making the rings! Not to mention we were kind enough to give him a second chance with forging the great ring, That was merciful! Plus its not our fault the Uruks and Orks were all flawed idoits!

Why do you think we got our long-time rival and possible friend-enemy to perfect the process? because frankly Uruk-Hai were allot more reliable then orks! Just a bit stupid on the side of being a massive green army with little understanding of warfare, but that can come in time! (narrative wise it was a great fight! Realism wise helms deep was a fuck-up after a fuck-up for the uruk-hai!)
Because they would apreciate a artificer the most. And Warhammer elves are not Lotr elves. WH elves are arogant pr#!*s.

Well so were the ones of LotR, they still are even after all their bu****it practically helped Sauron disperse his rings of power, because they feared that magic was starting to disapear (which will it made the world less awesome the Ents were going into hibernation and weren't waking up, it also made it less dangerous since monsters were either stopping to appear like dragons, or/and getting smaller like the spiders). Galadriell blocked the seasons in her forest/realm Lothlórien so that it is always summer or spring (can't remember) and to f**k with the laws of physics (literal golden trees), and when Sauron ring was destroyed the spell that held it all together disappeared too, since she was using another ring of power to make that, and so the winter that was restrained was finally free, and so because of the backlash due to the world trying to compensate for the magic that distabilised the natural order, the region was stuck in a winter for hundreds of years and more than loosing its unnatural beauty it ruined it beyond what is natural. Seriously the two other elves lords that didn't do that **it with their ring was Círdan the bearer of one of the three rings given to the elves that gave his to Gandalf the moment he understood he was a maiar to help (his ring gave hope which is kinda ironic because I think that Sauron doesn't believe in mercy or hope maybe both can't remember), and Elrond used his to heal and defend his realm (like against the Nazguls) but it wasn't constently active like with Galadrielle (their regions didn't suffered some huge cataclysm after the rings lost their power).

God it went for far longer than I intended at first, I just kept remembering stuff. But yeah Sauron already did the elves (and men technically see Númenor) and magic is doubted by dwarves, human too but the difference is dwarves leave for hundred of years are stubborn like you try to make them fornicate with their ancestors and they have Grudge with a capital G, humans usually don't.
And I don't feel like taking the Skavens or the Orcs, Lizardmen. But I kinda want the Men of Nehekara, I love the Egyptian styles and civilisation.

[X] Men
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meh we can always take over the border princes and make a industrial/extremely efficient system of governance! sure there might be monster's and other horrors, but at least they are on our side rather then the enemies!

plus killing the druchii raiders and getting on the dwarves good side might be helpful In the long run.

edit: also portraying ourselves as a good-guy but with asshole tendencies (and being completely merciless to our enemies) would be best for us. Also channeling our aggression and destructive tendencies towards our enemies would be for the good of this world!

if we somehow regain our power of song...well...I think we have a effective Daemon-bane weapon!
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I will say NO ONE cares if you use the druchii for new elf-orcs lol. Provided you reassure them you use monsterous means to a noble end.
I will say NO ONE cares if you use the druchii for new elf-orcs lol. Provided you reassure them you use monsterous means to a noble end.


sorry its just Marion the Maia got the hell of a short stick...considering he was whammed by Melkor who was discord itself and the creator of lies and sheer bullshit evil...and Marion the maia who was said to be the greatest of his kind...no fucking chance.

this aint a redemption story, but if it is...its more of the lines that Eru sent him to help out against chaos and the other bullshit.

Eru: they are all just fucking around over there...better think of something good so they don't go ruining my grand design...oh I know! I got that one Maia somewhere in Arda that's just floating around, lets give him his smithing skills back and sit back and watch the fire-works!
The fact that sauron can literally make himself a god is not going to be good for his ego xD.

hey if its earned by sheer effort and will? He can brag all he wants if its true...just over the corpses of his enemies and having them double tapped and insured that they have no surviving relatives or friends that might want revenge.

edit: I think that he would have learned his lesson after the last few times!

sorry its just Marion the Maia got the hell of a short stick...considering he was whammed by Melkor who was discord itself and the creator of lies and sheer bullshit evil...and Marion the maia who was said to be the greatest of his kind...no fucking chance.

this aint a redemption story, but if it is...its more of the lines that Eru sent him to help out against chaos and the other bullshit.

Eru: they are all just fucking around over there...better think of something good so they don't go ruining my grand design...oh I know! I got that one Maia somewhere in Arda that's just floating around, lets give him his smithing skills back and sit back and watch the fire-works!
In warhammer opportunities are plentiful
Oooh. So no elf followers :(

Meh, if we transform or pity humans in mighty uruk-hai it will be good too ^^

The fact that sauron can literally make himself a god is not going to be good for his ego xD.

Meh, humility is for the week. We will become the greatest god of all warhammer ! And it's not this chaos god who will stop us !