in other words we take penalties to many of our future officers loyalty.... and we will be getting an opponent with a fair amount of influence in the navy as an admiral.... which means someone who can sabotage our PC gains and likely will do so.
EDIT: this may very well just be -1 loyalty for 1 in 5 of our future officers... or it could mean 1 in 5 of all our future officers get their loyalty halved....it also may result in worse than that if we get transferred to any kind of command in the rimward fleet after this.... like say if the war starts up again perhaps? which it will eventually....
That will likely result in most of our future officers at that point having low loyalty resulting in more than a bit of hardship for us.
so please guys... think LONG term here.... and don't keep on pissing powerful people off. All it does is screw us over again and again.
You are all playing as if we are the imperial son with max diplomacy, and subterfuge rather than max strategy and tactics.
we do NOT NEED to be maxed out in troops and readiness and everything and perfect. We just need to be 'good enough' as we are BETTER than anyone else is.
Let me attempt to address your points:
-This was our starting background:
Military Genius said:
-4 Diplomacy, +6 Strategy, +8 Tactics, +1 Prowess
Begin with no political capital or wealth, or outside income.
Your fleet will be stripped of skilled crews and some ships before your arrival as well as being under supplied, your command staff will seek your disgrace and elevation into your position.
They didn't like us even before we started.We made commodore regardless, and possibly rear admiral on the strength of our capabilities. When we made commodore, we had this choice of lifestyle:
How are you going to live? Your pay is 1 Wealth per quarter.
[] Spartan – You are going to furnish your cavernous accommodations with service issue furniture, entertain your officers with service issue food, not entertain and wear requisitioned uniforms. (-2 Political Capital a quarter, half all gains of Political Capital, -3 Loyalty all officers. Save 1 Wealth a quarter).
[] Frugally – You will live within your, extensive, means, but well below the level expected for a sector commander. You will have your quarters fitted with low key luxury, hire the minimum few servants and buy luxurious food and supplies of non exclusive brands so that you can entertain notables and your officers in a style below that which they expect from you. (-33% to all gains of Political Capital due to your skinflint nature, -1 Loyalty all officers, spend your salary).
[] Comfortably – You will borrow so that you can maintain the style expected of you as the senior imperial navy officer in the sector. You will go to one of those exclusive firms to have your quarters set up in appropriate style and comfort, you will bring in a dozen highly skilled servants and retainers, you will stock luxuries and exotics so that your guests and officers feel respected. (No modifiers, borrow 1 Wealth a quarter, which will need to be paid back later with interest).
We had to borrow money not to get global Loyalty debuffs from all officers due to Lifestyle.
And that doesn't include the unofficial maluses to opinion from having to deal with noble officers as a commoner.
If all we are looking at is maybe a Loyalty malus from 20% of our officers, that's entirely survivable, and a bargain for increasing our chances of putting on a good show at court, getting promoted to Rear Admiral and winning the next war. We just keep Prowess 17 Ranca, Subterfuge 15 Sones and our inner core close, we promote the Loyal ones, woo the capable, and either blackmail or sword anyone else who fucks with us.
-As long as we have 100 Political Capital, we have +5 Loyalty and +5 Diplomacy. Anyway.
-We are going to war against a guy who outnumbers us two to one.
While it is unnecessary and counterproductive to strip every ship to barebones to crew our own, we would be foolish to forego every possible advantage we can grab against the Arslan. Loyalty maluses are only a problem if we survive, and the risk of defeat or death does exist. Hence our choice to not board the Valinor ships.
Especially given the mediocre lot that comprise our scout crews.