Oh, how much difference would Starting Stat - / Growth Rate + have compared to SS + & GR +++? Having a better idea would help sway people to pick Natural Born. That, and for the types who skip posts, editing in Natural Born as a valid option would help.
While the exact starting stat values would vary based on frame, the swing in Base Stat values would be twenty points in your favor for each stat. In addition whenever you earned a stat point instead of gaining two points in that stat, you would instead gain four.
[X] Plan: Stand Behind Me!
-[X] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)
-[X] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
-[X] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
-[X] Pandora's Box (300) - Gain Forward Shield and both bonuaes from Shield Master.
-[X] Healing Hands (100) - You can use Energy Particle emmiters in your hands to repair yourself or others as though benefiting from a Self Repair Module. If your target has one, the effects stack to double their already impressive recovery rate.
[X] Fuel Efficient (50) - While the typical mech girl will have five WacBonald's Big Wacs, a bucket of fries, and a two liter bottle of soda for lunch, and maybe an extra Bug Wac or two as snacks before dinner, you get the energy you need from eating the normal amount of food for a girl your age. It doesn't let you run longer or use an special abilities more than normal, but refueling is a lot easier and cheaper. Provisions thanks you from the bottom of their hearts.
[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.

A heavy metal Paladin build. Between being cheeper to maintain, as well as protecting and patching up other girls, we should get enough good will to offset the Orphan drawback.
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Whiteeyes: Wow, that is a major difference. Hmm, are certain stats set at fixed values regardless, or would everything benefit? In addition, are there ways to somehow increase Growth Rate mid-quest? If not, then getting Natural Born would make a huge difference, especially since it seems like dying would end the quest.

Personally I rather like "Mechanized Arm", though I'm having trouble coming up with other drawbacks like it. Hmm... What about "Permanently Released", where Christina can't detransform? That, or "Permanently Released" would be the inability to dismiss everything.

In general, how difficult is it incorporating new features (like Knight Saber/Shield) to one's Frame? In addition, of options not initially chosen (barring special ones like Natural Born), can they be obtained later? If so, what would be the CP value for a drawback making it impossible to obtain?
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[X] Plan: Stand Behind Me!
-[X] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)
-[X] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
-[X] Pandora's Box (300) - Gain Forward Shield and both bonuaes from Shield Master.
-[X] Self Repair Module (50) - You can heal yourself from injury at an accelerated rate, recovering about a days worth of rest in six hours. While it won't do much on a battlefield besides keep you from bleeding out it can cut down recovery time from serious injury by days or even weeks.
-[X] Healing Hands (100) - You can use Energy Particle emmiters in your hands to repair yourself or others as though benefiting from a Self Repair Module. If your target has one, the effects stack to double their already impressive recovery rate.
[X] Fuel Efficient (50) - While the typical mech girl will have five WacBonald's Big Wacs, a bucket of fries, and a two liter bottle of soda for lunch, and maybe an extra Bug Wac or two as snacks before dinner, you get the energy you need from eating the normal amount of food for a girl your age. It doesn't let you run longer or use an special abilities more than normal, but refueling is a lot easier and cheaper. Provisions thanks you from the bottom of their hearts.
[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.

A heavy metal Paladin build. Between being cheeper to maintain, as well as protecting and patching up other girls, we should get enough good will to offset the Orphan drawback.
Minor note, but you don't need to buy the prior perk to get the next one- but if you need a place to drop those 50 points, one of the four 'terrain type' places could work.
Let`s try this whole plan thing.

[X] Plan: Hit and Run
-[X] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)
-[X] Light - A frame with less weight by cutting down on armor and weaponry, focusing on speed and maneuverability. Excellent for scouts and harriers.
-[X] Natural Born (300) - Ooh, oh wow. You are rare. And you have high expectations placed on you. People expect you to be an ace in no time. Select a second age, that is when you enlisted. Modify the Starting Stats and Growth Rate up by ++.
-[X] Air Force (200) - Flight ceiling fifteen hundred meters, max speed two hundred kph, up to six hours of flight operation. You are basically a human sized fighter plane.
-[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.

Super fast and agile, decent at throwing a punch. And with Natural Born we wont get knocked out by the first thing that actually manages to hit us. Hopefully.
Minor note, but you don't need to buy the prior perk to get the next one- but if you need a place to drop those 50 points, one of the four 'terrain type' places could work.
The idea was that we could use both healing perks to drastically reduce the amount it takes to get us back to 100%, along with Fuel Efficient. It would make us cheap and quick to get ready to redeploy. Self Repair and Healing Hands stack, so it would work.
@Card Captor you cannot buy both Self Repair Module and Healing Hands, they are from the same family. Nice try trying to stack them on yourself but no.

Hmm, are certain stats set at fixed values regardless, or would everything benefit?
Everything benefits.
In addition, are there ways to somehow increase Growth Rate mid-quest?
Nope, growth rate is fixed.
What about "Permanently Released", where Christina can't detransform?
That would be very socially alarming and also diplomatically difficult and threatening. For such major social crippling you would gain 100 CP.
In general, how difficult is it incorporating new features (like Knight Saber/Shield) to one's Frame? In addition, of options not initially chosen (barring special ones like Natural Born), can they be obtained later? If so, what would be the CP value for a drawback making it impossible to obtain?
Integration of new weapons and the like isn't that hard and happens often enough to be common to swap out standard loads for special missions. Please note that the Knight Saber/Shield are perks, not normal equipment. They are manifested by the EC itself and are not manufactured by humans.

As for perks while stories of some mecha girls gaining new or improved capabilities do exist, it is rare enough to be legendary and you have never met one that did so.
So I take it the inability to incorporate new features/functions would be a valid drawback then? Presumably worth more if both weapons & non-weapons are affected.

Whereas I'm guessing "No New Perks" wouldn't net much, due to the extreme rarity. Though I guess my thought process there can just be repurposed for different varieties of the "No New Gear" drawback (like no ranged weapons or no communication equipment).

The only other things coming to me are Drawbacks regarding impairing or crippling the different stats directly. Though that really depends on what all the stats are. Everything else I'm thinking is mundane in comparison, like other forms of sensory/physical impairment or psychological issues.

Hmm... Would Autism be worth anything? It honestly isn't so bad, but then again most people wouldn't even realize I'm autistic anyways. Oh, what about Chiari malformation (a brainstem mutation)? Pressure to the back of the neck seems to impair thought & awareness.
[X] Plan Where Do You Need Us
-[X] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)
-[X] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
-[X] Flight Capable (100) - Sure you have a flight ceiling of only one hundred meters and you can't go much faster than your overland speed, but it is up to two hours of flight time, letting you avaoid difficult terrain and gain some air superiority over ground bound foes.
-[X] Cold Resistance (50) - You aren't as bothered by cold and snow, and your parts and fluids are much more resistant to freezing and causing issues that way.
-[X] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
-[X] Self Repair Module (50) - You can heal yourself from injury at an accelerated rate, recovering about a days worth of rest in six hours. While it won't do much on a battlefield besides keep you from bleeding out it can cut down recovery time from serious injury by days or even weeks.
-[X] Fuel Efficient (50) - While the typical mech girl will have five WacBonald's Big Wacs, a bucket of fries, and a two liter bottle of soda for lunch, and maybe an extra Bug Wac or two as snacks before dinner, you get the energy you need from eating the normal amount of food for a girl your age. It doesn't let you run longer or use an special abilities more than normal, but refueling is a lot easier and cheaper. Provisions thanks you from the bottom of their hearts.
-[X] Twin Sister (200) - Perhaps not literally, though most often it is, a Twin in this case is somebody whose EC resonates perfectly with your own, resulting in a dramatic increase in performance from both girls. Expect to be always deployed with your Twin except under the most dire circumstances. Their starting stats are the same as yours and they have the same perks.
-[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.

If nothing else I really feel like Twin Sister is something we should have. Otherwise this plan is, well, where do you need us? Flight and the resistences to nix most terrain issues, Fuel Efficient means we don't need to worry as much about logistics chains, and Knight Saber is just good. Ideally I'd like our Twin to have Amphibious and the Shield just to cover that little bit more we don't have, but it should be fine as long as she has the same Resistances (or better) and Fuel Efficiency.

I did want Kemomimi, but that's better on a scout type anyway.

I wouldn't be adverse to a Sniper pair either admittedly.
So I take it the inability to incorporate new features/functions would be a valid drawback then? Presumably worth more if both weapons & non-weapons are affected.
You wouldn't be able to incorporate your initial weapons loadout either. You would be unfit for military service. Disallowed.

Though I guess my thought process there can just be repurposed for different varieties of the "No New Gear" drawback (like no ranged weapons or no communication equipment).
Unless you spent the points to integrate a radio you would have to carry one, so not worth any points. Also "ranged weapons" is a very large category and covers a wide variety of weapon systems. Something more focused like "no rockets" or "no gatling weapons" would be more reasonable and worth 25 CP.
Hmm... Would Autism be worth anything?
Okay I will just say I do not trust myself to be able to handle such a subject with the respect it deserves, especially at the levels required for it to qualify as an active drawback, and as such am vetoing and sort of mental drawback like this.
Okay I will just say I do not trust myself to be able to handle such a subject with the respect it deserves, especially at the levels required for it to qualify as an active drawback, and as such am vetoing and sort of mental drawback like this.
Question then, are you going to be good for the incoming PTSD and (probable) depression issues?
So what is the initial weapons loadout then? Though I'm surprised they can't install communication equipment without the Radio perk. Surely there are better ways than using a separate cellphone.

Honestly I'm probably done with all the questions for now. Still, would "No New Gear" options affect stuff even partially related? Like "No Energy Guns" meaning no energy melee weapons with limited range capabilities?
So what is the initial weapons loadout then?
Options vary by frame and what your standard role is.

Though I'm surprised they can't install communication equipment without the Radio perk. Surely there are better ways than using a separate cellphone.
What is this "cell phone" you speak of. Are you talking about a phone booth? A radio unit is far superior, a wonder of technology. Sure some people are proposing a tele-visual broadcasting and receiving system, but that sounds like science fiction.

Still, would "No New Gear" options affect stuff even partially related? Like "No Energy Guns" meaning no energy melee weapons with limited range capabilities?
It would affect closely related stuff if it feels like you are trying to play word games (bazooka crossing over with rockets is reasonable, but not with gatling guns). Also EP weaponry is EC stuff and not manufactureable by humanity.
[X] Plan Where Do You Need Us

Twin is a must!
Sure but you would need to call it something else. In lore, and Unstable Core is the equivalent of "super cancer" and is the result of forcefully implanting a EC in an incompatible person. With mecha girls it tends to happen as a result of a mix of bad luck and severe damage. Thabkfully thanks to their compatibility it's not rapidly lethal and is actually treatable with major surgery and repairs, but it is still very much life threatening.
...is this build valid?

[]Desperate healers
-[]War Refugees (+100)
-[]Unstable Core (+200)
-[]Miraculous Touch (-300)
-[]Natural Born (-300)
-[]Twin Sister (-200)

And we basically have to stay at each other's sides at all times to survive the damage that we received in our evacuation, which will take months or years of (non-invasive, relatively low priority) study to determine how to adjust the surgery to work on after we healed our bodies around it to reach Albion in the first place?
Like Whiteeyes said the intended idea behind the "Unstable Core" Drawback needs a different name, and this would be an incredibly risky build for the PC. Maybe suggest it as the basis for some NPCs instead? I find it interesting, anyways.
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Oct 4, 2018 at 9:42 PM, finished with 46 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan Albion Recon Four
    -[X] Average Home - You came from a typical home with a loving family. While dealing with the upper class and nobles is a bit intimidating you ay least have a basic understanding of what you are doing.
    -[X] Light - A frame with less weight by cutting down on armor and weaponry, focusing on speed and maneuverability. Excellent for scouts and harriers.
    -[X] Water Compatible (50) - Most mecha girls are too dense to float, but you can swim like normal.
    -[X] Animal Companion (50) - A bit more than a pet, your EC resonates with this animal on some level, letting you give it complex instructions that it easily understands. Due to the resonance it is highly loyal to you.
    -[X] Kemonomimi (100) - You are one of the mech girls who developed animalistic traits after your conversion. More specifically you grew animal ears on the top of your head, as well as gained a sharper sense of smell, hearing, and night vision. You have a much easier time detecting stealthy or otherwise hidden enemies and detecting threats at a greater distance.
    -[X] Twin Sister (200) - Perhaps not literally, though most often it is, a Twin in this case is somebody whose EC resonates perfectly with your own, resulting in a dramatic increase in performance from both girls. Expect to be always deployed with your Twin except under the most dire circumstances. Their starting stats are the same as yours and they have the same perks.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    [X] Plan Sky Knight
    -[X] Noble Family - Serving the crown directly is a great honor bestowed upon your family, and you are the envy of the peerage. You can maneuver the high class circles with ease and are a diplomatic expert. (100 CP cost)
    -[X] Standard - A balanced mix of power, speed, and armor intended for more general purpose use and tactical flexibility.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    -[x] Knight Shield (100) - A large shield, it serves as a great defense against normal weaponry. It is easy to maneuver and doesn't interfere with your ability to attack.
    -[X] Air Force (200) - Flight ceiling fifteen hundred meters, max speed two hundred kph, up to six hours of flight operation. You are basically a human sized fighter plane.
    [x] Plan Old Steel
    -[x] War refugee - After your homeland lost, your family fled to Albion. Now you're burning with desire for revenge and reclamation of your home. You're total outsider and might have troubles communicating properly. (+100 CP)
    -[x] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
    -[x] Flight Capable (100) - Sure you have a flight ceiling of only one hundred meters and you can't go much faster than your overland speed, but it is up to two hours of flight time, letting you avaoid difficult terrain and gain some air superiority over ground bound foes.
    -[x] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
    -[x] Advanced Melee (100) - Oh, that's better. A larger weapon such as a sword, spear, battle ax, scythe, or what have you is just the most obvious upgrade. Your new hydraulic system really adds a punch to your attack, letting it sheer metal.
    -[x] Self Repair Module (50) - You can heal yourself from injury at an accelerated rate, recovering about a days worth of rest in six hours. While it won't do much on a battlefield besides keep you from bleeding out it can cut down recovery time from serious injury by days or even weeks.
    -[x] Coat of Arms (300) - You gain an EP coating over your armor, massively boosting your defenses. Your armor takes on a brilliant scarlet color, which will ruin any stealth attempts. Not that you need to worry as much about that with this big a boost to your defense.
    [X] Plan: Hit and Run
    -[X] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)
    -[X] Light - A frame with less weight by cutting down on armor and weaponry, focusing on speed and maneuverability. Excellent for scouts and harriers.
    -[X] Natural Born (300) - Ooh, oh wow. You are rare. And you have high expectations placed on you. People expect you to be an ace in no time. Select a second age, that is when you enlisted. Modify the Starting Stats and Growth Rate up by ++.
    -[X] Air Force (200) - Flight ceiling fifteen hundred meters, max speed two hundred kph, up to six hours of flight operation. You are basically a human sized fighter plane.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    [X] Plan Where Do You Need Us
    -[X] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)
    -[x] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
    -[x] Flight Capable (100) - Sure you have a flight ceiling of only one hundred meters and you can't go much faster than your overland speed, but it is up to two hours of flight time, letting you avaoid difficult terrain and gain some air superiority over ground bound foes.
    -[X] Cold Resistance (50) - You aren't as bothered by cold and snow, and your parts and fluids are much more resistant to freezing and causing issues that way.
    -[x] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
    -[x] Self Repair Module (50) - You can heal yourself from injury at an accelerated rate, recovering about a days worth of rest in six hours. While it won't do much on a battlefield besides keep you from bleeding out it can cut down recovery time from serious injury by days or even weeks.
    -[X] Fuel Efficient (50) - While the typical mech girl will have five WacBonald's Big Wacs, a bucket of fries, and a two liter bottle of soda for lunch, and maybe an extra Bug Wac or two as snacks before dinner, you get the energy you need from eating the normal amount of food for a girl your age. It doesn't let you run longer or use an special abilities more than normal, but refueling is a lot easier and cheaper. Provisions thanks you from the bottom of their hearts.
    -[X] Twin Sister (200) - Perhaps not literally, though most often it is, a Twin in this case is somebody whose EC resonates perfectly with your own, resulting in a dramatic increase in performance from both girls. Expect to be always deployed with your Twin except under the most dire circumstances. Their starting stats are the same as yours and they have the same perks.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    [X] Average Home - You came from a typical home with a loving family. While dealing with the upper class and nobles is a bit intimidating you ay least have a basic understanding of what you are doing.
    [X] Light - A frame with less weight by cutting down on armor and weaponry, focusing on speed and maneuverability. Excellent for scouts and harriers.
    [X] Plan: Stand Behind Me!
    -[X] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)
    -[x] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
    -[x] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
    -[X] Pandora's Box (300) - Gain Forward Shield and both bonuaes from Shield Master.
    -[X] Healing Hands (100) - You can use Energy Particle emmiters in your hands to repair yourself or others as though benefiting from a Self Repair Module. If your target has one, the effects stack to double their already impressive recovery rate.
    [X] Fuel Efficient (50) - While the typical mech girl will have five WacBonald's Big Wacs, a bucket of fries, and a two liter bottle of soda for lunch, and maybe an extra Bug Wac or two as snacks before dinner, you get the energy you need from eating the normal amount of food for a girl your age. It doesn't let you run longer or use an special abilities more than normal, but refueling is a lot easier and cheaper. Provisions thanks you from the bottom of their hearts.
    [X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
I'm down with whichever plan but may I suggest getting airforce and hover?
Being able to fly is understated ability and furthermore you dont even need to take naval because you can fly few meters from waters.
Like Whiteeyes said the intended idea behind the "Unstable Core" Drawback needs a different name, and this would be an incredibly risky build for the PC. Maybe suggest it as the basis for some NPCs instead? I find it interesting, anyways.
Not the one you suggested where we take more damage. The actual Super Cancer you can get from either incompatibility or severe damage and misfortune. Which we only survived thanks to using Miraculous Touch on each other, but in the process warped it enough that the standard surgery to fix it wouldn't work without a long period of investigations. Which is why I had it give 200 points.

...I can accept the argument that it's maybe too risky for our PCs, but I still wondered if it was valid.
@Khona Moshr & @veekie

So I've done some thinking about how to drum up an extra 300/400 CP to get Natural Born for Albion Recon & Sky Knight. Mechanized Limb is worth 50 and not too bad, then "No Rockets" & "No Gatlings" would be 25 each. So far, an extra 100.

Since they are Light & Standard respectively, Christina probably wouldn't get many heavy weapons anyways. I'm unsure if railguns are even a thing here, or if "No Grenades" would get 25. If both are valid, that's at least another 50.

For melee weapons, "No Hammers" should be fine though I'm unsure if it'll need to be "No Blunt Weapons" to avoid being too specific. Pile drivers seem like a fine replacement for Hammers, and we could probably go "No Shotguns/Melee Guns". Now, that's 200.

Choosing Orphan would make this easier, but I'm having fun. Now, both plans clearly seem aimed for Christina to be a melee fighter, so we could probably sacrifice more range options. "No (Assault/Sniper) Rifles" and "No Machineguns" should be okay, making it 250.

Feels kind cheaty and I expect to redo some of this, but I'm almost done. "No Spears/Pierce Weapons" and "No Bows/Crossbows" puts us at 300. That's good enough for Albion Recon.

Having at least one gun type seems important, otherwise I'd suggest sacrificing Pistols & Submachine Guns. Still, could go all in and have only Swords/Slashing Weapons be accessible to Sky Knight!Christina.

Ultimately though, this needs Whiteeyes review to begin with and I'm unsure if Natural Born appeals to you guys. It'll give Christina an extra starting 20 points for all stats, and makes her Stat Growth 4 points instead of just 2.

I am sorry if I look like an idiot, I just think Natural Born would be extremely valuable regardless of plan build.
@Kkutlord you are getting VERY cheaty with all those different "can't use weapon X" deal. I'd allow one or two, but just staking them like that is cheese. I'm trying to be nice and offering you extra options, please don't abuse that.