Mecha Frame
Nice to meet you Christina. So, tell me a nit about yourself.

What is your Origin?

[ ] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)

[ ] Average Home - You came from a typical home with a loving family. While dealing with the upper class and nobles is a bit intimidating you ay least have a basic understanding of what you are doing.

[ ] Noble Family - Serving the crown directly is a great honor bestowed upon your family, and you are the envy of the peerage. You can maneuver the high class circles with ease and are a diplomatic expert. (100 CP cost)

I see. So, what sort of mecha frame do you use?

[ ] Light - A frame with less weight by cutting down on armor and weaponry, focusing on speed and maneuverability. Excellent for scouts and harriers.

[ ] Standard - A balanced mix of power, speed, and armor intended for more general purpose use and tactical flexibility.

[ ] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.

Not every mecha girl is the same, even if they have the same sort of frame and are of similar age. Energy Cores have a tendency to mutate while integrating themselves into the girl, and produce a variety of different results and abilities as a result.

You have 500 CP to spend. With "families" of perks you only need to purchase the highest level you desire. You cannot purchase multiple copies of any perk or multiple perks from the same family. Please vote for perks as a plan.

[ ] Water Compatible (50) - Most mecha girls are too dense to float, but you can swim like normal.
[ ] Amphibious (100) - You can actually float on top of the water now, and traverse it at speeds comparable to ice skating. Not as fast as most ships, but fast enough that water isn't an obstacle anymore.
[ ] Naval (200) - You can just drive over water, reaching speeds of around sixty knots, making you one of the fastest and most maneuverable things on the water.

[ ] Diver (100) - Requires Amphibious or Naval. You can hold your breath for several hours at a time with no ill effects and can propel yourself under the water as fast as you could on the surface. Comes with swim goggles so you can see underwater.

[ ] Jump Booster (50) - You can jump incredibly far, clearing well over one hundred meters in a single bound. The capacitors required to do so take several hours to recharge though, so you can't do so over and over again.
[ ] Flight Capable (100) - Sure you have a flight ceiling of only one hundred meters and you can't go much faster than your overland speed, but it is up to two hours of flight time, letting you avaoid difficult terrain and gain some air superiority over ground bound foes.
[ ] Air Force (200) - Flight ceiling fifteen hundred meters, max speed two hundred kph, up to six hours of flight operation. You are basically a human sized fighter plane.

[ ] Hover (100) - Requires Flight Capable or Air Force. While other girls need to maintain a minimum flight speed and have to make banking turns, you are capable of simply hovering in place. The sheer stability and maneuverability of this ability is hard to overstate.

[ ] Cold Resistance (50) - You aren't as bothered by cold and snow, and your parts and fluids are much more resistant to freezing and causing issues that way.
[ ] Artic Master (100) - Blizzard? You mean fishing weather. The ice and snow doesn't hinder you at all, snow glare doesn't affect you, and you never have to worry about freezing or having parts break down from the cold. Includes heavy fur lining on your armor and a poofy hat.

[ ] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
[ ] Desert Nomad (100) - Heat wave? Sounds like a great time for hot chocolate. The worst of the deser's scorching heat means nothing to you and you can teavel over sand without issue. In addition nothing short of a sandstorm is going to cause your workings to get gunked up with sand or dust or the like. No heat short of actually being set on fire will damage you and your engines never overheat. Comes with a large silk veil/scarf to protect your face from the sands and a more flowing, silken look for your armor.

[ ] Camo (100) - Chose an environment. You are now much more difficult to detect in this environment, making stealth operations easier.
- [ ] Terrain
[ ] Adaptive Camo (200) - You gain the benefits of Camo in any enviroment, however you need at least an hours exposure to addapt to your current enviroment, and you must do so each time you wish to change your camouflage.
[ ] Active Stealth Field (300) - You bend light around yourself and become invisible. There is a sort of "halo" distortion around yourself from the bent light, but it is difficult to notice even when actively searching for it. Seeing it becomes wven harder at longer ranger as poorer lighting conditions. You can attack while invisible, but the noise, smoke, and so on will make finding you much easier. You can be invisible for a total of two hours before needing to refuel.

[ ] Basic Melee (50) - You are able to manifest a simple, basic melee weapon such as a combat knife or hatchet. With your high strength you can easily deal some serious damage and it has the benefits of being amo-less and quiet.
[ ] Advanced Melee (100) - Oh, that's better. A larger weapon such as a sword, spear, battle ax, scythe, or what have you is just the most obvious upgrade. Your new hydraulic system really adds a punch to your attack, letting it sheer metal.
[ ] Energy Melee (200) - You are able to generate a weapon construct of pure Energy Particles and use it in melee, cutting through anything that doesn't have an EP based defense with ease.

[ ] Forward Shield (100) - You are able to generate an Energy Particle barrier from your hands in front of yourself. This two meter by two meter shield is highly resistant to damage, and is back permiable meaning it is possible to fire through from behind it. The main issue is that it takes a lot of concentration and both hands to maintain, making any sort of attack difficult for the user. Its small size also makes it difficult to easily cover allies.
[ ] Shield Master (200) - Gaint the effects of Forward Shield and one of the benefits below.
- [ ] Shield size increases to five meters by five meters, protecting a much larger area.
- [ ] The shield now requires only one hand and less concentration, making it easier for the user to attack.
[ ] Pandora's Box (300) - Gain Forward Shield and both bonuaes from Shield Master.

[ ] Self Repair Module (50) - You can heal yourself from injury at an accelerated rate, recovering about a days worth of rest in six hours. While it won't do much on a battlefield besides keep you from bleeding out it can cut down recovery time from serious injury by days or even weeks.
[ ] Healing Hands (100) - You can use Energy Particle emmiters in your hands to repair yourself or others as though benefiting from a Self Repair Module. If your target has one, the effects stack to double their already impressive recovery rate.
[ ] Miraculous Touch (300) - Injury fails before your touch. You can heal other mech girls at the ridiculous rate of a days worth of healing in only ten minutes, once again doubled if they have a Self Repair Module. You can also reattach limbs and restore ruptured organs, but they still have to be largly intact to do so. The only downside to your miraculous healing is that you cannot use it on yourself.

[ ] Animal Companion (50) - A bit more than a pet, your EC resonates with this animal on some level, letting you give it complex instructions that it easily understands. Due to the resonance it is highly loyal to you.

[ ] Fuel Efficient (50) - While the typical mech girl will have five WacBonald's Big Wacs, a bucket of fries, and a two liter bottle of soda for lunch, and maybe an extra Bug Wac or two as snacks before dinner, you get the energy you need from eating the normal amount of food for a girl your age. It doesn't let you run longer or use an special abilities more than normal, but refueling is a lot easier and cheaper. Provisions thanks you from the bottom of their hearts.

[ ] Kemonomimi (100) - You are one of the mech girls who developed animalistic traits after your conversion. More specifically you grew animal ears on the top of your head, as well as gained a sharper sense of smell, hearing, and night vision. You have a much easier time detecting stealthy or otherwise hidden enemies and detecting threats at a greater distance.

[ ] Radio (100) - You have an integrated radio system, enabling you to broadcast and receive. What's more you can choose to do so "silently", sending and receiving messages directly with your mind, almost like telepathy though strictly limited to sound. You can serve as an audible relay if you chose, broadcasting recieved messages from your own mouth with their voice.

[ ] Twin Sister (200) - Perhaps not literally, though most often it is, a Twin in this case is somebody whose EC resonates perfectly with your own, resulting in a dramatic increase in performance from both girls. Expect to be always deployed with your Twin except under the most dire circumstances. Their starting stats are the same as yours and they have the same perks.

[ ] Palm Blaster (200) - You are able to launch a destructive blast of EP from your hands, dealing significant damage to your target. You can only do so about six times before you need to refuel, but each shot is potentially devastating.

[ ] Energy Barrage (300) - You can unleash all the energy in your EC as a sheer barage of hundreds of EP blasts over a large area. It is a rather indiscriminate wide area attack that can be utterly devastating to the environment and anyone unfortunate enough to be there. Using it burns you out, requiring a lot of rest and refueling before you can do anything else.

[ ] Teleportation (300) - You can teleport up to 10 meters at will after a few seconds of focus.

Albion Unique Options

[ ] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.

[ ] Knight Shield (100) - A large shield, it serves as a great defense against normal weaponry. It is easy to maneuver and doesn't interfere with your ability to attack.

[ ] Coat of Arms (300) - You gain an EP coating over your armor, massively boosting your defenses. Your armor takes on a brilliant scarlet color, which will ruin any stealth attempts. Not that you need to worry as much about that with this big a boost to your defense.
[X] Plan Albion Recon Four
-[X] Average Home - You came from a typical home with a loving family. While dealing with the upper class and nobles is a bit intimidating you ay least have a basic understanding of what you are doing.
-[X] Light - A frame with less weight by cutting down on armor and weaponry, focusing on speed and maneuverability. Excellent for scouts and harriers.

-[X] Amphibious (100) - You can actually float on top of the water now, and traverse it at speeds comparable to ice skating. Not as fast as most ships, but fast enough that water isn't an obstacle anymore.
-[X] Diver (100) - Requires Amphibious or Naval. You can hold your breath for several hours at a time with no ill effects and can propel yourself under the water as fast as you could on the surface. Comes with swim goggles so you can see underwater.
-[X] Animal Companion (50) - A bit more than a pet, your EC resonates with this animal on some level, letting you give it complex instructions that it easily understands. Due to the resonance it is highly loyal to you.
-[X] Kemonomimi (100) - You are one of the mech girls who developed animalistic traits after your conversion. More specifically you grew animal ears on the top of your head, as well as gained a sharper sense of smell, hearing, and night vision. You have a much easier time detecting stealthy or otherwise hidden enemies and detecting threats at a greater distance.
-[X] Twin Sister (200) - Perhaps not literally, though most often it is, a Twin in this case is somebody whose EC resonates perfectly with your own, resulting in a dramatic increase in performance from both girls. Expect to be always deployed with your Twin except under the most dire circumstances. Their starting stats are the same as yours and they have the same perks.
-[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
-[X] Sensitive(+50) - Your heightened senses aren't buffered, loud noises, bright lights and foul smells affect you more severely. Requires Kemonomimi
-[X] Twin Dependency(+100) - You need your Twin and vice versa, all abilities are degraded when alone or when one Twin is incapacitated. Requires Twin Sister.

Not abnormally sneaky, but generally all-terrain, with a high evasion chassis, high senses, the Albion special discount sword and a partner. Good for foiling evil plots.
Also adorable, and comes with animal additional partner
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[X] Plan Sky Knight
-[X] Noble Family - Serving the crown directly is a great honor bestowed upon your family, and you are the envy of the peerage. You can maneuver the high class circles with ease and are a diplomatic expert. (100 CP cost)
-[X] Standard - A balanced mix of power, speed, and armor intended for more general purpose use and tactical flexibility.
-[x] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
-[x] Knight Shield (100) - A large shield, it serves as a great defense against normal weaponry. It is easy to maneuver and doesn't interfere with your ability to attack.
-[X] Air Force (200) - Flight ceiling fifteen hundred meters, max speed two hundred kph, up to six hours of flight operation. You are basically a human sized fighter plane.
Would this be ok?
[] War refugee - After your homeland lost, your family fled to Albion. Now you're burning with desire for revenge and reclamation of your home. You're total outsider and might have troubles communicating properly. (+150 CP)
So, shall we go a navy or air force route? England-expies tend to favor them over infantry and tanks.
Would this be ok?
[] War refugee - After your homeland lost, your family fled to Albion. Now you're burning with desire for revenge and reclamation of your home. You're total outsider and might have troubles communicating properly. (+150 CP)
Make it +100 and sure.
I am thinking some thing like this

[ ]Plan Britannia rules the waves
[ ] Naval (200) - You can just drive over water, reaching speeds of around sixty knots, making you one of the fastest and most maneuverable things on the water.
[ ] Diver (100) - Requires Amphibious or Naval. You can hold your breath for several hours at a time with no ill effects and can propel yourself under the water as fast as you could on the surface. Comes with swim goggles so you can see underwater.
[ ] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
[ ] Knight Shield (100) - A large shield, it serves as a great defense against normal weaponry. It is easy to maneuver and doesn't interfere with your ability to attack.

Maybe take orphan for []Camo - naval
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Oh wow this is alot of things...Incidentally-
I took that 'What Magic Girl Are You' test thingy and got some thing that looks relatively viable for placing in-quest.
Zaealix is Futuristic Magical Girl
Hair: Green, Crown Braid + Ponytail
Eye Color: Blue
Bust Size: F
Motif/Representation: 2 random Words method
Weapon: Crossbow
Outfit Color: Black/White/Orange

Your thoughts on having her show up somewhere? (Azaelea I think is a more 'normalized' varient of the name to get away from Zaealix if need be.)

As for OUR design Hrrrm...
[]Plan God Hand
[]Shield Master
-[] One-handed shield
[]Fuel Efficent
[]Basic Melee
[]Healing Hand
[]Palm Blaster

Sooo basically this build's meant to be focused as much as possible on hands. it's light for extra speed/emphasis on proactive power rather then getting to shrug off attacks via heavy armor.

Alternatively...I present this:

[ ]Plan Princess
[ ] Noble Family - Serving the crown directly is a great honor bestowed upon your family, and you are the envy of the peerage. You can maneuver the high class circles with ease and are a diplomatic expert. (100 CP cost)
[ ]Heavy
[ ] Radio (100) - You have an integrated radio system, enabling you to broadcast and receive. What's more you can choose to do so "silently", sending and receiving messages directly with your mind, almost like telepathy though strictly limited to sound. You can serve as an audible relay if you chose, broadcasting recieved messages from your own mouth with their voice.
[ ] Coat of Arms (300) - You gain an EP coating over your armor, massively boosting your defenses. Your armor takes on a brilliant scarlet color, which will ruin any stealth attempts. Not that you need to worry as much about that with this big a boost to your defense.
Big, flashy armored co-ordinating girl.
[x] Plan Old Steel
-[x] War refugee - After your homeland lost, your family fled to Albion. Now you're burning with desire for revenge and reclamation of your home. You're total outsider and might have troubles communicating properly. (+100 CP)
-[x] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
-[x] Flight Capable (100) - Sure you have a flight ceiling of only one hundred meters and you can't go much faster than your overland speed, but it is up to two hours of flight time, letting you avaoid difficult terrain and gain some air superiority over ground bound foes.
-[x] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
-[x] Advanced Melee (100) - Oh, that's better. A larger weapon such as a sword, spear, battle ax, scythe, or what have you is just the most obvious upgrade. Your new hydraulic system really adds a punch to your attack, letting it sheer metal.
-[x] Self Repair Module (50) - You can heal yourself from injury at an accelerated rate, recovering about a days worth of rest in six hours. While it won't do much on a battlefield besides keep you from bleeding out it can cut down recovery time from serious injury by days or even weeks.
-[x] Coat of Arms (300) - You gain an EP coating over your armor, massively boosting your defenses. Your armor takes on a brilliant scarlet color, which will ruin any stealth attempts. Not that you need to worry as much about that with this big a boost to your defense.
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[X] Plan Albion Recon Four

Pretty hesitant between this and Sky Knight, both seem pretty good.
[X] Average Home - You came from a typical home with a loving family. While dealing with the upper class and nobles is a bit intimidating you ay least have a basic understanding of what you are doing.
[X] Light - A frame with less weight by cutting down on armor and weaponry, focusing on speed and maneuverability. Excellent for scouts and harriers.

[X] Plan Albion Recon Four

I would like the fuel efficient as well as noble, but one the other hand....
Is it possible to still get Natural Born by expending the required CP? Additionally, can further drawbacks be added for more CP? Though I'm unsure if something like "Missing Eye" would even be worth 50 CP.

I probably won't make my own attempt at a plan however, so...

[X] Plan Albion Recon Four
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Oct 4, 2018 at 2:23 PM, finished with 45 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan Sky Knight
    -[X] Noble Family - Serving the crown directly is a great honor bestowed upon your family, and you are the envy of the peerage. You can maneuver the high class circles with ease and are a diplomatic expert. (100 CP cost)
    -[X] Standard - A balanced mix of power, speed, and armor intended for more general purpose use and tactical flexibility.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    -[x] Knight Shield (100) - A large shield, it serves as a great defense against normal weaponry. It is easy to maneuver and doesn't interfere with your ability to attack.
    -[X] Air Force (200) - Flight ceiling fifteen hundred meters, max speed two hundred kph, up to six hours of flight operation. You are basically a human sized fighter plane.
    [X] Plan Albion Recon Four
    -[X] Water Compatible (50) - Most mecha girls are too dense to float, but you can swim like normal.
    -[X] Animal Companion (50) - A bit more than a pet, your EC resonates with this animal on some level, letting you give it complex instructions that it easily understands. Due to the resonance it is highly loyal to you.
    -[X] Kemonomimi (100) - You are one of the mech girls who developed animalistic traits after your conversion. More specifically you grew animal ears on the top of your head, as well as gained a sharper sense of smell, hearing, and night vision. You have a much easier time detecting stealthy or otherwise hidden enemies and detecting threats at a greater distance.
    -[X] Twin Sister (200) - Perhaps not literally, though most often it is, a Twin in this case is somebody whose EC resonates perfectly with your own, resulting in a dramatic increase in performance from both girls. Expect to be always deployed with your Twin except under the most dire circumstances. Their starting stats are the same as yours and they have the same perks.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    [X] Average Home - You came from a typical home with a loving family. While dealing with the upper class and nobles is a bit intimidating you ay least have a basic understanding of what you are doing.
    [X] Light - A frame with less weight by cutting down on armor and weaponry, focusing on speed and maneuverability. Excellent for scouts and harriers.
    [x] Plan Old Steel
    -[x] War refugee - After your homeland lost, your family fled to Albion. Now you're burning with desire for revenge and reclamation of your home. You're total outsider and might have troubles communicating properly. (+100 CP)
    -[x] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
    -[x] Flight Capable (100) - Sure you have a flight ceiling of only one hundred meters and you can't go much faster than your overland speed, but it is up to two hours of flight time, letting you avaoid difficult terrain and gain some air superiority over ground bound foes.
    -[x] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
    -[x] Advanced Melee (100) - Oh, that's better. A larger weapon such as a sword, spear, battle ax, scythe, or what have you is just the most obvious upgrade. Your new hydraulic system really adds a punch to your attack, letting it sheer metal.
    -[x] Self Repair Module (50) - You can heal yourself from injury at an accelerated rate, recovering about a days worth of rest in six hours. While it won't do much on a battlefield besides keep you from bleeding out it can cut down recovery time from serious injury by days or even weeks.
    -[x] Coat of Arms (300) - You gain an EP coating over your armor, massively boosting your defenses. Your armor takes on a brilliant scarlet color, which will ruin any stealth attempts. Not that you need to worry as much about that with this big a boost to your defense.
Is it possible to still get Natural Born by expending the required CP?
You know what, sure. Now that you can actually see the other options to weigh it that's fair enough. You just have to convince the others it is worth the 300 CP.

Additionally, can further drawbacks be added for more CP? Though I'm unsure if something like "Missing Eye" would even be worth 50 CP.
Sure, subject to my approval you can try, but be warned these won't be just fluff. That 50 CP Missing Eye would cost you quite a bit of accuracy the further away your target is. Blind would be worth 100.

Being Natural-Born should help offset some of the consequence of being Orphan or War Refugee. Plus, social reputation is something that can be gained, so it won't mess Christina up forever. Additionally we could go with a third option, something like Lab-Raised, so its more pity and whatnot.

Regarding drawbacks... Is this a "You died, show over" kind of Quest or "Whoops, wanna continue or reload?" kind? If the latter, we could take something like "Unstable Core", where we receive more damage. Frankly that would mesh well with a Light-frame, since it is all about dodging anyways.

Could Mecha Girls change frame-types? Taking a drawback to outright remove the capability or reduce Energy Core effectiveness when using an unfavored type would be an easy one.

Would stuff like "Color-Blindness" only be worth 25 CP at best? Though a more meaningful drawback could be "Mechanized Arm" or something, where an entire limb is noticeably corrupted by the Energy Core. Thus even without activating their Frame they'll still fall prey to abilities & devices that would wreck havoc.
Oh, how much difference would Starting Stat - / Growth Rate + have compared to SS + & GR +++? Having a better idea would help sway people to pick Natural Born. That, and for the types who skip posts, editing in Natural Born as a valid option would help.
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Oct 4, 2018 at 6:32 PM, finished with 66 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan Sky Knight
    -[X] Noble Family - Serving the crown directly is a great honor bestowed upon your family, and you are the envy of the peerage. You can maneuver the high class circles with ease and are a diplomatic expert. (100 CP cost)
    -[X] Standard - A balanced mix of power, speed, and armor intended for more general purpose use and tactical flexibility.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    -[x] Knight Shield (100) - A large shield, it serves as a great defense against normal weaponry. It is easy to maneuver and doesn't interfere with your ability to attack.
    -[X] Air Force (200) - Flight ceiling fifteen hundred meters, max speed two hundred kph, up to six hours of flight operation. You are basically a human sized fighter plane.
    [X] Plan Albion Recon Four
    -[X] Water Compatible (50) - Most mecha girls are too dense to float, but you can swim like normal.
    -[X] Animal Companion (50) - A bit more than a pet, your EC resonates with this animal on some level, letting you give it complex instructions that it easily understands. Due to the resonance it is highly loyal to you.
    -[X] Kemonomimi (100) - You are one of the mech girls who developed animalistic traits after your conversion. More specifically you grew animal ears on the top of your head, as well as gained a sharper sense of smell, hearing, and night vision. You have a much easier time detecting stealthy or otherwise hidden enemies and detecting threats at a greater distance.
    -[X] Twin Sister (200) - Perhaps not literally, though most often it is, a Twin in this case is somebody whose EC resonates perfectly with your own, resulting in a dramatic increase in performance from both girls. Expect to be always deployed with your Twin except under the most dire circumstances. Their starting stats are the same as yours and they have the same perks.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    [X] Average Home - You came from a typical home with a loving family. While dealing with the upper class and nobles is a bit intimidating you ay least have a basic understanding of what you are doing.
    [X] Light - A frame with less weight by cutting down on armor and weaponry, focusing on speed and maneuverability. Excellent for scouts and harriers.
    [x] Plan Old Steel
    -[x] War refugee - After your homeland lost, your family fled to Albion. Now you're burning with desire for revenge and reclamation of your home. You're total outsider and might have troubles communicating properly. (+100 CP)
    -[x] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
    -[x] Flight Capable (100) - Sure you have a flight ceiling of only one hundred meters and you can't go much faster than your overland speed, but it is up to two hours of flight time, letting you avaoid difficult terrain and gain some air superiority over ground bound foes.
    -[x] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
    -[x] Advanced Melee (100) - Oh, that's better. A larger weapon such as a sword, spear, battle ax, scythe, or what have you is just the most obvious upgrade. Your new hydraulic system really adds a punch to your attack, letting it sheer metal.
    -[x] Self Repair Module (50) - You can heal yourself from injury at an accelerated rate, recovering about a days worth of rest in six hours. While it won't do much on a battlefield besides keep you from bleeding out it can cut down recovery time from serious injury by days or even weeks.
    -[x] Coat of Arms (300) - You gain an EP coating over your armor, massively boosting your defenses. Your armor takes on a brilliant scarlet color, which will ruin any stealth attempts. Not that you need to worry as much about that with this big a boost to your defense.
    [X] Plan: Hit and Run
    -[X] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)
    -[X] Light - A frame with less weight by cutting down on armor and weaponry, focusing on speed and maneuverability. Excellent for scouts and harriers.
    -[X] Natural Born (300) - Ooh, oh wow. You are rare. And you have high expectations placed on you. People expect you to be an ace in no time. Select a second age, that is when you enlisted. Modify the Starting Stats and Growth Rate up by ++.
    -[X] Air Force (200) - Flight ceiling fifteen hundred meters, max speed two hundred kph, up to six hours of flight operation. You are basically a human sized fighter plane.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    [X] Plan Where Do You Need Us
    -[X] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)
    -[x] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
    -[x] Flight Capable (100) - Sure you have a flight ceiling of only one hundred meters and you can't go much faster than your overland speed, but it is up to two hours of flight time, letting you avaoid difficult terrain and gain some air superiority over ground bound foes.
    -[X] Cold Resistance (50) - You aren't as bothered by cold and snow, and your parts and fluids are much more resistant to freezing and causing issues that way.
    -[x] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
    -[x] Self Repair Module (50) - You can heal yourself from injury at an accelerated rate, recovering about a days worth of rest in six hours. While it won't do much on a battlefield besides keep you from bleeding out it can cut down recovery time from serious injury by days or even weeks.
    -[X] Fuel Efficient (50) - While the typical mech girl will have five WacBonald's Big Wacs, a bucket of fries, and a two liter bottle of soda for lunch, and maybe an extra Bug Wac or two as snacks before dinner, you get the energy you need from eating the normal amount of food for a girl your age. It doesn't let you run longer or use an special abilities more than normal, but refueling is a lot easier and cheaper. Provisions thanks you from the bottom of their hearts.
    -[X] Twin Sister (200) - Perhaps not literally, though most often it is, a Twin in this case is somebody whose EC resonates perfectly with your own, resulting in a dramatic increase in performance from both girls. Expect to be always deployed with your Twin except under the most dire circumstances. Their starting stats are the same as yours and they have the same perks.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    [X] Plan: Stand Behind Me!
    -[X] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)
    -[x] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
    -[x] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
    -[X] Pandora's Box (300) - Gain Forward Shield and both bonuaes from Shield Master.
    -[X] Healing Hands (100) - You can use Energy Particle emmiters in your hands to repair yourself or others as though benefiting from a Self Repair Module. If your target has one, the effects stack to double their already impressive recovery rate.
    [X] Fuel Efficient (50) - While the typical mech girl will have five WacBonald's Big Wacs, a bucket of fries, and a two liter bottle of soda for lunch, and maybe an extra Bug Wac or two as snacks before dinner, you get the energy you need from eating the normal amount of food for a girl your age. It doesn't let you run longer or use an special abilities more than normal, but refueling is a lot easier and cheaper. Provisions thanks you from the bottom of their hearts.
    [X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
Regarding drawbacks... Is this a "You died, show over" kind of Quest or "Whoops, wanna continue or reload?" kind?
The first. I'm not out to kill you, but I'm not going to hold your hand either. You guys dig a hole, you lay in it.

If the latter, we could take something like "Unstable Core", where we receive more damage.
Sure but you would need to call it something else. In lore, and Unstable Core is the equivalent of "super cancer" and is the result of forcefully implanting a EC in an incompatible person. With mecha girls it tends to happen as a result of a mix of bad luck and severe damage. Thabkfully thanks to their compatibility it's not rapidly lethal and is actually treatable with major surgery and repairs, but it is still very much life threatening.

Could Mecha Girls change frame-types?
Yes, but it requires a LOT of work, labor, materials, and structural overhauls. It isn't something done casually and most mecha girls go their entire careers without even considering doing so, let alone actually doing it.

Because it is such a rare thing in the first place your proposed frame drawbacks aren't worth any points.

Would stuff like "Color-Blindness" only be worth 25 CP at best?
It would have to be pretty severe color blindness to be worth that much (my own Dad is color blind and it really doesn't come up that much). We are talking practically grayscale.

Though a more meaningful drawback could be "Mechanized Arm" or something, where an entire limb is noticeably corrupted by the Energy Core.
"Corrupted" might not be the right term, but a blatantly mechanical limb that can't pass for natural would definitely grab people's attention. It would be viewed as a deformity, the kind parents tell their children not to stare at as it's rude. 50 CP