XXXXXXXXXXXXX, United States of America
August 31, 2018
Today is a day like any other. Hot as hell outside your comfortably air-conditioned apartment. Your phone's alarm buzzes loudly. Hit the snooze button a couple times and roll back over into the comforting oblivion of sleep. Finally, wake up. Ignore the exercise bike in the corner of your room. Slip on your favorite fuzzy bunny slippers as you trudge out of bed. Make a cup of coffee. Two sugars. One Cream. Give mom a call. Endure her boasting about your older sister the spy as you eat a bowl of Raisin Bran. Surf the Internet. Play a bit of Golden Eye on your N64. Turn on the shower tap. Wait a bit. Water goes from cold to warm to scalding hot.
Muscles relax under the deluge of water once you step in. You scrub the morning's filth from your skin, and thoughts of the coming day begin to percolate through your mind. You'll get to work about an hour later than everyone else, but at least the traffic won't be so bothersome. Gerald, the accounting manager, won't care. On a slow day, you get almost twice the work done than any of the other accountants in the division. Dad says you should ask for a raise. Why? You have everything you need. Internet. You'll-
Your body freezes.
Everything is light. You shout out in alarm. Reflexively, you clamp your eyes shut. If anything, the light becomes brighter and brighter. That's impossible. Still, it gets brighter and brighter. It seeps through your skin. Blood freezes. Muscles snap. You're held aloft by some unknowable force. Bones burn to ash. Cells scream out in alternating agony and pleasure.
And, it's as if perspective shifts. The world looks different from this angle.
Levitating a full foot above the ceramic surface of his bathtub, the brilliant but lazy Robert Smith is scourged with miraculous power. The talented accountant known to his few close friends and family as 'J.D.' is broken down to his basest form. A portly man receives power no man has ever wielded. It is carved into his very flesh.
You come back to yourself. A song at the edge of understanding cascades around and about you. It hints at secrets, and nudges you with forbidden knowledge. Vaguely humanoid shapes, shadows in the sea of light, ghost in and out of your perception. You are not alone. There are others. Many others. THeir powers seem strange and alien and as turbulent as the cone of a tornado.
The world around you hums, it vibrates as if waiting for you to reach out and grasp it! Doing so is as natural as breathing.
The light vortexes violently about you and through you.
The song fades.
The Light disappears.
Something new dawns.
Nothing will ever be the same again. You are Robert J.D. Smith, a successful, if unremarkable, accountant at a Fortune 500 company... and you have been imbued with powers that until just ten minutes ago would've been impossible! Some would call it magic. Others parahuman abilities. Or latent metahuman qualities. You don't know what to call it. But, you do have a sense of what you can do!
You are a Telekinetic. As in, you can move things with your mind! As your powers develop, here is the opportunity to shape them as you wish. These abilities will grow with time and effort, but your starting point is nothing to be trifled with!
This is a Point-Buy opportunity.
Potency- amount of overall force you can control.
1: Control 50 N
2: Control 1,000 N
3: Control 5,000 N
4: Control 10,000 N
5: Control 500,000 N
6: Control 1,000,000 N
7: Control 5,000,000 N
8: Control 10,000,000 N
9: Control 250,000,000 N
10: Control 5,000,000,000 N
Multi-tasking- the amount of objects you can control at once. One object is a specific grouping of matter.
1: Control 1 object
2: Control 2 objects
3: Control 5 objects
4: Control 10 objects
5: Control 25 objects
6: Control 50 objects
7: Control 100 objects
8: Control 1,000 objects
9: Control 2,500 objects
10: Control 5,000 objects
Reaction- the speed at which you can perceive and react to movement of objects
1. Base Human (5 m/s)
2. Peak Human (7.7 m/s)
3. Subsonic (200 m/s)
4. Sonic (343 m/s)
5. Supersonic (Mach 2)
6. Supersonic+ (Mach 4)
7. Hypersonic (Mach 5)
8. High Hypersonic (Mach 50)
9. Massively Hypersonic (Mach 100)
10. Lightning (Mach 550)
Finesse- level of fine control and precision you possess
1. Accurate to within 50 meters
2. Accurate to within 10 meters
3. Accurate to within 5 meter
4. Accurate to within 1 meter
5. Accurate to within 0.5 meters
6. Accurate to within 1 decimeter
7. Accurate to within 1 centimeter
8. Accurate to within 500 micrometer
9. Accurate to within 1 micrometer
10. Accurate to within 1 nanometer
Range- how far your power can reach beyond your person. Based on line of sight.
Sense- your level of awareness of matter in the surrounding environment
1. Effectively sense-blind outside your line of sight.
2. Vague, non-instinctive awareness
3. Pulsating innaccurate radar, instinctive awareness
4. Basic and constant 360 awareness, blurry details
5. 360 awareness on par with other senses
6. Can sense topographical elements of solid objects
7. Can sense structural elements of solid objects
8. Can sense elements of liquid, solid, and gaseous materials
9. Can sense chemical compositions
10. Can sense energy emanations
Point-buy system. You have 30 points to spend. Each stat starts at a base of 1. 2/3 cost 1 point each; 4 costs 2 points. 5/6 cost 1 point each; 7 costs 3 points. 8/9 cost 1 point each; 10 is 7 points.
Additionally, you will have two lesser support powers. Teleportation and Slothful mind. The former will be defined largely based on what you choose here, and the latter is a mental defense power! Anyways, I hope ppl have fun! This is mostly a game meant as a change of pace from my other quest. Totally different protag with totally different powers.
Character Sheet:
Name: Robert J. D. Smith
Age: 23
Brief Biography: Grew up in the suburbs of Dallas. Stable family life. Mostly happy. Father was a talented bureaucrat, but without any drive to move up. Mother quit teaching to be a homemaker when he was born. Older sister works in Washington for the CIA. Breezed through High School and University with comfortable grades. Now a bachelor working in the accounting department of a major corporation.
Description: Average Height. Brown Hair. Brown Eyes. Spectacles. Could be attractive, but is slightly overweight. Slouches. Cleanly shaven.
Beyond Clever- You're used to being the smartest person in the room. You remember almost everything. You can do complex math in your head. You can pick up languages with great speed. Made your two years of Spanish a breeze! Not that you've ever applied your faculties for anything beyond skating through school with minimal effort.
Creative Impulse- You have pretensions of being an artist. Your parents even have several paintings hanging in their suburban town house. Creative thoughts, those impulses that go outside the box, tend to crop up quite often. Too troublesome to pursue!
Lazy Reputation- You are lazy and often undependable. It is known. Others do not come to you when they have serious problems or issues. That's suits you just fine!
Comfortable with Mediocrity- As long as you have food on your table, a warm bed, a roof over your head, and a working internet connection, you couldn't care less about rising above the fray.
Abilities: Telekinesis
Potency: 5- Control 500,000 N of Force.
Multitasking: 3- Control 5 objects at once.
Reaction: 8- React and perceive motions up to Mach 50
Finesse: 6- level of fine control and precision you possess. Accurate up to within 1 decimeter
Range: 3- power extends ten meters away from your body
Sense: 5- 360 awareness on par with other senses up to 10 meters from your body.
WARNING: Exceeding your limits, pushing the boundaries of your ability is tiring. Like a muscle overworked during exercise, if you tax your abilities too far, they will weaken or malfunction until they can properly recover.
Through conscious effort teleport anywhere within your sphere of perception.
Currently you may only safely teleport 4 times within a eight hour span. A fifth time will cause unconsciousness.
May not maintain active telekinetic control as you teleport.
May not take anything with you when you teleport.
May not teleport into a space occupied by other solid matter.
Sloth's Mind
A defensive mental manifestation of your Slothful persona. Those with abilities that affect the mind will find themselves stymied when trying to influence your thoughts! Only extremely powerful mental manipulations might overcome this ability.
When this ability is actively being tested by an outside source, a heightened sense of malaise and ennui and indifference will come over you.
If a mental attack fails against this defense, then the attacker is under threat of being sucked into a magnified and elongated sense of sloth. It's basically like someone getting stuck in quicksand!
There's something to be said about pure finesse, though. Defeat someone by cutting their brainstem, clot up arteries, clean up the dust from your laptop, etc.
Aim for some nice Mundane Utility, be capable of casually cleaning yourself and your clothes. That way you also got the whole gross-out thing, of forcibly shoving your tooth plaque into someone's eyes. Or, like, be the guy who kills people with their own earwax. Nobody is gonna think "Earwax Guy" is an unstoppable murder god.
There's something to be said about pure finesse, though. Defeat someone by cutting their brainstem, clot up arteries, clean up the dust from your laptop, etc.
So, fun with math! Potency 5 allows us to apply an overall total of 500,000 Newtons. What does that actually mean? Well, the classic formula for force is...
Force = Mass * Acceleration.
Force is measured in Newtons. Mass is generally measured in kilograms here, and acceleration in meters per second squared. A Newton is 1 kg * m/s^2, in other words.
Now, fun time with physics! A large sized car can get to a bit under 2,000 kg. So what can we do to such a vehicle with 500,000 N of force at our disposal?
500,000 N = 2,000 kg * A.
Doing basic algebra to solve for A means we get 250 m/s^2 in acceleration. So, effectively, this means that if we give a large car a telekinetic nudge at full power, we can instantly make it go from 0 to 559 miles per hour.
To fire a small object like a bullet, by the way, we'd need only something like 1,000-3,000 Newtons for each object.
On the contrary, I don't think we've gotten any indication yet that our opponents are going to spec'd to our level of optimization. So if we don't all-out, then it seems quite possible we'll just get stomped on.
Hmm... We could just make everything rank 5, we'd be pretty powerful in most instances and unless someone has amazing defensive abilities... We'd win easily too. Teleportation should be pretty good that way too.
The fasted commercially available bullet is the .220 Swift. It can fire at a velocity of 1,220 m/s. For us to detect that, we'd need Reaction 6. That's muzzle velocity though, so it would slow down some (not sure how much) as it traveled, but Reaction 6 would make us able to teleport dodge sniper bullets.
I'm gonna put my plan our there, but with a few changes.
Edit2: Nevermind. Praise be to Fib.
I switched the points for Reaction and Sense around as the topographical knowledge is not worth losing the doubled reaction time imo.
I really like Range 6 as it will allow us a huge range to strike at others, especially if we use one of our Multitasks for flying, as Sense 5 grants us in depth 360 degree vision.
I'm willing to switch Sense and Reaction back around if there's enough support/arguments for it.
Edit: After thinking about, and talking to some others, I've made my final edits to the build. I've aimed for getting Reaction 8, as Mach 50 puts us in a tier where we can safely respond to basically all human weaponry if we have enough space/time to. To get those 10 extra points, I dropped Potency down to 3, as we don't need a ton of force to make small objects deadly (and Reaction 8 lends us to dodging instead of taking a hit), and Range down to 5.
We could just have a constantly active "forcefield" meant to slow and push things away. Though I'm pretty sure we could maintain a low Multitasking anyways. Don't need 25 objects at your command when all you need is pulping someone's brain.
These are definitely the best numbers for any build that's not hyperspecializing into just one niche. I came to basically the exact same result tinkering around with the values on my own. They also pass that all-important Reaction 8 Threshold to catch any bullet. It's a pretty key safety feature. It has enough range, sense and multi that we can consistently remain safe and do a lot of fiddly things at significant speed. No brain surgery just yet, but we can stay safe and throw around a lot of weight in a lot of ways.